Roll20 Status Markers for Enchanted Realms
Download Status Markers File (Zip)Status Markers are used in Roll20 to help show and reminder what buffs, what restrictions, what effects that a character has from turn to turn. Listed below are all the markers used in the game. Further, when these markers are used, the API will automatically calculate the necessary bonuses and penalties that apply.
Advantage & Disadvantage | |
Advantage![]() |
When a character has advantage, use this marker to acknowledge that information. |
Disadvantage![]() |
Likewise, when disadvantage is a condition, use this marker . |
Attacked At Advantage![]() |
There are occasions when the advantage/disadvantage status does not apply to the character; however, the circumstance exists where the character is attacked by others, granting the attacker advantage on the die roll. |
Attacked At Disadvantage![]() |
The converse applies too, using this status marker. |
Combat Restrictions | |
Asleep![]() |
Noting the character is asleep, either naturally or by magic. |
Asphyxiation![]() |
This is the state when a character can no longer hold her or her breath. |
Blind![]() |
Used when the character has lost vision. |
Bloodied![]() |
When a battle combatant’s Body points drop below half of the max, then that entity is considered ”bloodied,” meaning that the damage is visible to the others on the field. Some creatures, such as undead, may not expose this status. |
Bound![]() |
When shackled or tied up… |
Casting![]() |
Sorcery requires a short bit of time to cast an axiom. In that duration, the process of birthing the magic can be interrupted. The casting status marker allows it to be known to others on the battlefield that a caster is in the magical process. Note that priests are not subject to this same type of interruption. |
Charmed![]() |
Typically used on a PC, but there are times this status might not be visible (for player-perception reasons). |
Concentration![]() |
Some magical axioms and incantations require that a spell-user maintain concentration to hold the effect. This status marker acts to remind everone. |
Deaf![]() |
Typically, this is the result of a magical curse. |
Drowsy![]() |
This is a restriction type as a result from some magical effects. It is also possible to occur naturally, if if stated by the GM. |
Exhausted![]() |
This is marker for the various degrees of exhaustion one can suffer from temperature, injury, dehydration, etc. The numeric value of Roll 20 can be used to further represent up to the 6th degree of exhaustion. |
Frightened![]() |
Fear, horror, even certain fiend and undead auras will produce a Will-testing effect. |
Grappled![]() |
Used when under the combat restriction of the same name. |
Held Breath![]() |
Some risks of asphyxiation can be delayed by holding one’s breath. An example would be falling into a deep lake. The difference is an unconscious victim would start choking immediately, while a responsive one can opt to hold its breath first. |
Immured![]() |
Marker is used when a victim has a projectile literally punctured and stuck in its body. Some creatures are not susceptible to this effect. |
Incapacitated![]() |
Detailed by the combat restriction for when this occurs. |
Invisible![]() |
Obviously this will not be used in ever case, but when a PC uses the veil axiom or when an enemy is known to be present but invisible so that the penalties can be calculated and the token can be attacked by the player in the automated battle interface. |
Maimed![]() |
Certain weapons and magic can inflict harm that not only causes Body damage but also slows the normal movement of the victim. This is used to track this event. |
Mind Death![]() |
The API will mark a character with mind death when his or her total Mind points reach zero or lower. |
Mute![]() |
The marker used to indicate the character is unable to speak, which is usually due to a magical effect but could be as simple as from being gagged. |
Nauseated![]() |
Perhaps from being too intoxicated, but game purposes, this typically results from spells that makes the victim sick, such as gloom torus or nauseating breath. To be clear, this is not a combat restriction but flavor to the game. The actual restriction will vary by affect. |
Near Fatal![]() |
This is used for the optional rule of dying when a PC remains conscious when in negative Body points to take minor but heroic responses. |
On Fire![]() |
In some cases, a character’s clothing or equipment may have combusted. This marker is used to note the status. |
Paralyzed![]() |
Whether alchemical effects or the touch from a ghoul, paralysis occurs in the game. |
Petrified![]() |
In case encountering a medusean gorgon. |
Poisoned![]() |
The effects of poison varies greatly; however, as a standard, the drugged consequence is a duration of underperformance as defined by the combat resrtictions. |
Prone![]() |
Representing that character has been knocked to the ground. |
Restrained![]() |
The consequence of magic such as immobility or perhaps an ensnarment trap. |
Shaken![]() |
This a a lesser form of the frightened restriction, but still inflicts penalties. |
Spirit Death![]() |
The API will mark a character with spirit death when his or her total Spirit points reach zero or lower. |
Stunned![]() |
Combat restriction, often inflicted from powerful impacting weapons. |
Surprised![]() |
When combat starts without a character recognizing what is going on. |
Unconscious![]() |
A forced state of being unresponsive and more severe than merely being asleep. |
Underwater![]() |
A status marker to note that the character is underwater. This is not about being able to breathe or not but rather the environment. |
Extra Chances To Hit | |
Die Bonus![]() |
This denotes (as well as informs the API) that character is under an effect that grants an extra d20 in the primary die pool. The Roll20 numeric value for the marker allows for even 2 or 3 extra dice to be added; although that would be a very unusual event. |
Die Penalty![]() |
This is the same as above but as a loss of dice for the attack. |
Attack Bonus![]() |
