
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Complete Rules 


The chart of axioms is ordered by cost, while the descriptions are ordered alphabetically.

Acid Dart 100
Air Bubble 100
Alarm 100
Appropriation 100
Arcane Adjuct 100
Arcane Rider 100
Bolster 100
Burning Hands 100
Burst of Thought 100
Charm 100
Chill Touch 100
Chime 100
Closing Speed 100
Cloud of Daggers 100
Connecronism 100
Detect Magic 100
Detect Supernatural 100
Discordance 100
False Aura 100
Fire Dart 100
Flinch 100
Float 100
Ghost Sound 100
Glitter 100
Grounding 100
Ice Blast 100
Intervocalism 100
Lock 100
Move In Haste 100
Petty Glamour 100
Quick Step 100
Razorscales 100
Scattered Form 100
Scribe 100
Secret 100
Seeking Missile 100
Shape Water 100
Shield 100
Shieldbearer 100
Shimmering Armor 100
Shuriken of Shadow 100
Skeleton Key 100
Sleep 100
Slick 100
Snow Boots 100
Spark 100
Tentacle Guard 100
Touch of the Pitohuis 100
Twisted Throw 100
Upshot 100
Valet 100
Veil 100
Vengeance 100
Verbalize 100
Viper Dart 100
Warning Shout 100
Weighty Chest 100
Wind Compass 100
Wraithstrike 100
Acid Arrow 200
Bilious Gloom 200
Blink 200
Bloat Bomb 200
Blood Boost 200
Blur 200
Boiling Oil 200
Charge Object 200
Decaying Rot 200
Detect Thoughts 200
Empower Animal 200
Enfeeblement 200
Eruption 200
Feratu Shroud 200
Fiery Crescendo 200
Freeze Thought 200
Geo-Bond 200
Ghoul Strike 200
Glamour Mouth 200
Gloom Torus 200
Glyph Analysis 200
Hideaway 200
Ignis Fatuus 200
Inkodistance 200
Lipo-Shield 200
Magic Seal 200
Maladroitness 200
Memory Meld 200
Mind Dagger 200
Mirror Image 200
Mishap 200
Nauseating Breath 200
Night Scar 200
Personal Silence 200
Psychic Shield 200
Random Casualty 200
Reverse Arrow 200
See Invisible 200
Shark Tracking 200
Shelter Other 200
Silence 200
Slow 200
Stature 200
Stolen Breath 200
Strix Cloud 200
Stronger Slumber 200
Sudden Formation 200
Summon Equine Beings 200
Telekinesis 200
Thicken Damage 200
Torus Of Destruction 200
Transmogrify 200
Unpickable Lock 200
Venomous Spew 200
Vocalink 200
Voltaic-Arc 200
Web 200
Whirlwind Blade 200
Whispering Wind 200
Windstorm 200
Withering Circle 200
Acid Cloud 300
Air Chamber 300
Astasia 300
Blink Enemy 300
Blink Evasion 300
Blink Other 300
Bloodhound 300
Clairvoyance 300
Conjure Barrage 300
Counterspell 300
Death Memory 300
Disrupt Magic 300
Earth Move 300
Ego Whip 300
Ether Walk 300
Explosive Missile 300
Faintheartedness 300
Fear 300
Fireball 300
Fly 300
Fortress 300
Indifference 300
Inkoflex 300
Instant Wall 300
Land Skiff 300
Lava Strike 300
Lightning Bolt 300
Magic Eye 300
Mark That One 300
Odious Goo Entity 300
Pebble to Boulder 300
Personal Airing 300
Phantasmal Distraction 300
Polymorph 300
Psychic Poison 300
Reverberation 300
Ruthless Assault 300
Sabotage Mark 300
Sawtooth 300
Sectantur 300
Servant Army 300
Skip Moment 300
Sprint 300
Strong Glamour 300
Undead Freedom 300
Vapor 300
Veiled Deception 300
Waresense 300
Word Stone 300
Wrecking 300
Animate Shadow 400
Arcane Resistance 400
Brain Damage 400
Confusion 400
Dimension Door 400
Dirge Chamber 400
Dreadful Bile 400
Ether Wisp 400
Fire and Ice 400
Flame Walk 400
Geo-Tether 400
Gorge Burst 400
Improved Psychic Shield 400
Magma Siege Stone 400
Mass Veil 400
Psychokinesis 400
Repulsion 400
Scry 400
Shadow Turf 400
Sigil Drift 400
Spry-foot 400
Stature Exanimate 400
Supreme Fortune 400
Symbolize Lifesong 400
Thanatos 400
Volcanic Rage 400
Wall of Force 400
Watchdog 400
Wing Gift 400
Antilife Shell 500
Astral Presence 500
Cone of Cold 500
Conjure Elemental 500
Extend 500
Hold Monster 500
Life Static 500
Order to Stun 500
Passwall 500
Relocate 500
Replica 500
Schmerz 500
Shadow Path 500
Stone Spiders 500
Teleport Sigil 500
Disintegration 600
Eyebite 600
Flesh to Stone 600
Obsequies 600
Possession 600
Retro Motus 600
Teleport 600
True Sight 600
Verbotten 600
Acid Arrow
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Acid Dart
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:20 feetDuration:Instantaneous
While having a shorter range, this axiom has more opportunity to inflict damage and over a longer period. The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a green arrow of magical acid at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d4 points of alchemical damage is inflicted immediately, plus the victim must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:13) or have the acid continue to burn for another d4 points of damage which is recorded at the end of the target’s next turn. In the interim, the victim is in pain that prevents spell casting or other concentration without an appropriate concentration feat, which in this case is a Resilience save (Comp:16).
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous attack.
Acid Cloud
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Acid Dart
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:3 turns
Billowing green gas bursts out in a 15-foot diameter circle (7 hexes), centered on any point of the sorcerer’s choosing within range. The cloud will move around corners to occupy 7 hexes. The cloud lasts for 30 seconds or until it is dispelled by a strong wind. Its area is heavily obscured, similar to a fog of war. Any creature that moves into the cloud or starts its turn there must make a Resilience save (Comp:15). Creatures take 2d6 acid damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:17). Base damage is 2d8.
Acid Dart
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of corrosive acid at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d4 points of alchemical damage is inflicted against body. This axiom can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe d20 attack is at advantage. The damage becomes a d6.
Air Bubble
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:TouchDuration:10 minutes
This spell creates a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds the touched creature’s head or the touched object. The air bubble allows the creature touched to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments. An item is surrounded by the bubble and is protected from water damage. This axiom can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe duration is 20 minutes.
Air Chamber
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Air Bubble
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:TouchDuration:1 hour
This spell creates a large pocket of breathable air surrounding the touched creature’s entire body. This allows the creature touched to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments. However, it does not convey the ability to swim, and further to navigate in the water requires swimming or other means of movement. The creature inside the air chamber will move against water currents as if actually touching and interacting with the water despite never actually making contact. Without effort, the creature will move naturally with the current of the water.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsThe duration is 90 minutes.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 minuteRange:30 feetDuration:8 hours
The spell wards against unwanted intrusion placed on a door, window or gate. The portal cannot extend outside of a 20-foot cube. While in effect, should a tiny or larger creature touch or enter the warded area, then an alarm will signal. If within 60 feet, an audible sound like a hand bell will sound. Also, a mental alert will ping the caster up to a mile away. This ping will also wake the caster if asleep.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe duration is 14 hours.
Animate Shadow
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Strong Glamour
Time Required:1 action (+6 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Up to 1 minute
With the gesture and gaze, the sorcerer lifts a shadow from a surface and brings it to life. Light must be present for shadows to exist and this spell to manifest. The shadow is under the control of the caster until the axiom expires. The following round the shadow rolls a separate initiative. The sorcerer decides what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or a general command can be issued, such as to guard a corridor. If no commands are given, the creature only defends itself against hostility. The entity has the equivalent of 18 Body points and a PP value 13. It physically attacks with 2d20 and delivers blunt damage. The shadow operates with spirit sight and has resistance to piercing attacks. If double spell points are used, then two shadows are created. This axiom is completely somatic and mental; therefore, it can be cast within a silence effect; however, it requires concentration, meaning the magic-wielder can take no reactions or cast new spells for the duration
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsShadow creature has 25 Body points and PP value 15.
Antilife Shell
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Enfeeblement
Time Required:1 action (+7 sec)Range:10 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
A shimmering barrier extends out from the sorcerer in a 10-foot radius (the six surrounding hexes) which also moves with the conjurer. This shell will hedge out creatures, including undead but not constructs. The barrier lasts for the duration. The barrier prevents an affected creature from passing or reaching through. A blocked creature can still cast spells or make attacks with ranged and reach weapons through the barrier. If the sorcerer moves so that an affected creature is forced to pass through the barrier, the spell ends.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsThe duration is up to 2 hours.
 10 Mind PointsThe duration is up to 3 hours.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:SelfDuration:1 hour
By selecting a culture or subculture, the sorcerer can adapt to it. If speaking the native language, then for the duration a native accent will be used. Further, gestures, subtle behavior and body language will give the caster the appearance as a native of the culture. This axiom can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe duration is 2 hours.
Arcane Adjuct
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Requirement: Alarm, Arcane Rider
Time Required:1 action (special)Range:TouchDuration:Up to 8 hours
This axiom is a modified enhancement from arcane rider, and it also allows another axiom effect to be linked to an object with a physical or audible trigger condition. Using the magic from alarm is what granted this a longer duration, but the mental alert from the alarm axiom not included to keep the spell cost low. Instead, only axioms with a single Mind-point cost can placed into the object to activate upon the specified action. Multiple options are possible with this axiom; however, the spell was specifically created to work as an alert for the physical change on the paper of inkoflex. Similar to its predecessor, the embedded axiom cannot be one that inflicts damage, forces a save or requires concentration. Only one action is needed to prepare the object to receive the axiom; however, the second spell must be cast as normal and will require the same time as typical casting. The embedded axiom cannot be oversiphoned.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Arcane Resistance
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 action (+4 sec)Range:TouchDuration:3 turns
The creature touched has advantage on saves involving sorcery and further has resistance to any damage inflicted from axioms until the end of its third following turn after receiving the enchantment.
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsThe duration is 5 rounds.
Arcane Rider
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (special)Range:TouchDuration:Up To 10 minutes
This axiom allows other axiom effects to be linked to an object with a physical or audible trigger condition. Any axiom with a Mind-point cost of 2 or lower can be placed into the object to activate upon the specified action, which may be forceful impact, touch or even a key word spoken within 30 feet of the object. A message received by inkodistance could be a condition. However, the embedded spell effect cannot be one that inflicts damage, forces a save upon a victim or requires concentration from the caster. Only one action is needed to prepare the object to receive the axiom; however, the second spell must be cast as normal and will require the same time as typical casting. Spells such as air bubble, false aura and silence are examples of axioms that could be used. A common usage is creating “arrows of silence” that active when striking; to create one such arrow, two actions and three spell points total would be needed. The embedded axiom cannot be oversiphoned.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsAn axiom up to a cost of 3 Mind points can be embedded which may include oversiphoned axioms.
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:12 turns
This creates an area of 20-feet in diameter (14 hexes) that adds a glamour to the terrain, causing it to appear wobbly, warped and disoriented. It can be placed in an area occupied by others. Anyone not immune to illusions or unable to navigate in a way other than by normal sight will suffer disequilibration when traversing the area. Any hex of the illusion is treated like rough terrain, meaning it will cost 10 feet for 5 feet of movement. Further, any creature starting its turn in the terrain illusion, who suffers it effects, must make an Agility save (Comp:15) on fall prone from dizziness. This can be cast in a silence. The illusion’s duration is until the end of the twelfth turn of the caster.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe area is a 25-ft diameter (19 hexes). Agility save (Comp:17).
Astral Presence
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Scry
Time Required:1 minuteRange:SelfDuration:10 minutes
Similar to a scry axiom, this effect projects a translucent image of the sorcerer to a location personally known by the caster. Also like the scry axiom, a magical focus such as a crystal ball or mystical font of significant value is required. For the duration, the sorcerer can see and hear everything in the area as if he were there; however, protections against spirits and fey creature may interfere with communication. The sorcerer has no material presence, cannot manipulate objects in the location nor can spells nor magical effects be cast through this medium unless whatever used explicitly states that it can.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is 15 minutes.
Bilious Gloom
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:6 turns
The sorcerer creates a 25-foot-diameter sphere (19 hexes) of green-brown, nauseating gas centered on a point within range. This can be located in spaces occupied by others. The nasty fog causes the area to be heavily obscured, causing -2 penalties to attack by melee inside it and - 5 to attack when using range in or out. The haze lingers in place for the 6-round duration. Each creature that is the area at the start of its turn must make a Resilience save (Comp:13) as if the mist were poison. On a failed save, the creature is under the incapacitated restriction, spending its turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this save. Natural wind (at least 10 miles per hour) can disperse the cloud after 3 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) clears it after only 1 round. In all other cases, the cloud will dissipate at the end of the sorcerer’s sixth turn after casting.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:15).
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
At the cost of 10 feet of movement, the sorcerer can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space which is clearly visible at the moment of casting. If the new location is out of direct sight from others, then a new Perception check may be required to be aware of the caster’s presence. This can be cast in a silence.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsMovement cost 5 feet. Teleport distance is up to 45 feet.
Blink Enemy
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer spies an enemy target within range. The target must make a Will save (Comp:15). On a failure, the sorcerer can teleport it to any empty space seen within 30 feet where it would be on solid ground that can support its weight. Once the target is moved, it immediately provokes flee attacks from all hostile creatures within 5 feet of its new location as if the target had used rapid movement.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Blink Evasion
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 reaction (+1 sec)Range:Self (30 feet)Duration:Instantaneous
Upon being struck in melee, the sorcerer can use an available reaction to blink up to 30 feet away and prevent the hit from occurring. The player is allowed to decide whether to use the reaction after the result of the incoming attack, similar to a dodge skill. This will remove 10 feet of movement if the caster has any remaining; however, not having enough will not prevent the axiom, but movement will be reduced to zero in such a case.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Blink Other
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
By viewing a willing recipient within range, the sorcerer can blink the target to an unoccupied space adjacent to the caster. By performing this, it removes 20 feet of movement for the sorcerer’s turn. If the caster has fewer feet of movement remaining, the axiom cannot be cast.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsMovement cost 15 feet. Range is 40 feet.
Bloat Bomb
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Connecronism
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:10 feetDuration:Instantaneous
By use of this axiom, a freshly dead corpse, within ten minutes, that has not had other necrotic influence such as connecronism or similar effects, will become bloated and roll up to 20 feet in a straight line from its original position, then explode with concussive force. If reaching an occupied hex prior to the intended destination, it will explode in that spot instead. The bloated corpse explodes for a d6 of blunt damage to a single target.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsRolling distance is up to 45 feet. Corpse can be maneuvered around obstructions on its way to the target.
Blood Boost
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Connecronism
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
If choosing to enhance a spell by oversiphoning, and the sorcerer can use a reaction to substitute like Body points for the overage instead of Mind points. For example, if oversiphoning alarm to make it last 24 hours, this would normally cost the sorcerer 5 Mind points. However, through blood boost this would only cost the sorcerer a total of 3 Mind points (1 from the alarm axiom and 2 from blood boost) but would further cost 4 Body points for the amount needed to oversiphon the alarm spell. After using this axiom, the sorcerer must make a Resilience save (Comp:15). Failing this save means the caster cannot perform another blood boost sacrifice again without first taking a short rest. No sorcerer understanding general math this would use this axiom unless the points of oversiphoning were greater than cost of using this axiom as a reaction, and even then the blood sacrifice can be costly.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Gesture, Verbal, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Shark Tracking
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:TouchDuration:8 hours
With a bit of the target’s blood, the sorcerer can enhance someone with a tracker skill to gain +4 on all checks for tracking the specific target. The amount and age of the blood are the same as shark tracking, requiring only a drop which may be up to a year old.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:SelfDuration:3 turns
Upon casting, the caster becomes blurred and wavering to all who observe him or her. The effect remains through the sorcerer’s next turn, the one after that, and finally ends on the completion of the third turn. During that time, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against the caster. An attacker is immune to this effect if it does not rely on sight, such as blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight. This can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 4 rounds.
Boiling Oil
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (+4 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
By use of this axiom, boiling oil comes into existence and pours over the top of a five-foot wide cylinder (1 hex) within range. Typically this will only affect one target, but it is possible more than one could occupy that small space. Any creatures beneath the spill must make an Agility save (Comp:13). The target suffers 1d6 points of corrosive damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:15). Base damage is 2d4.
Mental Only
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom costs the use of a reaction; however, it is triggered by the preparation of casting a specific type of axiom as an action. Thus, it can be cast at the same time as another axiom on the sorcerer’s action turn. It can only adjust damage-based axioms that target single creatures and are hurled to hit a PP value, such as acid dart and enfeeblement. The power of bolster adds 2d20 to the attack roll on the original spell and allows the “per-hit” damage to increase. However, the maximum damage that can occur from this augmentation is two successful dice. For example, if bolstering a fire dart and two of the 3d20s thrown successfully strike, then 2d4 points of fire damage would be delivered. However, if the original axiom’s “per-hit” includes an effect where the victim must make a save, such as acid arrow, this would not require more than the original save nor would the failed save include additional duration or damage. The original axiom being bolstered cannot be oversiphoned.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe axiom of the primary action is permitted to be oversiphoned. If another d20 is added because of its oversiphoning, then all the d20s are used to determine a successful hit; however, the maximum “per-hit” damage would still be limited to two dice.
Brain Damage
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Ego Whip
Time Required:1 action (+5 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Another enhancement of the base mind dagger axiom, the sorcerer selects a foe within the 60-foot range and creates a mental competition with the victim. Each side rolls a d12 adding Logic modifiers to the total. However, the sorcerer also gains +5 to the contest. Ties will not prevail, but if the sorcerer outscores the victim, then 3d4 points of Mind damage is inflicted. Moreover, if this attack reduces the victim to zero or lower, then an additional Judgment preservation save is required or some sort of insanity will develop. Creatures who have true mind-shielding or a hidden lifesong cannot be attacked in this way. Should the target have a psychic shield, then it is permitted to roll the competition with advantage, as per the axiom.
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsThe sorcerer rolls the d12 competition with advantage.
Burning Hands
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:TouchDuration:Instantaneous
On the successful touch attack upon a victim, the sorcerer uses a reaction to have flames shoots forth from his or her fingertips. This will inflict d4 points of fire damage. See Touch-based Effects. If the initial action is unsuccessful, the reaction will not be triggered. The fire ignites any flammable objects that are not worn or carried that are also in the same space. Lastly, there are no words to this axiom; therefore, it can be cast within an area of silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsFire damage is d4+2.
