“The core practice of magic is: The execution of a willed intent to create change in the material world, which either defies, hastens or purifies the consequences of natural cause and effect.” —Zeena Schreck
To manipulate the strands of magic which weave throughout the material world, then a specific training skill of sorcery is required skill. Sorcery uses arcane spells, called axioms, to alter and create matter and energy according to the arcane knowledge. This skill is its own form of magic and is incompatible with others, even if the spell name happens to be the same. The methods and birthing of the manipulations conjured are different than divine magic, fey magickery, runes, or even alchemical effects.
The idea of becoming a sorcerer may be intriguing to some; however, there are risks. Once discovering those prospects, a great many fall by the wayside and choose it is not a path for them. One of the first concerns is the dactyl surgery required. It is a crude procedure, and rejections do occur. The GM should not allow a failed surgery to occur to a PC without a very good reason, but from the perspective of those in the game-world, this is a risky process. The process has improved in recent years of the mago-technology boon, but this is not something for the weak of heart. The operation makes incisions over the bones of the hands and fingers and implants slivers of a rare metal called ductilium which magically grafts to the bones …if everything goes according to plan. This special metal causes a modification of tendons and ligaments over the next few weeks, while healing from the surgery, with the end result of a far greater flexibility than before. Divine healing during this time frame is strongly discouraged as it will likely ruin the surgery. Nevertheless, this new hand physiology, while offering no change to one’s sub-attribute scores, its success can be measure in that rolling a coin over one’s knuckles is a simpler task after a successful metal-grafting. Additionally, the ductilium helps to attract the knurls of magic that are entwined in the universe -- or perhaps ubiquiverse is a better term to include the various planes of existence.
After one’s hands have healed, typically requiring a few weeks, learning to use the added sense, subtle as it is, comes next. The sensation allows one to recognize the different energy strands which pertain to arcane magic. Although not directly part of this skill, the next step is to learn one or more axioms, which are magical spells of sorcery to be cast by manipulating those particles of magical energy. These various energy knurls subsist as part of the comprising of reality itself. What the sorcery skill does is train a being how to feel, find and manipulate these forces to create exceptions to the standard chimerics (physics) of the world. As its very purpose, sorcery is a process of knowing how to break the natural rules of the cosmos.
Mind Score | Sorcery Capacity |
10 | Minimum score to learn sorcery Minimum score to cast 1-point axioms |
11 | Minimum score to cast 2-point axioms |
13 | Minimum score to learn sorcery II Minimum score to cast 3-point axioms |
15 | Minimum score to cast 4-point axioms |
18 | Minimum score to learn sorcery III Minimum score to cast 5-point axioms |
20 | Minimum score to cast 6-point axioms |
Once learning how to wield and shape these particles of energy into strands and patterns, then specific axioms for these forces can be applied. This is how a specific axiom works. It is a mental process of meshing magical energy, often mixed with gestures that weave the magic, to produce a potential effect. Performing this task is mentally exhausting, and therefore, costs points from a character’s Mind score when casting a sorcery axiom. This is why there is a prerequisite of a 10 Logic score or higher just to be capable of learning the base sorcery skill.
Typically, the base skill of sorcery must be learned from another, using karma or gained by training in the pre-history of the character’s origin. The investment of time could be used instead of karma; however, this would require a 300-day investment without a guaranty of success. Even when using karma to attain the skill, about two months are still required.
The sorcery skill allows access to learn axioms that have a Mind-cost of only 1 or 2 points. More powerful spells will require the advanced skills of either sorcery II or sorcery III.
To cast a sorcery spell, a specific axiom must be acquired. There are too parts for obtaining an axiom. First, the potential for learning it, based on karma, must be paid. To place the axiom into one’s repertoire, that karma expense is 100 points per Mind-point cost of the axiom. The second part is physically obtaining the spell instruction and procedure. Typically, this will be written on a scroll, then copied into a reference manual (or spell book). Of course, the scroll could be kept by itself rather than placed into a book, but there are issued with that which will be discussed next. All axioms must be reviewed from the magical writing at least once every 28 days; however, there is no daily “memorization” required. What this means is those axioms known are available, assuming a spellbook has been available in the past 28 days. If going longer than this, the axiom is not lost but cannot be used until it has been reviewed; thus, losing all one’s spellbooks is a serious concern.
To transfer from a scroll into a spellbook is part of the skill set learned from sorcery. However, going the other direction, from book to scroll, requires the scroll writing skill. What’s the difference? There is an important distinction. The scroll-to-book process not only moves the magical writing to a new medium, but also it lifts the magic stored in the scroll and integrates it into the lifesong of the sorcerer. Thus, it is two-fold in the technique. First, storing the writing for future reference, and secondly ingraining the magic into the aura of the caster. To be clear, this process destroys the scroll.
The other way around, book-to-scroll, literally stores a casting into the scroll, a part required to learn and obtain the axiom as a new spell; thus, the storing the potential energy of the magic into the scroll requires a more advanced skill than just the base sorcery technique. Yet, this is important one and has the potential for scams. As previously stated, the scroll could be kept and reviewed to keep the axiom in one&rsqo;s repertoire, but this means carrying a “loaded” version of the magic, plus it is likely the only copy. In the other direction, there are swindlers who will copy the magic writing scroll to another scroll without empowering the scroll. Thus, when a sorcerer believes he or she has purchased a powered scroll to learn or cast from, a big surprise of nothing occurs.
There is a benefit the other way as well. An axiom can be cast from the scroll, using the empowerment stored within, so long as one either has scroll reading as an attained skill. When doing so, as long as the Logic score permits the casting of that axiom, it can be manifested from the scroll using the reader’s sub-attributes to calculate any variance.
Further, a valid option when using axioms is a process called “oversiphoning.” In the process of manifesting the magic, the sorcerer is gathering and manipulating those energy knurls previously mentioned. The mental effort required to perform this act is measured in the cost of Mind points, as stated earlier. However, the sorcerer can push more mental power into an axiom, which creates a stronger concentrations of those magical forces, weaves thicker stands of sorcery and creates a more powerful effect from the axiom. The cost is extra Mind points used over the normally required amount. This the process is what magicians call oversiphoning. However, not all axioms may be worth the extra investment; some even might gain no effect at all. In the description is an explanation of how oversiphoning would work for that axiom and what the additional costs would be. One final clarification: oversiphoning does not alter the casting time.
Just as advantage and disadvantage applies to combat, the same can occur for sorcery. When a sorcerer is at advantage for the casted axiom spell, then the first degree of oversiphoning can be used at the normal cost. If the axiom does not benefit from oversiphoning, then the advantage offers no benefit. Moreover, attempting to oversiphon at an even higher degree than what can be performed at advantage will not change the Mind-point cost. At the other end, if at disadvantage, the casting time is doubled.
Moreover, if at advantage or disadvantage when another attempts to disrupt an axiom, either during the casting or by interrupting the concentration, then two d20s will be rolled for the save. The save to be attempted will be discussed in the next subsection below. The better or the worse of the two scores will be used, depending on whether the sorcerer is at advantage or at disadvantage.
Some axioms require concentration. Unlike divine magic, the sorcerer can still partake in conversations and observe the surroundings, but while concentration is required; however, no reactions can be performed. No new axioms, cantrips or invocations be cast either. However, other actions, such as drinking a potion or activating a magic item are perfectly legitimate. However, combat attacks, whether melee or at range, can only be made with disadvantage. Further, movement rate is half during concentration. Of course, a specific detail in an axiom could override this general rule. Additionally, concentration cannot used if Pain, Anxiety, or Spite has crossed over the halfway point to create disadvanteage.
Should the caster&rssquo;s concentration be broken, it will usually end the axiom. Thus, if the concentration is required to maintain or complete an effect, then breaking the caster’s concentration would free the victims. However, in some cases, such as conjure elemental, it does not return end as one might expect.
Concentration may be broken by inflicting damage against Body, Mind or Spirit. Of course, being pushed into disadvantage due to Body, Mind or Spirit will ruin concentration (no save). However, the caster is permitted a save against a Comp:10 plus the number of points of damage to maintain concentration. If struck with Body damage, a Resilience save is used. If Mind damage, then Judgment; and if Spirit, then Muse.