This represents a modifier for each d20 rolled in the attack. This value is above and beyond all other factors such as Strength bonus or the magic of a weapon. |
Attack Penalty![]() |
This represents a negative modifier for each d20 rolled in the attack. |
Extra Damage & Weapon Enhancements | |
Melee Damage Bonus![]() |
When a magical buff affects only melee types of attacks, this is the Status Marker to use. |
Range Damage Bonus![]() |
When a magical buff affects only archery and hurling attacks… |
Silver Weapon![]() |
The material of a weapon is stored in the equiped combat section of the character sheet; however, certain blessings and axioms can override that by causing a weapon to act like a different ability to strike. When a silver weapon boost happens, the character’s iron or steel weapon can act and strike like a silver one. |
Magic Weapon![]() |
Like the Status Marker above except that the buff indicates a weapon that can strike opponents only hit by magic. |
Alchemical Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Blunt Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Edged Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Fire Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Ice Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Lightning Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Necrotic Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Piercing Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Poison Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Smite Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Doubt Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Nonsense Bonus![]() |
Used when a specific damage type is added above the normal delivery. Often created by infusion spells. |
Protection | |
Protection Bonus![]() |
This Marker indicates there is a magical bonus which adds extra points of Protection for all damage types, such as commonly granted by a blessing-type of incantation. |
Protection Penalty![]() |
Victims of a ghoul strike or sawtooth would have this Status Marker added to the character token on the battlemap. |
Protection Melee Bonus![]() |
This is used when the additional Protective Points apply only against melee attacks. |
Protection Melee Penalty![]() |
Melee-specific penalty of one’s Protective Points. |
Protection Range Bonus![]() |
Specific protection against range attacks. |
Protection Range Penalty![]() |
A curse that allows targets to be easier to hit with range-style attacks. |
Alchemical Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points for damage of alchemical sources. |
Blunt Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points for damage from bludgeoning weapons. |
Cold Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points against ice, frost and cold magical attacks like ice blast. |
Edged Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points against slicing, cutting and edged weapons. |
Fire Protection![]() |
Fire sources, including magical target-based magic like fire dart must strike a higher value of Protective Points when this boost has been enchanted. |
Lightning Protection![]() |
This Marker is used to indicate that one’s armor defenses have been boosted against lightning. |
Necrotic Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points against necrotic damage. |
Piercing Protection![]() |
Piercing and puncturing weapons must strike a higher Protective Point value to effectively inflict damage. |
Poison Protection![]() |
Damage specific is less common; however, it is a damage-type against which this buff protects by raising the armor calculation. |
Smite Protection![]() |
Magical buff that increases the Protective Points against holy and unholy smiting damage. |
Alchemical Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to the alchemical damage type. |
Blunt Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to the bludgeoning damage. |
Cold Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to cold damage. |
Edged Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to the edged damage type. |
Fire Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to the fire damage type. |
Lightning Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to lightning. |
Necrotic Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to rotting, withering, draining and other necrotic damage. |
Piercing Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to weapons that inflict piercing damage. |
Poison Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to damage (and duration) of poison effects. |
Smite Resistance![]() |
Enchancement to grant resistance (half) to the smite damage type. |
Half Cover![]() |
The target has half cover. |
3/4 Cover![]() |
The target has three-quarters cover. |
Full Cover![]() |
The target has full cover. |
Helmet Cap![]() |
A decorative marker to indicate a helmet to adjust stun effects. |
Helmet Galea![]() |
A decorative marker to indicate a helmet to adjust stun effects. |
Helmet Bascinet![]() |
A decorative marker to indicate a helmet to adjust stun effects. |
Senses | |
Darkvision![]() |
Use when magical or engineered darkvision has been granted. |
Night Vision![]() |
Use when night vision has been enhanced by magic or engineering. |
Spirit Sense![]() |
The endowed power of life-dection through Spirit Sense is represented by this Status Marker. |
True Sight![]() |
When a priest grants the divine sensory effect of true vision. |
Hearing![]() |
This Status Marker is used when hearing is enhanced. |
Special Sense![]() |
Used to denote a special sense, such as tremorsense or devil sight. |
Various Status Markers | |
Ale![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Anvil![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Authority![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Battle Fate![]() |
Being blessed by the battle fate blessing. |
Bleeding![]() |
Used when an entity is continuing to lose Body points at a rate after the wound is inflicted, such as the result of the artery maneuver. |
Blessing![]() |
Status Marker to show the character has received a blessing of some type. |
Breathable![]() |
