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Over-Category: Esthephage |
Kingdom: Undead |
Esthephages do not “eat” in the traditional since as biophages; however, they still have a need to consume from an energy source to maintain the vigor and life energies of their lifesong. That source is forms of emotional feelings and social ambiance. Called “feratu” by sages, undead is the name most call the formerly living creatures who have been brought to a horrifying state of non-living animation through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse. Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters. All undead have spirit sight out to 60 feet. However, others may have special vision as well. They have immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms). They are not subject to morale. Undead are also immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. Undead do not breathe, eat food, or sleep. |

Vampires are one of the most sentient and free-willed undead; however, they share the characteristics of unliving – spirit sense, lack of breath, immunity of charm and the need to feed on living flesh. They also have visual sight, spirit sight and darkvision. A vampire has better discipline for diet than most undead, but monthly they do need to consume around two quarts of blood or an organ – a heart, brain, liver or lung. Binging can occur, but a vampire can never store-up more than 3 months’ worth of sustenance. Because they grow more powerful over time, often enhancing skills and qualities, there is a lot of variety among their rare kind. However, all vampires share certain traits. They have vampiric life-drain, meaning when they strike by natural weapons, they deliver necrotic damage, but also the victim must make a Resilience preservation save (DC:26) or have the max-score reduced by the strike amount of damage, which also happens to become transferred to the vampire's health. A vampire can become supercharged, storing up to 10 body points above the maximum.
Vampires delivery of damage depends on their age. Upon first turning (or during the awakening), a vampire inflicts 1d20 in an attack. After its first kill by necrotic life-draining, the vampire increases to 2d20. Once having sired a new vampire, that vampire's power increases again to 3d20. Twenty years after siring other vampires, one's necrotic attack becomes 4d20, where upon the creature is known as a vampire lord. And finally, after 200 years, the sovereign vampire gains an attack of 5d20.
Vampires have all the immunities of the other undead; however, qualities of mind and spirit are tracked because vampires are capable of learning new skills, including sorcery and divine accord, which of course would be aligned with an evil deity or equivalent power. Further, vampires can call the dead into servitude. They can either animate a corpse to be an unliving minion. The beckoned dead will arise on a d10 as either a zombie (1-4), a skeleton (5-8), a ghoul (9) or a shadow (10). Variants of these are viable options at the GMs discretion. This action can be performed on one corpse as many times per day as the vampire has Faith. And the vampire can command a total of three times his or her Faith score. When raising an undead in general, the vampire can implant one general command or motivation above feeding, such as attack the nearby village or consider elf brains a delicacy. These minions are not fully-controlled by the vampire but will not leave their master willingly but may fight their master if attacked by him.
To sire a fledgling vampire is different than animating a corpse. This must be performed on a living humanish or atavistoid being. The “turning” must begin before the victim reaches zero body points. From that final strike, the vampire must make a continuous set of actions to drain life from the victim until the target’s body score drops below zero; however, the vampire must recover at least 6 points of vampiric regeneration during this process - and all this must be done while leaving the victim with a negative body score but without dropping the victim to “true death” (negative Resilience). In general this means while blood of anything can be used as sustenance, only strong creatures can turn and awake as a new vampire. Also, the stats given are an average. When turned, the neo-vampire will retain his or her previous scores. Most vampires should be written as NPCs rather than monsters.
Vampires will always have at least 500 karma worth of skills, perhaps retained from his or her previous life. Vocational skills can be trained and new skills can be acquired with karma just as a hero does. Lastly, a vampire has its immunity to most weapons. They cannot be harmed by stone or metal weapons, not even silvered - although magical ones can inflict damage as if the vampire were resistant. However, fresh wood or any other living substance can harm a vampire. Thus, wooden arrows, natural weapons or a staff wrapped in plants or soaked in blood, are capable of inflicting harm. However, some methods, blood per se, may require several re-dippings during the combat.
Vampire lords, those who sired others over twenty years prior, gain additional power. This ability is random. The GM may choose or select others than what are listed here. However, random selections follow. When reaching 200 years and becoming a sovereign vampire, the creature gains two more random powers.