This is the same type of save required if damage is inflicted upon a caster who is in the midst of casting. If failing the save against Resilience, Judgment; or Muse, then the casting is interrupted and the spell and Mind points are lost. However, if making the save, the casting can continue. Also, if the axiom uses gestures, then a successful grapple will force a save to break the casting, but obviously there are no additional points for damage. That said, if the caster can be knocked prone, then this adds 3 points to the Comp required. The same is true for silence-type effects if the axiom has verbal components. However, if the axiom has been started, a successful save indicates the sorcerer was able to complete the magic despite the limitations.
As for breaking concentration, one can use arcane disruption as an action or counterspell as a reaction at the start of the caster’s turn. Obviously, killing, stunning or incapacitating the caster would also work. Lastly, the GM may allow for environmental events to break concentration.
Just as advantage and disadvantage applies to combat, the same can occur for sorcery. When a sorcerer is at advantage for the casted axiom spell, then the first degree of oversiphoning can be used at the normal cost. If the axiom does not benefit from oversiphoning, then the advantage offers no benefit. Moreover, attempting to oversiphon at an even higher degree than what can be performed at advantage will not change the Mind-point cost. At the other end, if at disadvantage, the casting time is doubled.
Moreover, if at advantage or disadvantage when another attempts to disrupt an axiom, either during the casting or by interrupting the concentration, then two d20s will be rolled for the save, as described in the subsection above. The better or the worse of the two scores will be used, depending on whether the sorcerer is at advantage or at disadvantage.
Effect Restrictions
There are a few axioms where an effect may be removed by subsequent saves made against the effect. However, this might seem ambiguous if the result of the axiom for failing the initial save results in a restriction that makes all future saves automatically fail. An example of this is nauseating breath. If the victim fails the initial save, then he or she is stunned but also allowed subsequent Resilience saves to clear the magical gas from one’s system. The conflict occurs when reading the effects of being stunned, which include the automatic failure of any Body saves while under the restriction. In these cases, subsequent saves are not penalized by the inflicted restriction; however, all other reasons to make a save or feat roll would be. Thus, the following round after failing the save against nauseating breath would be a normal save, but if someone grappled the victim, then the competition would automatically go to the one attempting the hold. Furthermore, previous existing effects might also play into these subsequent saves. If the victim were at disadvantage for some other reason for the initial save against nauseating breath, the subsequent saves would also be at disadvantage, so long as the cause for disadvantage still applied. Combined effects should apply in order as a base rule whenever these factors must be considered. Of course, a specific rule of an item or other magic would override this general one.
There is one final note on casting axioms. There do exist items of channeling: rods, orbs, wands, scepters, fans and the like. These are often made from special materials; sometimes feywood or perhaps mythril. The fashioning of these items is performed through arcane craft, requiring about one week of time and roughly 2500 bits of raw material.
A focus channel is not something for the casual caster, such as a fighter who picks up ice blast to strike targets out of reach. This is for the serious sorcerer who primarily casts only magic and does it frequently. Otherwise, it may not be worth the investment.
Axiom List
The chart of axioms is ordered by cost, while the descriptions are ordered alphabetically.
Axioms Explained
Acid Arrow Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Acid Dart |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
While having a shorter range, this axiom has more opportunity to inflict damage and over a longer period. The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a green arrow of magical acid at that target by an attack of a d20 against its protective points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d4 points of alchemical damage is inflicted immediately, plus the victim must make a Resilience save (Comp:13) or have the acid continue to burn for another d4 points of damage which is recorded at the end of the target’s next turn. In the interim, the victim is in pain that prevents spell casting or other concentration without an appropriate concentration feat, which in this case is a Resilience save (Comp:16). |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Two separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous attack. |
Acid Dart Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of corrosive acid at that target by an attack of a d20 against its protective points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d4 points of alchemical damage is inflicted against body. This axiom can be cast in magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The d20 attack is at advantage. The damage becomes a d6. |
Air Bubble Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 10 minutes |
This spell creates a small pocket of breathable air that surrounds the touched creature’s head or the touched object. The air bubble allows the creature touched to breathe underwater or in similar airless environments. An item is surrounded by the bubble and is protected from water damage. This axiom can be cast in magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The duration is 20 minutes. |
Alarm Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 8 hours |
The spell wards against unwanted intrusion placed on a door, window or gate. The portal cannot extend outside of a 20-foot cube. While in effect, should a tiny or larger creature touch or enter the warded area, then an alarm will signal. If within 60 feet, an audible sound like a hand bell will sound. Also, a mental alert will ping the caster up to a mile away. This ping will also wake the caster if asleep. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The duration is 14 hours. |
Appropriation Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
By selecting a culture or subculture, the sorcerer can adapt to it. If speaking the native language, then for the duration a native accent will be used. Further, gestures, subtle behavior and body language will give the caster the appearance as a native of the culture. This axiom can be cast in magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The duration is 2 hours. |
Arcane Adjuct Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 Requirement: Alarm, Arcane Rider |
Time Required: | Special | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 8 hours |
This axiom is a modified enhancement from arcane rider, and it also allows another axiom effect to be linked to an object with a physical or audible trigger condition. Using the magic from alarm is what granted this a longer duration, but the mental alert from the alarm axiom not included to keep the spell cost low. Instead, only axioms with a single Mind-point cost can placed into the object to activate upon the specified action. Multiple options are possible with this axiom; however, the spell was specifically created to work as an alert for the physical change on the paper of inkoflex. Similar to its predecessor, the embedded axiom cannot be one that inflicts damage, forces a save or requires concentration. Only one action is needed to prepare the object to receive the axiom; however, the second spell must be cast as normal and will require the same time as typical casting. The embedded axiom cannot be oversiphoned. |
Arcane Rider Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Special | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up To 10 minutes |
This axiom allows other axiom effects to be linked to an object with a physical or audible trigger condition. Any axiom with a Mind-point cost of 2 or lower can be placed into the object to activate upon the specified action, which may be forceful impact, touch or even a key word spoken within 30 feet of the object. A message received by inkodistance could be a condition. However, the embedded spell effect cannot be one that inflicts damage, forces a save upon a victim or requires concentration from the caster. Only one action is needed to prepare the object to receive the axiom; however, the second spell must be cast as normal and will require the same time as typical casting. Spells such as air bubble, false aura and silence are examples of axioms that could be used. A common usage is creating “arrows of silence” that active when striking; to create one such arrow, two actions and three spell points total would be needed. The embedded axiom cannot be oversiphoned. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | An axiom up to a cost of 3 Mind points can be embedded which may include oversiphoned axioms. |
Bilious Gloom Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The sorcerer creates a 25-foot-diameter sphere (19 hexes) of green-brown, nauseating gas centered on a point within range. This can be located in spaces occupied by others. The nasty fog causes the area to be heavily obscured, causing -2 penalties to attack by melee inside it and - 5 to attack when using range in or out. The haze lingers in place for the 6-round duration. Each creature that is the area at the start of its turn must make a Resilience save (TM:13) as if the mist were poison. On a failed save, the creature is under the incapacitated restriction, spending its turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this save. Natural wind (at least 10 miles per hour) can disperse the cloud after 3 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) clears it after only 1 round. In all other cases, the cloud will dissipate at the end of the sorcerer’s sixth turn after casting. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Resilience save (TM:15). |
Blink Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
At the cost of 10 feet of movement, the sorcerer can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space which is clearly visible at the moment of casting. If the new location is out of direct sight from others, then a new Perception check may be required to be aware of the caster’s presence. This can be cast in a silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Movement cost 5 feet. Teleport distance is up to 45 feet. |
Bloat Bomb Verbal, Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Connecronism |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
By use of this axiom, a freshly dead corpse, within ten minutes, that has not had other necrotic influence such as connecronism or similar effects, will become bloated and roll up to 20 feet in a straight line from its original position, then explode with concussive force. If reaching an occupied hex prior to the intended destination, it will explode in that spot instead. The bloated corpse explodes for a d6 of blunt damage to a single target. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Rolling distance is up to 45 feet. Corpse can be maneuvered around obstructions on its way to the target. |
Blood Boost Verbal, Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Connecronism |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
