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Over-Category: Fideophage |
Kingdom: Celestial |
Celestials and Fiends are Fideophages, who endure and sustain their existence by harnessing worship and belief but sometimes emotion as well. Mere consideration that a creature could exist by only a dozen people may be enough to sustain one. Starvation because of a lack of belief varies in time based on the power and strength of the entity in question. Celestials are creatures who are native to the Upper Planes. Many of them are the servants of deities, employed as messengers or agents in the mortal realm and throughout the planes. Celestials are good by nature, so the exceptional celestial who strays from a good alignment is a horrifying rarity. Celestials include angels and even pegasi. These beings do not sleep, eat food or breath. They cannot be affected by poison or smite. Also all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, illusions, phantasms, intimidation, interrogation, etc) do not work on them. |

Valkyrie are celestials in service to the Dyadikí deities. They are the "selectors of the slain" who are psychopomps of those who fall on the field of battle, guiding those worthy to the afterlife as a reward of the religious dogma. These maidens stand around seven feet tall, are clad in mail armor and wield magical spears. The rarely appear on the material world, but should one chose to enter the realm of the humans, they appear as beautiful women with skeletal masks which are indistinguishable from their actual upper skull bones. Also when in a material form, a Valkyrie may transform into a large raven with the body roughly the size of a beagle and having an eight to ten foot wingspan.
They tend to avoid battle, as their purpose is to collect the dead, but should they engage, they will fight with their screaming spears. In melee the act as +2 to hit and are magical, but offer no other bonuses. However, if hurled, the spear will produce a thunderous roar that will force all within five feet of the throw to make a Muse save (DC:15) or be deafened for 2d4 rounds.
Finally, a feather when taken from a Valkyrie in the form of a raven (or given by one freely), have some interesting capabilities. Alone, the feather can grant a corpse the effects of a gentle repose incantation. If coated in the blood of a fallen victim, they have the power to trigger a resurrection to that corpse. Obviously, the victim must be fresh enough to still have blood. To trigger the resurrection, all that is needed is a DC:15 save against the dead's former Resilience score. Upon attempting the save, regardless of the success or failure, both the feather turns to dust.
Notes: | Lay on Hands (3x per day)) |
Body: | 46 ( STR:8, AGIL:9, RESIL:14 ) |
Mind: | 34 ( LOGIC:6, PERC:9, JUDG:8 ) |
Spirit: | 36 ( WILL:9, FAITH:9, MUSE:6 ) |
Movement: | 60 feet |
Size Category: | Medium |
Protection Points: | 15 (+4 from shield) |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Spear (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 4 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +10 |
Damage Type: | piercing |
Damage: | 5 to 8 pts |
Attack: | Thrown Spear (range) |
Number of d20s: | 5 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +11 |
Damage Type: | smite |
Damage: | 4 to 8 pts |