
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Complete Rules 


“The surprise is that you continue to be surprised.” ―Jill A. Davis

Not every encounter gives an equal opportunity to respond. This would be in cases of sleeping persons, being caught in an ambush or someone breaks parlay to attack. When the GM determines that surprise is involved, then there is an opportunity of a “surprise” round; however, how this works is not purely one side against the other but rather all individuals on the battlefield.

When an event or an entity’s action that creates combat, that episode occurs prior to any round. This could be an act of passion that no one expects or it could be a planned part of an ambush; however, that cast axiom or shot fired is resolved and calculated separate before starting the initial round of battle. Obviously, the one took the action is automatically aware. All others must make a Perception check to have an action in the immediate round. Depending on one's state and restrictions will impact the difficulty, which is by default Comp:14.

Those who had foreknowledge the trigger would happen are allowed to roll the Perception at advantage with the base being only Comp:10. While rare, even those prepared can be caught off guard or distracted at the wrong moment. All others who have no restrictions use the Comp:14 default, with of course only one d20. Finally, there are special circumstances that must be managed. These are usually detailed by the restriction type. For example, for someone who is asleep, he or she would suffer -3 (or Comp:17) on the check but would only be allowed a die roll if the event had noise, heat or smell.

Those who are aware, can take an action that first round; while those who failed the Perception check are considered surprised. This restriction does not mean the combatant is at disadvantage as no action can occur, but it merely means that combatant is not prepared to take an action quite yet. This could be one knows something is happening but cannot spot the threat to make an offensive action. This could mean one’s sword is unexpectedly stuck in its scabbard. Perhaps the combatant runs to do something, then gets distracted, changes his mind, goes to do a different action and becomes ineffective for the first round. In game terms, surprised beings do not take an action and cannot use movement during the first round.

While surprised targets are not at advantage to be attacked; however, they are potential targets for a sneak attack. The failed Perception check for surprise does not act as the first check of the sneak attack; when attempting to sneak attack a surprised victim, another check is made to see whether they are aware of that specific individual, which can vary greatly based on skills and magic. If aware, no sneak attack. If unaware, then see the details in the combat detailed subsection.

The following round (the second round), those who were in surprise can now interact normally. Of course, those who remained asleep would still be asleep but allowed another Perception check to wake. Of course, those wakened must make a second check to determine the state of surprise.

Part of plan10 at advantage
Asleepinitial roll:17 to wake
second roll: 14 for surprise
Asphyxiating14 at disadvantage
Poisoned14 at disadvantage
Underwater14 at disadvantage