
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 
 The Skills System 
 Artisan-Craftsman Skills

Artisan-Craftsman Skills

Acting250Disguise Self
Armoring200Forge Metal Armor
 Armoring II400Forge w/ Steel
  Armoring III700Forge w/ Magic Ore
   Armoring IV1000Forge w/ Adamantine
Art: Body Art200Tattoos
 Art Mastery500Better Tattoos
Art: Ceramics200Earthenware
 Art Mastery500Better Earthenware
Art: Drawing200Ink & Pencil
 Art Mastery500Better Sketches
Art: Interior Decorating200Furnishing
 Art Mastery500Better Furnishing
Art: Painting200Brushing
 Art Mastery500Better Brushing
Art: Sculpting200Statues
 Art Mastery500Better Statues
Bowyer250Construct Bows/Arrows
Brewing200Beer and Mead
 Distillery300Alcohol & Chemicals
Carpentry150Wood Working
Cold Forging250Iron Shaping w/o Kiln
Cooking100Food Prep
Glass-Blowing200Forge Glassworks
Lapidary300Gem Cutting
 Leatherworking II400Stitch Monster Hide
Locksmith250Mechanical Locks
  Stone Structures500Stone Building
  Bridge Building600Crossings
   Statics500Super Structures
    Towers750Grand Towers
  Gear Engineering500Motion Machines
   Clockwork Engineering700Exceptional Gears
    Advanced Clockwork800Complex Machines
  Hydraulics400Fluid Dynamics
Papermaking150Paper & Vellum
Scribing150Calligraphy & Writing
Tailoring150Padded Armor, Garments
 Silkmaking250Silk Clothing
Weaponsmith200Forge Metal Weapons
 Weaponsmith II400Forge w/ Steel
  Weaponsmith III700Forge w/ Magic Ore
   Weaponsmith IV1000Forge w/ Adamantine