Burst of Thought
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (no delay)Range:5 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer unleashes the psychic energy in a wave that shocks nearby creatures’ minds. Each living creature within 5 feet (not a construct, undead, or the sorcerer) must make a Logic save. On a failed save, a creature suffers 1 point of Mind damage.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsPsychic damage is 2 points.
Charge Object
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (+4 sec)Range:TouchDuration:Up to 3 months
The sorcerer imbues an inanimate object, which must be touched, with an electrical charge. The object must weight at least 1 pound and cannot be bigger than 1 cubic foot. However, it could be an object within another object. For example, a door could not be used; however, a door knocker could. The first creature besides the caster to touch the object must make an Agility save (Comp:13). The base lightning damage 3d4; however, the victim will suffer only half on a successful save. While the caster can touch the object, it could still discharge if moved faster than a 10-foot movement rate or shaken by the caster. If struck with a held object, even of a non-conductive substance such as wood, the magic will trace the strike back to the source. However, it might be possible to “safely” discharge it by hurling something with a strong enough force. Once the charge is expended, the spell ends. If nothing causes the object to discharge three months, then the spell also ends.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:14). Base damage is 3d4+2.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:30 feetDuration:1 hour
This charms a sociable humanoid within range who can be seen. The target is permitted a secret Will preservation save (Comp:12). If the recipient has been threatened by anyone within the last few moments, even those unrelated to the caster, then the save is made with advantage. If the save fails, then the target treats the sorcerer as a friendly acquaintance (agreeable if using the social interaction chart). This won’t make anyone do things against his self-interest, such as rob a bank or attack a monster out of his league. When the spell ends, a Perception check is allowed against the same Comp to know magical influence was used.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected. Will save (Comp:14).
Chill Touch
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:TouchDuration:Instantaneous
After a successful touch action used to cast this spell (see Touch-based Effects), the sorcerer uses a reaction to deliver 1d2 points of cold damage as the victim is enveloped in a crust of frost until the start of the caster’s next turn. If the target has a turn before then, then its movement is reduced by 20 feet. Further, any action that is an attack roll in that time frame would be at disadvantage. Lastly, there are no words to this axiom; therefore, it can be cast within an area of silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDamage is 1d4.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Requirement: Ghost Sound
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:TouchDuration:Up to 2 seconds
This is a non-combat alert axiom for the use with Arcane Rider or Arcane Adjunct. It does not require concentration as most other illusions at this low power level do; however, it can only create a simple sound, like a bell or glass breaking, for a duration no longer than 2 seconds. The volume is always the same, a consistent level the same as a speaking voice, roughly 50 to 60 dB.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:1 mileDuration:Up to 10 minutes
With this axiom, an invisible sensor is created within range in a familiar location or one that is obvious, even if unfamiliar, such as behind a door. It will remain there for the duration of the spell. The sensor can be either visual or auditory at the discretion of the sorcerer, allowing one to see or hear as if he were there. The sensor cannot be attacked or interacted with; however, its maintenance requires concentration by the mage, meaning no reactions can be taken nor new spells cast for the duration. Additionally, if a creature near the sensor can see invisible, then the intangible orb will be noticed.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsBoth vision and audibility occur simultaneously. Duration is up to 15 minutes.
Closing Speed
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:TouchDuration:Up to 1 hour
By making prophetic symbols in the air and touching the willing recipient, this axiom gives one creature preternatural foresight in battle. The next time the creature makes an initiative roll before the spell ends, it treats any roll of 4 or lower on the d10 as a 5. In addition, for the duration, when the target fails a Perception check to become surprised, such as a sneak attack to begin the fight, then that Perception can be rerolled, but the second roll must be used. The spell ends early on a target whenever the first initiative is used.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Cloud of Daggers
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:40 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
This fills the air with spinning daggers in a five-foot cube, centered at an unoccupied location of the sorcerer’s choosing. The manifestation exists so long as the caster concentrates on it, meaning he or she cannot take other actions or reactions plus combat is at disadvantage. Any creature starting its turn or entering the area will suffer an attack from the magical trap. The cloud attacks on a single d20 plus Logic score, inflicting d4 points of edged damage against the victim’s Body. The longest the sorcerer’s concentration can last is until the end of his or her sixth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe d20 attack is at advantage. Damage is d6.
Cone of Cold
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Ice Blast
Time Required:1 action (+7 sec)Range:SpecialDuration:Instantaneous
A blast of magical cold erupts from the sorcerer, emitting in a 60-degree cone for 30 feet (26 hexes). All creatures caught in the area will suffer 3d4 points of cold damage to their body scores. An Agility preservation save against Comp:21 is permitted to suffer only half damage. Should a victim reach zero body points, that creature will become a frozen statue; however, those who make the save to suffer half damage will not become frozen statues. However, any creature still alive in shallow negatives and suffering death saves from a cone of cold, those rolls are made at disadvantage. Further, touch-based healing will not work until the victim has thawed (often too late).
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:24). Base damage is 4d4.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Charm
Time Required:1 action (+5 sec)Range:90 feetDuration:5 turns
This axiom assaults and twists creatures’ minds, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action. Each creature in an 15-foot-diameter sphere (7 hexes) centered on a point within 90 feet must succeed on a Judgment preservation save against Comp:18. While under the effects, a save-failing victim cannot take reactions. Moreover, an affected creature will exhibit peculiar behavior determined at random by the GM at the beginning of its turn. This continues until the end of each victim’s fifth subsequent turn.
1The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn.
2-6The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
7-8The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
9-10The creature can act and move normally.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsJudgment save (Comp:21). Duration is up to 9 rounds.
Conjure Barrage
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
To be capable of casting this axiom correctly, the sorcerer must have combat skills in the particular weapon to permit at least 2d20 with its normal usage. However, when used in conjunction of this spell, the sorcerer throws or fires a non-magical projectile into the area, which multiplies and rains down dozens of identical type weapons upon an area from a cone 30-feet in the air to a 15-foot diameter (7 hexes) no further than 60 feet from the caster. The weapon-duplicates disappear when striking the ground. Any creature caught in that area must make an Agility preservation save (Comp:15). Those failing suffer 2d4 point of damage identical to the damage type of the weapon used, or avoids damage completely if successfully saving. Those falling duplicates act as silver for the purposes of being able to strike a target.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:17). Base damage is 2d4+2.
Conjure Elemental
Verbal, Gesture, External, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 5
Time Required:1 minuteRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
When calling forth an elemental servant, there are a few prerequisites to the axiom, making it more difficult to cast unless in a prepared location. Materials required are a brass or silver censer and consumable items representing the element desired. The elemental is categorized as huge size and occupies the space of a 10-foot cube (3 hexes). Its stats are of the “conjured” type in the bestiary. will be listed as The servant disappears when reaching a Body score of 0 or when the axiom’s duration ends. During the conjuration, the sorcerer cannot cast other magic effects of any nature, even items, to ensure control is maintained on the servant. Likewise, reactions cannot be performed either during the necessary concentration, and combat is at disadvantage. If the conjurer is killed, stunned or rendered incapacitated, the elemental does not disappear but rather becomes uncontrolled.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 minuteRange:SelfDuration:Permanent
Delving into the arts of lifesong magic, connecronism allows the sorcerer to heal oneself. By the use of dead body, which must be freshly killed within ten minutes, and the blood of that being, the caster can restore d6 points of Body to himself. However, the body must be one that bleeds and therefore cannot be a construct, celestial, fiend or undead. Some cosmic beings may no bleed, which will be determined by the GM if not specified. Further, this can be performed only once per dead body, after which connecronism will not work for anyone. Lastly, direct contact with the blood must be made, meaning the body may have to be cut. Up to a quart of blood is absorbed by the axiom, swirling around the sorcerer and soaking into his or her body. Despite having no verbal properties to the axiom, magical silence will prevent its casting.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind Pointsd8 Body points restored.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Used only as a reaction when the sorcerer is aware of a creature within 60 feet casting a spell, invoking a divine power or spell-like effect, this axiom attempts to interrupt the flow of magic and energy around the target to prevent the manifestation of magic. This can also be used upon a caster using concentration. This essentially creates a competition between the sorcerer’s Logic and the appropriate sub-attribute of the other party. This would be Agility for cantrips, Logic for sorcery, and Faith for divine powers. If the sorcerer’s d12 and modifiers is higher, then the victim’s score, the magical effect fails, including any points, charge or fuel expended. It is important to understand the mago-physics of this effect. The caster is not being interrupted to prevent the casting or invoking, but rather the magical energy from the counterspell is injecting itself into the manifestation and attempting to disrupt it from the inside out.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind Pointsd12 Logic contest is rolled with advantage.
Death Memory
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Memory Meld
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:TouchDuration:Instantaneous
With this axiom, the sorcerer can extract the last 30 seconds of memory from a corpse just prior to death. However, the cadaver must have died within one month (28 days); further, the corpse must have been a living creature capable of creating memory. However, it requires a Will save to extract the memory. The Comp for the save is a base of 2 plus the number of days the corpse has been dead. If failing the save, no memory is transfered. However, if a necrosayance is actively cast upon the corpse, then the death memory can be used with no save required provided no questions have yet been asked. However, extracting the final memory during a necrosayance acts as if asking all the permitted questions and ending the divine incantation.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Decaying Rot
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Connecronism or Vengeance
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:10 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This necromancy requires a bit of self-harm, as the caster cuts or stabs oneself for 1 point of Body damage. However, the blood from the wound becomes a gaseous infection that strikes at a target within 10 feet (2 hexes). The victim must make a save using Resilience (Comp:13) or suffer d4 necrotic points of damage.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:14). Damage is d6.
Detect Magic
Mental Only
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (no delay)Range:SelfDuration:Up to 10 minutes
For the duration, the sorcerer gains the ability sense the presence of magic within 30 feet. The sense is not automatic but instead requires using an action to examine an object or creature to recognize a magical aura. The sorcerer must be aware of the object or creature upon which to focus; therefore, this cannot be used to see invisible things or detect scrying. If an object is on a living creature, then it is protected by the being’s lifesong and therefore the person must be examined first to know something on his person is magical, then a second action, then third, and so on, could be used to delve deeper an examine specific items on the person’s possession. While performing these actions that continue into future actions, this requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer cannot cast other magic, use reactions and if forced into combat, such attacks would be at disadvantage. However, while the spell has not expired its duration but the sorcerer is not actively concentrating on detection, the penalties of concentration do not apply.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is up to 15 minutes.
Detect Supernatural
Mental Only, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (no delay)Range:SelfDuration:Up to 10 minutes
For the duration, the caster can know if there is a celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, glitch or undead within 30 feet, as well as the location of the creature. Further, if there is a place or object within 30 feet that has been divinely consecrated or desecrated, this too will be revealed. This axiom requires concentration; therefore, while detecting, the sorcerer cannot take reactions or cast a new spell without ending the axiom.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is up to 20 minutes.
Detect Thoughts
Mental Only, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 action (no delay)Range:SelfDuration:Up to 1 minute
For the duration of the axiom, the sorcerer can sense and interpret thoughts from certain creatures. Upon casting and each subsequent action while the spell has not expired, the sorcerer focuses his or her mind on any single creature without 30 feet; however, only creatures who possess language can be properly read. What is learned is the surface thought – what is most prevalent on the creature’s mind at the moment, such as hunger, thrill, pain, joy or fear. This surface reading is unknown to the target. This probing requires concentration, meaning the caster may not use any reactions during the process; further, new castings are also prohibited due to the concentration. Upon the next turn the following round, the sorcerer may choose another target or may probe deeper on the established target. If going deeper, the mental intrusion will be known by the victim, who may make a Perception preservation save against a Comp:13 to resist the mental search. If successful, this will forcefully end the axiom. However, if failing, then the sorcerer gains insight into the victim’s reasoning, emotional state, motivations, compulsive thoughts (such as what it worries over, what it loves or hates).
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsPerception save (Comp:14).
Dimension Door
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 action (+2 sec)Range:500 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The caster teleports himself or herself from the current location to any other spot within range, arriving at exactly the spot desired. It can be a place seen, known about, or can be described by stating distance and direction. Objects brought along are limited only by the weight limit of what the caster can carry. Further, one willing creature the same size or smaller (carrying gear within its weight capacity) can also be teleported. The creature must be within five feet of the sorcerer at the time of its casting. If overburdened or the arrival location is already occupied by an object or a creature, the sorcerer and traveling companion each suffer d2 Body points of blunt damage, and the spell fails the transportation.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsRange is 700 feet. A second ally can be teleported.
Dirge Chamber
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Connecronism
Time Required:1 action (+7 sec)Range:TouchDuration:2 turns
When placed on a target, until the end of that being’s next two turns, unconsciousness and death will not occur due to Body points. However, other effects, such as sleep or failing a stun-attack, are applicable. Further, if after the expiration, the target still has a Body score at or below zero, then he or she will immediately suffer that proper status. Further, this axiom must be placed upon a conscious being and cannot effect celestials, constructs, elementals, fiends or undead.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is until the end of the target’s subsequent third turn.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 action (+1 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer blows a light whistle towards the intended target, who must be within range and line of sight. The victim hears in its head a jarring and absonant melody; however, no one else can hear it. This forces the recipient to make a Judgment preservation save (Comp:12). Failing the save causes the victim to flee from the sorcerer, not out of fear as the recipient is still allowed to take all actions and reactions. The victim of a failed save must move in a direction opposite the caster at its next movement opportunity, doing so to its full movement. Deaf creatures, those immune to mental attack or those immune to charm will not be affected.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsJudgment save (Comp:13)
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Dreadful Bile
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
A thin green ray emits from the caster’s pointing finger to a target that can be seen within range. The target can be a creature, an object, or a creation of magical force, such as an instant wall. A creature targeted by this spell must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:24). On a failed save, the target suffers 4d4 points of blunt damage and is completely obliterated if this damage leaves it with zero points. A disintegrated creature and everything it is wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. Magic items each make survival checks (Comp:18). However, if the initial save is successful, this indicates that the disintegration ray did not strike the target. This spell automatically disintegrates a nonmagical object up to 500 pounds in size. If the target is a larger object, this spell disintegrates around 500 pounds or a 10-foot-cube portion of it. A magic item must make survival checks (Comp:15). Lastly, this axiom will immediately destroy an instant wall.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsRange is 90 feet. Resilience save (Comp:26)
Disrupt Magic
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a single creature, object or effect within 60 feet to attempt to bring the magical energy to an end. If a creature is selected, then this will disrupt the concentration in play. The opposing caster must make an appropriate save (Agility for cantrips, Logic for sorcery, and Faith for divine powers) against a Comp:15; success indicates concentration is maintained; these are different saves than the defaults. If an object is selected, should that object be projecting an effect, the disrupt magic will stop it. An existing spell can also be taken down. In these last two cases, the effect makes a simulated save, rolling a d20 with bonuses based upon the power of the effect. If it is an axiom, the allow +2 for each Mind point used for the spell; this includes oversiphoning. If a divine power, then bonuses are equal to the spirit points used. If that simulated save is successful, then the effect is not dispelled.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsTarget saves rolled at disadvantage.
Dreadful Bile
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Withering Circle
Time Required:1 reaction (no delay)Range:TouchDuration:Special
The caster’s touch inflicts a horrible necrotic effect against a creature within reach. As a touch-based attack, the sorcerer first attempts to establish a successful grip. If unsuccessful, then the reaction is not used; however, if grasping the victim, then the reaction is forfeited to deliver this hideous axiom. Immediately the victim is under the poison restriction and begins to leak bile from its open orifices: eyes, ears, mouth. The happens without a save, even to dwarves. Only if the creature has resistance to poison or necrotic effects, are the effects and restriction delayed until the end of its next turn. Upon the recipient’s subsequent turns, the victim must roll a Resilience save (Comp:18). Until the target succeeds three times, the poison restriction remains. Further, each failed save will inflict a d4 points of necrotic damage to the victim’s Body score. To be clear, after three successful save, which do not have to be consecutive, the death effect ends. This axiom is not effective against creatures immune to poison or immune to necrotic damage, such as celestials, constructs, elementals, fiends, oozes, plants, and undead.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Earth Move
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Geo-Bond
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:TouchDuration:Up to 5 turns
The sorcerer or a creature touched can travel through the earth itself without leaving any mark of passage. The target gains a “burrowing” speed equal to its normal walking speed. In addition, when burrowing through nonmagical, un-worked earth and stone, the target leaves its hands free and doesn’t disturb the material it moves through. The recipient can extend the magical aura of this spell to bring any object or creature it is carrying or grappled as it burrows. The target enjoys no special protections from this effect except for the cover of the stone or earth around it. If this spell or its effects end on the target or any other object or creature placed within stone or earth by means of this spell, the sorcerer, any such object or creature will be expelled from the earth, moving at 60 feet per round towards the nearest open space large enough to fit into comfortably but will also suffer d6 points of blunt damage upon exiting into that space. Concentration is required while movement; therefore, no reactions, other spells can occur. Further, if combat should happen while burrowing, those attacks would be at disadvantage. The longest the sorcerer can maintain his or her concentration is until the end of the fifth turn after casting.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsTwo recipients can be selected.
Ego Whip
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Mind Dagger
Time Required:1 action (+3 sec)Range:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Similar to mind dagger, the sorcerer a foe within the 60-foot range and creates a mental contest with the victim. Each side rolls a d12 adding Perception modifiers to the total. However, the sorcerer also gains +4 to the feat competition. Ties will not prevail, but if the sorcerer outscores the victim, then 2d4 points of Mind damage is inflicted. Creatures who have true mind-shielding or a hidden lifesong cannot be attacked in this way.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe sorcerer rolls the d12 competition with advantage.
Empower Animal
Mental Only
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 minuteRange:40 feetDuration:1 hour
The sorcerer selects an animal, which must be of the small Size-Category and cannot have a Mind score greater than 5. Effectively this create can perform a single single task, just as carrying something under its own power, travel to a specific location or even attempt to location an item or person of which the sorcerer has direct knowledge and a reasonable belief of the whereabouts. While no physical powers are granted to the animal, it will act intelligently with reasoning powers similar to a normal human to complete the assigned task. There is a minor communicative ability between caster and animal but little more than confirming success or failure if there is time remaining to return. It is possible for glamour mouth to be cast upon the animal after and in conjunction with the trigger of the messaging to be set on the success of the animal’s task.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsDuration is 2 hours.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Vengeance
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:6 turns
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of dim light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of necrotic damage are inflicted against body, but additionally, the target must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:13). Should the victim fail, then its Strength score acts as a value of 1 for its next 6 subsequent turns. The change in Strength score does not modify the Body calculation; however, any competition, feat, save or values for damage of an attack will use the value of 1 when Strength is used in the formula.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (Comp:15).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
A loud and painfully intense bursts from an unoccupied location of the sorcerer’s choice within range. Each creature in the hex of the eruption or in an adjacent hex must make a Resilience preservation save against Comp 13. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this save. Those who fail the the save suffers d4 points of blunt damage. Any nonmagical objects not worn or carried can be damaged if in the spell’s area.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:14).
