Enchanted Realms Rulebook
Basics and Risks

To manipulate the strands of magic which weave throughout the material world, then a specific training skill of sorcery is required skill. Sorcery uses arcane spells, called axioms, to alter and create matter and energy according to the arcane knowledge. This skill is its own form of magic and is incompatible with others, even if the spell name happens to be the same. The methods and birthing of the manipulations conjured are different than divine magic, fey magickery, runes, wheedlism or even alchemical effects.
The idea of becoming a sorcerer may be intriguing to some; however, there are risks. Once discovery those, a great many fall by the wayside and choose it is not a path for them. Once of the first concerns is the dactyl surgery required. It is a crude procedure, and rejections have occurred. The GM should not allow a failed surgery to occur to a PC without a very good reason, but from the perspective of those in the game-world, this is a risky process. The operation makes incisions over the bones of the hands and fingers and implants slivers of a rare metal called ductilium which magically grafts to the bones if everything goes according to procedure. This special metal causes a modification of tendons and ligaments over the next few weeks, while healing from the surgery, with the end result of a far greater flexibility than before. This offers no bonus to one’s sub-attributes, but rolling a coin over one’s knuckles is a simpler task after a successful metal-grafting. Additionally, the ductilium helps to attract the knurls of magic that are entwined in the universe -- or perhaps ubiquiverse is a better term to include the various planes of existence.
After one’s hands have healed, typically requiring a few weeks, learning to use the added sense, subtle as it is, comes next. The sensation allows one to recognize the different energy strands which pertain to arcane magic. Although not directly part of this skill, the next step is to learn one or more axioms, which are magical spells of sorcery to be cast by manipulating those particles of magical energy. These various energy knurls subsist as part of the comprising of reality itself. What the sorcery skill does is train a being how to feel, find and manipulate these forces to create exceptions to the standard physics in reality. As its very purpose, sorcery is a process of knowing how to break the natural rules of the cosmos.
Once learning how to wield and shape these particles of energy into strands and patterns, then specific axioms for these forces can be applied. This is how a specific axiom works. It is a mental process of meshing magical energy to produce a potential outcome. Performing this task is mentally exhausting, and therefore, costs points from a character’s Mind score when casting a spell of sorcery. This is why there is a prerequisite of a 3 Logic score or higher just to be capable of learning the base sorcery skill.
Typically, the base skill of sorcery must be learned from another, using karma or gained by training in the pre-history of the character’s origin. The investment of time could be used instead of karma; however, this would require a 300-day investment without a guaranty of success. Using karma allows one to gain the skill in about two months.
What Are Axioms?
To cast a sorcery spell, a specific axiom must be acquired. An axiom is the mental process of twisting those energy knurls in a particular way, which can be performed through various visualizations, words, gestures and occasionally material components. Learning an axiom works precisely like acquiring any other skill – purchased through karma. The GM may want to role-play the process, whether that is being trained by a mentor or purchased from a peer, but karma should be used to gain a new axiom. Additionally, various axioms will have different costs of karma needed. Finally, there is a time investment to transfer the axiom beyond the karma expense. To fully master a new axiom acquired, one day per Mind point is required.
Once sorcery is known and an axiom has been acquired, then student graduates to being a real sorcerer. To cast that newly-learned axiom Mind score points are used as a metric of magical rote. Each axiom will have a casting cost, measured in Mind points. If one does not have enough current Mind points, then the axiom cannot be established. To be clear, if the sorcerer does not meet the requirement to cast an axiom, then it cannot be acquired either, even if having enough karma to purchase it.
Again because the spells had to be created originally, axioms themselves can be self-taught using the self-training rules as if a vocational skill. However, instead of a Muse check at the end of the duration, the research of a new axiom would require a Logic check instead, check not save. Considering the time for being trained when using karma, the time for self-training is significantly longer. Self-training without karma equates to one month per Mind point required for casting. Thus, if a sorcerer observed someone throwing a fire-dart and thought, "I can do that;" then after investing 28-days of study and practice, a Logic check of Comp:8 (Comp:6 plus twice the Mind cost) could be rolled to see if the new axiom truly gained. The same is true for a relocate axiom, but it would require a five-month investment and a more difficult check (Comp:16). Finally, no axiom can be self-researched that would exceed the requirements of the sorcerer to cast.
Sorcery is a powerful manipulation of of the fabrics of reality. However, the first skill does not give access to every axiom. In fact, sorcery only allows a magician to cast axioms which cost only 1 or 2 Mind points. To have the ability to cast higher ones (cost 3 and 4), a character must learn enriched sorcery. Then finally, to cast axioms at the level of 5 and 6 Mind points, one must acquire the advanced sorcery skill.