If choosing to enhance a spell by oversiphoning, and the sorcerer can use a reaction to substitute like Body points for the overage instead of Mind points. For example, if oversiphoning memory meld to allow two minutes of memory transfer, this would cost the sorcerer 5 Mind points. However, through blood boost this would only cost the sorcerer a total of 3 Mind points (1 from the alarm axiom and 2 from blood boost) but would further cost 4 Body points for the difference needed to oversiphon the alarm spell. After using this axiom, the sorcerer must make a Resilience save (TM:15). Failing this save indicates the caster cannot perform another blood boost sacrifice again without first taking a short rest. No sorcerer understanding general math would use this axiom unless the points of oversiphoning were greater than cost of using this axiom as a reaction, and even then the blood sacrifice can be costly. |
Blur Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
Upon casting, the caster becomes blurred and wavering to all who observe him or her. The effect remains through the sorcerer’s next turn, the one after that, and finally ends on the completion of the third turn. During that time, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against the caster. An attacker is immune to this effect if it does not rely on sight, such as blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight. This can be cast in magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 4 rounds. |
Boiling Oil Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 4 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
By use of this axiom, boiling oil comes into existence and pours over the top of a five-foot wide cylinder (1 hex) within range. Typically this will only affect one target, but it is possible more than one could occupy that small space. Any creatures beneath the spill must make an Agility save (TM:13). The target suffers 1d6 points of corrosive damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Agility save (TM:15). Base damage is 2d4. |
Bolster Mental Only | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This axiom costs the use of a reaction; however, it is triggered by the preparation of casting a specific type of axiom as an action. Thus, it can be cast at the same time as another axiom on the sorcerer’s action turn. It can only adjust damage-based axioms that target single creatures and are hurled to hit AC, such as acid dart and enfeeblement. The power of bolster adds 2d20 to the attack roll on the original spell and allows the “per-hit” damage to increase. However, the maximum damage that can occur from this augmentation is two successful dice. For example, if bolstering a fire dart and two of the 3d20s thrown successfully strike, then 2d4 points of fire damage would be delivered. However, if the original axiom’s “per-hit” includes an effect where the victim must make a save, such as acid arrow, this would not require more than the original save nor would the failed save include additional duration or damage. The original axiom being bolstered cannot be oversiphoned. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The axiom of the primary action is permitted to be oversiphoned. If another d20 is added because of its oversiphoning, then all the d20s are used to determine a successful hit; however, the maximum “per-hit” damage would still be limited to two dice. |
Burning Hands Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
On the successful touch attack upon a victim, the sorcerer uses a reaction to have flames shoots forth from his or her fingertips. This will inflict d4 points of fire damage. See Touch-based Effects. If the initial action is unsuccessful, the reaction will not be triggered. The fire ignites any flammable objects that are not worn or carried that are also in the same space. Lastly, there are no words to this axiom; therefore, it can be cast within an area of silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Fire damage is d4+2. |
Burst of Thought Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer unleashes the psychic energy in a wave that shocks nearby creatures’ minds. Each living creature within 5 feet (not a construct, undead, or the sorcerer) must make a Logic save. On a failed save, a creature suffers 1 point of Mind damage. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Psychic damage is 2 points. |
Charge Object Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 4 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 3 months |
The sorcerer imbues an inanimate object, which must be touched, with an electrical charge. The object must weight at least 1 pound and cannot be bigger than 1 cubic foot. However, it could be an object within another object. For example, a door could not be used; however, a door knocker could. The first creature besides the caster to touch the object must make an Agility save (TM:13). The base lightning damage 3d4; however, the victim will suffer only half on a successful save. While the caster can touch the object, it could still discharge if moved faster than a 10-foot movement rate or shaken by the caster. If struck with a held object, even of a non-conductive substance such as wood, the magic will trace the strike back to the source. However, it might be possible to “safely” discharge it by hurling something with a strong enough force. Once the charge is expended, the spell ends. If nothing causes the object to discharge three months, then the spell also ends. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Agility save (TM:14). Base damage is 3d4+2. |
Charm Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
This charms a sociable humanoid within range who can be seen. The target is permitted a secret Will save (TM:12). If the recipient has been threatened by anyone within the last few moments, even those unrelated to the caster, then the save is made with advantage. If the save fails, then the target treats the sorcerer as a friendly acquaintance (agreeable if using the social interaction chart). This won’t make anyone do things against his self-interest, such as rob a bank or attack a monster out of his league. When the spell ends, an Awareness check is allowed against the same TM to know magical influence was used. If originally saving against the charm, the victim will absolutely know a charm was attempted. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Two separate targets can be selected. Will save (TM:14). |
Chill Touch Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
After a successful touch action used to cast this spell (see Touch-based Effects), the sorcerer uses a reaction to deliver 1d2 points of cold damage as the victim is enveloped in a crust of frost until the start of the caster’s next turn. If the target has a turn before then, then its movement is reduced by 20 feet. Further, any action that is an attack roll in that time frame would be at disadvantage. Lastly, there are no words to this axiom; therefore, it can be cast within an area of silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Damage is 1d4. |
Chime Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 Requirement: Ghost Sound |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 2 seconds |
This is a non-combat alert axiom for the use with Arcane Rider or Arcane Adjunct. It does not require concentration as most other illusions at this low power level do; however, it can only create a simple sound, like a bell or glass breaking, for a duration no longer than 2 seconds. The volume is always the same, a consistent level the same as a speaking voice, roughly 50 to 60 dB. |
Closing Speed Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 1 hour |
By making prophetic symbols in the air and touching the willing recipient, this axiom gives one creature preternatural foresight in battle. The next time the creature makes an initiative roll before the spell ends, it treats any roll of 4 or lower on the d10 as a 5. In addition, for the duration, when the target fails a Perception check to become surprised, such as a sneak attack to begin the fight, then that Perception can be rerolled, but the second roll must be used. The spell ends early on a target whenever the first initiative is used. |
Cloud of Daggers Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This fills the air with spinning daggers in a five-foot cube, centered at an unoccupied location of the sorcerer’s choosing. The manifestation exists so long as the caster concentrates on it, meaning he or she cannot take other actions or reactions plus combat is at disadvantage. Any creature starting its turn or entering the area will suffer an attack from the magical trap. The cloud attacks on a single d20 plus Logic score, inflicting d4 points of edged damage against the victim’s Body. The longest the sorcerer’s concentration can last is until the end of his or her sixth subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The d20 attack is at advantage. Damage is d6. |
Connecronism Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Self | Duration: | Permanent |
Delving into the arts of lifesong magic, connecronism allows the sorcerer to heal oneself. By the use of dead body, which must be freshly killed within ten minutes, and the blood of that being, the caster can restore d6 points of Body to himself. However, the body must be one that bleeds and therefore cannot be a construct, celestial, fiend or undead. Some cosmic beings may no bleed, which will be determined by the GM if not specified. Further, this can be performed only once per dead body, after which connecronism will not work for anyone. Lastly, direct contact with the blood must be made, meaning the body may have to be cut. Up to a quart of blood is absorbed by the axiom, swirling around the sorcerer and soaking into his or her body. Despite having no verbal properties to the axiom, magical silence will prevent its casting. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | d8 Body points restored. |
Decaying Rot Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Connecronism or Vengeance |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This necromancy requires a bit of self-harm, as the caster cuts or stabs oneself for 1 point of Body damage. However, the blood from the wound becomes a gaseous infection that strikes at a target within 10 feet (2 hexes). The victim must make a save using Resilience (TM:13) or suffer d4 necrotic points of damage. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Resilience save (TM:14). Damage is d6. |
Detect Magic Mental Only | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, the sorcerer gains the ability sense the presence of magic within 30 feet. The sense is not automatic but instead requires using an action to examine an object or creature to recognize a magical aura. The sorcerer must be aware of the object or creature upon which to focus; therefore, this cannot be used to see invisible things or detect scrying. If an object is on a living creature, then it is protected by the being’s lifesong and therefore the person must be examined first to know something on his person is magical, then a second action, then third, and so on, could be used to delve deeper an examine specific items on the person’s possession. While performing these actions that continue into future actions, this requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer cannot cast other magic, use reactions and if forced into combat, such attacks would be at disadvantage. However, while the spell has not expired its duration but the sorcerer is not actively concentrating on detection, the penalties of concentration do not apply. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is up to 15 minutes. |
Detect Supernatural Mental Only, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, the caster can know if there is a celestial, elemental, fey, fiend, glitch or undead within 30 feet, as well as the location of the creature. Further, if there is a place or object within 30 feet that has been divinely consecrated or desecrated, this too will be revealed. This axiom requires concentration; therefore, while detecting, the sorcerer cannot take reactions or cast a new spell without ending the axiom. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is up to 20 minutes. |