Ether Walk
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
For this axiom to be cast, the sorcerer must use it without having made any movement on this turn. Stepping through invisible folds in the borders between planes, the sorcerer walks as if every hex were difficult terrain and can pass through solid obstacles and enemies. While walking, the sorcerer is not corporeal and therefore not subject to flee attacks unless a weapon is capable of striking into the ethereal plane. Once out of movement, the caster rematerializes in an unoccupied space. If the final movement places the sorcerer in an occupies hex, then the caster will appear prior to that point. Regardless of the feet of movement used, the movement is reduced to zero until the start of the sorcerer’s next turn.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsMovement as if normal terrain.
Ether Wisp
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Ether wisp is essentially a two-party blink effect. The caster selects a target within 60 feet and instantly trades locations with the target. If the target is unwilling to be teleported, then he or she is allowed an Agility preservation save (Comp:15) to avoid the enveloping dimensional portal. If the target won’t or can’t be moved, then the sorcerer remains in the original location.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Explosive Missile
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer creates a globe of force that streaks unerringly toward a target you can see within range. The target takes d6 points of blunt damage, then the globe explodes in a concussive blast. The target and each creature in an adjacent hex must make an Agility save (Comp:15). On a failed save, a creature takes 2d4 points of blunt damage from the force, or half as much on a successful save. Objects within range automatically miss the save; however, constructs are not considered object in this context.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsExplosive damage is 2d6. Agility save (Comp:17)
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Time Required:1 minuteRange:10 feetDuration:Varies
This axiom extends the duration of other effects, whether said effect is from runes, incantations or sorcery. The effect being extended must be currently manifested before and at the completion of the extend axiom. Therefore, effects lasting under one minute cannot be altered. Thus, infusion of fire could not be extended, but air chamber could.
If an effect can be maintained in a constant state of existence for a number of castings of extend from the same sorcerer, then it can become permanent. However, permanent effects cannot The total number of castings is based on 20 extend axioms performed with a time lapse equal to the original duration between castings, However, additional castings above 20 are required based on the point cost of the effect. For example, false aura would require a total of 21 extend castings to become permanent, but shadow turf would require 24. Effects with short durations would be unlikely to be able to be made permanent as the sorcerer is not likely able to have enough points of Logic in short periods without resting. Further, healing, instantaneous and durations listed as permanent already cannot be changed. Finally, effects on an object or person made permanent may have negative effects as well. For example, psychic shield made permanent causes the recipient slowly go deaf over the next few months; shimmering armor causes a penalty of -15 movement and -2 to initiative. Effects, such as alarm or watchdog, would have no negative effects. The GM may rule that certain effects made permanent on a creature has other side-effects than listed here.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Sleep and Fear
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Up to 6 turns
For the duration of the axiom, the sorcerer’s eyes become blackened. The sorcerer selects a visual target within 60 feet who must make a Will save against Comp:24. If failing, the creature suffers one of three effects chosen by the caster. Concentration is required to maintain the effects; therefore, no reactions can be taken, and no new spells can be cast. The sorcerer can maintain this concentration until the end of his or her sixth subsequent turn. As future turns occur while having maintained the concentration, the sorcerer can use an action to select another target to afflict. Previous targets who saved successfully cannot be targeted a second time within this instance of the axiom.
AsleepThe target falls unconscious until the axiom ends. If suffering damage or shaken by another, the target will wake up.
PanickedThe target is frightened of the caster, as if under a normal fear axiom, lasting until the spell’s end.
SickenedThe target has disadvantage on all attack rolls, saves and checks, lasting while concentration is maintained.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsWill save (Comp:26).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Vengeance
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:6 turns
Similar to enfeeblement or indifference, except this axiom attacks an opponent’s will-power. The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of greenish light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of Spirit damage are inflicted, but further, the target must make a Muse preservation save (Comp:15). Should the victim fail, then its Will score acts as a value of 1 for its following six turns. The change in Will score does not modify the Spirit calculation; however, for any Will saves or checks made while under the effect, will use the value of 1 for the formula.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (Comp:17).
False Aura
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:24 hours
This shroud illusion alters what can be detected by divine or magical means. One option is to change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects, such as detect magic, making a nonmagical object appear magical or a magical object appear nonmagical. Another option could be to alter what is detected, such as against detect supernatural, whereas an undead could be made to be detected as a celestial.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Charm
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
This creates a phantasm in the minds of any recipients in a 20-foot blast (12 hexes) from the sorcerer. Each creature caught in the psychic wave must make a Will preservation save against a Comp:15 or drop whatever it is holding and be placed under the fear combat restriction. Until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn, the sorcerer must use concentration to maintain the fear in the minds of the victims, meaning the sorcerer cannot take reactions not cast new spells. However, each victim remaining under the fear can choose to use an action to repeat the save to escape the effect.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 8 rounds. No concentration required. Will save (Comp:17).
Feratu Shroud
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Detect Supernatural
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Up to 1 hour
The sorcerer shrouds oneself in necrotic energy, temporarily gaining many traits as one of the undead. His or her appearance does not change except for a very slight pallor, but the kingdom will identify as undead for the duration of the spell. Non-intelligent undead creatures perceive the caster as one of their kind, which basically means they ignore the impostor. Intelligent undead do not immediately recognize the caster as alive, but may question whether he or she is actually undead. Any method performed by the sapient undead to discern the sorcerer is not truly undead will made with disadvantage. Nonetheless, should any undead creature target the caster directly with attack or harmful magic, that creature must make a Will feat (Comp:12). On a failed check, the creature must choose a new target. If no one else is available to be targeted, then the action will be forfeited. A creature automatically succeeds on this feat either of the conditions have occurred within the last 24 hours: the undead has made a successfully made the Will check or it has seen the sorcerer attempt to harm any undead creature. Further, the need to make the Will feat is not necessary when potential is not directly targeting the an area-based effect, such as the explosion from fireblast.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Fiery Crescendo
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Fire Dart or Burning Hands
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
This axiom creates barely-visible strands of fire magic surrounding a target within range. While the enveloping shell does nothing on its own, it has a unique effect if and when the victim falls prone -- it explodes, inflicting a d4 of fire damage to all in the same hex. Thus, if the victim is knocked prone through a grappling maneuver and held, or if a nhoblit is occupying the same hex, then they would suffer the same fiery damage. However, tripping or knocking the victim unconscious would leave others safe. Additionally, because the magic is uniquely triggered by contact with the ground, being struck by a boulder will also create the explosion, as will being struck by an earth elemental. The contingency has a duration until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth following turn, all the while requiring concentration by the caster. This limits the sorcerer from casting other spells and from making reactions, plus placing the caster at disadvantage in combat.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsDamage is d6.
Fire and Ice
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Fire Dart and Ice Blast
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom releases two different forms of magical energy at an point within range. Partially a misnomer as the energy types strike in reverse order the name suggests. A blue orb speeds towards the designated point followed by a red orb only a split second behind. Both explode in a 10-foot radius (12 hexes) with only a brief latency between the two. Every creature in the area must make an Agility save (Comp:18), suffering 2d4 points of cold damage or only half on a successful save. Next those same creatures must make a second Agility save (Comp:18) or suffer 2d4 points of fire damage, which is halved if the second save is successful. However, creatures who failed the first save against the cold damage, will roll the second save against the fire at disadvantage.
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:20). Damage is 2d6.
Fire Dart
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of fire at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. A successful strike inflicts d4 points of fire damage against Body.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Damage remains 1d4.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Fire Dart or Burning Hands
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
With a fiery streak of light, the axiom creates an explosion of flame in a 25-foot diameter (19 hexes). Any creature caught in that area must make an Agility save against Comp:15. Those failing suffer 2d6 points of fire damage while those who successfully save suffer only half. Without a doubt, this is one of the most recognizable and popular axioms among adventuring ilk. It has a long range, a large area of effect, and it inflicts significant damage. One of the other popular features of this axiom, which can be a detriment in some cases, is the explosive fire will conform to the shape of the area. The blast is primarily in a two-dimension ring of flames around 8 feet tall. Thus if aimed horizontally and fired into a 10-foot wide hallway, it would evenly spread throughout 19 hexes of the hallway, fitting to the shape of the walls. This would be a little over 20 feet in each direction from the point of explosion. Considering the expected explosive radius would only reach 2 hexes from the center spot, an unexpected back draft that could hit allies or even the sorcerer casting the axiom.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:17). Range is 70 feet. Damage is 2d8.
 7 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:19). Range is 80 feet. Damage is 3d6.
Flame Walk
Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 actionRange:1 mileDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer safely steps into a fire and is immediately transported to another fire within range. Both fires must be the size of a large campfire. A torch or a small fireplace are not large enough for this axiom. The caster must have a general idea of where the fire is and what its surrounding are like, but the exact location does not need to be known as with dimension door and other axioms. However, only the caster and his or her personal items can be transported. If there is no suitable fire from which to exit within range, then the axiom fails, and the caster takes 2 points of fire damage. Another option with this axiom can be used if a single fire is large enough - an expanse of at least 20 feet and covers an area of at least 300 square feet. In such a case, the sorcerer can enter one side of the fire and exit the other. This axiom can be birthed even in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsDistance is 2 miles.
Flesh to Stone
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Stature
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Special
The sorcerer selects a single target within range and line of sight. Assuming the target’s body is biological flesh, which excludes constructs, elementals and the like, then the victim must make a Resilience preservation save against Comp:23. If the target is successful, it is unaffected, and the axiom ends. However, if failing the save, then the victim becomes restrained as its body begins to turn to stone. To complete the transformation, the caster must concentrate, meaning no other actions or reactions can be taken in the interim. At the end of its next turn, a victim restrained by this axiom must make another Resilience save against the same Comp. If successful, then the target stops turning to stone and is freed from the restrained restriction. However, that victim can still make no reactions until the start of its next turn. If failing that second save, then the victim momentarily becomes petrified. If petrified, then on that creature’s next turn, a final body save can determine permanence. If failing, the petrification is permanent until treated. However, if that save is successful, then the victim is downgraded to restrained, where it will automatically save to become freed from it at the end of its next turn. If a petrified creature is broken, it would suffer from similar deformities if reverted to its normal state.
Oversiphoned:9 Mind PointsTarget saves rolled at disadvantage.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
When attacked by melee or range, if the sorcerer is aware of the incoming attack, he or she may use a reaction to cast flinch, which will create an invisible barrier of magical force which absorbs the damage in part or in whole. When reacting, the sorcerer rolls a d4 which represents the amount of damage from the strike that is absorbed, but if special effects from the attack, such as heavy blow, are delivered, the penalty will still occur and any save required must still be rolled . However, this is only effective against individual, physical attacks and will offer no aid against area-of-effect damage spells or an avalanche.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer can protect himself or herself with float which is used as a reaction whenever a fall condition occurs. The effect allows the caster to float to the ground rather than falling a gentle rate of 1 foot per second, which equates to 10 feet per round.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsCaster can control the float to move left, right, forward or backward at the same rate while continuing downward.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Float
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:5 minutes
Upon touching a recipient, that creature gains the ability to magically fly with a movement rate of 60 feet until the axiom ends. If the target is still aloft at the end of the duration with no way of securing itself, then it will fall to the ground.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 10 minutes.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Shimmering Armor
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:8 hours
A 10-foot-radius immobile dome of force springs into existence around and above the caster and remains stationary for the duration. The axiom duration is complete if the caster leaves the dome. A total of ten creatures of medium-size or smaller can fit inside the dome and it can be cast over occupied hexes. The effect will fail if its area includes a larger creature or over the maximum number of creatures. Creatures and objects originally on the inside can move out through the dome freely. All other creatures and objects, including those leaving the dome, are magically prevented from passing through it. Light works in the same way; those inside can see outward, but the outside cannot see in. Spells and other magical effects cannot extend through the dome in either direction. Of course, it is subject to disrupt magic. Inside the dome, the environment is comfortable and dry, regardless of the weather outside. Also, until the spell ends, the interior lighting is controlled by the caster.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 14 hours.
Freeze Thought
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer uses this axiom to pierce the mental defenses of one creature seen within range. The target must make a Will save (Comp:13), suffering d4 Mind points of damage on a failed save. A successful save avoids any ill-effect. Also on a failed save, the target cannot take reactions, cannot use an action to disengage from combat, and suffers disadvantage on either the next attack roll or save it makes before the end of its next turn.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsWill save (Comp:15). If target fails save, the sorcerer can also know the surface thoughts of the creature, what is most on its mind in that moment.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:40 feetDuration:6 turns
This axiom creates a connection between a willing target and the earth and lasts through the recipient’s next six turns. For purposes of knocking prone, tripping or shoving (not grappling unless the maneuver results in a prone penalty), the target gains +3 on the competition save. Further, for lifting or driving, the recipient doesn’t change in mass, but the effort to lift him or her is calculated at three times the normal weight. This further means that a small Size-Category being might be considered medium if weight is the variable of the restriction. One other benefit is the target becomes resistant to lightning damage for the duration of the axiom. All the effects are lost should the target fly, levitate or otherwise loose contact with the ground. Magical movement, such as blink will still work, however. Unfortunately, the recipient does suffer a -2 penalty for saves against grounding and immobilize. Lastly, the axiom requires concentration, meaning reactions from the caster are not possible and neither are new spells.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsTwo recipients can be selected.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Geo-Bond
Time Required:1 actionRange:40 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
The sorcerer selects a willing target who is currently connected to the ground and creates a mystical anchor. This is almost identical to geo-bond except the recipient is immune to lightning damage for the duration of the axiom, but further the target cannot suffer penalties from tripping, shoving, drive, being knocked prone. Similarly, the recipient cannot be lifted in any way, and moreover, is unable to be teleported or banished, even willingly. Additionally, there are no penalties against grounding and immobilize. However, this axiom still requires concentration of the caster to maintain the effects for the recipient’s six turns.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsTwo recipients can be selected.
Ghost Sound
Verbal, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
The sorcerer creates an illusionary sound. The glamour-illusion emanate from any spot within range and lasts for the duration. The illusion is purely auditory; it has no image, smell, or other sensory effects. While existing, concentration is required, meaning the reactions from the caster are not possible and neither are new spells. On the sorcerer’s initiative turn, he or she can use an action to move the illusion to any spot within range. As the sounds moves location, the caster can alter its volume and pitch so that the motion appears natural. For example, if the caster creates a sound of footsteps and moves it, it can be altered to sound as if they are walking or even running in a particular direction. Based on the logic of how the sound occurs and how those who hear it observe it, this may reveal it to be an illusion. at the start of each turn, an observer makes a Logic preservation save against Comp:12 to notice the logical inconsistencies.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsLogic save (Comp:13).
Ghoul Strike
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:Melee ReachDuration:Instantaneous
As part of a melee action, the sorcerer uses a reaction to add the effect upon the weapon in the primary hand die pool. If a hit is scored from that die pool, the victim must make a Resilience save (Comp:13) which has a basis in poison; thus, a victim who is resistant would lessen the effect appropriately. If failing that save, the victim will have is movement halved, suffer -2 to its PP value as part of the Attribute component of the PP calculation. Additionally, the victim cannot use reaction. These impairments last until the end of the victim’s next turn.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Glamour Mouth
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 minuteRange:30 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
The magician implants a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met. An object is chosen that can seen and that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature. Then speak the message, which must be 25 words or less. Finally, the sorcerer determines the circumstance that will trigger the spell to deliver the message, which will be spoken at the same volume when cast; however, it can be repeated for a duration up to 10 minutes. The triggering circumstance can be as general or as detailed as desired, though it must be based on visual, audible or tactile conditions that occur within 30 feet of the object.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SpecialDuration:1 turn
The sorcerer uses a phantasm to create an explosion of sparkling color appearing in front of his or her body. This has the potential to affect up to 9 creatures within 15 feet. The effect will distract 3d10 Mind points worth of creatures, but none whose max score of 13 or higher. Of those in the area, the GM will arrange them (only the conscious ones) in ascending order by current Mind scores and subtracting from the 3d10 value when selecting a creature affected until the points can no longer be applied. Those selected creatures then become distracted by the light show and are at disadvantage on any action each takes on their following turn.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsCone of effect is 14 hexes. Distract total of 4d12
Gloom Torus
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:6 turns
When cast a greenish mist rises around the caster, covering all the hexes adjacent to the sorcerer but not entering the space occupied by him or her. Any creature starting its turn in a hex adjacent to the caster or moving through an adjacent hex during its turn, must roll a Resilience save (Comp:13) or become incapacitated for that turn, retching and vomiting. Creatures that do not breathe are immune to the effect. The mist will remain until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsResilience
Glyph Analysis
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 minuteRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom allow the sorcerer to select a magical glyph, sigil or symbol and learn what it does - such as sealing an object closed or is a teleport sigil - and also learn what, if any, damage energy types are used as part of its protection. This axiom offer no protection or prevention of disturbing a magical glyph. It is possible for some magic sigils to detonate based solely on this analysis if such a symbol were created for that purpose. A second use of this axiom would be to compare up to three different lifesong symbols, created by symbolize life, to determine if there is a match.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Gorge Burst
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Eruption and Conjure Barrage
Time Required:1 actionRange:5 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Typically used as a battle spell, this axiom could also be used as a means of excavation. By touching the ground, the sorcerer rips trench, starting 5 feet in front of him or her and extending for 15 feet. Soft ground will create a depth of 3 feet, while rocky terrain will only reach on foot deep. To erupt rocky ground, it requires an extra Mind point of oversiphoning, and the depth will only be 2 feet. Mud would be separated but quickly returned to its original form. Anyone in the direct path would suffer 2d4 points of blunt damage created from the force of the eruption, but can make an Resilience save (Comp:15) for half damage; further, anyone failing the save will be knocked prone. The GM may rule creatures of multiple legs or special balance may apply bonuses to the Resilience save specifically to avoid being knocked prone. Moreover, anyone who is restrained by magic or other means and is in the direct path must roll the save at disadvantage. Based on the type of ground there is additional damage in the area, including to those who occupied the space where the trench detonated. For twenty feet along the sides of the ditch and including 5 feet in front of it, anyone occupying those spaces must make an Agility save (Comp:12) to avoid damage from the shrapnel. Soft ground will inflict 2 points of blunt damage, while hard, rocky ground will deliver d4+1 points of edged damage. Mud is inconvenient but does no harm. Lastly, this axiom can be cast within silence.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsRocky ground can be excavated.
