
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 GM Aide 


Every creature has a size category. Many descriptions reference size categories to describe limitations or rules of contests should opponents be different in size. To intuitively understand what the numbers or words mean, note the descriptions below as well as understanding how a creature of a particular size fits on a hex map.

Size Category Classification Dimensions Controlled Space On Map
1TinyUp to 15 inches; up to 20 pounds½ hex
2SmallFrom 15 to 42 inches; from 20 to 75 pounds1 hex
3MediumFrom 42 inches to 7 feet; from 75 to 275 pounds1 hex
4LargeFrom 7 to 10 feet; from 275 to 2400 pounds2 hexes
5HugeFrom 10 to 14 feet; from 2400 to 6000 pounds3 hexes
6GiantFrom 14 to 20 feet; from 6000 to 15,000 pounds7 hexes


How one perceives the world

Different races, monsters and species use different methods of sensation. The most universally referenced sense is vision. In fantasy world, there are several types of vision. The three most common are normal vision, darkvision and spirit sight. There is also night vision, which Jzaka, cats and owls have. Many other senses are used by different creatures. Here will be a brief summary of what each type is.

Normal vision is exactly what is sounds like; it is what you are using now, viewing the normal visual spectrum. What this means is in darkness, normal or magical, it is more difficult to operate and fight. Anyone using normal vision suffers a -2 to attack penalty for attack rolls in the night and disadvantage on attack rolls in total darkness. Also, movement is half of normal for traveling in darkness, including dim light.

Darkvision is unique eyesight adapted by subterranean and nocturnal creatures. It allows them to operate in darkness as if it were normal. Therefore, no penalties for fighting in the dark. Because most creatures with darkvision operate in the normal spectrum as well, there are no penalties for regular lighting. However, different species have different ranges they can see in the darkness. Half-orcs can only see 15 feet, while the svirfneblin can see out to 120 feet. When using darkvision, most of what is seen is a grayscale rather than color; however, there are a few exceptions to this rule when explicitly stated. Moreover, magical darkness thwarts darkvision.

Night vision is an above-ground sight relying on the absorption of light waves in materials from sunlight. Even though the material is no longer reflecting current light, there is a shedding of the radiation, partly based on heat and partly based on the subtle glow of the planet's ring. Creatures with night vision have a special sensitivity to be able to see in the dim light of a double-moonless night; however, if being hidden from the atmosphere, either by going subterranean or inside a windowless mansion, those with night vision become as blind as normal vision.

Spirit sight is a special sensation for creatures that do not rely on vision. Most of the walking dead and “unliving” creatures, known as feratu, find their prey like this because many feratu do not have functioning eyes. Spirit sight is the detection of a living creature’s aura, biofield or life song. For those without it, it can be best thought of as the radar sense used by the comic-book hero Daredevil. Of course, this means those with spirit sight are not affected by light conditions; however, if one can mask himself from life-detection, then the spirit sight could not know he was there. Of course, this will not work for all feratu, for example vampires, as they make use of normal vision as well (or possibly darkvision for a dwarven vampire).

Devil sight is a power form of seeing. This allows not only vision in any darkness as if normal, but also a being with devil sight can see through magical darkness as well. This method is used often by imps and lesser fiends of the devil phylum to endanger their victims.

Blindsight is a general term for being aware of the surrounding even without vision. In some cases this is due to hearing, air pressure or even magnetism from the ground. In other cases it is a bit more mystical. Most everyone has a minuscule amount of this sensation, but unless an entity is explicitly stated to have it, there are no modifiers to adjust. For example, zombies use primarily spirit sight; however, this is based on feeling presence of life forces around them. But one might ask, how then do zombies not walk into walls, know to use doors, not fall into pits? The explanation is a very low-grade use of blindsight -- not enough to identify the types of rocks, but enough to avoid tripping over them. Other creatures, constructs for example, have a high degree of blindsight. They cannot be blinded nor can deafness alter their perception of things around them. Beings using blindsight as a primary sense cannot see through walls, but they are typically unaffected by glamour type illusions.

Many subterranean creatures have sunlight sensitivity. Batfolk have echolocation. Lizardfolk have vibrational awareness called tremorsense. Some of these have details listed with the race and how members use the sensation; others merely translate to a bonus on Perception. However, it is important to knowledgeable of how these unusual impressions work. It allows a GM to rule for exceptions. For example, echolocation will not work for batfolk who are caught inside a silence spell. A method of mental anguish for a lizardfolk could be placing one in a deprivation chamber to block vibrations; it does no real harm but would become very stressful over time.

