Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Fideophage |
Kingdom: Celestial |
Celestials and Fiends are Fideophages, who endure and sustain their existence by harnessing worship and belief but sometimes emotion as well. Mere consideration that a creature could exist by only a dozen people may be enough to sustain one. Starvation because of a lack of belief varies in time based on the power and strength of the entity in question. Celestials are creatures who are native to the Upper Planes. Many of them are the servants of deities, employed as messengers or agents in the mortal realm and throughout the planes. Celestials are good by nature, so the exceptional celestial who strays from a good alignment is a horrifying rarity. Celestials include angels and even pegasi. These beings do not sleep, eat food or breath. They cannot be affected by poison or smite. Also all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, illusions, phantasms, intimidation, interrogation, etc) do not work on them. |

Pegasi are magical beings and minor celestials. As such they are generally good and life-honoring beings, who are incredibly majestic. They are powerful and have darkvision. While not possessing the power of speech but pegasi can understand language as can a humanoid child. This appears to be semi-telepathic or possible emotionally-empathic, as language does not seem to matter for them. Moreover, their porous thick hide offers more protection than a horse. They are strong flyers but are not great beasts of burden, as their bone structure is lighter than other equines. They can only carry 200 pounds in flight and about the same when traveling by foot. This does mean a pegasus is relatively easy to prevent from flying off by weighing one down. As they are not animals, the term domestication is almost never used, save perhaps the ignorant. Nonetheless, pesasi have strong social relationships with other beings. When these creatures do attack, usually in defense, they bludgeon with their hooves.
Notes: | Flight: 120; Telempathic Communication; Tell-Tale) |
Body: | 27 ( STR:5, AGIL:7, RESIL:6 ) |
Mind: | 10 ( LOGIC:2, PERC:3, JUDG:2 ) |
Spirit: | 13 ( WILL:3, FAITH:3, MUSE:3 ) |
Movement: | 120 feet |
Size Category: | Large (+1 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 9 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Bludgeon (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +5 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | blunt |
Damage: | 4 to 5 pts |