 6 Mind PointsThe length of the trench is 20 feet for soft ground. Shrapnel area increased proportionally.
 7 Mind PointsThe length of the trench is 20 feet for rocky ground. Shrapnel area increased proportionally.
 8 Mind PointsThe length of the trench is 25 feet for soft ground. Shrapnel area increased proportionally.
 9 Mind PointsThe length of the trench is 25 feet for rocky ground. Shrapnel area increased proportionally.
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
The caster selects a single target within range, visibly seen and in direct contact with the ground, attempting to restrain that victim to the spot. The target is permitted a Strength preservation save against a Comp:12. If successful, the target voids the magical gripping to the ground; otherwise, he, she or it is considered restrained. The duration of the restraining lasts until the caster’s sixth subsequent turn but also requires concentration during which the caster may not take reactions; further, new spell-castings will disrupt the concentration. While restrained, the victim may use an action to attempt another Strength feat against the original Comp to break free.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous casting.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:1 hour
The sorcerer calls into existence an archway within 30 feet of his or her location. This archway leads to an extradimensional space. The inside space can hold up to ten beings up to Medium-Size category. Whether the sorcerer is on the inside or outside, he or she can make the archway appear or disappear with the use of an action. When the archway has been removed, spells and attacks cannot penetrate the extradimensional space either in or out, and no one can see into it; however, the occupants can view out. If spending the entire duration in the hideaway, then this can be considered a short rest. At the end of the duration, anything inside the extradimensional space reappears where the archway originated.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Hold Monster
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Slow
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
Any creature within range can be held in a paralyzed restriction using this axiom. The victim creature makes a preservation Judgment save against Comp:21; if failing, the creature is paralyzed for its next six turns. No concentration is required. As the paralyzed restriction prevents one from taking any action or reaction, on its turn the victim is assumed to be using the equivalent of an action to try to break free from the paralysis, which it it does by making another save against the original values. If successful, its action for that turn has been made and no movement can occur on that turn, but the victim regains the ability to use an action and move on the following turn. However, reactions are restored immediately. If having the lure skill, the breaking from the paralysis is not automatically noticed by others.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsJudgment save (Comp:23).
Ice Blast
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Identical to fire dart except that blast delivers a d4 magical frost if successfully striking the opponent.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Damage remains 1d4.
Ignis Fatuus
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
The sorcerer selects a target within 60 feet. The recipient makes a secret Judgment preservation save against Comp:13. If the victim fails, then a phantasm that takes root in the mind of the creature. The caster creates a single phantasmal object, creature, or other visible phenomenon of choice that is no larger than a 10-foot cube and because it is a phantasm, the image is only perceivable to the target for the duration. This spell has no effect on mindless undead, plant-monsters or constructs. However, the phantasm includes sound, temperature, and other stimuli, also evident only to the target. While a target is affected by the spell, the target treats the phantasm as if it were real. However, at the end of each subsequent turn, the target makes a secret Logic save against the original Comp to see if logical flaws have been detected. If the victim uses its action to specifically investigate the phantasm, then the save is at advantage. Lastly, this spell requires concentration, meaning no reactions or spells can be occur while maintaining the phantasm. However, the maximum time the illusion can be maintained until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsJudgment/Logic save (Comp:14).
Improved Psychic Shield
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Psychic Shield
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
By placing this protection on a touched target or oneself, the sorcerer grants the recipient advantage and a +3 bonus against any incoming attack that forces a Mind sub-attribute save or contest for the duration of the axiom. While it is in effect, any form of thought-reading, detection of lying, scrying, telepathy, whispering wind or other divinations which do not typically allow a save simply are unable to penetrate the protected mind. Further, this acts as resistance against damage to the Mind score, meaning that such mental attacks only inflict half damage (round down).
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsRecipient is immune to
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Vengeance
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:6 turns
Similar to both enfeeblement and maladroitness, this axiom weakens an enemy; but rather than attacking its physical attributes, this axiom impairs the mental faculties. The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of amber light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of Mind damage are inflicted, but further, the target must make a Judgment preservation save (Comp:15). Should the victim fail, then its Perception score acts as a value of 1 for its following six turns. The change in Perception score does not modify the Mind calculation; however, for any Perception checks made while under the effect, no bonus is added to the d20 roll.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (Comp:17).
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Secret
Time Required:10 minutesRange:TouchDuration:1 year
This axiom enchants paper and ink. One page and one phial of ink (only a 3-bit material cost) are sprinkled with copper shavings (another 2 bits of expense). This process allows for the page and ink to be separated by any distance so long as they remain on the same plane of existence. Words written on another paper using the ink to appear on the page originally bewitched; however, the writing must be performed by the same sorcerer who cast the axiom. This allows written messages up to 100 words to be used before the ink is consumed at the unusual rate. Another sorcerer who has the inkodistance power could attempt a Logic feat (Comp:15) to be able to write on behalf of the original wizard; however, unless being able to observe the other page, success would not be known. Lastly, a person with the magical reading skill could attempt to write with the ink, but it would require a Logic feat (Comp:16). The cost per page/ink combination of this special writing method is 5 bits.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsTwo pages and two ink vials can be enchanted.
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Inkodistance
Time Required:10 minutesRange:TouchDuration:1 year
This is an improvement upon inkodistance. The cost is a little higher, but the benefits typically outweigh that. Three pages and three vials of ink (a 9-bit material cost) are sprinkled with silver shavings, costing 21 bits. AS a result, the pages and ink can separated by any distance so long as they remain on the same plane of existence. Words written on another paper using the ink to appear on the page originally enchanted. Unlike inkodistance, any person can write the message and it will appear on the corresponding page. Messages up to 100 words per one vial on ink can be used. This version of writing combination can be found in the available markets for around 20 bits per page and ink.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Instant Wall
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Shimmering Armor
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:10 minutes
A wall of shimmering and translucent force springs into existence within the range from the caster. The size of the wall must be flat and up to 100 square feet with no dimension larger 10 feet, making the maximum area a 10 by 10 wall. However, it can be positioned in any three-dimensional angle. It can be free floating or resting on a solid surface. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall by the sorcerer’s choice. Light passes through both directions. Spells and other magical effects that rely on line of sight are thwarted from extending through the through the dome in either direction; therefore, axioms such as acid dart and blink cannot penetrate to the other side. The wall, however, is subject to disrupt magic. Nothing can physically pass through the wall, preventing vapor and passwall. It is immune to all damage. A disintegration axiom destroys the wall instantly, however. The wall also extends into the ethereal plane, blocking ethereal travel through the wall, making astral blood and astral dreaming incapable of passing through.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe wall can be up to 225 square feet, limited to 15 feet in one dimension.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:10 milesDuration:1 turn
This axiom allows the sorcerer’s voice to be heard in a different location. The location must be able to be seen or can be well-known; however, the maximum distance is 2 miles per point of Logic. Sight to the horizon is roughly three miles. Until the start of the sorcerer’s next turn, using the rules of communication, his or her voice is projected to that distant location and can be heard at a normal volume by all in the area. However, this is a one-way messaging process, as the sorcerer cannot hear what is in that area without other means. Of course, this could also be used as close-ranged ventriloquism if so desired, which would change the chances of what the sorcerer could hear in response.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Land Skiff
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Valet
Time Required:1 minuteRange:SelfDuration:4 hours
The power of this axiom builds a floating, semi-translucent sled that hovers a few inches above the ground, which is centered on the caster. The skid can hold up to 500 pounds of weight and has room for two addition persons. When others are on the land skiff, they occupy the same space as the sorcerer. They can only use their own movement if leaving the skiff. The movement rate changes as the sorcerer commands it to move. It can reach movement speeds of 120 feet, which is 8 miles per hour, if maintaining a straight line. However, if veering the magic vessel at any angle, the movement speed drops to 20 feet per round. Once returning to a straight trajectory, the skiff gains an additional 20 feet each round; 20 feet, 40 feet, 60 feet, 80 feet, 100 feet, and topping out at 120 feet. If running at max speed for the duration, the skiff will cover 32 miles in four hours.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 6 hours.
Lava Strike
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Fire Dart or Burning Hands
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:30 seconds
This axiom is a favorite of a battle mage. It empowers the sorcerer for his or her next 3 actions so that any melee attack that successfully strikes a target, including multiple-attack targets, molten sparks spray from the attack. The three hexes behind the victim become subject to damage from the spray. Those in those spaces must roll an Agility preservation save (Comp:12) or suffer 2 points of fire damage.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsFire damage is 3 points. Agility save (Comp:14).
Life Static
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Psychic Shield
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
When the recipient’s lifesong is hidden behind this clamor of meta-noise, it grants total immunity to any effect that targets a Mind or Spirit sub-attributes; thus, mind-dagger, fear, and the like are ineffective against that target. Further any form of thought-reading, detection of lying, scrying, telepathy, whispering wind or other divinations cannot reach the target or gain information about him or her. For total clarity, this also grants immunity to damage to Mind and Spirit scores, even those combined with a physical attack such as weapon of doubt.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsTwo targets can be affected.
Lightning Bolt
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Spark
Time Required:1 actionRange:45 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Extending from the sorcerer’s body, a bolt of lightning strikes the potential of several foes. The powerful arc extends for a total of 45 feet (or 9 hexes); however, its exact pattern is determined by the caster. For each five feet (one hex) traveled, the bolt can continue in its original direction or veer 60º left or 60º right, but it always re-orientates itself to be pointed in the original direction upon entering each new space. However, this means any nine “forward-moving” hexes may be used for the path of the lightning bolt. Any creature struck must make an Agility preservation save against Comp:15. Those failing suffer lightning damage, or half if successfully saving. The first struck suffers 4d4 points of damage, the second 2d4 and each after only 1d4 through the range of all the targets.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsArc length is 60 feet (12 hexes). Agility save (Comp:17). Damage is 4d6, 2d6, 1d6, each permitted a save for half damage.
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:5 feetDuration:3 turns
By walking over a surface that is covered by moss, fats or oily substances, which often are considered difficult terrain, the sorcerer can absorb 75 square feet (3 hexes) of the substances. By doing this, it will remove the difficult material and add +1 to the sorcerer’s PP value in the “other” category. It will not combine with other magical protections. This protection will last until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind Points125 square feet (5 hexes) can be absorbed
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:1 year
The sorcerer creates a semi-material locking mechanism to secure a specific item within range. This could be a chest, door, or window, basically anything a standard lock could protect, even if the item doesn’t have a clasp or mechanism for one. The sorcerer can touch it to open or close as desired, and this creation will detect as magical if detect magic is used. Further, it exists for one year or until destroyed. If picked, the lock axiom has a Comp:12 and is destroyed if successful.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Magic Eye
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Detect Thoughts
Time Required:1 actionRange:SpecialDuration:1 hour
The sorcerer creates an invisible, magical eye within 60 feet at the time of manifestation. The eye hovers in the air for the duration and conveys visual information to the caster. The sensor has normal vision and darkvision out to 30 feet. Further, it can look in every direction. As an action, the caster can move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction. There is no limit to how far away the eye can move, but it cannot enter another plane of existence. A solid barrier blocks the eye’s movement, but it can pass through an opening as small as one inch in diameter.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDarkvision is 60 feet. Movement is 45 feet.
Magic Seal
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Detect Thoughts
Time Required:1 minuteRange:10 feetDuration:Up to 6 months
This axiom seals a door, chest, book, or other object that can be closed with a magical sigil that bars entry and prevents opening. The protected object can only be opened if broken or with some arcane interruption like disrupt magic. However, if the object is forced open by any means (physical or magical), the sigil explodes 18 feet omni-directionally to cover 37 hexes with the object in the center. The damage from this is 2d4 points of either blunt, fire or ice, chosen by the sorcerer at the time of creating the sigil. A successful Agility save (Comp:13) halves the damage. This trap is similar to a time-lock safe as even the sorcerer does not have a password or secret way into the sealed item. However, the pending trap will expire after 6 months if it is not triggered to explode prior to that expiration time.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsAgility save (Comp:15). Base damage is 2d6.
Magma Siege Stone
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Pebble to Boulder
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:6 turns
The sorcerer creates a boulder-sized orb of force loaded into a catapult or trebuchet. Before the orb is fired, it is made of pure force and can only be destroyed by anti-magic, disintegrate, disrupt magic and the like. Once the orb has been fired, it strikes any point within the range of the catapult or trebuchet and shatters, spraying liquid fire that sticks to anything. Everyone within 30 feet of the shattered orb must make an Agility save (Comp:18). Targets take 2d4 fire damage in a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Made or missed, anyone caught in the initial explosion will continue to burn, requiring three successful Resilience saves (Comp:12) of suffer another d4 fire damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. Once a target makes three Resilience saves, the fire goes out personally. Those resistant to fire roll saves at advantage. The fire from the blast burns in the area for 10 minutes, and creatures that start their turn in the fiery area or move into the area suffer d4 points of fire damage. This is cumulative with personal burning damage should a target not leave the blast radius. The orb must be used before the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsInitial Agility save (Comp:21). Initial blast damage is 2d6.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Vengeance
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:6 turns
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of dim light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of necrotic damage are inflicted against body, but additionally, the target must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:13). Should the victim fail, then its Agility score acts as a value of 1 for its next 6 subsequent turns. The change in Agility score does not modify the Body calculation; however, any competition, feat, save or values for damage of an attack will use the value of 1 when Agility is used in the formula.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (Comp:15).
Mark That One
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Mind Dagger
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
When the sorcerer observes a visible hostile creature within 30 feet successfully hit with a melee attack that damages oneself or an ally, the sorcerer can choose to use a reaction to cast this axiom. In that split-second a creature lets its guard down after it makes a successful attack, the magic batters its way into victim’s mind. The creature that inflicted the triggering damage must make a Will save (Comp:15). It takes a d4 of Mind damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On a failed save, until the spell ends, the sorcerer is able to monitor the unshielded mind of the recipient. However, concentration is required to maintain the tracking, which means the sorcerer cannot use reactions or cast other spells. Further, any combat attacks are at disadvantage. The monitor offers the following benefits against the target:
 • As long as the target is on the same plane as the sorcerer, its location by direction and distance is known.
 • The target cannot become hidden from the sorcerer, and if it is invisible, it gains no benefits from this condition against the caster.
 • The target provokes a potential flee attack from the sorcerer, regardless of distance moved or if using an action to disengage.
If either the sorcerer or the target are knocked unconscious or killed, the spell ends early.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsWill save (Comp:17). Damage is d6.
Mass Veil
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Veil
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Up to 1 hour
This will allow the caster and three additional persons of his or her size (or smaller) to become invisible by a shrouding illusion. Each effected recipient then acts as if under its own individual veil axiom. No restrictions exist for remaining within a distance of the caster. However, at the time of casting, those effected must be holding hands or making contact. Finally, this axiom can be cast in the midst of magical silence or if muted.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsShroud illusion upon caster and four persons.
 6 Mind PointsShroud illusion upon caster and five persons.
 7 Mind PointsShroud illusion upon caster and six persons.
 8 Mind PointsShroud illusion upon caster and seven persons.
 9 Mind PointsShroud illusion upon caster and eight persons.
Memory Meld
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 minuteRange:TouchDuration:Permanent
This conveys a mental sharing with a target. The axiom transfers a single memory. This memory could be real, imaginary or repressed up to roughly 1 minute in length. If the target is willing, no save is needed. Incapacitated targets are considered willing. Otherwise, a successful Judgment preservation save against Comp:13 will prevent the implantation. Further, there must be a way to continue to touch an unwilling target for the full minute to use this axiom. This will work upon unconscious and sleeping persons.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsCasting time is 2 minutes. The transferred memory can be up to 2 minutes.
Mind Dagger
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
Upon selecting a foe within the 60-foot range, the sorcerer creates a Mind contest with the victim. Each side rolls a d12 adding Judgment modifiers to the total. However, the sorcerer also gains +3 to the feat contest. Ties will not prevail, but if the sorcerer outscores the victim, then d6 points of Mind damage is inflicted. Creatures who have true mind-shielding or a hidden lifesong cannot be attacked in this way.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsThe sorcerer rolls the d12 competition with advantage.
Mirror Image
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Up to 6 turns
This effect creates two duplicate illusionary images of the sorcerer which stands next to him or her. For the duration of the axiom, the duplicate mimics all the behaviors of the caster, making it impossible to know which is fake is and which is real without true sight or other senses that do not rely on vision. Any targeted attacks against the sorcerer might strike an image instead. When attacked, the GM will determine at random which target is actually being swung upon or fired at. If one of the images is the true target, then it has 10 PP. If an image is struck, no damage harms the real sorcerer; however, that image will be destroyed. However, it can only be destroyed if successfully hit. Likewise, an area of affect spell, like fireball, can destroy all the images at once. Creatures who do not rely on vision are not affected by this glamour. The defense remains until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth turn following its casting.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsImages have 11 PP.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
In response to an enemy making a successful save, the sorcerer can use a reaction to unwind the luck. Selecting a target within range who is known to have made a successful save, this axiom forces another d20 roll with all the same modifiers, forcing it to be used as the resulting save instead. This final roll is forced, even if the original save had been made with advantage or disadvantage. However, this cannot invalidate the chance skill should this forced roll happen to be a “natural 1.”
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsRange is 40 feet.