Psionics, telepathy and magical means can detect things normally undetectable. The specifics should be detailed in the skill, incantation or axiom. This brings up illusions and how they are perceived. Read the Illusions section for a better understanding. But in that vein, know that something can be invisible (to one type of sensation) and still be seen by others.

The long and short of this is that based on one's senses and awareness of what they mean, everyone should have a better understanding of how characters and monsters can sense and identify others. It also allows one to know when their character is at disadvantage, figuratively and literally. Finally, the table below defines how different sensations work under different circumstances. Whenever there are more than one sensation in play below, then the best of the scenarios applies, except for blind and deaf -- in which case, the worst on the chart is used.

Being AwareIn Direct
Normal VisionNormalNormal-2 Perception-4 PerceptionPerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantagePerception Required
Deafness-2 Perception-2 Perception-4 PerceptionPerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantagePerception Required
Sunlight SensitivityPerception DisadvantageNormalNormaln/an/an/an/a
Night VisionNormalNormalNormal-2 PerceptionPerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantagePerception Required
DarkvisionNormalNormalNormalNormalPerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantagePerception Required
Spirit SightNormalNormalNormalNormalPerception DisadvantagePerception DisadvantageNormal
Devil SightNormalNormalNormalNormalNormalPerception DisadvantagePerception Required
EcholocationPerception AdvantagePerception AdvantageNormalNormalNormalNormalPerception Required
Tremorsense-2 Perception against Flying-2 Perception against Flying-3 Perception against FlyingPerception Disadvantage against FlyingPerception Disadvantage against FlyingPerception Disadvantage against Flying-2 Perception against Flying
True Sight+3 on Perception+3 on Perception+3 on Perception+3 on Perception+3 on PerceptionNormalNormal

Night vision becomes “normal vision” when indoors or underground
Echolocation must be actively being used
*Movement adjustment occurs when awareness/sight is worse than normal

Brute Force

Detecting things with senses is one thing; however, there are times a character will be undeniably aware of object -- such as being shackled, chained in iron. Thus, when those circumstances happen, it’s not about Perception but rather Strength. When trying to use brute force to break or bend something, such as a door, chains or a barred window, then a Strength save is used (d20+Str). Being successful against the DC of the various objects and materials means the door is opened or the manacles broken. However, if failing, then the object remains unmoved and another attempt cannot be made for another 6 hours.

However, if it is mathematically impossible, a raw 20 will work, but the duration between attempts increases to 24 hours in such cases. Timing is a bit of a variable as well. When busting down a door, rarely is the first strike perfectly successful. It is more of a series of blows and attempts that combine to make the success. If the adjusted roll is 3 points or higher above the DC, then it happens on the first try. If one or two points above, then two actions (or a total of 10 seconds) are used. If making it exactly (or necessary raw 20), then three actions are needed. In many cases, the timing will not matter; however, if there is someone on the other side, who opens the door in the meantime, that could be significant. However, success is success - meaning that actions on the other side to reinforce the door (or whatever) will not be significant to overturn the original feat roll. That said, adding additional barriers beyond the first, such as adding some sort of magical wall of force would be fair game.

If leverage for size is applicable or magical assistance is given, the bonuses may apply. Magical assistance will be detailed by the spell, item or potion used. Size, however, allows +1 per category above medium is typically permitted. However, if chained in a prone position, a being's size would not offer much assistance and the bonus would not be permitted. When this is in question, the GM will make the decision.

Obstacle DC
Break Simple Wooden Door13
Break Solid Wooden Door17
Burst Ropes20
Break Stone Door22
Bend Iron Bars23
Burst Iron Chains ¼-inch23
Break Reinforced/Barred Door24
Burst Iron Chains ½-inch24
Burst Steel Chains ¼-inch24
Bend Steel Bars25
Burst Steel Chains ½-inch25
Burst Iron Chains 1-inch26
Burst Steel Chains 1-inch27

Survival Checks

Speaking of breaking materials, there are times when an effort or creature causes an item to make a survival check. When this occurs, the DC will be stated in the rule or effect. However, depending on the type of item material and the source of the damage, there could be adjustments that should be made. Used the following table to manage those conditions.

Damage SourceBone/ClayClothGlassLeather/RopeMetal*PaperStoneWood
Physical Force+0-1-4+1+2-2+2+0

 * The quality of metal adds bonuses to the survival roll as well. If a metal produces a bonus to hit, then add that value as well.