
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Game Starter 
 Basic Equipment 


Here is a quick recap of what has already been discussed concerning weapons and combat:

• The number of d20s that successfully hit inflict 1 point of damage by the weapon’s damage type
• Every weapon has a value for its weight, ranging from 0 to 2
• Range weapons default to a weight of zero
• Range weapons gain bonuses when fired at larger targets
• Melee weapons have their to-hit and damage adjusted by Strength
• Range weapons have their to-hit adjusted by Agility but not to damage

Again this is going to be a high-level overview of weapons. The complete details and full listing can be found later. For now, here are common weapons that would be used by starting characters.

Mentioned previously, the weight of a melee weapon is defined by whether it is light, medium or heavy. As it happens, those are properties of a weapon, and they are not the only properties. These properties can make a difference in the effectiveness and benefits of using one weapon instead of another. Understanding these properties helps know the risks, rewards and circumstances for selecting a weapon of choice.

Another property of a weapon is its damage-type. This is usually, but not always, associated with the style with which the weapon can be used to gain extra dice in an attack. For example, to advance one's fighting skill with the mace the style: bludgeoning must be taken. Damage-type properties are important strategically since various armors and creatures may have better protection against different types of damage.

Listed below are some, but not all, of the weapon properties:

Weapons which have this property always require two hands. Further, beings smaller than a medium Size Category simply lack the physique to be able to balance and wield heavy weapons. When employing one, using a shield simultaneously is not possible; however, heavy weapons offer many other benefits. When facing an opponent who does not carry a shield, including an opposing wielder of a heavy weapon, there is a chance to put the victim under disadvantage. When any raw die roll in the attack with a heavy weapon is naturally 18 or higher, even if a hit is not scored, the opponent is at disadvantage until the end of his or her next turn in the combat; this can include attacks, competitions and even spell-casting. Heavy weapons can be used with spinning moves to cause disadvantage against multiple opponents if the dice are high enough. However, if the victim is using a shield as part of his or her defense, the creature is protected from this effect. Further, this asset is only gained against opponents up to one size-category higher than the wielder. Certain monsters may also be immune to the disadvantage penalty of being engaged by a heavy weapon. The final downside to heavy weapons is they suffer a -2 on all initiative rolls.
A light weapon is small and easy to handle. Only light weapons can be used in conjunction with a shield without also having the shield use skill.
Mechanical weapons must be loaded, which means they can never be used to split dice against multiple targets. Further, mechanical weapons cannot gain initiative adjustments be used from Agility modifiers, skills or magic. However, mechanical weapons gain an extra +1 to each d20 attack die used.
Any weapon having melee as a property is used to attack a target within 5 feet of the wielder, which is one hex on a battle map. The weapon always remains in possession of the wielder when using it as a melee weapon.
The parry property is applied to weapons that have weight, speed or shaft strength to be used to block incoming blows. This is measured whenever such a weapon is the primary weapon and the wielder has acquired the parry combat skill, which grants a bonus +1 to AC against melee attacks. If fighting two-handed and both weapons are capable of parry, the total bonus of +1 is still the most that is gained.
Weapons with the range property are those hurled or launch projectiles at an opponent; these weapons or their ammo will leave the possession of the wielder when used. These weapons will also have details of range, measured in feet, listed as normal and maximum. When attacking beyond the normal range, all attacks are at disadvantage. Additionally, when using a range weapon, if starting one’s turn while being engaged in melee, the attacks for that from this weapon will be made at disadvantage.
Any melee weapons with the reach property allow targets to be attacked in melee at 10 feet (2 hexes) rather than 5 feet. However, this extension only occurs when the wielder of the weapon possesses and is currently using the style: pole-arms skill. Further, the rules of being “engaged in melee” to throw disadvantage onto an opponent using a range weapon is also extended to this 10-foot (2 hexes) distance when using a weapon of reach with the proper style skill. Many weapons of reach offer several special attacks, especially with advanced skills. Most such weapons require two hands to employ; however, there are exceptions. Unless stated differently, reach weapons deliver piercing damage.
Simple Weapon List
Weapon Properties Damage Type Weight Dmg Hands Encumbrance
Axe Melee; Range (15/40) Blunt/Edged 1 1 2 lbs
Bastard Sword Melee; Heavy; Parry Edged 2 2 6 lbs
Battle Axe Melee Blunt/Edged 1 (2) 1 (2) 4 lbs
Crossbow Range (80/120); Mechanical Piercing 0 2 9 lbs
Dagger Melee; Range (20/50); Light Varies 0 1 1 lb
Flail Melee; Parry Blunt 1 (2) 1 (2) 3 lbs
Glaive Melee; Heavy; Parry; Reach Piercing 2 2 6 lbs
Gladius Melee; Parry Edged 1 1 3 lbs
Great Axe Melee; Heavy; Parry Blunt/Edged 2 2 7 lbs
Halberd Melee; Heavy; Parry; Reach Piercing 2 2 6 lbs
Hammer Melee; Range (20/60) Blunt 1 1 2 lbs
Long Bow Range (120/300); Ammo-Use; Piercing 0 2 2 lbs
Longsword Melee; Parry Edged 1 (2) 1 (2) 4 lbs
Mace Melee; Light Blunt 0 1 3 lbs
Sling Melee; Range (30/90) Blunt 0 2 2 oz
Spear, Long Melee; Parry; Reach Piercing 2 2 8 lbs
Spear, Short Melee; Range (20/80); Parry; Reach Piercing 1 1 3 lbs
Staff, Quarter Melee; Parry Blunt 1 2 3 lbs
Trident Melee; Parry Piercing 1 1 4 lbs
War Maul Melee; Heavy; Parry Blunt 2 2 10 lbs