Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Ideophage |
Kingdom: Cosmic |
For all practical purposes, Ideophages do not eat at all; they do no grow or sustain from a known energy. Constructs, while not the only Ideophages, are the clearest example. A golem constucted of stone will exist until the stone erodes or is significantly damaged in some way. A cosmic being is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Some creatures start out as some other type and become outsiders when they attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual existence. All cosmic beings breathe but do not sleep or eat unless stated otherwise. Lastly, all cosmic beings have 60-feet of darkvision. |

Death Giant
Not actually giantkin, these cosmic beings occupy the Shadowfell, steal the souls of nearby mortals and use them to fuel powerful magic. For this reason, most death giants surround themselves with weak minions they can kill easily. A creature whose soul has been stolen by a death giant finds itself in an inky black void, along with any other souls the giant has collected until it is restored to life or the giant expends the soul, releasing it from its prison. When a death giant dies, any souls that it has trapped are freed in a wave of spectral energy.
Notes: | Soul-Collection ) |
Body: | 60 ( STR:15, AGIL:9, RESIL:16 ) |
Mind: | 18 ( LOGIC:4, PERC:4, JUDG:4 ) |
Spirit: | 22 ( WILL:5, FAITH:5, MUSE:5 ) |
Movement: | 80 feet |
Size Category: | Giant (+3 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 14 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Great Axe (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 3 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +14 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | cleaver |
Damage: | 8 to 10 pts |
Attack Special: | onHit;resilienceDCd4+12;{"command":"damage","quality":"body","value":"d3","damageType":"necrotic"} |