Detect Thoughts Mental Only, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 1 minute |
For the duration of the axiom, the sorcerer can sense and interpret thoughts from certain creatures. Upon casting and each subsequent action while the spell has not expired, the sorcerer focuses his or her mind on any single creature without 30 feet; however, only creatures who possess language can be properly read. What is learned is the surface thought – what is most prevalent on the creature’s mind at the moment, such as hunger, thrill, pain, joy or fear. This surface reading is unknown to the target. This probing requires concentration, meaning the caster may not use any reactions during the process; further, new castings are also prohibited due to the concentration. Upon the next turn the following round, the sorcerer may choose another target or may probe deeper on the established target. If going deeper, the mental intrusion will be known by the victim, who may make a Perception save against a TM:13 to resist the mental search. If successful, this will forcefully end the axiom. However, if failing, then the sorcerer gains insight into the victim’s reasoning, emotional state, motivations, compulsive thoughts (such as what it worries over, what it loves or hates). |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Perception save (TM:14). |
Discordance Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer blows a light whistle towards the intended target, who must be within range and line of sight. The victim hears in its head a jarring and absonant melody; however, no one else can hear it. This forces the recipient to make a Judgment save (TM:12). Failing the save causes the victim to flee from the sorcerer, not out of fear as the recipient is still allowed to take all actions and reactions. The victim of a failed save must move in a direction opposite the caster at its next movement opportunity, doing so to its full movement. Deaf creatures, those immune to mental attack or those immune to charm will not be affected. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Judgment save (TM:13) |
Empower Animal Mental Only | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
The sorcerer selects an animal, which must be of the small Size-Category and cannot have a Mind score greater than 5. Effectively this create can perform a single single task, just as carrying something under its own power, travel to a specific location or even attempt to location an item or person of which the sorcerer has direct knowledge and a reasonable belief of the whereabouts. While no physical powers are granted to the animal, it will act intelligently with reasoning powers similar to a normal human to complete the assigned task. There is a minor communicative ability between caster and animal but little more than confirming success or failure if there is time remaining to return. It is possible for glamour mouth to be cast upon the animal after and in conjunction with the trigger of the messaging to be set on the success of the animal’s task. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Duration is 2 hours. |
Enfeeblement Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Vengeance |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of dim light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of necrotic damage are inflicted against body, but additionally, the target must make a Resilience preservation save (TM:13). Should the victim fail, then its Strength score acts as a value of 1 for its next 6 subsequent turns. The change in Strength score does not modify the Body calculation; however, any competition, feat, save or values for damage of an attack will use the value of 1 when Strength is used in the formula. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | The 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (TM:15). |
Eruption Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
A loud and painfully intense bursts from an unoccupied location of the sorcerer’s choice within range. Each creature in the hex of the eruption or in an adjacent hex must make a Resilience save against TM:13. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this save. Those who fail the the save suffers d4 points of force damage. Any nonmagical objects not worn or carried can be damaged if in the spell’s area. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Resilience save (TM:14). |
False Aura Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 24 hours |
This shroud illusion alters what can be detected by divine or magical means. One option is to change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects, such as detect magic, making a nonmagical object appear magical or a magical object appear nonmagical. Another option could be to alter what is detected, such as against detect supernatural, whereas an undead could be made to be detected as a celestial. |
Feratu Shroud Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Detect Supernatural |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 1 hour |
The sorcerer shrouds oneself in necrotic energy, temporarily gaining many traits as one of the undead. His or her appearance does not change except for a very slight pallor, but the kingdom will identify as undead for the duration of the spell. Non-intelligent undead creatures perceive the caster as one of their kind, which basically means they ignore the impostor. Intelligent undead do not immediately recognize the caster as alive, but may question whether he or she is actually undead. Any method performed by the sapient undead to discern the sorcerer is not truly undead will made with disadvantage. Nonetheless, should any undead creature target the caster directly with attack or harmful magic, that creature must make a Will check (TM:12). On a failed check, the creature must choose a new target. If no one else is available to be targeted, then the action will be forfeited. A creature automatically succeeds on this feat either of the conditions have occurred within the last 24 hours: the undead has made a successfully made the Will check or it has seen the sorcerer attempt to harm any undead creature. Further, the need to make the Will save is not necessary when potential is not directly targeting the an area-based effect, such as the explosion from fireblast. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 90 minutes. |
Fiery Crescendo Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Fire Dart or Burning Hands |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This axiom creates barely-visible strands of fire magic surrounding a target within range. While the enveloping shell does nothing on its own, it has a unique effect if and when the victim falls prone -- it explodes, inflicting a d4 of fire damage to all in the same hex. Thus, if the victim is knocked prone through a grappling maneuver and held, or if a nhoblit is occupying the same hex, then they would suffer the same fiery damage. However, tripping or knocking the victim unconscious would leave others safe. Additionally, because the magic is uniquely triggered by contact with the ground, being struck by a boulder will also create the explosion, as will being struck by an earth elemental. The contingency has a duration until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth following turn, all the while requiring concentration by the caster. This limits the sorcerer from casting other spells and from making reactions, plus placing the caster at disadvantage in combat. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Damage is d6. |
Fire Dart Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of fire at that target by an attack of a d20 against its protective points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. A successful strike inflicts d4 points of fire damage against Body. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Damage remains 1d4. |
Flinch Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When attacked by melee or range, if the sorcerer is aware of the incoming attack, he or she may use a reaction to cast flinch, which will create an invisible barrier of magical force which absorbs the damage in part or in whole. When reacting, the sorcerer rolls a d4 which represents the amount of damage from the strike that is absorbed, but if special effects from the attack, such as heavy blow, are delivered, the penalty will still occur and any save required must still be rolled . However, this is only effective against individual, physical attacks and will offer no aid against area-of-effect damage spells or an avalanche. |
Float Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer can protect himself or herself with float which is used as a reaction whenever a fall condition occurs. The effect allows the caster to float to the ground rather than falling a gentle rate of 1 foot per second, which equates to 10 feet per round. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Caster can control the float to move left, right, forward or backward at the same rate while continuing downward. |
Force Bolt Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Intantaneous |
The sorcerer fires a bolt of translucent energy towards an intended victim within range as a d20 attack. The caster can gain both his or her and as modifiers on the to-hit portion of the attack roll. If successfully striking the opponent, the target will suffer d4 points of force damage against Body. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Additional +3 on the attack roll. |
Freeze Thought Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer uses this axiom to pierce the mental defenses of one creature seen within range. The target must make a Will save (TM:13), suffering d4 Mind points of damage on a failed save. A successful save avoids any ill-effect. Also on a failed save, the target cannot take reactions, cannot use an action to disengage from combat, and suffers disadvantage on either the next attack roll or save it makes before the end of its next turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Will save (TM:15). If target fails save, the sorcerer can also know the surface thoughts of the creature, what is most on its mind in that moment. |
Geo-Bond Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
This axiom creates a connection between a willing target and the earth and lasts through the recipient’s next six turns. For purposes of knocking prone, tripping or shoving (not grappling unless the maneuver results in a prone penalty), the target gains +3 on the competition save. Further, for lifting or driving, the recipient doesn’t change in mass, but the effort to lift him or her is calculated at three times the normal weight. This further means that a small Size-Category being might be considered medium if weight is the variable of the restriction. One other benefit is the target becomes resistant to lightning damage for the duration of the axiom. All the effects are lost should the target fly, levitate or otherwise loose contact with the ground. Magical movement, such as blink will still work, however. Unfortunately, the recipient does suffer a -2 penalty for saves against grounding and immobilize. Lastly, the axiom requires concentration, meaning reactions from the caster are not possible and neither are new spells. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Two recipients can be selected. |
Ghost Sound Verbal, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