1 | Arcane Devourer | Touch makes a random axiom of a sorcerer “uncastable” until a long rest |
2 | Breath of Decay | Twice per day the vampire can breathe bone shards in a 15-foot cone (6 hexes) for 2d6 points (Agility save for half). |
3 | Creative | Vampire gains +4 to Muse |
4 | Dark Blasphemy | Priests within 20 feet of the vampire have negative energy corrupt their divine powers. This means that when an opponent uses a priestly ability or casts an invocation, a Faith preservation save is made (DC:16) or that opponent loses 1 point of spirit beyond any normal cost. |
5 | Dark Religion | Vampire gains +3 to Faith |
6 | Darkness | Twice per day – invoke darkness as the divine ability. |
7 | Death Exchange | When slaying a creature, any damage which had been inflicted from that creature is instantly restored |
8 | Blink | Twice per day, as axiom |
9 | Faithless | The vampire can only suffer 1 point from turning damage per incident, absorbing the others as a loss for the priest. |
10 | Hollow | When struck down, the feratu's body dissolves, releasing poisonous gas in a 10-foot radius (like an inhaled version of Chokeooze Poison). |
11 | Intangible Pass | The vampire can easily walk through solid objects like a wraith. |
12 | Keen | Vampire gains +2 to Perception |
13 | Limited Flight | Similar effect as if wearing Webbed Gloves of Dew. |
14 | Link To Soul | Once the vampire makes contact with someone, it can track the victim without fail. Only one target at a time. |
15 | Massive Claws | Gain an extra d20 to natural fighting attacks (this can exceed the 5d20 attack rule) |
16 | Might | Vampire gains +2 to Strength |
17 | Minion Summoning | Once per day, summon d4 skeletons to fight. |
18 | Nimble | Vampire gains +3 to Agility |
19 | Paralyzing Strike | Like the powers of a ghoul, slowing the victim by 25-feet per successful hit; no save. |
20 | Putrefying Aura | All food and drink within 20 feet become rotten and diseased |
21 | Reanimate | Create one to two skeletons or zombies once per week; these exceed the normal limits of controlled minions. |
22 | Regeneration | Restores 2d4 Body points at the end of the vampire's turn, unless it has been destroyed. |
23 | See Invisible | Constant sense (requires no action) |
24 | Sorcery | Gain +2 to Logic |
25 | Soul Eater | Those slain by the feratu cannot be raised from the dead. The vampire gains +1 to max-body value for every 100 killed up to 100 max. |
26 | Stable | Vampire gains +2 to Judgment |
27 | Tank | Vampire gains +2 to Resilience |
28 | Tenacity | Vampire gains +2 to Will |
29 | Turn Living | Like turn undead only the animated dead casts it upon living creatures. |
30 | Unholy Damage | Wounding from the vampire cannot be treated or heal naturally. Potions or divine magic is required. |
31 | Unnatural Combat | +2 per die on each attack |
32 | Vampirism | All attacks, even those from weapons or spells, carry the life-draining power. |
33 | Wilting Power | Touch causes plants to wither and rot. Delivers 2d20 attack to plant creatures above normal attack (or just by touch) |
Finally, all vampires and lords suffer from the vampyric flaws: none can enter a residence without an invitation; vampires suffers 2d4 points of smite damage if ending its turn above or in running water; sunlight is deadly, causing one to take 2d6 points of smiting damage when it starts its turn; moreover, while in the sunlight, a vampire is at disadvantage on attack rolls and saves.
Notes: | Skills and Qualities can be learned and trained; Life-Draining; Create and control undead; Special vampyric powers with age; Vampyric Flaws) |
Body: | 24 ( STR:5, AGIL:5, RESIL:6 ) |
Mind: | 13 ( LOGIC:3, PERC:3, JUDG:3 ) |
Spirit: | 13 ( WILL:4, FAITH:3, MUSE:2 ) |
Movement: | 70 feet |
Size Category: | Medium |
Protection Points: | 6 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Claws and Bite (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +5 |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 2 to 3 pts |
Attack Special: | onHit;resilienceDC16;{"command":"word","specialWord":"Life-Drain"} |
Attack: | Sword (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 1 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +5 |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 3 pts |