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Over-Category: Ideophage |
Kingdom: Cosmic |
For all practical purposes, Ideophages do not eat at all; they do no grow or sustain from a known energy. Constructs, while not the only Ideophages, are the clearest example. A golem constucted of stone will exist until the stone erodes or is significantly damaged in some way. A cosmic being is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Some creatures start out as some other type and become outsiders when they attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual existence. All cosmic beings breathe but do not sleep or eat unless stated otherwise. Lastly, all cosmic beings have 60-feet of darkvision. |

The Lythgandri are a species of the plane, Cocytus. They are the dominant species of this dimension, which is one of gigantic rotating cubes as "planets" that swirl in an orderly but complex elliptical patterns around a single gravitational point (called the heartflare) at the plane's center. The angle of planetary rotation is always in alignment with the angle to the heartflare; however, those complex revolutions are hypotrochoidal (more akin to a three-dimensional spirograph drawing).
The Lythgandri developed a philosophy of the strong ruling the weak, somewhat based on an early "might makes right" concept; however, over generations this turned into a species superiority ideology where the Lyth considered themselves the supreme lifeform. Cocytus is filled with other sentient and semi-intelligent species, including orcs and goblins, but the galactic world also has rashasa and nyarlath among its population, albiet in smaller numbers. Most area of valuable resources in Cocytus have been occupied by the Lythgandri, due to the war for the "Thousand Year Empire."
The push to conquer Cocytus was a Lyth initiative under the ruler and "god-queen" known as Xelania. She was of course not a goddess but rather a lich and once priestess to Lôtan, the immortal Dragon King. While the Lyth had little religion at the time, Xelania restructured some of the culture to view her as a god-queen. Again, her priests and worshipers were not granted power as the traditional fantasy priests but rather held authority by title and position. Through her inner sanctum grew a military force, a bit like the knights of the Templar but also somewhat like the Embroidered Uniform Guard (Jinyiwei) of the Ming Dynasty, having the authority to overrule traditional proceedings for prosecuting those deemed as enemies of the state. From this power, the idea of total conquest began.
While there are still places unconquered, few organized factions exist that will or can actively resist the Lythgandri. The occasional rashasa will create trouble, but as a complete species and civilization, there is functionally no resistance. The Knights of Xelania have become a peace-keeping force in the areas of civilization, where most conquered species are now slaves to perform the undesired tasks needed for a society to work. Of course, the Lyth insist they are not slaves but subjects of Lythgandri protection.
The Lythgandri people are tall, standing between 6½ to 7 feet tall for the males, and normally 6-foot for the women; however, a few females might reach 6-4. Their builds are slender without much appearance of muscle. That said most of the lith are quite strong, having a minimum Strength score of 4. Moreover their skin tone is grayish blue but is rigid and thick, granting the species a natural armor of 5 protective points. Armors than do not exceed 5 points, such as standard leather, are merely decorative on them.
As each lith is an individual, they should be treated like NPCs rather than a monster type. However, this entry will serve as the minimum base from which to build a Lythgandri character. More powerful and higher ranking knights of the society will also develop more powerful psionic powers than listed here. Additionally, sorcery and alchemy are also available skills, but priestly powers are not part of their culture.
Traits of the Lythgandri are:
- Combat Reflexes: Bonus of +1 to initiative roll, and movement penalties are reduced by a total of 10 feet.
- Darkvision: Extends 90 feet with the precision to read text in the dark.
- Natural Fighter: All of the species act as if having melee fighting.
- Natural Psionics: The powers will act like specific axioms. There is no casting time for these effects.
- Stone Camouflage: One can hide in a rocky or cavernous terrain using whatever stealth skills the possessor of this trait may have. With no stealth skill, the Comp to detect one is base 10+2d4; however, if the Lythgandri has the stealth skill, then the Comp is 6d6 with a minimum of a score of 12.
Body: | 16 ( STR:4, AGIL:3, RESIL:4 ) |
Mind: | 16 ( LOGIC:4, PERC:3, JUDG:4 ) |
Spirit: | 12 ( WILL:4, FAITH:1, MUSE:3 ) |
Movement: | 50 feet |
Size Category: | Medium |
Protection Points: | 5 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Longsword (Steel) (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 1 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +5 |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 2 pts |
Attack Special: | anyRaw>=20;;{"command":"maimed","save":"AgilityDC9","movement":5} |
Special Abilities |
Discordance (Psionic) |
Quick Step (Psionic) |
Valet (Psionic) |