The sorcerer creates an illusionary sound. The glamour-illusion emanate from any spot within range and lasts for the duration. The illusion is purely auditory; it has no image, smell, or other sensory effects. While existing, concentration is required, meaning the reactions from the caster are not possible and neither are new spells. On the sorcerer’s initiative turn, he or she can use an action to move the illusion to any spot within range. As the sounds moves location, the caster can alter its volume and pitch so that the motion appears natural. For example, if the caster creates a sound of footsteps and moves it, it can be altered to sound as if they are walking or even running in a particular direction. Based on the logic of how the sound occurs and how those who hear it observe it, this may reveal it to be an illusion. at the start of each turn, an observer makes a Logic preservation save against TM:12 to notice the logical inconsistencies. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Logic save (TM:13). |
Ghoul Strike Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Melee Reach | Duration: | Instantaneous |
As part of a melee action, the sorcerer uses a reaction to add the effect upon the weapon in the primary hand die pool. If a hit is scored from that die pool, the victim must make a Resilience save (TM:13) which has a basis in poison; thus, a victim who is resistant would lessen the effect appropriately. If failing that save, the victim will have is movement halved, suffer -2 to its Defense as part of the Agility component of the Defense. Additionally, the victim cannot use reaction. These impairments last until the end of the victim’s next turn. |
Glamour Mouth Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
The magician implants a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met. An object is chosen that can seen and that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature. Then speak the message, which must be 25 words or less. Finally, the sorcerer determines the circumstance that will trigger the spell to deliver the message, which will be spoken at the same volume when cast; however, it can be repeated for a duration up to 10 minutes. The triggering circumstance can be as general or as detailed as desired, though it must be based on visual, audible or tactile conditions that occur within 30 feet of the object. |
Glitter Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Special | Duration: | 1 turn |
The sorcerer uses a phantasm to create an explosion of sparkling color appearing in front of his or her body. This has the potential to affect up to 9 creatures within 15 feet. The effect will distract 3d10 Mind points worth of creatures, but none whose max score of 13 or higher. Of those in the area, the GM will arrange them (only the conscious ones) in ascending order by current Mind scores and subtracting from the 3d10 value when selecting a creature affected until the points can no longer be applied. Those selected creatures then become distracted by the light show and are at disadvantage on any action each takes on their following turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Cone of effect is 14 hexes. Distract total of 4d12 |
Gloom Torus Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
When cast a greenish mist rises around the caster, covering all the hexes adjacent to the sorcerer but not entering the space occupied by him or her. Any creature starting its turn in a hex adjacent to the caster or moving through an adjacent hex during its turn, must roll a Resilience save (TM:13) or become incapacitated for that turn, retching and vomiting. Creatures that do not breathe are immune to the effect. The mist will remain until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Resilience (TM:15) |
Glyph Analysis Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This axiom allow the sorcerer to select a magical glyph, sigil or symbol and learn what it does - such as sealing an object closed or is a teleport sigil - and also learn what, if any, damage energy types are used as part of its protection. This axiom offer no protection or prevention of disturbing a magical glyph. It is possible for some magic sigils to detonate based solely on this analysis if such a symbol were created for that purpose. A second use of this axiom would be to compare up to three different lifesong symbols, created by symbolize life, to determine if there is a match. |
Grounding Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The caster selects a single target within range, visibly seen and in direct contact with the ground, attempting to restrain that victim to the spot. The target is permitted a Strength save against a TM:12. If successful, the target voids the magical gripping to the ground; otherwise, he, she or it is considered restrained. The duration of the restraining lasts until the caster’s sixth subsequent turn but also requires concentration during which the caster may not take reactions; further, new spell-castings will disrupt the concentration. While restrained, the victim may use an action to attempt another Strength feat against the original TM to break free. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Two separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous casting. |
Hideaway Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
The sorcerer calls into existence an archway within 30 feet of his or her location. This archway leads to an extradimensional space. The inside space can hold up to ten beings up to Medium-Size category. Whether the sorcerer is on the inside or outside, he or she can make the archway appear or disappear with the use of an action. When the archway has been removed, spells and attacks cannot penetrate the extradimensional space either in or out, and no one can see into it; however, the occupants can view out. If spending the entire duration in the hideaway, then this can be considered a short rest. At the end of the duration, anything inside the extradimensional space reappears where the archway originated. Finally, this permits the sorcerer to use remaining movement from his or her turn when the axiom manifests to allow the caster to potentially enter the space. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 90 minutes. |
Ice Blast Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Identical to fire dart except that blast delivers a d4 magical frost if successfully striking the opponent. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Damage remains 1d4. |
Ignis Fatuus Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The sorcerer selects a target within 60 feet. The recipient makes a secret Judgment save against TM:13. If the victim fails, then a phantasm that takes root in the mind of the creature. The caster creates a single phantasmal object, creature, or other visible phenomenon of choice that is no larger than a 10-foot cube and because it is a phantasm, the image is only perceivable to the target for the duration. This spell has no effect on mindless undead, plant-monsters or constructs. However, the phantasm includes sound, temperature, and other stimuli, also evident only to the target. While a target is affected by the spell, the target treats the phantasm as if it were real. However, at the end of each subsequent turn, the target makes a secret Logic save against the original TM to see if logical flaws have been detected. If the victim uses its action to specifically investigate the phantasm, then the save is at advantage. Lastly, this spell requires concentration, meaning no reactions or spells can be occur while maintaining the phantasm. However, the maximum time the illusion can be maintained until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Judgment/Logic save (TM:15). |
Inkodistance Verbal, Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Secret |
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 year |
This axiom enchants paper and ink. One page and one phial of ink (only a 3-bit material cost) are sprinkled with copper shavings (another 2 bits of expense). This process allows for the page and ink to be separated by any distance so long as they remain on the same plane of existence. Words written on another paper using the ink to appear on the page originally bewitched; however, the writing must be performed by the same sorcerer who cast the axiom. This allows written messages up to 100 words to be used before the ink is consumed at the unusual rate. Another sorcerer who has the inkodistance power could attempt a Logic feat (TM:15) to be able to write on behalf of the original wizard; however, unless being able to observe the other page, success would not be known. Lastly, a person with the magical reading skill could attempt to write with the ink, but it would require a Logic feat (TM:16). The cost per page/ink combination of this special writing method is 5 bits. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Two pages and two ink vials can be enchanted. |
Intervocalism Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 10 miles | Duration: | 1 turn |
This axiom allows the sorcerer’s voice to be heard in a different location. The location must be able to be seen or can be well-known; however, the maximum distance is 2 miles per point of Logic. Sight to the horizon is roughly three miles. Until the start of the sorcerer’s next turn, using the rules of communication, his or her voice is projected to that distant location and can be heard at a normal volume by all in the area. However, this is a one-way messaging process, as the sorcerer cannot hear what is in that area without other means. Of course, this could also be used as close-ranged ventriloquism if so desired, which would change the chances of what the sorcerer could hear in response. |
Lipo-Shield Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
By walking over a surface that is covered by moss, fats or oily substances, which often are considered difficult terrain, the sorcerer can absorb 75 square feet (3 hexes) of the substances. By doing this, it will remove the difficult material and add +1 to the sorcerer’s AC in the “other” category. It will not combine with other magical protections. This protection will last until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | 125 square feet (5 hexes) can be absorbed |
Lock Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 1 year |
The sorcerer creates a semi-material locking mechanism to secure a specific item within range. This could be a chest, door, or window, basically anything a standard lock could protect, even if the item doesn’t have a clasp or mechanism for one. The sorcerer can touch it to open or close as desired, and this creation will detect as magical if detect magic is used. Further, it exists for one year or until destroyed. If picked, the lock axiom has a TM:12+d4 and is destroyed if successful. |
Magic Seal Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Detect Thoughts |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 months |
This axiom seals a door, chest, book, or other object that can be closed with a magical sigil that bars entry and prevents opening. The protected object can only be opened if broken or with some arcane interruption like disrupt magic. However, if the object is forced open by any means (physical or magical), the sigil explodes 18 feet omni-directionally to cover 37 hexes with the object in the center. The damage from this is 2d4 points of either blunt, fire or ice, chosen by the sorcerer at the time of creating the sigil. A successful Agility save (TM:13) halves the damage. This trap is similar to a time-lock safe as even the sorcerer does not have a password or secret way into the sealed item. However, the pending trap will expire after 6 months if it is not triggered to explode prior to that expiration time. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Agility save (TM:15). Base damage is 2d6. |