Move In Haste
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:2 turns
Cast on oneself, then the sorcerer can move as if using the dash skill, increasing his or her movement to double the normal rate. This can be performed even if a dash feature has been used previously without having a short rest. Movement in the round of casting is affected, and if movement has occurred before casting the axiom, then only whatever amount is left is doubled for that turn. Remember, movement calculations such as standing up are based off the normal movement rate. The length of time the increased movement lasts is until the end of the caster’s second subsequent turn. Lastly, if this is cast and used to flee, in no way does this offer protection from opponent’s flee-attacks.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Nauseating Breath
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:15 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The caster breathes out a cloud (9 hexes) of sickly green gas. Anyone caught in the cloud must make a successful Resilience save (Comp:13) or be stunned for d4 rounds. Helmets will not assist the save for this type of stunning effect. The affected target make another Resilience save (Comp:13) at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the stunned effect ends. When breathing victims are stunned by this effect, they fail any Body save or feat:; however, this automatic failures of the stun restriction do not apply to the subsequent saves to overcome the originating axiom effect.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Night Scar
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 feetDuration:28 days
The caster uses a glamour to place a magical mark upon another creature. The target is allowed a Will save to negate the spell. This mark is only visible to the sorcerer and up to seven other creatures he or she chooses. To those able to see it, the mark is visible even in magical or normal darkness. Even if the target changes shape, turns invisible, or cloaks itself in an illusion, the mark remains visible.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 35 days.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Schmerz
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Permanent
Self-sacrifice to bring a freshly-dead ally back to life is the purpose of this axiom. The ally must have died within the previous five minutes or this axiom will not work. When cast, the sorcerer suffers [n] number of points of necrotic damage to reduce him or her to the exact number that causes death (negative Resilience). That value of points is transferred to the recipient, who is restored to life. If the Body points restored are greater than the recipient’s maximum, then only the maximum amount can be received. Obviously this will only be used in extreme cases and likely only when the caster believes it is possible to be returned to life himself. If the sorcerer is protected from this type of damage in anyway, then the spell fails without helping the dead ally.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Odious Goo Entity
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Strix Cloud
Time Required:1 actionRange:5 feet / 90 feetDuration:Instantaneous
A cloud of gray shadowy goo is summoned by the sorcerer and appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the caster. The vile entity will move up to 90 feet to attack a target of the sorcerer’s choosing. The goo-entity has a movement rate of 90 feet, and will acts on its own at the end of the sorcerer’s turn. your choice that you can see ripping at the target’s eyes, flowing into its mouth, and menacing it any way it can. The goo monster makes a melee attack on 3d20 with a +6 to hit bonus on each die. If successfully hitting, it delivers 5 to 7 points of damage: 4 necrotic points plus 1 point per successful die in the die pool. The dice can produce critical damage on a “natural 20.” Additionally, the target must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:15). If succeeding, no further threat exists. On a failure, the goo makes its way into the mouth of the target; as a result, the victim is under the poisoned restriction as well as suffering an additional point of necrotic damage at the start of each of its following 6 rounds. The target can attempt another Resilience save at the end of each of its turns to spew the goo from its insides, which ends the ill effects. In the interim, the creature has 14 PP and a total of 13 Body points.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsAttack on 4d20 with +7 bonus. Resilience save (Comp:17).
Order to Stun
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Stronger Slumber
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:4 turns
This is a powerful upgrade from stronger slumber. Like the lesser version, it affects only a single target of the sorcerer’s choosing within range. Any creature whose maximum Mind score is 20 or lower falls unconscious and will remain in that state until the end of its fourth subsequent turn. The target cannot be wakened short of magical means. Upon becoming conscious again, the victim is subject to being in a surprise round for assessing its surroundings. Creatures who do not sleep or are immune to charm cannot be affected by this axiom. Additionally, if one has resistance to charm, then a special Judgment save (Comp:18) is permitted to avoid.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Veil
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:1 hour
The axiom creates a passage in a visible surface made of wood, plaster or stone which is within range. The extradimensional opening can be created any size up to 5 feet wide, 8 feet tall and 20 feet deep; however, those dimensions cannot be changed after the casting. This ethereal cavity causes no instability to the original structure. The dimensional warp will exist for one hour or can be dismissed by the caster with the use of an action. Upon its expiration or dismissal, the barrier returns to its impassible state. Further, any creatures or objects inside the passage are safely ejected to the nearest unoccupied space.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes. Depth can be up to 30 feet.
 10 Mind PointsDuration is 2 hours. Depth can be up to 40 feet.
Pebble to Boulder
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Stature
Time Required:1 reactionRange:40 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When the sorcerer throws a small rock towards one of his foes, this axiom can be used as a reaction to transmute the small stone into a boulder. This is triggered from the start of the throw, meaning the Mind points are used before rolling the success of the attack. The reaction grants the throw to have a minimum of 3d20 in the attacking die pool, but more might exist if other skills and conditions applied. The range attack is modified by Agility and the dice in the die pool are compared against the target’s PP. If successful, the boulder slams into the intended victim, using the points from the die point plus the better bonus of the sorcerer’s Agility bonus or 2 points. As an exception to the normal rules of range attacks, the boulder acts as if having a weapon weight of 3 points. This indicates damage will inflict a minimum of 6 points of blunt damage -- more with a high Agility or if a crit occurs. Finally, the victim must make a Resilience save (Comp:10) or be stunned until the start of its next turn. Helmets can reduce the Comp for the stunning effect.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsThe die pool has 4d20. Resilience save (Comp:11).
Personal Airing
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Whispering Wind
Time Required:1 actionRange:500 milesDuration:Instantaneous
Very similar to whispering wind, the sorcerer can send messages to someone at a distance. However, in this case, only one recipient is permitted, who must known personally. The recipient will hear the message in his or her mind as if spoken in the voice of the caster. The recipient will recognize the caster as the sender, and up to 1 minute (6 combat rounds) is allowed to reply with a single-word response. No more than 35 words can be sent in the message to the recipient. Additionally, the recipient once knowing the sender and meaning of the message can choose to share immediately, action required if relevant, the magical dispatch, which will be sounded in the voice of the sending mage. The range is 500 miles. However, the message is limited to the plane of existence where the sorcerer resides at the time of casting.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsRange is 750 miles.
Personal Silence
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:Touch / 500 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
For the duration, the touched recipient, which must be of medium size or smaller, will be covered by a shroud illusion. All sounds emanating from the target will be greatly muted. While the GM may alter the adjustment for different conditions and races, the normal penalty is -3 for those needing to make Perception check against the quiet recipient. Moreover, the recipient will not be deafened by the illusion and will be able to hear sounds outside of oneself. That said, his or her Perception checks suffer the same -3 penalty when sound is a primary component of the check, whether coming from himself or an external source. An internal example would be if the target stepped on a trigger that creaked, that sound would be muffled making it difficult to be aware that this occurred. The external sounds are penalized as the recipient is no longer hearing their own ambient noises and external sounds become a bit overwhelming. Assuming the recipient is not oneself, casting magic while under the effect is possible but only if using a method that can be performed in silence, such as “silent prayers” or using an axiom that states it can be used in silence. This axiom requires concentration to maintain; thus, the caster who placed the shroud may not make reactions nor can cast any new spell during this time. While concentrating, the sorcerer is not required to keep the recipient in sight but if the distance between the two becomes greater than 500 feet, the shroud will dispel.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsPersonal
Petty Glamour
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
The sorcerer creates an image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 15-foot cube. The glamour-illusion appears at a spot within range and lasts for the duration. The image is purely visual; it has no sound, smell, or other sensory effects. While existing, concentration is required, meaning the caster can take reactions and cannot cast new spells. On the sorcerer's initiative turn, by use of an action, he or she can move to the illusion to any spot within range. As the image changes location, the caster can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the glamour. For example, if the caster creates an image of a creature and moves it, it can be altered to appear as if it is walking. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. After each round, an observer makes a Logic preservation save against Comp:12 to notice the logical inconsistencies, such as no sound, etc.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsLogic save (Comp:13).
Phantasmal Distraction
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Petty Glamour
Time Required:1 actionRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
With this axiom, a mesmerizing pattern of images appear in the air for a moment then vanishes, potentially affecting creatures within a 25-foot diameter (19 hexes). Any sighted creature in the area must make a Judgment save against Comp:15. Any creature failing the save is effectively charmed by the phantasm, drawn in thought about some of their most personally favorite memories. This distraction lasts until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth subsequent turn. Creatures immune to charm are obviously not affected; however, those charmed are considered incapacitated and have a movement of zero. The spell ends for an individual creature if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its stupor. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsJudgment save (Comp:17).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Transmogrify
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Up to 1 hour
This axiom allows the sorcerer to transform into the shape of a new being. The type of form taken can be anything physically touched previously, even if dead; however, reading or imagining a creature is not sufficient. The form is not illusionary but a real transformation; however, there are a limited set of properties that can become part of this hybrid existence. First, nothing bigger than a large-sized creature can take shape, and nothing tinier than a small-sized creature can form. How a creature moves: flight, leaping, swimming, burrowing are all transferable. While the method of movement is granted, the speed remains the same as the caster’s normal, unarmored, unencumbered rate. Also, the vision of the creature, meaning normal, darkvision, night vision, echolocation or spirit sight can become part of the form’s senses; however, blindsight, devil sight and tremorsense cannot be obtained. Furthermore, his or her original accuracy and range of sight remains the same. In other words, becoming a hawk does not allow its telescopic vision. Method of breathing, whether aerobic, amphibious, water-breathing or that it doesn't breathe, are all properties that come from the new form.
If the creature has savage form or a monstrous attack, this can be used but not always to the full capacity. Poisons, acids, diseases, necrotic rot and curses as part of an attack will not become a component of the new form, only the physical biting, clawing or whatever is gained. Thus, while a sorcerer could polymorph into an acid ant, its corrosive spit would be useless. Additionally, the maximum dice used in an attack in the polymorphed form is 2d20, and only that can be achieved if the sorcerer or the creature is capable of inflicting that much by some normal attack. To clarify, if using savage form to attack, then a single attack using one or two dice in that die pool would be the most permitted. If the creature into which the caster has transformed has various appendages, the maximum number of appendages which could be used is two; even then, only 1d20 could be used in each die pool. Only if the creature whose form has been taken is capable of attacking different targets could the polymorphed version perform that. Spinning moves is non-functional in the transformed state.
Other properties that do not transfer are cantrips, incantations, axioms or magical abilities. Resistances are not gained. Skills are not gained. Further, the sorcerer's current value of Body points remain the same - with the caveat that upon the initial change, the sorcerer's body will heal d6 points of damage, not to exceed the max. Other than that, the caster and all his possessions transmute into the form of the new being. While in the new shape, the caster retains his voice but is not able to cast other axioms or cantrips; however, if the sorcerer does retain divine power to cast incantations, assuming any physical or material focus is not required. Further, no sub-attribute scores change, and the caster gains the better of his own or the new being's natural PP up to a maximum of 14 PP. As possessions are part of the transformation, no items use is permitted while in the new shape. As an action, the caster can choose to change form again, but no healing will occur.
Finally, the energy signatures in the lifesong of a polymorphed being will identify that being as its actual, original existence. If divine magic is able to identify an entity, then the true details of a polymorphed creature would be known. While polymorph can be used to form into nearly any creature, there are a few exceptions. One cannot take the form of a celestial, construct, fiend, glitch or kami.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsMaximum amount in a die pool is 3d20. Still limited to two savage-form appendages. PP value maximum is 15. Healing for initial change is 2d4.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Fear
Time Required:1 actionRange:120 feetDuration:Special
By use of this axiom, the sorcerer takes possession of another creature within range and in line of sight. The victim is allowed a Will preservation save against Comp:24 to avoid the effect; however, if failing, the victim is held as if in a restrained restriction. During this time, the caster must continue concentrating until the possession occurs or until it fails. At the end of the victim’s next turn, he or she makes another Will save against the same Comp. If successful, then the possession fails. If failing the save, then the target is fully possessed the sorcerer. Either way, concentration is no longer required. When the sorcerer has possession of the victim, a personality, mindset and goals virtually identical to the caster invades the recipient body. In the presence of the sorcerer, the possessed performs precisely as instructed. While in possession of the victim, all skills may be used as part of the autonomous will; however, no skills that rely on spirit will be accessible, including divine powers. There sorcerer does not have any telepathic connection with the possessed nor is the caster aware of the explicit skill set available. This means should the possessed be sent away to perform a task, it will use the skills it has, even those unknown to the caster, to best achieve the goal. The target still has a sense of self-preservation and will regroup and reattempt actions that are suicidal. The victim remains possessed until released or freed, after which he/she/it no understanding of what transpired while under the effect. For each hour of possession, the victim is permitted another save to see if the internal will breaks itself free. The Comp for the save is the original value but is lowered by 1 point for each hour that has passed since first being possessed.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsWill save (Comp:26).
Psychic Poison
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:Self / 30 feetDuration:1 hour
The sorcerer creates a field of energy that acts like a mental trap if there is an attempt at magical or psionic spying. For the duration, anything that attempts divination magic that reads or discerns information about things within 30 feet of the caster, then the pyschic poison will follow the portentous channel back to its source. The being behind the scry must make a Will save (Comp:15), taking 2d4 points of Mind damage on a failure and further being unable to retrieve the desired information. If the save is success, the information gleaned still happens; however, at the cost of half the Mind-point damage. This could happen on incantations, axioms, psionics or the use of a magical device, which might be as benign as discern language.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsWill save (Comp:17). Psychic damage is 3d4.
Psychic Shield
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
By placing this protection on a touched target or self, the spell-caster gives the recipient advantage against any incoming attack that forces a Mind sub-attribute save or contest for the duration of the axiom. While it is in effect, any form of thought-reading, detection of lying, scrying, telepathy, whispering wind or other divinations which do not typically allow a save used upon the effected target, a special Judgment preservation save (Comp:14) is passively made and typically without knowledge it happened. If successful, the target is fully protected from mental intrusion and probing. Finally, this offers no buffer against damage to the Mind score as a result of a failed save, half damage from a successful save or direct damage, such as from a weapon of nonsense.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsCompetition saves at advantage and gain +3 bonus. Special Judgment save (Comp:12).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Telekinesis
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:5 minutes
This is an improvement upon the telekinesis. The range is increased to 60 feet, and the movement rate becomes 2 feet per second. The total weight that can be affected is 50 pounds per point of current Logic score of the sorcerer. Finally, hypotenuse movement is also possible in the three dimensions. As with the lesser version, for every 100 pounds of a falling object, a d20 with no modifiers is rolled as a blunt attack against the opponent's PP. This does max out at the 5d20 rule.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Quick Step
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:1 hour
Upon touching a creature, its movement rate increases by 10 feet until the spell completes. Multiple castings on the same individual will not increase speed.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTwo recipients can be selected.
Random Casualty
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When the caster or an ally has been struck by an enemy, then a reaction can be used to cast this axiom. When the attack is determined to be a hit and will inflict damage, the injury is redirected to one of the attacker’s allies, selected randomly. The new target must roll a Will preservation save (Comp:13). If failing it, the injury and damage is transfered to the new target and leaves the original victim unharmed. Resistances and immunities of the new target would be calculated into the new value of damage delivered. If the save is successful, then the transfer failed and the ally will receive the damage at intended. If the attacker has no allies, then this axiom will not work. Further, if the attacker has allies but are unknown to the sorcerer, then the axiom will also fail.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsRange is 45 feet.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:3 turns
This transforms the caster’s skin and outer clothing (including armor) into razor sharp scales. Any creature that grapples, shoves, trips or even makes a touch-based attack against the sorcerer until the end of his third subsequent turn, must roll an Agility save (Comp:12). On a failed save, the creature takes d4 points of edged damage. A successful save avoids damage. Even if suffering damage, the competition or attack for contact will be rolled without adjustment.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Blink
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 milesDuration:Instantaneous
The caster teleports himself or herself from the current location to any other spot within 20 miles, arriving at exactly the spot desired. Objects brought along are limited only by the weight limit of what the caster can carry. Further, two additional willing subjects the same size or smaller (carrying gear within their weight capacities) can also be teleported. However, those additional subjects must be within 5 feet of the sorcerer at the time of its casting. If overburdened or the arrival location is already occupied, the sorcerer and traveling companions each suffer 2d4 body points of blunt damage, and the spell fails the transportation.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsRange is 35 miles. Three additional subjects can be transported.
Verbal, Gesture, [External]
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Sectantur
Time Required:SpecialRange:TouchDuration:Permanent
By means of this spell the magician can create a duplicate of any creature. The duplicate appears exactly the same as the real one; often used to infiltrate an organization. However, there are differences: the replica will have all of its sub-attributes at least one point lower than the original. As such, it will not be as strong, as smart, or as creative as the real version. This further means there will be gaps in knowledge the duplicate will have. Further, the entire being will radiate immediately with a detect magic, and true sight will reveal it for what it is. The creature is crafted from ice, stone and clay, mixed with either blood or flesh of the original. Creation requires one day of work for each point for Body, for each point for Mind, and for each point for Spirit; however, the replica can never have the values equal to what the blood or flesh of the original had at the time of gathering them. Further, powder of a crushed ruby is required for each three points. Thus, the absolute minimum version of a duplicate would be three days, while creating something that would pass as a human (9/9/9) would require about a month. After creation, the replica will be loyal to its creator; There is no special link between the two; thus, verbal explanation of what to do must be given. A replica will be believable as the original at first and only after the differences have time to reveal themselves will others be able to notice something is wrong. While the replica will have all the skills of the original, unless the attributes prevent them, any divine powers will fade away a little bit each month starting with the strongest ones. Incantations based on Spirit count equal to the points of their cost. Divine skills count equal to 1 point per 100 points of cost in karma. Thus, if the highest abilities are worth 4 points, the all of those would disappear after the first month. At the end of the next month, all the 3-pointers; and so on. Finally, these life-creations do not gather karma and cannot gain new skills.
* It is possible for a sorcerer to create a duplicate of oneself, but there is a reasonable chance the replica will believe it is the original and had created its master, which is an exception to the loyalty clause of the axiom. Being forced to work with one’s original will create a faithless and treacherous attitude over time.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Wrecking
Time Required:1 actionRange:15 feetDuration:6 turns
When this axiom is cast, the sorcerer is able to create an area relative to his position, arcing 120° outward to 15 feet, that will cause any creature in the path of the area of effect to move away from his or her person. Any creature starting its turn or moving through the area of repulsion will be forced 15 feet in an opposite direction of the sorcerer from the hex first violating the area. If forced through additional hexes, these will not add to the movement. However, the 15 feet of repulsion will count against that creature’s movement, and the full 15 feet will be used even if it exceed the creature’s natural maximum. Should a solid object unable to topple, such as a wall, exists prior to the 15-foot pushing, then creature suffers 1 point of blunt damage for each 5 feet short of the total. If trapped against a wall when starting its turn, the creature would suffer 3 points of blunt damage. If still trapped in the repulsion area with movement remaining, then it can escape in a parallel direction of (but not towards) the caster at a cost of 15-feet of movement per hex. Also, as the caster moves, the area moves with him or her and rotates according to the direction faced. The repulsion lasts until the end of the caster’s six turn following casting it.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Retro Motus
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Teleport Sigil
Time Required:1 reactionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When any creature within 60 feet of the sorcerer uses method of instantaneous dimensional travel, such as dimension door, teleport or a method of shifting planes of existence, then this axiom can be used as a reaction to that event. The creature who made the dimensional travel must make a Muse preservation save (Comp:24). If it fails, the teleportation or planar travel loops back upon itself, and the target reappears in the space it occupied before it traveled in this way.
