
Enchanted Realms Forum

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April 23, 2024 5:04 AM
The Pog in the bestiary got an artistic facelift.
Minor Updates:
 • Spinner now has an X in the upper left in case it gets stuck
 • The Character fonts fill in the messages again
 • Search for the Bestiary has been enabled
Test is a test
Also, the bug when updating font details for a character has been corrected.
Also, the duplicate of the first item in the lists when viewing an imported character has been corrected.
The login process is now a bit more context-oriented. Rather than always going to the forum, it may redirect to either messages or unread, if those apply. This should help everyone keep track of what has been missed.
@Greg, it is a file downloaded (ICS file) that should be able to be imported into your calendar. It would be a manual process when downloading it and the user would have control. It can be found here.

Edited By Dj the GM at October 28, 2023 09:18

I received an SMS game session reminder on 10/28/23 @ 8:12 PM. Nothing since then. I seldom give my phone's apps permissions to update other apps, so I can't speak to the ICS file issues.
For what it's worth, I used the web version of Google Calendar to import the same file. This calendar is the back-end resource for my phone. The import worked perfectly fine. So, there is something in the android interface when trying to import by opening the file with the calendar app. I will have to look further into this. Interestingly enough, my calendar doesn't seem to have an import feature in the UI; perhaps that's the issue. Anyone else having trouble?
Two issues:

First, the link in the “recents” portion of the forum now links correction to the Membership section.

Second, the ICS file in the sessions section is importing fine into several PC calendar applicates; however, not to any google device I have. I will be experimenting further to correct this.
The forum menu entry “Adventuring Party” has been changed to be “Guild” instead . Also, all monsters should be reachable in the Bestiary after adding some offset code.
The Labor Tool has been updated.
New fonts have been added, and the translate feature in messages/posts works again.

For example:  detten er en próf
 enalta ejemana
or even
 ampli seivus venifla

Here is a new font example and another.

GM Note: if you're reading this in an email, the translate feature does not work and the fonts may not be available on your device. Log in and read this post to see it work.

Edited By Dj the GM at October 20, 2023 04:38

The Reverse-Chrono button now functions when reading threads.
A new entry in the rules: Feat Skills Reference By Topic
And now, if hovering, it displays who made the reaction.
The post reaction icons should be active now.

…except the title still says "Not Active" when hovering over them, but that's easily fixed (soon).

Edited By Dj the GM at October 14, 2023 01:06

Index has been added
The Calendar is now available again.

Also, for those not aware, August 22, 226 will be a double-full moon.

Edited By Dj the GM at October 11, 2023 10:14

Looks like I have over-applied security. This will be corrected shortly.


Edited By Dj the GM at October 11, 2023 12:28

Just to be sure everyone is familiar with the new layout, here are a few details to be sure you are aware.

Below is the hierarchy of the Forum Menu:

MY INFO My Profile
  My Messages
  My Characters

Edited By Dj the GM at October 11, 2023 10:15

Replying to messages appears to be fixed now too.
It's difficult to test, but I believe it works correctly -- when the session times out, the menu will update removing all the Player-features. It does this in real-time rather than on the "next click"

Edited By Dj the GM at October 11, 2023 09:08

The Image Upload feature here in the Forum is functional again.

Edited By Dj the GM at October 10, 2023 10:20

The Bestiary feature is online again; however, the search portion of it does not yet work.
The Search Feature for the Forum is now available.
Also, the search feature in the Rules now works.
The Tools have been updated
love the new website
Also, the price lists are being enhanced. Check out the armors in the Marketplace. Feel free to give feedback.
As the rules are being converted over to the new format, some unwritten rules have become canon. For example, Armor adjustments.
A 3 PM start time on October 7th is fine with me.
All the FEAT SKILLS have been updated.
Also, there is a new section Sessions which allows one to see when the upcoming session. Further, the button should allow it to be imported into your phone.

While on the topic of next session, is it okay to have a late start, say 3PM? We have soccer and football that morning. We would run a little later than normal. If that's okay with everyone, we will plan on it.

PS: the calendar feature worked on the PC but it didn't on my phone. Let me know how/if it works for others.

Edited By Dj the GM at September 25, 2023 04:49

The new site is up. As stated, it still needs more work, and a few parts are not complete. However, one of the improvements is the messaging tool. Posting this is also serving as a production test -- which has shown me the image-upload is not working correctly. So, I have a list of items to address.
Last Reply Reply Test
A test that isn't in a loop this time.
Yet another Test
Yet another Test

Edited By Dj the GM at September 23, 2023 06:50

Yet another Test
Website version 2.7 Test message
Just to keep everyone informed, I have been working on a facelift for the website and some minor changes to the rules. This has taken a fair bit of my time, cleaning things up, typos, optimizing code, adding a few features.