Maladroitness Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Vengeance |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a ball of dim light at that target by an attack of a d20 against its armor class. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. Should the strike be successful, then d4 points of necrotic damage are inflicted against body, but additionally, the target must make a Resilience preservation save (TM:13). Should the victim fail, then its Agility score acts as a value of 1 for its next 6 subsequent turns. The change in Agility score does not modify the Body calculation; however, any competition, feat, save or values for damage of an attack will use the value of 1 when Agility is used in the formula. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | The 1d20 attack is at advantage. Resilience save (TM:15). |
Memory Meld Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This conveys a mental sharing with a target. The axiom transfers a single memory. This memory could be real, imaginary or repressed up to roughly 1 minute in length. If the target is willing, no save is needed. Incapacitated targets are considered willing. Otherwise, a successful Judgment preservation save against TM:13 will prevent the implantation. Further, there must be a way to continue to touch an unwilling target for the full minute to use this axiom. This will work upon unconscious and sleeping persons. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 5 | Casting time is 2 minutes. The transferred memory can be up to 2 minutes. |
Mind Dagger Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Upon selecting a foe within the 60-foot range, the sorcerer creates a Mind contest with the victim. Each side rolls a d12 adding Judgment modifiers to the total. However, the sorcerer also gains +3 to the feat contest. Ties will not prevail, but if the sorcerer outscores the victim, then d6 points of Mind damage is inflicted. Creatures who have true mind-shielding or a hidden lifesong cannot be attacked in this way. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | The sorcerer rolls the d12 competition with advantage. |
Mirror Image Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This effect creates two duplicate illusionary images of the sorcerer which stands next to him or her. For the duration of the axiom, the duplicate mimics all the behaviors of the caster, making it impossible to know which is fake is and which is real without true sight or other senses that do not rely on vision. Any targeted attacks against the sorcerer might strike an image instead. When attacked, the GM will determine at random which target is actually being swung upon or fired at. If one of the images is the true target, then it has an AC of 10. If an image is struck, no damage harms the real sorcerer; however, that image will be destroyed. However, it can only be destroyed if successfully hit. Likewise, an area of affect spell, like fireball, can destroy all the images at once. Creatures who do not rely on vision are not affected by this glamour. The defense remains until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth turn following its casting. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Images have AC 11. |
Mishap Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
In response to an enemy making a successful save, the sorcerer can use a reaction to unwind the luck. Selecting a target within range who is known to have made a successful save, this axiom forces another d20 roll with all the same modifiers, forcing it to be used as the resulting save instead. This final roll is forced, even if the original save had been made with advantage or disadvantage. However, this cannot invalidate the chance skill should this forced roll happen to be a “natural 1.” |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Range is 40 feet. |
Move In Haste Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 action (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | 2 turns |
Cast on oneself, then the sorcerer can move as if using the dash skill, increasing his or her movement to double the normal rate. This can be performed even if a dash feature has been used previously without having a short rest. Movement in the round of casting is affected, and if movement has occurred before casting the axiom, then only whatever amount is left is doubled for that turn. Remember, movement calculations such as standing up are based off the normal movement rate. The length of time the increased movement lasts is until the end of the caster’s second subsequent turn. Lastly, if this is cast and used to flee, in no way does this offer protection from opponent’s flee-attacks. |
Nauseating Breath Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 15 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The caster breathes out a cloud (9 hexes) of sickly green gas. Anyone caught in the cloud must make a successful Resilience save (TM:13) or be stunned for d4 rounds. Helmets will not assist the save for this type of stunning effect; in fact, helmets will allow the nauseating stun effect to last one combat round longer. The affected target is permitted another Resilience save (TM:13) as the substitute for an action at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the stunned effect ends. When breathing victims are stunned by this effect, they automatically fail any Body save or check; however, this automatic failures of the stun restriction do not apply to the subsequent saves to overcome the originating axiom effect. |
Night Scar Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 28 days |
The caster uses a glamour to place a magical mark upon another creature. The target is allowed a Will save to negate the spell. This mark is only visible to the sorcerer and up to seven other creatures he or she chooses. To those able to see it, the mark is visible even in magical or normal darkness. Even if the target changes shape, turns invisible, or cloaks itself in an illusion, the mark remains visible. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 35 days. |
Personal Silence Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Touch / 500 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, the touched recipient, which must be of medium size or smaller, will be covered by a shroud illusion. All sounds emanating from the target will be greatly muted. While the GM may alter the adjustment for different conditions and races, the normal penalty is -3 for those needing to make Perception check against the quiet recipient. Moreover, the recipient will not be deafened by the illusion and will be able to hear sounds outside of oneself. That said, his or her Perception checks suffer the same -3 penalty when sound is a primary component of the check, whether coming from himself or an external source. An internal example would be if the target stepped on a trigger that creaked, that sound would be muffled making it difficult to be aware that this occurred. The external sounds are penalized as the recipient is no longer hearing their own ambient noises and external sounds become a bit overwhelming. Assuming the recipient is not oneself, casting magic while under the effect is possible but only if using a method that can be performed in silence, such as “silent prayers” or using an axiom that states it can be used in silence. This axiom requires concentration to maintain; thus, the caster who placed the shroud may not make reactions nor can cast any new spell during this time. While concentrating, the sorcerer is not required to keep the recipient in sight but if the distance between the two becomes greater than 500 feet, the shroud will dispel. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Personal |
Petty Glamour Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
The sorcerer creates an image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 15-foot cube. The glamour-illusion appears at a spot within range and lasts for the duration. The image is purely visual; it has no sound, smell, or other sensory effects. While existing, concentration is required, meaning the caster can take reactions and cannot cast new spells. On the sorcerer's initiative turn, by use of an action, he or she can move to the illusion to any spot within range. As the image changes location, the caster can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the glamour. For example, if the caster creates an image of a creature and moves it, it can be altered to appear as if it is walking. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. After each round, an observer makes a Logic save against TM:12 to notice the logical inconsistencies, such as no sound, etc. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Logic save (TM:13). |
Psychic Shield Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 8 hours |
By placing this protection on a touched target or self, the spell-caster gives the recipient advantage against any incoming attack that forces a Mind sub-attribute save or contest for the duration of the axiom. While it is in effect, any form of thought-reading, detection of lying, scrying, telepathy, whispering wind or other divinations which do not typically allow a save used upon the effected target, a special Judgment save (TM:14) is passively made and typically without knowledge it happened. If successful, the target is fully protected from mental intrusion and probing. Finally, this offers no buffer against damage to the Mind score as a result of a failed save, half damage from a successful save or direct damage, such as from a weapon of nonsense. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Competition saves at advantage and gain +3 bonus. Special Judgment save (TM:11). |
Quick Step Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
Upon touching a creature, its movement rate increases by 10 feet until the spell completes. Multiple castings on the same individual will not increase speed. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Two recipients can be selected. |
Random Casualty Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (+1 sec) | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When the caster or an ally has been struck by an enemy, then a reaction can be used to cast this axiom. When the attack is determined to be a hit and will inflict damage, the injury is redirected to one of the attacker’s allies, selected randomly. However, this damage transference will not occur instantly but rather after about one second of delay. Thus, the original target will suffer the damage for at least a short moment. The new target must roll a Will save (TM:13). If failing it, the injury and damage is transfered to the new target and leaves the original victim unharmed. Resistances and immunities of the new target would be calculated into the new value of damage delivered. If the save is successful, then the transfer failed and the original target will receive the damage at intended. If the attacker has no allies, then this axiom will not work. Further, if the attacker has allies but are unknown to the sorcerer, then the axiom will also fail. Finally, should the damage be significant enough to kill (not just zero, but negative Resilience) the one who originally received the damage, then this axiom will also fail. Moreover, any maiming, stunning or other restriction that had been inflicted from the attack will stay in place and not be transfered with the physical harm. Also, if the initial damage rendered the victim into negative Body points but still alive, the full damage will be restored when transfered, but the or victim will "awaken" from the near-death stupor at the end of his or her next turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Range is 45 feet. |
Razorscales Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