Oversiphoned:10 Mind PointsMuse save (Comp:28).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Fireball
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom is a converted alteration of the fireball axiom, specifically designed for battles on crowded streets. The magic creates a burst of concussive force that disorients victims without causing permanent harm. Each creature in the 25-foot diameter circle (19 hexes) centered on a point of the sorcerer’s choosing must make a Resilience save (Comp:15). Targets take 2d6 points of “potential” blunt damage on a failed save. Half that “potential” amount is calculated for those who make a successful one. The damage is only real if the inflicted amount were to reduce a target to zero Body points or lower; those victims fall unconscious immediately. Otherwise, 2 points of blunt damage are inflicted to those failing the original Resilience save and 1 point for those saving. All those knocked unconscious are reduced to precisely 1 Body points, are stable but unconscious. Such as target can be awakened as if under the asleep restriction.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:17). Range is 70 feet. “Potential” damage is 2d8.
Reverse Arrow
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When an enemy within 60 feet uses some method of physical range attack against a single creature, such as shooting an arrow or hurling a hammer, then the sorcerer can use a reaction to cast this axiom. The sorcerer can know the potential outcome of the range attack before choosing this reaction. The creature who launched the attack must make a Judgment preservation save (Comp:13). Upon failing this save, the missile becomes charmed in a what that at the halfway point, it spins, reserves itself and makes an attack against the originator of the attack. All dice are rolled normally and compared against attacker’s PP rather than the intended target.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsRange: 70 feet. Judgment save (Comp:14).
Ruthless Assault
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SpecialDuration:Until end of next turn
As a reaction to an attempt of a melee attack, the caster gains the attack as if having advantage on the attack. This can neutralize being at disadvantage or will grant an extra die in the primary hand die pool plus the bonus damage. The state of being at advantage lasts until the end of the sorcerer’s next turn, meaning if using an melee attack action on his or her next turn, advantage would still be in play. Further, one creature of the caster’s choosing who is starts its next turn within 10 feet of the sorcerer and before the end of the caster’s next turn gains the same advantage benefit for its one action.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Sabotage Mark
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Fiery Crescendo
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom will infiltrate a victim’s lifesong and select an explosive substance at random, such as explosive oil or high-grade alcohol flask, assuming it is on the being, causing the volatile substance to combust and inflict the like damage upon the target. However, the magic must overcome the protection of the lifesong, allowing the mark to roll a Will preservation save (Comp:15) to prevent the explosion. This axiom can also be used against objects which are not protected by a lifesong, such as a barrel of grain alcohol; these require no save to combust. It is important to note that no other oils on the target will explode as a result of the initial explosion. Further, only volatile substances can be targeted; it will not set ablaze paper, wood or normal combustibles. Explosions are based on the substance; see Explosive Oil in the Market subsection.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:3 turns
When enchanting a melee weapon, until the end of the caster’s third following turn, that weapon will be imbued with a special dimensional warp. If successfully striking a target with that weapon and that target is wearing armor whose real weight is 20 pounds or more, then in addition to the normally inflicted damage from the strike, an ephemeral dimensional breech in the armor exists, effectively lowering the victim’s PP by 1 point. Repeated strikes against the same victim will be cumulative with each strike from that weapon lowering another point. However, power of the weapon and all the holes in everyone’s armor as a result revert to normal at the end of the axiom.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 4 rounds.
Scattered Form
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:5 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When casting, the sorcerer’s body briefly transforms, shattering into a horde of insects to attack nearby creatures before instantly reforming in the same location. Each adjacent creature, other than the caster, must roll an Agility save (Comp:12), taking 2 points of piercing damage on a failure, or 1 point on a success.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Dirge Chamber
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:3 turns
When casting schmerz, the caster chooses a target and creates a magical link between their lifesongs. Until the end of the caster’s next three turns, any damage he or she suffers will be shared with that target. The sorcerer still receives the inflicted damage, but a like amount is sent to the recipient as necrotic damage. This occurs every time the caster is harmed by Body damage; other damage or influences do not transfer. However, for each time incoming damage is sent to the target, the victim rolls a Resilience save (Comp:15), and if successful, suffers only a single point of damage instead.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsDuration is 5 rounds. Resilience save (Comp:18).
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Requirement: Valet
Time Required:1 actionRange:10 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
The sorcerer summons a magical quill that writes down anything said by the caster. The quill can write on any surface. The quill will not scribe magic spells. The quill continues writing and does not run out of ink for the duration, so long as the sorcerer maintains his or her concentration.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe
Verbal, Gesture, External, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Whispering Wind
Time Required:5 minutesRange:SelfDuration:Up to 10 minutes
The caster can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence. However, this requires a magical focus item, such as a crystal ball or an ornate mirror. The item must be of significant value, at least 5,000 bits. The target must make a Judgment feat (Comp:11), which is modified by the best condition in the table below. Note this is a feat, not a preservation save. If a target wishes, it can fail the save voluntarily if it wants to be observed. On a successful save, the target isn't affected and immune from the same person scrying for 24 hours. On a failed save, the axiom creates an invisible sensor within 10 feet of the target through which things can be seen and heard. The sensor moves with the target, remaining within 10 feet of it for the duration. While the scrying occurs, the caster must maintain concentration, making reactions and new spell-castings impossible.
ConditionComp Modification
Caster has only secondhand knowledge of target-6
Caster has personally met target0
Caster has a picture or likeness of target+1
Caster has garment or possession of target+2
Caster is familiar with target+3
Caster has target's hair, finger nail or similar+5
Caster has blood of the target+7
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is up to 15 minutes. Judgment feat (Comp:14).
Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 minuteRange:TouchDuration:1 week
This axiom allows the sorcerer to write on parchment, paper, or other writing material, imbuing it with a shroud-illusion that lasts for a week. To the caster and any two creatures he or she designates at the time of casting, the writing appears normal and conveys whatever meaning intended when the note was written. To all others, the writing appears as if it were written in an unknown language and is unintelligible. Alternatively, the sorcerer could make the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in different handwriting in any language in which the caster is literate. Should the writing have arcane disruption cast on it, then both the original script shroud will disappear. Furthermore, a creature with truesight can read the hidden message. While unlikely to need to do so, this axiom can be cast in silence, only requiring the writing of the note and materials to create it.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe caster and three creatures can read the writing.
Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Up to 1 week
By the use of this magical power, the sorcerer can turn any object under one pound and no longer than one-foot in any dimension into a location device. The object does not reveal anything about its surroundings, but it could be used in conjunction with a scry with a +6 bonus, assuming the object is on the subject being viewed. Otherwise, this object allows the sorcerer to know its location so long as it is still on the same plane of existence. That location is relative from the sorcerer in cardinal points and distance without the exact location being known. Requesting a location from the object can be performed seven times before the object loses its charm. Once checking that many times, the spell effect expires. Finally, if the sorcerer has mago-mathematics, then he or she can decipher the teleport coordinates from the location, similar to teleport sigil on a Perception feat against Comp:15.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsLocation requests can be performed nine times. Duration is up to 8 days.
See Invisible
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:1 hour
th: 17%; color: #696969;">Duration:1 hour
For the duration, the sorcerer sees all invisible creatures as if they were visible. Additionally, those invisible will appear with a dim glow to him or her, allowing the caster to know the seen creature is actually invisible.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Seeking Missile
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
In response to a failed missile attack where every die in the die pool fails to strike the intended target, the sorcerer can use a reaction to cast this axiom. As a result, the sorcerer knew the project was going to miss, and this axiom causes the projectile to change direction in mid-air to strike a different foe within 20 feet of the original target. The “second” attack against the different foe is at disadvantage.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Servant Army
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Valet
Time Required:1 actionRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
The sorcerer creates a number of invisible, mindless, shapeless forces that perform simple tasks at his or her command. Roll 3d4 to determine how many servants are created. Each servant obeys any verbal commands that the caster issues (no action required but speaking rules may apply). However, if no commands are given, a servant does nothing as it awaits the next command. Once given a command, each servant performs its task to the best of its ability until its task is completed. It then waits for the next command. The servants can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs as well as clean and mend. A servant can also be used for common laborious tasks, if carefully directed. The servants are no better or faster at tasks than a basic or unskilled commoner would be. The servants can serve food or wine at a banquet, help dig earthworks, row a ship, act as porters, fold clothes, or assist in a farmer’s fields. Each servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity continuously if told to do so. This allows the sorcerer to command one servant to perform a repetitive task and then turn his or her attention elsewhere if remaining within range. Servants can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and so forth. For any calculation where Strengthwould need to be used in a calculation, it is considered to be a score of 3, allowing them to carry 30 pounds, and push or drag 75 pounds. They can trigger traps and such, but they can exert only 75 pounds of force, which may not be enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. A servant’s speed is 15 feet. The servants cannot attack in any way, and are never allowed to make an attack roll. The servants cannot be killed but can be destroyed by anti-magic or other disruption. If the sorcerer attempts to send a servant beyond 90 feet, that servant ceases to exist.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Shadow Path
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Shadow Turf
Time Required:10 minutesRange:SpecialDuration:8 hours
This axiom is both a shroud and a glamour that will hide a path or road of the sorcerer’s choosing, while simultaneously creating an illusory path that starts at any point within range 200 feet. The illusory path continues in a direction chosen for up to a number of miles equal to the caster’s Logic score. This illusory path avoids obstacles. It will not provide bridges, stairs, ladders, ramps, or other methods to travel through impassable terrain. The path will not cross cliffs or rivers more than four feet deep. A creature following the original path must make a Muse save (Comp:21) when it comes to the start of the illusory path. On a failed save, the creature follows the illusory path as if it were the real one. If the path moves through difficult terrain, the creature believes the path slopes and twists to justify its reduction in speed. On a successful save, the creature sees both paths, but the illusory path appears shadowy. This axiom can be cast in silence or if magically muted.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsDuration is 12 hours.
Shadow Turf
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Strong Glamour
Time Required:10 minutesRange:SpecialDuration:24 hours
The caster uses a combination of glamours and shrouds to make natural terrain in a 150-foot cube look, sound, and smell like some other sort of natural terrain. Thus, open fields or a road can be made to resemble a swamp, hill, crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a grassy meadow, a precipice like a gentle slope, or a rock-strewn gully like a wide and smooth road. Manufactured structures, equipment, and creatures within the area will not be changed in appearance. The tactile characteristics of the terrain are unchanged, so creatures entering the area are likely to be aware of the illusion. However, unless touching the area, observers must explicitly state they are inspecting it; if doing so, a Perception save is needed against Comp:17 to become cognizant that it is an illusion. Even if a creature discerns the illusion exists, traveling at a slower pace (-15 movement) is required to ensure safe travel when traversing through it. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is 48 hours.
Shape Water
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:10 feetDuration:Up to 30 minutes
This skill affects an area of water that can be seen within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube (up to 125 cubic feet), which can be manipulated it in one of the following ways:
  • Change the flow of the water as the sorcerer direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. It is not enough to cause damage.
  • Cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate as desired direction.
  • Alter the water’s color or opacity. The effected water will be changed in the same way throughout.
  • The sorcerer freezes the water if there are no creatures in it.
If this axiom is cast a second time, the original shaped-water effect is dismissed.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsAffected area is up to 500 cubic feet with 5 feet being the minimum and 10 feet being the maximum for any single dimension.
Shark Tracking
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:Up to 8 hours
By having a bit of the target’s blood, the sorcerer can track as if having the tracker skill for purpose of pursuing that specific target. No other targets could be tracked. The amount of blood is minimal; even a drop would be sufficient. It can be retrieved from weapons and or from a source up to one year old. The blood used is destroyed in the process of the casting. This allows the sorcerer to can a subtle sense of the direction and movement, sometimes seeing traces of the tracked being’s lifesong or a shadowy movement left behind as an echo. Perhaps even the target’s odor lingers in a direction. All of this translates to same as the tracker skill. However, if the sorcerer is a tracker, this axiom will not combine to grant any additional bonuses for following the target. The entity tracked can be anything that has blood; therefore, constructs, elementals and undead are unable to be pursued by this magic. Finally, this axiom requires concentration, meaning while the effect continues up to 8 hours, the sorcerer cannot cast other spells or use reactions.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Shelter Other
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:Touch / 15 feetDuration:Up to 15 minutes
This axiom creates a magical connection between the sorcerer and an ally, such that any personally-targeting spells, either axioms or incantations, that would harm the ally are redirected to the sorcerer instead. Whenever the caster is within 15 feet of that creature and whenever it is forced to make a save against a spell or is targeted by a spell attack, the spell targets the sorcerer instead. If the spell forces a save, the sorcerer makes ones own save and suffers the effects based on success or failure. If the spell is an attack requiring to strike a PP score, then the sorcerer’s PP is used instead. This effects ends early if the chosen creature is ever more than a mile away from the caster. Lastly, to maintain this protection, the sorcerer must maintain concentration and apply all the penalties from that.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:6 turns
This creates an invisible force around the caster which effectively gives him or her “half-cover” but can move freely without the restriction of being stuck in place as happens under normal cover. This protection lasts until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is 9 rounds.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:Touch / 10 feet / 60 feetDuration:Up to 3 turns
After the sorcerer touches a shield, it animates, hovers and moves to protect a target chosen within 10 feet of the caster. Until the end of the sorcerer’s third following turn and while concentration is maintained, the shield hovers within the chosen creature’s space and grants the appropriate armor class and other protections as if the creature were using it with the shield-use skill. If the target is currently wielding a shield, then this axiom offers no benefit beyond looking impressive, even if it provides Protective Points. Once the shield’s recipient has been chosen, it cannot be changed for the duration of the spell, which also requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer can use no reactions, cannot cast new axioms or divine incantations, and any combat attack will be made at disadvantage. If shield-protected being moves more than 60 feet away from the sorcerer, becomes invisible or line of sight becomes blocked, then the axiom ends early. When the spell ends, the floating shield falls gently to the ground at the chosen creature’s feet.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is 5 rounds.
Shimmering Armor
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
This allows an unarmored and willing creature to become protected by a shimmering force of magical armor. The target’s armor base becomes 6 PP. The spell can be dismissed at the will of the sorcerer by taking an action. It can only be used on a recipient who is not wearing armor, but the axiom allows the recipient to use its Logic modifier to adjust its PP. After casting this axiom, it cannot be cast again until the sorcerer uses a short rest.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTwo separate recipients can be protected.
Shuriken of Shadow
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a target within range, and the target must be visibly seen even if using darkvision. The caster hurls a wickedly-bladed, black dart at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the caster further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If the caster is in dim light or darker, then the 1d20 is made with advantage. Likewise, if the target is is direct sunlight, then its PP acts as if 2 points higher. A successful strike inflicts d4 points of piercing damage against the enemy’s Body score.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDamage is d6.
Sigil Drift
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 minuteRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
All magical glyphs and symbols within range faintly glow and can be safely read and identified if the sorcerer is familiar with the spell or rune that created them. In addition, the caster can select one of the glyphs or symbols and move it safely to another suitable surface within range without triggering its effects. This axiom prevents the sorcerer from triggering glyphs and symbols within range while maintaining concentration but such prevention does not extend to other creatures should they disrupt the glyph. Further, prevention from triggering the symbol does not protect the caster should the effect embedded in it erupt.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
For the duration, a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point chosen within range is covered with a shroud illusion. No sound can be created within or pass through this space. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere are effectively deafened while entirely inside the area. Casting is rarely possible while in silence. If using divine powers, then the “silent prayers” must be used. All axioms that are not reactions or specifically stated usable within silence are unable to be cast within the sphere. The silence will remain up to 10 minutes as long as the sorcerer maintains concentration, which means no reactions can be taken and no new spells can be cast.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Skeleton Key
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Instantaneous
Attempts to open a lock. Standard locks are Comp:9. Roll a d20 plus Logic score to open. This can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Skip Moment
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Hideaway
Time Required:1 action or reactionRange:TouchDuration:3 turns
With this axiom, the sorcerer forces a target through a dimension where time works differently. What seems like an instant will equate to 30 seconds of time passing from the location left. This effectively sends the recipient forward in time 30 seconds. This is tracked in the game by initiative, having the target roll during each round but not allowed to its turn until reappearing. Upon the start of the target's third subsequent turn, it will reappear and able to use that turn; however, if using this axiom on oneself, then the reappearance seems like the casting just completed, and thus no action or movement can be taken. When reentering from the temporal dimension, the recipient will reappear in the same space vacated, or the closest empty space. From the perspective of those remaining, it is as if the target simple does not exist for those few moments. The casting is uses as an action when placed oneself or a willing target. However, if selecting a hostile creature, the sorcerer would use an action to establish a successful touch-based attack. Then he or she would use a reaction to cast this effect. However, when pushing a combative opponent through the para-dimension, releasing one’s grip must be perfect. The sorcerer must roll a Judgment save (Comp:16) or be dragged into the vortex with the victim and reappearing on the victim's turn as well.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe caster can choose from 2 to 4 rounds for the duration before reappearing. The duration must be selected at the time of casting.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 feetDuration:2 turns
The sorcerer forces from up to four targets within range to fall into an enchanted slumber. Creatures in a 60-degree cone up to 20 feet from the caster are potential victims. However, only those having a maximum Mind score of 10 or lower can be affected. Qualifying adversaries closest to the caster will become a victim. If more than one are equidistant, then the one with the lowest current Mind is selected first. When a target is determined to be a victim, then tally its maximum Mind score. When another target becomes a victim, add its Mind score to the running total. When either four victims or 40 total points of Mind score have been affected, then no more prey of this axiom are selected. A slept creature is under the unconscious restriction but can be awakened as the asleep restriction. If the victim is still asleep at the end of a its second turn following being affected, it will awaken on its own; however, it is subject to being in a surprise round for assessing its surroundings. This axiom can only affect anthropoids and atavistoids. However, elves, any beings who are immune (or even resistant) to charm, persons with a shielded mind, and those who do not sleep cannot be affected even if they are part of an affected phylum. Those with mental fortitude who are still valid to be targeted are permitted a Judgment preservation save against (Comp:15) to avoid the effect.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is 4 rounds.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Permanent
With this axiom, the sorcerer places an oily material over a 10-ft diameter surface (7 hexes), which acts as difficult terrain. It can be placed over an occupied area. Further, any creature starting its turn in the area or moving into it, not using flight or other means to avoid the surface, must make an Agility feat (sub-attribute plus bonuses) against Comp:9 or fall prone when attempting to move. Depending on the surface, the oil might be absorbed or dried out after between 6 and 48 hours.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsSurface area is 12 adjacent hexes in any pattern.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:6 turns
When targeting a single opponent, that victim must make a Judgment preservation save against a Comp:13. If failing the save, then that creatures movement is lowered by 20 feet. If that reduction causes the effected to be at zero or lower, then the target is under the restrained restriction. However, this effect cannot be cast again upon the same target as it is not cumulative. The duration of the affliction is until the end of the victim’s sixth turn under the effect.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth.