As for the game updates, there is nothing significant. However, the big thing is a few new species and changing the definition of innate abilities. The other thing, which won't affect anyone; however, the character creation process has changed. You might want to consider reading how it works now. I believe it balances a few issues and envelopes the backstory/early-culture areas of the characters. All this new stuff will be available when the update to the website is pushed out. In the meantime, the first part of the rules, Game Starter Tome 2.7, can be downloaded in PDF from the link provided.

As always, feedback and criticism is always welcome.

PS: A few images did not match the page background correctly in the PDF. I will eventually correct this.

Edited By Dj the GM at September 21, 2023 11:58

My apologies that the site was unaccessible today. Auto-pay on the hosting service failed. Obviously, if has now been corrected.
A couple of more updates. The SMS service, Azmoque, has been restored. The bug in the edit profile page that was introduced by the .Net upgrade has been corrected. Also, I extended the session timeout length.
OK, I read the summary and you've posted since then. Yeah, generating a new PDF on the fly is not needed. If you automate the process of creating a new PDF after a database update (and maybe throw in a delay of like an hour because one change is often followed by another and there is no reason to spit out a new PDF every ten minutes for 4 hours on a productive afternoon) and make it available for download.

Can you make a version for printing? The alternating inside margins are a little wider to allow for page bending. Hmm, even with double sided printing that will be nearly half a ream of paper. Nevermind. Heck that is bigger than TSR/WotC/Hasbro/NameOfTheWeek rules!
The Downloads section has been updated with links to a PDF copy of the rules in addition to the online version. There is the Complete version, but also two other abridged versions.
So, I wasn't going to store an actual file but let the engine generate it on demand; however, since I'm having issues with that, here is the direct link.

Edited By Dj the GM at September 1, 2023 09:37

So, the PDF download worked once in Prod, but it is now timing-out on the request. I know it takes less than 30 seconds to cull and generate, so that makes no sense. I guess I'll have to add some production logging. Sorry for the delay.
The PDF styling looks much better now. I did notice the glyph-symbols did not get imported into the styling, but I will address that soon enough. The PDF is a fairly good copy now. It's around 420 pages, which is much more information than I realized. Anyway, enjoy!
On the plus side, there is a new feature. In the Downloads section, you can click the [PDF] icon next to the Rules. What this does is pull all the rules html pages and generates them into a PDF file. There are some formatting issues and the CSS style I use for the website does not translate well for print. However, I am working on substituting a print-css version and will update it. This proof-of-concept idea means that things on this site, forum, whatever, can be generated into a PDF file and used for offline purposes. Once I get some of the bugs out of the style, links and format, I'll apply it to the Bestiary, maybe a magic guide, etc.
I have registered; however, I have not yet been approved. So, the SMS service may be unavailable for the next few days.
"Please note that you will not be able to send A2P traffic on this Campaign until it has been successfully verified and registered."
From Twilio - "• All SMS and MMS messages sent to US phone numbers from unregistered 10DLC phone numbers will be fully blocked after August 31, 2023."
I believe the notification system, both email and text, is not firing off correctly.
The images have been restored
And posting works but routes to a 404. Just reload the Home Page
A New Version Has Been Deployed!

I have upgraded the code the .Net Core v5. It was an a fairly old version of .Net; this should be faster and the dependency injection cashes things that allow faster loading.

I noticed that images are having an issue. So, I'm working on that. If you notice anything else, let me know.
As mentioned previously, the Divine Powers section would be updated like Sorcery so that there are no longer divisions in the incantations. All the spells have been updated to the database and are now being data-driving to produce the pages and ensures the description and tools are in sync.
The Sorcery section no longer divides the axioms into different sections. Instead all the spells are in the database, ensuring that the lists and descriptions stay consistent with the tools. The Incantations will be up next.
For the forum, so it could be anything. Darren said something clever, and I wished I had a like button rather than having to reply. That's the idea. But sure, a "dislike" button could be included.
Are these "in-character" or player (or lurker) reactions?

Why no dislike?

I've been using the free version of the Font Awesome glyphs on a few site I help maintain and they can be pretty handy. The Google font/glyphs rare prettier though that the FA "classic" ones. And free. And you can self-host so that you're not gving away any click data. But both are overkill from the reaction pov.
These are not active yet, but I plan to add "reaction" icons on the forum. Are there others than these that should be included? And this would only be for the private members.