This transforms the caster’s skin and outer clothing (including armor) into razor sharp scales. Any creature that grapples, shoves, trips or even makes a touch-based attack against the sorcerer until the end of his third subsequent turn, must roll an Agility save (TM:12). On a failed save, the creature takes d4 points of edged damage. A successful save avoids damage. Even if suffering damage, the competition or attack for contact will be rolled without adjustment. |
Reverse Arrow Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When an enemy within 60 feet uses some method of physical range attack against a single creature, such as shooting an arrow or hurling a hammer, then the sorcerer can use a reaction to cast this axiom. The sorcerer can know the potential outcome of the range attack before choosing this reaction. If cast, the creature who launched the attack must make a Judgment save (TM:13). Upon failing this save, the missile becomes charmed in a way that at the halfway point, it spins, reserves itself and makes an attack against the originator of the attack. All dice that were rolled are then compared against attacker’s Defense rather than the intended target. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Range: 70 feet. Judgment save (TM:14). |
Scattered Form Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When casting, the sorcerer’s body briefly transforms, shatters and explodes into a horde of insects to attack nearby creatures before instantly reforming in the same location. Each adjacent creature, other than the caster, must roll an Agility save (TM:12), taking 2 points of piercing damage on a failure, or 1 point on a success. One downside to this axiom is any remaining movement, perhaps saved for a reaction to stand-up, will be lost until reset at the start of the next combat round. |
Scribe Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 Requirement: Valet |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 hour |
The sorcerer summons a magical quill that writes down anything said by the caster. The quill can write on any surface. The quill will not scribe magic spells. The quill continues writing and does not run out of ink for the duration, so long as the sorcerer maintains his or her concentration. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The |
Secret Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 week |
This axiom allows the sorcerer to write on parchment, paper, or other writing material, imbuing it with a shroud-illusion that lasts for a week. To the caster and any two creatures he or she designates at the time of casting, the writing appears normal and conveys whatever meaning intended when the note was written. To all others, the writing appears as if it were written in an unknown language and is unintelligible. Alternatively, the sorcerer could make the writing to appear to be an entirely different message, written in different handwriting in any language in which the caster is literate. Should the writing have arcane disruption cast on it, then both the original script shroud will disappear. Furthermore, a creature with truesight can read the hidden message. While unlikely to need to do so, this axiom can be cast in silence, only requiring the writing of the note and materials to create it. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The caster and three creatures can read the writing. |
See Invisible Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
th: 17%; color: #696969;">Duration: | 1 hour |
For the duration, the sorcerer sees all invisible creatures as if they were visible. Additionally, those invisible will appear with a dim glow to him or her, allowing the caster to know the seen creature is actually invisible. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 90 minutes. |
Seeking Missile Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
In response to a failed missile attack where every die in the die pool fails to strike the intended target, the sorcerer can use a reaction to cast this axiom. As a result, the sorcerer knew the project was going to miss, and this axiom causes the projectile to change direction in mid-air to strike a different foe within 20 feet of the original target. The “second” attack against the different foe is at disadvantage. |
Shape Water Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 30 minutes |
This skill affects an area of water that can be seen within range and that fits within a 5-foot cube (up to 125 cubic feet), which can be manipulated it in one of the following ways: • Change the flow of the water as the sorcerer direct, up to 5 feet in any direction. It is not enough to cause damage. • Cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate as desired direction. • Alter the water’s color or opacity. The effected water will be changed in the same way throughout. • The sorcerer freezes the water if there are no creatures in it. If this axiom is cast a second time, the original shaped-water effect is dismissed. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Affected area is up to 500 cubic feet with 5 feet being the minimum and 10 feet being the maximum for any single dimension. |
Shark Tracking Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 8 hours |
By having a bit of the target’s blood, the sorcerer can track as if having the tracker skill for purpose of pursuing that specific target. No other targets could be tracked. The amount of blood is minimal; even a drop would be sufficient. It can be retrieved from weapons and or from a source up to one year old. The blood used is destroyed in the process of the casting. This allows the sorcerer to can a subtle sense of the direction and movement, sometimes seeing traces of the tracked being’s lifesong or a shadowy movement left behind as an echo. Perhaps even the target’s odor lingers in a direction. All of this translates to same as the tracker skill. However, if the sorcerer is a tracker, this axiom will not combine to grant any additional bonuses for following the target. The entity tracked can be anything that has blood; therefore, constructs, elementals and undead are unable to be pursued by this magic. Finally, this axiom requires concentration, meaning while the effect continues up to 8 hours, the sorcerer cannot cast other spells or use reactions. |
Shelter Other Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Touch / 15 feet | Duration: | Up to 15 minutes |
This axiom creates a magical connection between the sorcerer and an ally, such that any personally-targeting spells, either axioms or incantations, that would harm the ally are redirected to the sorcerer instead. Whenever the caster is within 15 feet of that creature and whenever it is forced to make a save against a spell or is targeted by a spell attack, the spell targets the sorcerer instead. If the spell forces a save, the sorcerer makes ones own save and suffers the effects based on success or failure. If the spell is an attack requiring to strike an AC, then the sorcerer’s AC is used instead. This effects ends early if the chosen creature is ever more than a mile away from the caster. Lastly, to maintain this protection, the sorcerer must maintain concentration and apply all the penalties from that. |
Shield Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
This creates an invisible force around the caster which effectively gives him or her “half-cover” but can move freely without the restriction of being stuck in place as happens under normal cover. This protection lasts until the end of the sorcerer’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is 9 rounds. |
Shieldbearer Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch / 10 feet / 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
After the sorcerer touches a shield, it animates, hovers and moves to protect a target chosen within 10 feet of the caster. Until the end of the sorcerer’s third following turn and while concentration is maintained, the shield hovers within the chosen creature’s space and grants the appropriate protective points and other protections as if the creature were using it with the shield-use skill. If the target is currently wielding a shield, then this axiom offers no benefit beyond looking impressive, even if the effect would provides more protective points. Once the shield’s recipient has been chosen, it cannot be changed for the duration of the spell, which also requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer can use no reactions, cannot cast new axioms or divine incantations, and any combat attack will be made at disadvantage. If shield-protected being moves more than 60 feet away from the sorcerer, becomes invisible or line of sight becomes blocked, then the axiom ends early. When the spell ends, the floating shield falls gently to the ground at the chosen creature’s feet. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is 5 rounds. |
Shimmering Armor Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 5 sec | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 8 hours |
This allows an unarmored and willing creature to become protected by a shimmering force of magical armor. The target’s base is AC 14. The spell can be dismissed at the will of the sorcerer by taking an action. It can only be used on a recipient who is not wearing armor, but the axiom allows the recipient to use its Logic modifier to adjust its AC. After casting this axiom, it cannot be cast again until the sorcerer uses a short rest. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Two separate recipients can be protected. |
Shuriken of Shadow Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer selects a target within range, and the target must be visibly seen even if using darkvision. The caster hurls a wickedly-bladed, black dart at that target by an attack of a d20 against its protective points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the caster further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If the caster is in dim light or darker, then the 1d20 is made with advantage. Likewise, if the target is is direct sunlight, then its protective points will act as if 2 points higher. A successful strike inflicts d4 points of piercing damage against the enemy’s Body score. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Damage is d6. |
Silence Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point chosen within range is covered with a shroud illusion. No sound can be created within or pass through this space. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere are effectively deafened while entirely inside the area. Casting is rarely possible while in silence. If using divine powers, then the “silent prayers” must be used. All axioms that are not reactions or specifically stated usable within silence are unable to be cast within the sphere. The silence will remain up to 10 minutes as long as the sorcerer maintains concentration, which means no reactions can be taken and no new spells can be cast. |
Skeleton Key Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 6 sec | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
With this axiom, the sorcerer will touch a mechanical lock. The caster can attempt to open said lock against its Target Mark by rolling a d20 plus Logic modifier to open. This can be cast in magical silence. |
Sleep Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 4 seconds | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 2 turns |