Snow Boots
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
This axiom creates pockets of light force around the legs and feet of oneself or a willing recipient that is Large size-category or smaller. The magical force allows one to hover slightly above snowy or muddy surfaces. For the duration, moving through difficult terrain made of ice, snow or mud will not cost you extra movement nor risk one’s feet slipping. The magic can even allow walking over quicksand as if it were difficult terrain without the fear of sinking. However, this will offer not help on a liquid surface or falling from a height.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a target within 30 feet who can be visibly seen, then hurls a bolt of electricity at that target as a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If successful, then d4 points of lightning damage is inflicted against Body.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsVictim blinded until the end of its next turn on failed Resilience save (Comp:12).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Quick Step
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:6 turns
Upon selecting a single target, the caster increases the recipient’s movement by 20 feet until the end of the recipient’s sixth subsequent turn. In addition to this, the target is at advantage for any Agility save or feat. This is effective for reversing the effects of a ghoul or spells like ghoul touch and slow.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Sprint
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:1 hour
Upon touching a willing creature, the target’s movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells, illusions and other magical effects can neither reduce the target’s speed nor cause the target to be paralyzed or restrained. The target can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on the target's movement or attacks.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is 2 hours.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Up to 6 turns
Selecting a creature or an object seen within range, the sorcerer makes it grow larger or smaller until the end of the target’s six subsequent turn; however, the results are restricted size categories between small and large. The creature or object must not be worn or carried by another. If the target is unwilling, it can make a Resilience preservation save against Comp:13. On a success, the spell has no effect. If the target is a creature, everything it is wearing and carrying changes size with it. Any item dropped by the affected returns to normal size at once. This axiom can be cast in silence, but the duration requires concentration, meaning the caster may not use reactions or cast new spells while the effect is maintained. If enlarging is chosen, then the target doubles in all dimensions, increases in weight by eightfold, moves to one higher Size Category and gains advantage on all saves for body sub-attributes; additionally, all d20 attacks gain a +1 bonus if growing to the Large size category. If making the target smaller, then it is halved in all dimensions, and its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This reduction decreases its size by one category — from Medium to Small, or from Large to Medium. Large and Huge creatures who are reduced suffer a -1 penalty to all d20 attacks. Until the axiom ends, a reduced target also has disadvantage on body sub-attribute saves.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsRange is 40 feet. Duration is up to 8 rounds.
Stature Exanimate
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Stature
Time Required:1 minuteRange:TouchDuration:8 hours
This effect is an enhancement of the stature spell; however, it can only target inanimate objects. There is no size restriction for this axiom, but like its predecessor, the object cannot be worn or carried by another when enchanting. If shrinking the object, it can be reduced to 25% of its original dimensions; however, its weight is not exactly proportional being only reduced to 10% of its original weight. Thus a three-foot barrel with a 20-inch diameter, weighing 200 lbs. would become 9 inches tall with a 5-inch diameter, weighing 20 lbs. If growing the object, it will triple in dimension and ten times in weight. Thus that same barrel would be 9 feet tall with a 5-foot diameter; plus, it would weigh 2000 lbs.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsDuration is 16 hours.
Stolen Breath
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Up to 3 turns
The axiom draws breath from a victim. The sorcerer chooses one target within range. That target must succeed on a Resilience save (Comp:13) or spectral claws reach into its chest and rip the air out of its lungs. On a failure, it immediately begins asphyxiating without the benefit of holding its breath. This means that the victim instantly suffers a degree of exhaustion. However, no more than one degree of exhaustion from asphyxiation can occur within a 24-hour period. Further, for a victim who failed its save, it makes another Resilience save against the original Comp at the end of its next turn. If succeeding that save, the effects end and the victim can breath again. Otherwise, the victim adds an additional round of time of asphyxiation and is under the restriction of the same name. These saves continue at the end of each turn until either the save is made or the third subsequent turn under the effect. If the victim exceeds the total number of rounds permitted while being in the state of asphyxiation, its Body score will immediately becomes zero, resulting in unconsciousness with the victim immediately breathing again. Thus, this axiom will not bring about death to the victim by itself. Obviously, creatures that don’t need to breathe are unaffected by this axiom.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 4 rounds. Resilience save (Comp:14).
Stone Spiders
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Pebble to Boulder
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:6 turns
The sorcerer casts this axiom on three small stone pebbles in range, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The pebbles grow and turn into constructs that look like stone spiders. The constructs grow to size-category: Huge. The constructs created with this axiom are friendly to the caster and his or her companions. They obey any verbal commands that the caster issues to them (not an action), using the rules of communication. If the sorcerer doesn't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. Each stone spider has 27 Body points (6s for sub-attributes); can move 60 feet; have PP 19; and have a savage form die pool with 3d20 (+6 to hit, +2 to damage above the dice). Each has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. The constructs have immunity to poison and Mind damage. Further, if their bite is successful, the victim must make a Judgment save (Comp:16) or suffer d4 Mind points and fall under the poisoned restriction through the duration of the axiom. If not destroyed prior, the constructs revert back to pebbles at the end of the sixth subsequent turn of the sorcerer.
Oversiphoned:8 Mind PointsDuration is 8 rounds.
Strix Cloud
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Connecronism
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When casting the strix cloud two shadowy clouds appear, swirling around and engulfing a single target within 60 feet. Effectively, this is a 2d20 attack against the victim's PP with no bonuses to hit and each die inflicting d4 points of necrotic damage. However, if any d20 does strike, then that glob of necrotic energy adheres itself to the victim’s lifesong where upon the caster’s next turn it will drain another point of blood. Since the force is not physical, removing it by hand is not an option. However, it is subject to disrupt magic and other similar means.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsThree shadowy clouds appear.
Strong Glamour
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Petty Glamour
Time Required:1 actionRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 10 minutes
The sorcerer creates a glamour-illusion of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. The image appears at a visible spot within range and lasts for the duration. Of course the axiom requires concentration, meaning the caster cannot take reactions or cast new spells. The glamour seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted; however, sufficient heat or cold cannot be created to cause damage nor can sound be loud enough to deafen. As long as the sorcerer is within range of the illusion, he or she can use a turn to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, it can be altered so its appearance and movements appear natural. Similarly, the caster can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. Otherwise, one would have to explicitly examine the illusion, finding flaws if making a Logic save against Comp:15.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsLogic save (Comp:17)
Stronger Slumber
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Sleep
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 feetDuration:2 turns
This is an improved version of the sleep axiom; however, this affects only a single target of the sorcerer’s choosing within range. Any creature whose current Mind score is 13 or lower are subject to this charm. This means it is popular to attempt on other sorcerers who have been observed casting several axioms. Any creature whose maximum Mind score is 10 or lower will fall asleep with no save. Any other target must roll a Judgment preservation save (Comp:13). On a successful save, the slumber is fought off and the axiom’s duration ends. On a failed save, the victim falls unconscious and will remain in that state until the end of its second subsequent turn. However, the target can be wakened as under the asleep restriction. When waking, the victim is subject to being in a surprise round for assessing its surroundings. Creatures who do not sleep or are immune to charm cannot be affected by this axiom. Additionally, if one has resistance to charm, then a special Judgment save (Comp:13) is permitted to avoid.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsCreatures whose current Mind score is 15 or lower are subject to the charm. Judgment save (Comp:15).
Sudden Formation
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Telekinesis
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer observes up to four creatures, who must be willing to accept the relocation. After choosing these creatures, the sorcerer can immediately move those targets to a maximum of 15 feet each; however, the total movement used can only be half of the the sorcerer’s normal movement. Once the caster ends these movement, each creatures chosen is permitted to use an available reaction to move an additional 10 feet without provoking a flee attack.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsThe total movement used is equal to the sorcerer’s normal movement.
Summon Equine Beings
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:Up to 30 minutesRange:2 milesDuration:Up to 8 hours
The caster is able to summon one type of the following equine or quasi-equine beings to his location. Naturally, this spell works only outdoors. The caster begins humming and singing and continues uninterrupted until the called appear or thirty minutes has elapsed. First, the GM must determine what, in any, creatures are in range. If unknown, then the table below can be used for random response on a d20:
 d20 Result
 1-5No response
 6-123d4 ponies, burros, or donkeys
 13-162d4 horses or mules
 17-18d6 centaurs
 19d4 pegasi/hippocampi
 20d2 unicorns
The odds of any hippocampi appearing in a forest would be nil, but if cast near the ocean or shoreline, it might respond. If the summoner requests the beings to assist in combat, the respondents are considered free-willed but would consider the caster a friend. If asked to perform tasks and treated friendly, the called beings might remain with the sorcerer up to 8 hours. Conversely, if someone in the area cast this axiom and the party’s horses feel the urge to respond, then such creatures would be allowed a Mind competition against the caster to resist.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Supreme Fortune
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Mishap
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Up to 3 turns
The recipient of this spell gains a unique “double-advantage” on three rolls, be they attribute checks, saves, or single die of an attack die pool it makes before the end of its third turn after receiving this probability-altering axiom. When using this benefit, the recipient rolls two extra d20s and uses the highest of the three for its roll, but it can only be applied to a single die. Once this benefit is used three times, the spell ends, or at the end of the recipient’s third turn regardless if uses remain.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Symbolize Lifesong
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Scry
Time Required:2 roundsRange:TouchDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom is very similar to the invocation hearken lifesong; however, the process of casting and creation of the symbol require a longer casting time. Unlike the priestly ability, this axiom not only allows the sorcerer to hear and see the lifesong but the pattern is transcribed into a complex glyph. Also unlike hearken lifesong, the sorcerer does not rely on mnemonic recognition when comparing lifesong patterns but rather the sorcerer can use glyph analysis to compare different written patterns. The sorcerer does not gain direct knowledge of bestial-kingdom, gender, immunities or other details but merely transcribes the unique pattern on to paper. While unlikely to be cast during combat, the casting time would encompass two turns. The first action, which would require touching the subject until the start of the next turn. The second action would be for the sorcerer to hover his or her hand over a paper to form the magical symbol, which will have some visible aspects to it; however, much of the lifesong pattern will be invisible to anyone without reading it magically. Further, this written glyph can be used as a graven image with the power as if it were fresh blood for any magics that enhance the effects based on such thing; e.g. scry.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:20 feetDuration:2 miuntes
This spell allows the sorcerer to target a single non-living object weighing up to 100 pounds and move it in any direction, including defying gravity within a 20-foot radius of the caster. The speed of movement is 1 foot per second. Only one dimension can be traversed at one time. Therefore moving an object from one location 10 feet to near the caster, then raise it 20 feet in the air would require 30 seconds to complete, during which concentration would be needed; thus the sorcerer could not use any reactions or cast new spells during this time. Objects bundled together in a sack or tied up can be affected as a single object so long as nothing living is part of the mix. While this is rarely used as a combat spell, it is possible to levitate something heavy then drop in on an opponent. For every 100 pounds of a falling object, a d20 with no modifiers is rolled as a blunt attack against the opponent's PP. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute. The maximum duration of telekinesis is two minutes, 120 seconds or until the start of the caster’s twelfth subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Relocate
Time Required:1 actionRange:10 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom teleports the sorcerer and up to 1500 pounds (persons or objects) from the current location to any other spot on the same plane of existence. The location must be known and visited previously by the caster or an exact distance and direction selected to successfully transport. Optionally, the caster could know the teleport sigil pattern to the precise coordinates. Objects brought along are limited only by the weight limit of what the caster can carry. Additional travelers must be within 5 feet of the sorcerer at the time of its casting. If overburdened or the arrival location is already occupied, the sorcerer and traveling companions each suffer 2d4 body points of blunt damage, and the spell fails the transportation. However, if the area has a active teleport sigil, then this will hold those teleporting in a pocket-dimension for up to one minute before failing in case the occupied space is cleared in that time.
Oversiphoned:10 Mind PointsDamage upon failure is 2 points.
Teleport Sigil
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 5
Requirement: Magomathematics Skill
Time Required:10 minutesRange:10 feetDuration:1 month
This creates a magical glyph of teleport coordinates for the location. The sorcerer draws a 10-foot circle on the group with chalk and ink, a consumed cost of 100 bits. When doing so, for the next month this location has an active sigil the circle acts as its own teleport coordinates. Due to the relativity of the ubiquiverse, coordinates are constantly changing even for locations that seem to be fixed locations. However, the circle defines its own static signature and is affixed to the physical position. Therefore, the teleport can be made to the circle rather than the actual location, meaning this pattern can be copied to a scroll or other image and given to a teleporter who is not familiar with the point. The glyph loses its potency after one month. Once it has expired, re-casting it will produce a new pattern, making previously distributed scrolls and images moot and will fail. However, it can become permanent if this axiom is recast on an active sigil every day for one month. Lastly, a teleport sigil can be used for blink, dimension door, relocation and teleport. Further, this spell can be performed inside a silence effect.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Tentacle Guard
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:3 turns
Two 10-foot long green tentacles sprout from the right and left sides of the sorcerer’s body. These serve in two ways. First, these can grab heights and walled surfaces to permit the sorcerer to climb up vertical surfaces at the same movement speed as the caster’s walking speed. The second option, which cannot be enacted unless standing on a flat surface, these long, additional arms can act to occupy or challenge three hexes in front of the sorcerer. Hostile creatures, however, can only occupy those guarded hexes by forcing a challenge. The hostile creature can use either Strength or Agility at their choice, but the tentacles will always use Strength as if having a value of 4. If challenging a space in front of the caster and the tentacles win, the caster may move through that space without requiring a second check for his torso to pass. Once cast, these tentacles remain until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTentacle Strength acts as if having a value of 5.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:3 turns
This necromantic axiom fills the wounds of a being with magical sphacelus, lasting for the recipient’s next three turns. This could grant a bonus to the target’a melee attacks. To calculate, determine the total points of damage. For each full 10 points, the target gains +1 necrotic damage to each individual melee attack. Thus, if a fighter with 24 Body max has only 4 points remaining, then he or she would gain +2 necrotic damage; this bonus would count towards each target, but not die pool if a “multi-strike” were made. If cast again before the duration is up, then the first enchantment is ruined and replaced by the second casting’s values; the bonuses do not stack. Lastly, the recipient cannot be a construct or undead; however, all other categories of life can receive the necromancy.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Thicken Damage
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When casting any axiom that produces damage against a single opponent within 30 feet, then the sorcerer may use a reaction to add this axiom to the result. When rolling damage for the original spell, the sorcerer’s player can choose to reroll as many of the damage dice as desired; however, the second result of the new die rolls must be used - for better or worse.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Torus Of Destruction
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:3 turns
Upon casting, a visible, circular energy surrounds the sorcerer. This magical power can be either cold, fire or lightning at the choice of the caster but remains that energy type until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn. The height of the torus is equal to the height of the caster but offers no obscuring effect. Any creature starting its turn in a hex adjacent to the caster or moving through an adjacent hex, be it friend, foe or neutral, will suffer 1 point of damage of the appropriate energy type. The caster may use this offensively, moving to a space that will make an opponent begin its turn in an adjacent hex. Or it may be used defensively, so that only those who approach the sorcerer suffer the incidental damage.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 5 rounds.
Touch of the Pitohuis
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:TouchDuration:Special
This axiom is a reaction when a successful touch-based attack has been successful. The attempt to touch can be known before choosing to expend the option to use the reaction. As a result, d4 points of poison damage are delivered, and the victim must make a Resilience save (Comp:12). If successful, only half the damage is delivered (round down). However, if failing, then the victim also suffers being under the poisoned restriction until the end of its next turn.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDamage is d6. Resilience save (Comp:13).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:30 minutes
The axiom alters the form of the sorcerer from the options below. While the spell lasts, the caster may end one option as an action to gain the benefits of another option as a second action.
&nspb;• Appearance: The sorcerer chooses a new appearance by altering height, weight, facial features, voice, hair length, coloration and distinguishing characteristics. Gaining the appearance of a different race is possible; however, the limitations prevent the mage from becoming anything other than a bipedal creature of the same size category. No additional limbs can be grown either – not even a monkey tail. Lastly, no attributes are modified from this change.
&nspb;• Aquatic Adaptation: The caster sprouts gills and webbing, allowing him or her to breathe underwater and swim at the same rate as the normal movement. However, worn armor will still have the restrictions as before the change. Be sure to refer to the underwater rules for additional details.
&nspb;• Body Weapons: One set of claws, fangs, horns or other natural body weapons can be grown; however, this axiom only permits a single “appendage” as defined in savage form to be created by the change. This means a lizardfolk or batfolk could have two appendages as a result of this axiom as they might have already had one. For the duration of this option of the axiom the sorcerer is proficient in the savage form fighting skill; thus, attacks from the “appendage” can be combined with martial arts and spinning moves only. Lastly, attacks from these weapons are considered to be “of quality” but not magical, which will still allow the striking of special creatures such as lycanthropes or others that require silver. Spell-casting that requires gestures cannot be used during this time, even if the body alteration did not involve one’ hands.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsEnding one option and gaining another requires only one action.
True Sight
Mind Point Cost: 6
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:1 hour
This axiom grants a willing creature touched by the sorcerer the ability to see things as they truly are. For the duration, the creature has darkvision, can see things invisible, can detect magic at will, will automatically detect hidden and secret doors, and becomes capable of seeing into the border Ethereal Plane. The range of vision extends 120 feet. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute.
Oversiphoned:10 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth.
Twisted Throw
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom is used as a reaction to an attempt of a ranged attack with a thrown weapon. This means the Mind points are consumed before the attack is made, which may seem confusing since no attack rolls result from the use of this axiom. However, the target of the attack must have been previously hit successfully by some combat attack, but not necessarily by this hurling method. Further, the intended target must have been viewed by the sorcerer within the last three rounds but does not have to be currently in view. When hurling the weapon (not a spell that uses hurling), the weapon alters its path to move towards that creature, moving around corners if necessary and ignoring three-quarters cover and half cover. If the target is within range and there is a path large enough for the weapon to travel to the target, the target must make an Agility save (Comp:12). On a failed save, the target suffers damage as if the all the dice in the used die pool all struck successfully, and the sorcerer becomes aware of the target’s current location. On a successful save, no damage is inflicted and the sorcerer cannot be sure of the victim’s its location unless observed by some other means. This reaction axiom can be used within magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsRange is 40 feet.