Spell Cost
Like divine power, sorcery works similarly. Once an axiom is learned, it will have a casting cost value from 1 to 6 Mind points. That cost is subtracted from the current Mind score upon birthing the spell. Unlike divine power, the costs and requirements are different. As axioms must be gathered, bought, learned and traded for karma rather than being granted for free as part of a holy pact, axiom spell casting costs are cheaper by comparison. The requirement to cast any axiom is based upon the sorcerer's Logic score and the skills of sorcery possessed. If having the base sorcery skill, then one can cast 1-point axioms. Then once having a Logic score of 4 or higher, then 2-point axioms can be birthed.
To cast axioms that cost 3 or 4 points, a sorcerer must acquire the enriched sorcery skill. But further, 4-point axioms additionally require a Logic score of 7 or better. And finally, advanced sorcery permits a arcane caster to manifest axioms that cost 5 and 6 points. However, a 6-point axiom also requires a Logic score of 10 as minimum. While more details will be given later, Mind points can be recovered after a short rest, and many more points become restored after a long rest.
Casting Time
Unlike divine magic, where the incantation happens based on the character’s initiative, as the prayer has been being chanted and manifests at that moment, sorcery is a bit different. There is a casting time to manipulate those knurls of magic into the result desired. In the description of axioms section, there is a “Time Required” entry which will read “1 action” just as incantations read; however, there will be an additional note that will denote the number of seconds for casting.
The way this will work as part of the game mechanics is the sorcerer will begin casting on his or her initiative number. Then the axiom manifests on the initiative value after the casting time. For example, if the sorcerer has an initiative value of 7 and casts an axiom that has a 2-second requirement, then casting, speaking, gesturing, etc. begin on 7 but then the axiom is complete on 5.
Of course that begs the question what happens if the casting time is longer than the count remaining on the initiative? If the initiative number for the caster is 3 and the casting time is 4 seconds, then what? In that case, the spell will occur one-second later (one initiative number lower) than the highest initiative value of the following round; thus, if the first action happens in 12, then the axiom manifests in 11. However, because the action rolled over into the next round, the completion of the spell will count as that character’s action for this next round. Thus, the rule is however many seconds remaining while still casting when the round ends will be the number of initiative points after the first action-value initiative of the following round.
The unclear scenario is when the initative value is precisely the same as the casting time; i.e., when the caster has a 2 initiative value and the casting time is 2 seconds. For this situation, the spell will happen as the absolutely last action of the round, and the sorcerer is permitted a new initiative roll for the following round. Of course, there could be two sorcerers on the battlefield and both could have the last action of the round. In this case, they are truly simultaneous. They both manifest, but neither can interrupt/prevent the other spell. Damage and/or the effect occur on both sides but do not alter any calculations of the other axiom completing at the same time.
Of course, there will be times, often as reactions or mental detections, where there will be no delay for casting time. In these cases, the manifestation of the axiom spell happens on one’s original initiative number.
Further, a valid option when using axioms is a process called “oversiphoning.” In the process of manifesting the magic, the sorcerer is gathering and manipulating those energy knurls previously mentioned. The mental effort required to perform this act is measured in the cost of Mind points, as stated earlier. However, the sorcerer can push more mental power into an axiom, which creates a stronger concentrations of those magical forces, weaves thicker stands of sorcery and creates a more powerful effect from the axiom. The cost is extra Mind points used over the normally required amount. This the process is what magicians call oversiphoning. However, not all axioms may be worth the extra investment; some even might gain no effect at all. In the description is an explanation of how oversiphoning would work for that axiom and what the additional costs would be. One final clarification: oversiphoning does not alter the casting time.
Spell Birth
While much of sorcery is mental, nearly all spells require verbalization of arcane words to ensure the proper magical threads combine for the effect. However, not every axiom requires speaking, meaning a few can be cast in the midst of a silence effect, similar to the limitation with divine powers. Further, many axioms will also require physical gesturing to help with the manifestation. And finally, occasionally some sorcery will rely upon external components. Scry is one such example. All of this is address specifically for those who subdue a sorcerer to better understand binding hands and gagging the caster will prevent spell-usage in most cases.
On the flip side, the requirements may also determine whether the sorcerer can perform his or her magical in secret. Verbal intrinsics of an axiom must be annunciated distinctly and at a normal speaking volume; therefore, casting such spells clandestinely in virtually impossible. However, gesture-only axioms may sneak by observers. Those in combat will notice spells almost automatically, unless the GM rules a condition such as blindness or other circumstance. However, for those casually observing the area can notice a gesture-only spell during a non-combat social scenario by making a normal Perception check (Comp:11). If the caster has the stealth and is specifically attempting to hide the action, then the Comp is raised to 13. If using stealth to completely conceal oneself, then the normal stealth Comp is used to know the caster is even there; however, that would really be a non-combat social scenario.
