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Over-Category: Fideophage |
Kingdom: Fiend |
Celestials and Fiends are Fideophages, who endure and sustain their existence by harnessing worship and belief but sometimes emotion as well. Mere consideration that a creature could exist by only a dozen people may be enough to sustain one. Starvation because of a lack of belief varies in time based on the power and strength of the entity in question. Fiends are creatures of wickedness that are native to the Lower Planes. A few are the servants of deities, but many more labor under the leadership of archdevils and demon princes. Evil priests and mages sometimes summon fiends to the material world to do their bidding. If an evil celestial is a rarity, a good fiend is almost inconceivable. Fiends include demons, devils, and dybbuks. Demons are evil agents of chaos. They are immune to poison and resistant to fire. Demons do not sleep; however, they do breathe. Demons also eat, but their need for sustenance is far different than mortal beings; demons absorb fear and hedonic emotion to feed. Devils are methodical and astute observers; however, their wickedness runs deep. Devils radiate fear that affects non-primeval animals. They are immune to poison and fire, as well as being resistant to cold. Devils can see through darkness, even magical darkness. And they do not sleep nor breathe. As Fideophages, devils do not eat food; however, the way a devil does feed is by absorbing mental energy that emits from doubt. Dybbuks are beings of pure evil. Such entities require magical weaponry to hit. Moreover, they are immune to acid and resistant to fire and ice. They beings do not sleep, eat food or breathe. Techically, these beings sustain their lives from the energy dispersion that erupts from a lifesone upon death. |

Andurga Demon (Demon)
From the waist up, andurgas appear to be attractive humanoid women with six arms, but their lower halves are those of giant, green snakes. This has led them to be called “lamia demons” from time to time. In each hand they carry highly decorated weapons, and adorn themselves with jewelry. They measure 20?feet in total length, giving them a standing height of around 7 to 8 feet.
Andurgas have wicked personalities, eager to bring pain and betrayal to others, but this malice is accompanied by a shrewd cunning. They are highly intelligent beings with a strong sense for strategy and in matters of army-level tactics.
Andurgas eagerly join melee combat if given the chance, though they carefully size up a given situation and use terrain and vulnerabilities to their advantage. What is difficult terrain for a human is often normal for an andurga. They can swiftly strike with their many weapons, which allow them 5d20 in melee attacks, but they also have skills similar to spinning moves, which permits them to split those dice among different targets. Also, this demon can add its tail tail as a multi-attack upon any target of its swords.
Further, the andurga demon has a few specialized attacks. One is the swath of destruction, where the demon uses its mass and wild swinging of weapons to clear a path. It moves up to 75 feet in a straight line as a charge, allowing it to move through the occupancy of any medium or smaller creature. Any being of such size in the path or an adjacent hex must make an Agility preservation save (DC:17) or become knocked prone. Those in the direct path also suffer 3d4 points of edged damage or half as much if making the same save. The specialty can only be used once every six rounds.
Another nasty ability is the creation of a razor ring, which has a diameter chosen by the demon up to 60 feet. The wall of spinning blades is 20 feet tall and 2 feet thick. It offers 3/4 cover for any ranged attacks outside of it; plus it is considered difficult terrain if any runs through it. If any creature passed through the wall, that being must attempt an Agility preservation save (DC:19). Failing the save inflicts 5d4 points of edged damage or half as much on a successful save.
Finally, andurga demons have special magical abilities. The most often observed is their ability to morph size. An andurga can make itself around the size of a dwarf with only six feet of snake tail up to nearly 9 feet tall with 30-foot long serpentine parts. Despite preferring their larger form, this peculiar ability does not change their mass thus, even when shrinking for space confinements, one would still strike like a large creature and act as one for grappling. While not using them as often because they prefer combat, they are capable of casting the following as an action: detect magic, detect thoughts, discordance, false aura, ghost sound, glamour mouth, glitter, ignis fatuus, petty glamour, and sleep. Twice per day, an andurga can use an action to manifest the following: astasia, confusion, conjure barrage, ether wisp, fear, phantasmal distraction, polymorph, sectantur and shadow turf. Anduras can also teleport one time in a day. Also, these demons have dark vision but more dangerous they possess true sight.
Notes: | Swath of Destruction; Razor Ring) |
Body: | 52 ( STR:12, AGIL:10, RESIL:13 ) |
Mind: | 28 ( LOGIC:7, PERC:6, JUDG:6 ) |
Spirit: | 24 ( WILL:8, FAITH:4, MUSE:4 ) |
Movement: | 75 feet |
Size Category: | Large (+1 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 15 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Swords (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 5 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +12 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 7 to 11 pts |
Attack: | Tail (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +12 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | blunt |
Damage: | 7 to 8 pts |
Attack Special: | onHit;{"type":"save","quality":"agilty","DC":"8"};{"command":"n-markers","tags":[{"tag":"prone","parameter":"true"}]} |