Undead Freedom
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This axiom breaks the bond between the controller and the servant undead. This does not steal control but rather breaks the existing control, reverting the undead creature to a “free-willed” creature with a hatred towards all living beings. When targeting an undead creature within range, the sorcerer enters a d12 competition against the controlling entity, even if the entity is not present or aware of the attempt to break control. The sorcerer will use his or her Logic sub-attribute for the roll, while the controlling entity will use either Faith or Will, whichever is more appropriate. However, because this is not a fight for control, the sorcerer gains a bonus +3 to the competition.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind Pointsthe sorcerer gains a bonus +4 to the competition.
Unpickable Lock
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:1 month
The caster touches a lock, animating its interior workings and imbuing them with the will to fight attempts to open it without the proper key. Until the spell ends, all ability checks to pick the lock are made with disadvantage.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsDuration is 2 months.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
When rolling an Agility, Logic, or Will feat (not a save) and the player dislikes the result, then a reaction is used to reroll the d20 feat. Additionally a bonus 1d4 is rolled and added to the d20 roll; however, the sum of the two dice must be used, even if it is lower.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsBonus d6 is rolled and added to the d20 reroll.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:1 hour
This axiom creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at the command of the sorcerer until the spell ends. The valet springs into existence in an unoccupied space on the ground within range. While it is unlikely to be attacked, it can be destroyed by physical damage. It has 14 PP due to being amorphic and invisible. Further is acts as having only 1 Body point. For any calculation where Strength of the valet would need to be used in a calculation, it is considered to be a score of 1. However, the valet can only have a total encumbrance of 10 pounds and does not change speed based on weight. In response to verbal commands, the valet have a movement rate of 20 feet and can interact with an object. The valet can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine. The valet can manage only one command at a time, will perform the task to the best of its ability until it completes the task, then waits for the next command. If given a task that would move it more than 60 feet away from the sorcerer, the spell ends. Lastly, while likely to be unnecessary, this axiom can be cast in magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is 90 minutes.
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:5 minutes
Upon touch, the sorcerer transforms a willing creature, along with all of its possessions into a gaseous cloud for the axiom’s duration. While in this form, the target has only a flying speed of 25 feet for movement. However, entering the space of other creatures does not incur a movement penalty. The recipient is also resistance to all non-magical damage, even those which are silver or “weapons of quality.” It also has advantage for all body saves. The misty existence can maneuver through small holes and cracks, but liquids act as solid surfaces to a creature in this form. The cloud cannot fall and will hover, even if stunned or incapacitated. Further the gaseous being cannot talk, cannot manipulate objects, cannot attack, cannot drop anything it was previously carrying, and cannot cast magic. The recipient may end the spell at its will (not the caster’s will) or if it reaches zero or fewer body points. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute.
Oversiphoned:6 Mind PointsDuration is 10 minutes. Recipient is immune to all non-magical physical damage. Recipient is resistant to alchemical, fire, cold, lightning, necrosis and smite.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Up to 1 hour
A creature the caster touches, including self, becomes shrouded by an illusion until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible if it is on the target’s person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsTwo separate targets can be selected for simultaneous casting.
Veiled Deception
Gesture [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 3
Requirement: Veil
Time Required:1 actionRange:90 feetDuration:Up to 1 hour
The caster becomes invisible while simultaneously creating an illusory double which appears where standing within 90 feet when casting. The double lasts for the duration, but the invisibility ends if attacking or casting a spell. The double’s illusionary existence can definitely cause confusion for which image is real. However, attention can only be given to one, the real or illusionary double, at a time. On subsequent turns, the caster can use an action to move the glamour up to twice the normal speed, make it gesture, speak, and behave in whatever way chosen. Additionally, the caster can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if located where it exists. On each turn as a free action, the caster can switch from using the illusion’s senses to using his or her own and vice versa (but only one switching). While using the senses of the glamour, the caster is blind and deaf regarding his or her own surroundings.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
When a sorcerer received body damage by a creature within 60 feet, then he or she may point his finger at the offender and curse one that inflicted damage, who becomes engulfed in black flames, inflicting 2 points of necrotic damage in vengeance.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer creates a long stream of flaming venom which is wielded like a whip. However, it is not tangible; thus, it cannot perform special maneuvers like whip steal or tripping an opponent. The sorcerer must have melee fighting to wield this stream of deadly energy; otherwise, the axiom will fail. Over the following three rounds, the sorcerer can make a melee attack with the energy whip against a creature within the weapon reach. On a successful hit, the target receives the normal effects of a whip but also 2 points of fire damage. Further, the victim must make a Resilience save (Comp:13). On a failed save, the creature is also poisoned until the end of the axiom’s duration.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsStrength save (Comp:15). Poison is potent up to four turns of failing saves.
Venomous Spew
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The caster spits a glob of congealed venom at a foe. The sputum creates an attack of a d20 against the victim’s armor class. If the caster has either ranged fighting or foul-play, then the Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the caster both skills, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. On a successful hit, the target hit takes d4 Body points of poison damage, and the sticky venom forces the target to make a Strength save (Comp:13) at the end of its next turn. In the interim, the victim is under the poisoned restriction. On a failure, it takes an additional d4 points from the poison. On a success, it scrapes the sticky poison off and the spell ends. For the duration, the target must repeat the Strength save at the end of each of its turns. A successful save will end the effect. However, up to three turns of failing saves can occur before the poisonous glob loses its potency.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsStrength save (Comp:15). Poison is potent up to four turns of failing saves.
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:3 turns
Until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn, the sorcerer is able to axioms without using the verbal component. This axiom has no effect on any other sound, but it allows casting silently or if under the effects of mute. To be clear, even this axiom can be called into effect during magical silence.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration is 5 rounds.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 6
Requirement: Disrupt Magic
Time Required:10 minutesRange:TouchDuration:1 week
The caster creates a ward against magical travel that protects up to 40,000 square feet of floor space to 30 feet above the floor. For the duration, creatures cannot teleport into the area or use portals, such as those created by the planar gates to enter the area. The axiom protects the area against planar travel, and therefore prevents creatures from accessing the area by way of the astral, ethereal, or any plane shift.
Oversiphoned:10 Mind PointsDuration is 2 weeks.
Viper Dart
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a writhing bolt of energy at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. A successful strike inflicts d6 points of poison damage plus being under the poisoned restriction until the end of its next turn. However, the victim is permitted a Resilience save (Comp:12) for half the damage and avoidance of the poisoned restriction.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsThe 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Base damage remains d6. Resilience save (Comp:13).
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:24 hours
The sorcerer touches one willing ally, which permits the caster and this ally to communicate verbally no matter how much distance is between them - as long as the two are on the same plane of existence. THe caster will hear what the ally speaks, no matter the volume, and vice versa. The sorcerer does not hear any other sounds from the ally’s location. This axiom works on any creature with a Mind score of 7 or greater, but the magic does not bestow any ability to comprehend an unknown language. Either the sorcerer or the ally can end the spell at any time.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsDuration is 36 hours.
Volcanic Rage
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:3 turns
Using part of glamour and part a summoning from within the earth itself, the burning magma wraps around the sorcerer. Until the axiom ends which is the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn, the sorcerer gains resistance to all fire damage and to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Further, any melee weapons the sorcerer uses act as if they were empowered by an infusion of fire. for the duration, the caster can use a reaction whenever someone enters an adjacent hex to cause the volcanic rage to boil over, forcing creatures in all adjacent hexes to make a Resilience save. Victims take d4 fire damage and d4 bludgeoning damage if they fail the save; half as much on a success.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsDuration is 5 rounds.
Mind Point Cost: 2
Requirement: Spark
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feet or one weaponDuration:Varies
The sorcerer creates a surge of lightning to fly from his or her hand to a target within 30 feet, requiring a d20 attack against its PP. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d6+1 points of lightning damage is delivered. Optionally, the gesturing requirement of the axiom can be performed while maintaining grip on a weapon and delivering the arc from the weapon as well. When incorporating a weapon, it offers two choices for delivery. The first is an immediate hurling of an electrical arc through the weapon for the same values as if it had been thrown by hand. The second option is to maintain the charge in the weapon until the sorcerer's following turn. On that next action, the sorcerer can wield that weapon to strike with as a normal combat attack. If successfully hitting the target with the combat attack, the additional d6+1 points of damage is delivered as well. However, if the attack misses, then the magical lightning in the weapon dissipates. Lastly, this spell can be used in silence if (and only if) selecting the second option to charge a weapon.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsDamage is 2d4+3.
Wall of Force
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Requirement: Fortress or Instant Wall
Time Required:10 minutesRange:30 feetDuration:24 hours
This axiom is a better form of the instant wall; however, it is designed to be a defensive measure with the possibility of becoming permanent. The wall of force has all the same size restrictions (100 square feet and 10-foot per dimension), positioning and what the force prevents. It also has a stronger resistance to the disintegration attack, as the wall is permitted a survival check (Comp:13) to prevent destruction. Moreover, if it is cast 28 days consecutively in the same location, then there is an optional method to make it a permanent magical force. On the 28th day or after, if oversiphoning to create the wall again, its duration becomes permanent.
Oversiphoned:10 Mind PointsOnly used when making wall permanent.
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 minuteRange:TouchDuration:Up to 1 year
The sorcerer creates a mystical connection with a single inanimate object touched. When that object is damaged, moved, or touched at any later time, the sorcerer is instantly aware of this fact. If another creature physically touches the warded object, the sorcerer additionally receives a mental image of the creature. For purposes of divination spells (such as scrying), the image of the creature that disturbed the object grants “first-hand” knowledge as if the two had met. This effect activates when the object is disturbed for any reason, whether someone touches it or pokes it with a pole, a cat walks upon it, or an earthquake knocks it over. This spell ends as soon as the effect is activated. The casting requires sand and prepared reagents worth 500 bits. Because of its costly material components, most sorcerers reserve this axiom to protect valuable, out-of-the-way items. This spell is considered a magical trap. It can be as such with double the sorcerer’s Logic acting as the Comp, but it can only be disarmed by magical methods. Optionally, the sorcerer can designate a password that allows another creature to handle the object without sounding the mental alarm.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsWhen becoming aware of the object being disturbed, the sorcerer can perform
Warning Shout
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:½ mileDuration:Instantaneous
The caster can speak 5 words which are magically amplified so that every creature within a half a mile can hear them. Deaf creatures cannot hear the words. Sleeping creatures are automatically awakened by the words. These words cannot be used to perform an attack based on sound nor can act as a separate action. While these words are incredibly loud, they do not damage nearby creatures.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsEight words can be spoken.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 actionRange:30 feetDuration:8 hours
The axiom conjures a phantom hound in a seen and unoccupied space within range, where it remains for the duration, until it is dismissed as an action, or until the caster moves further than 150 feet away from it. The hound is invisible to all creatures except sorcerer (and those able to see invisible). Further, it is non-corporeal and cannot be harmed physically. When a size-2 category or larger creature comes within 30 feet of the watchdog without first speaking the secret word specified upon casting, then the hound starts barking loudly. The phantom has spirit sight, can see invisible creatures and even into the Ethereal Plane. As such, it ignores illusions. While the hound cannot move, at the start of each of the sorcerer’s turns, it will try to bite one creature being hostile if that foe is within 5 feet of its position. The hound attacks on a d20 using the mage’s Judgment score as a modifier. On a hit, it inflicts 2d4 point of piercing damage.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsWatchdog has movement rate of 30 feet after being triggered.
Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Up to 15 minutes
The caster conjures a mass of sticky webbing at a location within range. The web fills a plane 20 feet by 20 feet and 5 feet deep, which can reside wherever it can be anchored; otherwise it will occupy the lowest layer of the terrain. The sticky area is considered rough terrain for traversing. Further, the sorcerer must concentrate to maintain its existence, which prevents him or her from taking reactions or casting during that time. Any being which starts its turn in the web-area must make a Strength preservation save against Comp:13. On a failed save, the creatures suffer the restrained restriction while in the webbing or until it breaks free. A restrained creature may use its action to make another Strength check against the original Comp to free itself. The webbing is flammable and will burn at a rate of a 5-foot cube (1 hex) per combat round. However, any creature caught in a burning cube at the start of its turn will suffer d4 points of fire damage.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsStrength save (Comp:15). Concentration is not required.
Weighty Chest
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:1 week
This axiom enchants a chest, book, package or any non-living object no greater than 5 feet in any dimension. When the object is touched by anyone other than the caster, the effective weight of the object becomes two to five (d4+1) times the weight of the creature touching it, making it extremely difficult to move; however, the sorcerer can handle it as if it were its natural weight. The weight is only effective when the touch of the item is initiated by another. Thus, it could not be hurled by the caster to pin down a victim.
Oversiphoned:2 Mind PointsDuration of the enchantment lasts for 2 weeks.
Whirlwind Blade
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 reactionRange:30-foot beyondDuration:Special
In response to attempting an attack with a hurled weapon, this axiom is used as a reaction. This means the Mind points are expended before the dice pools for the attack are rolled. When throwing the weapon at the first target, the sorcerer’s normal range attack is made and damage calculated, except the weight of the weapon is added as if it were worth 2 points, despite being a range attack. Furthermore, the magic of this axiom allows the weapon to continue on in a straight path up to an additional 30 feet beyond the first target. Assuming there are targets beyond that line up in a perfect line from the caster to the first target, then up to three additional opponents can be struck by the thrown weapon, so long as they are within the range of the first target. Each subsequent target is attacked at 1d20, using Agility as the attack modifier and weapon weight worth 1 point, again despite being a ranged attack. Finally, if the targets behind the first are not in line, then the additional attacks cannot strike them. Nonetheless, at the end of the possible targets, the weapon remains floating in mid-air in a space of choice which can be seen within 5 feet of the last target attempted to hit. It will remain spinning until the start of the sorcerer’s next turn. For another creature to grab it requires an action and an Agility check (Comp:14). On the sorcerer’s next turn, assuming it is not in another’s possession, he or she may use an action to recall the weapon instantly to hand. If choosing not to recall the weapon, if falls to the ground.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsUp to four additional opponents can be struck.
Whispering Wind
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:200 milesDuration:Instantaneous
With this axiom, the sorcerer can send messages to beings with whom he or she is familiar. The recipients hear the message in their minds, recognize the caster as the sender, assuming they know the caster, but answers in return are not permitted. The number of targets is based on the number of words in the message. The formula is the number of words times recipients cannot exceed 20. A twenty-word message could be sent to a single target. However, two recipients could only hear up to ten words. Further, five targets would be limited to four words. But even twenty people could receive one word. If a target is not known to the sorcerer, then that recipient must be in sight. Otherwise the range is 200 miles for those well known to the mage. However, the message is limited to the plane of existence where the sorcerer resides at the time of casting.
Oversiphoned:3 Mind PointsRange is 350 miles. Maximum number of words formula is 30.
Wind Compass
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 actionRange:SelfDuration:24 hours
While casting this spell the sorcerer chooses a compass direction (“north” or “southeast” for example). While walking in that direction a pleasant tune plays softly in the sorcerer’s ear. The tune isn’t distracting, and stops if walking in any other direction. A compass direction must be chosen rather than the direction towards a landmark or a specific individual. Until this axiom ends, the caster cannot become lost except by magical means. Not that it would likely be done, this axiom could be cast in silence.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration]
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:Self (to 40 feet)Duration:Up to 6 turns
A line of strong wind 40-feet long and 15-feet wide blasts from the caster in a direction chosen for the duration of the axiom. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength preservation save of Comp:13 or be pushed 10 feet in a direction following the wind. Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving against or through the blast. The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It acts like an arcane disruption against magical mists and clouds, such as fog of war. The axiom requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer cannot use reactions or cast new spells; however, upon each of his or her turns before the spell ends, the direction in which the line blasts may be changed. This axiom has no verbal component; thus, it can be cast in silence. The wind lasts up to the sixth following turn after its casting.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsDuration is 9 rounds. Strength save (Comp:15).
Wing Gift
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 4
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Special
The recipient of this axiom grows a pair of magnificent wings. The target gains a flight speed equal to 150% of the normal walking speed. The wings are often angelic-looking but may take any form the sorcerer chooses. Armor and clothing worn by the recipient will be destroyed if they interfere with the growth of the wings. If the armor is indestructible, then the spell fails. This spell only effects willing creatures and remains in effect until the recipient completes a long rest.
Oversiphoned:7 Mind PointsFlight speed is double walking speed.
Withering Circle
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 2
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
The caster summons necrotic energy to manifest in a 15-foot-diameter circle centered on a point within range. Each creature in that area must make a Resilience save (Comp:13), taking d6 points of necrotic damage if failing the save. No damage is inflicted if it is successful. Nonmagical vegetation in that area withers and grass turns black.
Oversiphoned:4 Mind PointsResilience save (Comp:15).
Word Stone
Verbal, Gesture, External
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:TouchDuration:Special
The axiom requires a gemstone, valued like a ruby or better. It glows faintly in caster’s hand, which allows the sorcerer to imprint a message of up to 25 words or a single image into the gem. A password or phrase is added. Until the password is spoken, the gem waits, but if used, the gem will recite the message or show the silent image. The message or vision may only be played from the stone once.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsEither a message of up to 50 words or the image with two seconds of sound is imprinted.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 1
Time Required:1 reactionRange:SelfDuration:Instantaneous
The hands of the sorcerer and any weapons held become skeletal and insubstantial and can easily pass through armor. By making an attempt with a melee weapon with no more than 5-foot reach, the sorcerer can use a reaction to add this effect onto the attempted attack. This means the Mind points are expended before rolling the attack dice. However, for the primary hand die pool, the sorcerer gains advantage on for a melee attack against creatures wearing armor or using shields.
Oversiphoned:No benefit.
Verbal, Gesture
Mind Point Cost: 3
Time Required:1 actionRange:60 feetDuration:Instantaneous
This attack can be used against living and non-living targets. It is often used to inflict battering damage against structures; however, it can target a creature as well. When selecting a target within range, the sorcerer creates a ball of force magic that strikes the target. This brunt can be small and target chains or be a larger force that attempts to break through a portcullis. If this a structure, then it is treated in brute force with advantage on the roll; thus, a d20 (rolled twice) against the Comp of the object. For example, breaking a solid wooden door is a Comp:17. Also, each roll gains the sorcerer’s Perception score to the rolls. However, if the target is a living target or even a construct monster, as opposed to the default of thrown magical damage, it acts as a physical 2d20 bludgeoning attack (with Perception score as part of the to hit roll) against the opponent's PP, inflicting a point for each successful d20, +2 as if a heavy weapon, and the Perception modifier.
Oversiphoned:5 Mind PointsTwo separate targets of either type can be selected simultaneously for a single casting.