All axioms in the Axioms Tool have a macro and description. The only issue remaining is validating that the Oversiphoning details were parsed correctly from the manual.

Edited By Dj the GM at July 9, 2023 08:55

The Axioms Tool is now functional. A few higher end spells are still needing data, but it should work.
Another new tool is the Axioms Tool, which will work similarly to the Incantation one. Currently the ability to export to Roll20 is not functional, but it is handy for reading the descriptions.
The Incantations List Tool is now functional, both on the site and in the updated API on Roll20.
Admin Note: I have added a new tool to the website. It is not fully complete and still needs data updated on the backend, but the Incantations tool will be used to help prepare lists of chosen spells for priests. The goal is to select one’s Faith score, the providence and then a general pantheon to receive back all the available incantations for that combination from the worshipped deity. When selecting the spells (not yet available), it will tally the total score and show one the total points allowed to be taken at that degree of Faith. The final goal will be to build a macro that can be copied into Roll20 to update one's character with what was selected on the site. The hope is to have it complete by this weekend.
Admin note: I have updated some of the site's dependency injection methods (which I realize is Greek to many). However, the hope is that this will speed up the performance of the site.
Admin Note: All apologies for the temporary outage this morning.
I have been activating "loading spinners" in several new places; however, sometimes they don't clear when using the BACK button. I'll be addressing this issue soon.
This is an SMS notification test. Now using; if your profile is not set to receive texts, ignore this.
The Markers page has been updated to include a few new markers.
The side menu for the Bestiary has been updated to have better expansion and collapsing logic. Using it to locate types of creatures should be easier now. However, there is a search option at the top of every page if that works better for anyone.
The Travel Tool has been updated.
Ever wonder what all those markers on your character token mean? Check out the Markers page to see all the meanings.
The Divine Powers section of M-R has been restored. Further, the database storing the HTML for these sections now has a History table with a trigger that automatically stores the version history. Therefore, all changes after today will be able to be restored from an internal point-in-time archive.

Edited By Dj the GM at May 16, 2022 07:58

And this is how murderhobos are born! ????
I don't know about that, but the gods will continue to grant these 44 endangeed invocations.
Lol! You're welcome! Do I get karma for completing a major quest?????
As luck would have it, someone had a cached copy on the phone and sent me the source. Thanks, Darren. I will have this restored tonight, as well as an automatic versioning history added to the site to prevent this in the future.
There has been a critical data loss issue. The invocations from “M to R” have been inadvertently duplicated with the “D through L” listing. I am currently in the process of restoring this using data from the wayback machine (internet archive). It appears to have over 80% of what was lost. If anyone happens to have left their browser open on this page, please do not refresh. View Source, Save as a file and sent it to me. Unlikely, but I thought I'd ask.
The Bestiary navigation has been updated.
There is a new menu navigation. I've already noticed a few quirks that we not in my debug environment. I'll be working through those tonight; however, I believe this will make navigating the website much easier.
The color and shades of the Calendar have changed slightly. However, a tip I'm not sure has been shared before -- if using a browser with a mouse, then hovering over a date will show a tooltip of the amount of luminosity for that night. Of course, that only considers the moon phases and not weather conditions. However, it's a helpful detail nonetheless.
The Macros page has been updated to include the bonuses for ranged fighting and hurling for the following axioms: acid dart, acid arrow, enfeeblement, fire dart, ice blast, spark and voltaic arc.

If you have a character with any of these axioms, you may want to update your ability macros.

Edited By Dj the GM at February 22, 2022 04:47

The sample and download from the Character Sheet page has been updated to reflect the current version in Roll20.
The API documentation page has been updated to ensure everything defined is accurate. It is near complete, but more object documentation will be added in the following days. For players wishing to write custom macros for their characters by taking advantage of the API specifically written for Enchanted Realms, this provides some great opportunity.
The Macros page has been updated again. As of today, all 1-point-cost axioms have now been documented as macros. Players with sorcery can verify and add any missing macros in the character sheet's “Abilities” section.

Edited By Dj the GM at January 27, 2022 04:19

Under the Downloads section, the Macros page has been updated. It is not complete, but many macros for axioms have been documented. This will continued to be updated in the days to come.
The Table of Contents of the Rules is now embedded in the side panel. Click on Rules and the sections will expand. Subsections should be added shortly. I hope this will make navigation a little simpler.
My apologies. There was a short outage this morning. There was an issue with the auto-renewal of one of the hosting accounts, but this has been corrected. I'm very sorry your any inconvenience.
Enchanted Realms Forum
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