When a character to breath in the environment that would normally be assumed unfriendly, this Status Marker can be added. |
Burden![]() |
This is used to show that the recipient is under a burden enchantment. |
Candelabra![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Compelled![]() |
Used when there is a magical or psionic influence that is not a full charm effect but creates an emotional urging, such as compelled duel or mockery. |
Confusion![]() |
Victims of the under hulk or similar magical effect receive this Status Marker. |
Crown![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Cursed![]() |
This Status Marker is used when a character is cursed, whether that is from a spell, lycantropy or other reason. |
Defense Illusion![]() |
Used when a defensive effect, like mirror image or blur is active on a character. There is no API interaction but it acts as a reminder to player and GM. |
Dehydration![]() |
This indicates that an entity is suffering from days of dehydration. The Roll20 numeric value can show the number of days. |
Diseased![]() |
Used to indicate when a character has been infected. |
Dove![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Eating![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Ethereal![]() |
The state of an entity who is in the shallow border of the ethereal plane. Such beings may be able to be detected and interacted with at a limited capacity. |
ExtraDimensional![]() |
Used to indicate that a character exists in an extradimensional space, such as a hideaway or passwall. |
Flame Armor![]() |
An indicator used when a defense inflicts fire damage back upon an attacker, such as evocation of fire. |
Flask![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Flying![]() |
Indicates a creature is in flight. |
Frost Armor![]() |
An indicator used when a defense inflicts ice damage back upon an attacker, such as evocation of frost. |
Frozen Statue![]() |
When a victim is struck my a cone of cold, it is possible to become frozen as a statue. If so, this is the Status Marker used to indicate that failed save. |
Gaseous Form![]() |
Used when an entity is in a gaseous form. |
Hourglass![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use, but might be used to indicate turns remaining for an effect. |
Inspired![]() |
This Marker does not have a specific API use, the the GM might use it to indicate being inspired by a minstrel or personally emotional bonus. |
Intuition![]() |
This is when a priest is under the Intuition incantation. |
Key![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Lightning Armor![]() |
An indicator used when a defense inflicts lightning damage back upon an attacker, such as evocation of frost. |
Linked![]() |
This is used for aura linking or tether soul. |
Lock![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Magic Channel![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use, but could be used to show the character is using a personal channel. |
Mind-shielding![]() |
Indicates that a Mind is protected from telepathy and other psychic phenomenom. |
Mounted![]() |
A decorative Status Marker to show that a character is riding some sort of steed. |
Mushroom![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Musical![]() |
Showing that a character is currently playing a musical instrument, most likely as an action. |
Noose![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
On Ship![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Pawn![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Pendant![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Poison Blade![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Polymorphed![]() |
A decorative marker that can be used to indicate the entity is under a polymorph effect. |
Quick-Step![]() |
Being under the effect of the axiom quick-step. |
Reverence![]() |
A decorative marker to indicate a character exudes great charisma or more often a divine authority |
Runestone![]() |
A decorative marker which might be used to show that rune magic is being used by the character. |
Seige![]() |
Used to indicate that a character is operating a seige machine. |
Singing![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Size Change![]() |
The indicator used when an entity has undergone a magical change of size. |
Slow![]() |
Similar to maim but to indicate a reduction to movement based on necromancy, alchemy or other source. Ghouls are an example of producing a slow effect that is not due to maiming. |
Spider Climb![]() |
Indicates the effect. |
Spineless![]() |
When a priest endows himself with the spineless power to walk through spikes and brambles, this Status Marker is used to remind player and GM of the effect. |
Spiked Armor![]() |
An indicator used when a defense inflicts injury back upon an attacker, such as razorscales. |
Sprint![]() |
Denotes that a character is under influence of the six-round sprint axiom. |
Spyglass![]() |
A decorative marker without a specific API use. |
Starvation![]() |
This indicates that an entity has been malnutritioned and under the penalties for not eating sufficiently. |
Stealth![]() |
A decorative Marker to show that the character is current moving at half speed and using the stealth skill. |
Teamwork![]() |
When entities on the battlefield are using swarming or teamwork, the indicator represents that. |
Thorns![]() |
Used when inflicted by thornwrack. |
Tombstone![]() |
A decorative marker that is not connected with the API. |
Torch![]() |
A decorative marker that is not connected with the API. |
Vampyric![]() |
Used to show that the character is under the vampyric rules, such as entering residences, weaken due to running water, etc. |
Verbalize![]() |
This Status Marker denotes the character is able to cast within silence because of the verbalize effect. |
Vulnerability![]() |
This is not tied to the API but indicates that a character or monster has become vulnerable to a damage type. |
White Flag![]() |
A decorative marker that is not connected with the API. |
Wild Shape![]() |
When a character is transformed into his or her wild shape, this Marker denotes it. |