Also, if the axiom requires only a gesture but the sorcerer is shackled, bound or otherwise restrained, then there is still a very small chance the caster might manifest the spell, assuming the other factors are not inhibited. In such a case, if the sorcerer can made a Judgment feat check (Comp:20), then the axiom can occur. The GM might adjust appropriately for the knots skill or other circumstances. However, if failing the casting, the spell points attempted will be lost. Further, maintaining concentration, if needed (see below), may also be adjusted by the GM. Finally, mental-only axioms, which tend to fall into the detection category, cannot be observed without magical aid. Further, mental-only effects are extremely difficult to prevent; however, captors have been known to render sorcerer's unconscious or even strike them with a weapon of nonsense to prevent casting.
Vantage Condition
Just as advantage and disadvantage applies to combat, the same can occur for sorcery. When a sorcerer is at advantage for the casted axiom spell, then the first degree of oversiphoning can be used at the normal cost. If the axiom does not benefit from oversiphoning, then the advantage offers no benefit. Moreover, attempting to oversiphon at an even higher degree than what can be performed at advantage will not change the Mind-point cost. At the other end, if at disadvantage, the casting time is doubled.
Moreover, if at advantage or disadvantage when another attempts to disrupt an axiom, either during the casting or by interrupting the concentration, then two d20s will be rolled for the save. The save to be attempted will be discussed in the next subsection below. The better or the worse of the two scores will be used, depending on whether the sorcerer is at advantage or at disadvantage.
Some axioms require concentration. The sorcerer can still partake in conversations and observe the surroundings, but while concentration is required no reactions can be performed. No new axioms, cantrips or invocations be cast. However, other actions, such as drinking a potion or activating a magic item are perfectly legitimate. However, combat attacks, whether melee or at range, can only be made with disadvantage. Further, movement rate is half during concentration. Of course, a specific detail in an axiom could override this general rule. Should the caster’s concentration be broken, it will usually end the axiom. Thus, if the concentration is required to maintain or complete an effect, then breaking the caster’s concentration would free the victims. However, in some cases, such as conjure elemental, it does not return end as one might expect.
Concentration may be broken by inflicting damage against Body, Mind or Spirit. However, the caster is permitted a save against a Comp:14 plus the number of points of damage to maintain concentration. If struck with Body damage, a Resilience save is used. If Mind damage, then Judgment; and if Spirit, then Muse.
This is the same type of save required if damage is inflicted upon a caster who is in the midst of casting. If failing the save against Resilience, Judgment; or Muse, then the casting is interrupted and the spell and Mind points are lost. However, if making the save, the casting can continue. Also, if the axiom uses gestures, then a successful grapple will force a save to break the casting, but obviously there are no additional points for damage. That said, if the caster can be knocked prone, then this adds 3 points to the Comp required. The same is true for silence-type effects if the axiom has verbal components. However, if the axiom has been started, a successful save indicates the sorcerer was able to complete the magic despite the limitations.
As for breaking concentration, one can use arcane disruption as an action or counterspell as a reaction at the start of the caster’s turn. Obviously, killing, stunning or incapacitating the caster would also work. Lastly, the GM may allow for environmental events to break concentration.
Effect Restrictions
There are several spells where an effect may be removed by subsequent saves made against the effect. However, this might seem ambiguous if the result of the axiom for failing the initial save results in a restriction that makes all future saves automatically fail. An example of this is nauseating breath. If the victim fails the initial save, then he or she is stunned but also allowed subsequent Resilience saves to clear the magical gas from one’s system. The conflict occurs when reading the effects of being stunned, which include the automatic failure of any Body saves while under the restriction. In these cases, subsequent saves are not penalized by the inflicted restriction; however, all other reasons to make a save or feat roll would be. Thus, the following round after failing the save against nauseating breath would be a normal save, but if someone grappled the victim, then the competition would automatically go to the one attempting the hold. Furthermore, previous existing effects might also play into these subsequent saves. If the victim were at disadvantage for some other reason for the initial save against nauseating breath, the subsequent saves would also be at disadvantage, so long as the cause for disadvantage still applied. Combined effects should apply in order as a base rule whenever these factors must be considered. Of course, a specific rule of an item or other magic would override this general one.
There is one final note on casting axioms. There do exist items of channeling: rods, orbs, wands, scepters, fans and the like. These are often made from special materials; sometimes feywood or perhaps mythril. The fashioning of these items is performed through arcane craft, requiring about one week of time and roughly 2500 bits of raw material.
A focus channel is not something for the casual caster, such as a fighter who picks up ice blast to strike targets out of reach. This is for the serious sorcerer who primarily casts only magic and does it frequently. Otherwise, it may not be worth the investment.