The sorcerer forces from up to three targets within range to fall into an enchanted slumber. Creatures in a 60-degree cone up to 20 feet from the caster are potential victims. Cost | Victim | Result | 1 | Mind <=10 | Victim put to sleep | 1 | Mind <=10 & Mental Fortitude | Victim permitted Judgment save (TM:15) | 2 | Mind <=10 | Victim put to sleep | 2 | Mind <=10 & Mental Fortitude | Victim put to sleep | 2 | Mind 11 to 13 & Mental Fortitude | Victim permitted Judgment save (TM:15) | However, only those having a maximum Mind score of 10 or lower can be affected. Use the table to determine whether someone is a potential victim. Qualifying adversaries closest to the caster will become a victim first. Those unconscious or already sleeping are not considered. If more than one are equidistant, then the one with the lowest current Mind is selected first. When a target is determined to be a victim, then tally its maximum Mind score. When another target becomes a victim, add its Mind score to the running total. A total value of 24 total Mind points can be affected. If the total victims exceed that value, then that last one should be dropped. A slept creature is under the unconscious restriction but can be awakened as the asleep restriction. If not aroused by other means, the victim will awaken at the end of its turn in the following round; however, it is subject to being in a surprise round for assessing its surroundings (using the standard rules of an Awareness check). This axiom can only affect anthronins. However, elves, any beings who are immune (or even resistant) to charm, persons with a shielded mind, and those who do not sleep cannot be affected even if they are part of an affected phylum. Those with mental fortitude who are still valid to be targeted are permitted a Judgment save (TM:15) to avoid the effect. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Potential targets change. |
Slick Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
With this axiom, the sorcerer places an oily material over a 10-ft diameter surface (7 hexes), which acts as difficult terrain. It can be placed over an occupied area. Further, any creature starting its turn in the area or moving into it, not using flight or other means to avoid the surface, must make an Agility feat (sub-attribute plus bonuses) against DC:9 or fall prone when attempting to move. Depending on the surface, the oil might be absorbed or dried out after between 6 and 48 hours. Further, any remaining amount of the sorcerer's movement is allowed to be used at the moment of the axiom's manifestation. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Surface area is 12 adjacent hexes in any pattern. |
Slow Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
When targeting a single opponent, that victim must make a Judgment preservation save against a DC:13. If failing the save, then that creatures movement is lowered by 20 feet. If that reduction causes the effected to be at zero or lower, then the target is under the restrained restriction. However, this effect cannot be cast again upon the same target as it is not cumulative. The duration of the affliction is until the end of the victim’s sixth turn under the effect. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Two separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth. |
Snow Boots Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 8 hours |
This axiom creates pockets of light force around the legs and feet of oneself or a willing recipient that is Large size-category or smaller. The magical force allows one to hover slightly above snowy or muddy surfaces. For the duration, moving through difficult terrain made of ice, snow or mud will not cost you extra movement nor risk one’s feet slipping. The magic can even allow walking over quicksand as if it were difficult terrain without the fear of sinking. However, this will offer not help on a liquid surface or falling from a height. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Two separate targets can be selected for a simultaneous spell birth. |
Spark Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer selects a target within 30 feet who can be visibly seen, then hurls a bolt of electricity at that target as a d20 against its protectuve points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If successful, then d4 points of lightning damage is inflicted against Body. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Victim blinded until the end of its next turn on failed Resilience save (DC:12). |
Stature Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | pecia | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
Selecting a creature or an object seen within range, the sorcerer makes it grow larger or smaller until the end of the target’s six subsequent turn; however, the results are restricted size categories between small and large. The casting time of this axiom is one action without delay; however, the full growth or shrinkage occurs over the next two initiative values. Thus, if cast on 5, the effect will not be induced until the end of 3. The creature or object must not be worn or carried by another. Further, if the target is unwilling, it can make a Resilience save against DC:13. On a success, the spell has no effect. If the target is a creature, everything it is wearing and carrying changes size with it. Any item dropped by the affected returns to normal size at once. This axiom can be cast in silence, but the duration requires concentration, meaning the caster may not use reactions or cast new spells while the effect is maintained. If enlarging is chosen, then the target doubles in all dimensions, increases in weight by eightfold, moves to one higher Size Category and gains advantage on all saves for body sub-attributes; additionally, all d20 attacks gain a +1 bonus if growing to the Large size category. If making the target smaller, then it is halved in all dimensions, and its weight is reduced to one-eighth of normal. This reduction decreases its size by one category — from Medium to Small, or from Large to Medium. Large and Huge creatures who are reduced suffer a -1 penalty to all d20 attacks. Until the axiom ends, a reduced target also has disadvantage on body sub-attribute saves. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Range is 40 feet. Duration is up to 8 rounds. |
Stolen Breath Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The axiom draws breath from a victim. The sorcerer chooses one target within range. That target must succeed on a Resilience save (DC:13) or spectral claws reach into its chest and rip the air out of its lungs. On a failure, it immediately begins asphyxiating without the benefit of holding its breath. This means that the victim instantly suffers a degree of exhaustion. However, no more than one degree of exhaustion from asphyxiation can occur within a 24-hour period. Further, for a victim who failed its save, it makes another Resilience save against the original DC at the end of its next turn. If succeeding that save, the effects end and the victim can breath again. Otherwise, the victim adds an additional round of time of asphyxiation and is under the restriction of the same name. These saves continue at the end of each turn until either the save is made or the third subsequent turn under the effect. If the victim exceeds the total number of rounds permitted while being in the state of asphyxiation, its Body score will immediately becomes zero, resulting in unconsciousness with the victim immediately breathing again. Thus, this axiom will not bring about death to the victim by itself. Obviously, creatures that don’t need to breathe are unaffected by this axiom. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 4 rounds. Resilience save (DC:14). |
Strix Cloud Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Connecronism |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When casting the strix cloud two shadowy clouds appear, swirling around and engulfing a single target within 60 feet. Effectively, this is a 2d20 attack against the victim's AC with no bonuses to hit and each die inflicting d4 points of necrotic damage. However, if any d20 does strike, then that glob of necrotic energy adheres itself to the victim’s lifesong where upon the caster’s next turn it will drain another point of blood. Since the force is not physical, removing it by hand is not an option. However, it is subject to disrupt magic and other similar means. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Three shadowy clouds appear. |
Stronger Slumber Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Sleep |
Time Required: | 4 seconds | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 2 turns |
This is an improved version of the sleep axiom; however, this affects only a single target of the sorcerer’s choosing within range. Any creature whose current Mind score is 13 or lower are subject to this charm. This means it is popular to attempt on other sorcerers who have been observed casting several axioms. Any creature whose maximum Mind score is 10 or lower will fall asleep with no save. Any other target must roll a Judgment preservation save (DC:13). On a successful save, the slumber is fought off and the axiom’s duration ends. On a failed save, the victim falls unconscious and will remain in that state until the end of its second subsequent turn. However, the target can be wakened as under the asleep restriction. When waking, the victim is subject to being in a surprise round for assessing its surroundings. Creatures who do not sleep or are immune to charm cannot be affected by this axiom. Additionally, if one has resistance to charm, then a special Judgment save (DC:13) is permitted to avoid. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Creatures whose current Mind score is 15 or lower are subject to the charm. Judgment save (DC:15). |
Sudden Formation Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Telekinesis |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer observes up to four creatures, who must be willing to accept the relocation. After choosing these creatures, the sorcerer can immediately move those targets to a maximum of 15 feet each; however, the total movement used can only be half of the the sorcerer’s normal movement. Once the caster ends these movement, each creatures chosen is permitted to use an available reaction to move an additional 10 feet without provoking a flee attack. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 5 | The total movement used is equal to the sorcerer’s normal movement. |
Summon Equine Beings Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | Up to 30 minutes | Range: | 2 miles | Duration: | Up to 8 hours |
The caster is able to summon one type of the following equine or quasi-equine beings to his location. Naturally, this spell works only outdoors. The caster begins humming and singing and continues uninterrupted until the called appear or thirty minutes has elapsed. First, the GM must determine what, in any, creatures are in range. If unknown, then the table below can be used for random response on a d20: | d20 | | Result | | 1-5 | | No response | | 6-12 | | 3d4 ponies, burros, or donkeys | | 13-16 | | 2d4 horses or mules | | 17-18 | | d6 centaurs | | 19 | | d4 pegasi/hippocampi | | 20 | | d2 unicorns | The odds of any hippocampi appearing in a forest would be nil, but if cast near the ocean or shoreline, it might respond. If the summoner requests the beings to assist in combat, the respondents are considered free-willed but would consider the caster a friend. If asked to perform tasks and treated friendly, the called beings might remain with the sorcerer up to 8 hours. Conversely, if someone in the area cast this axiom and the party’s horses feel the urge to respond, then such creatures would be allowed a Mind competition against the caster to resist. |
Telekinesis Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 2 miuntes |
This spell allows the sorcerer to target a single non-living object weighing up to 100 pounds and move it in any direction, including defying gravity within a 20-foot radius of the caster. The speed of movement is 1 foot per second. Only one dimension can be traversed at one time. Therefore moving an object from one location 10 feet to near the caster, then raise it 20 feet in the air would require 30 seconds to complete, during which concentration would be needed; thus the sorcerer could not use any reactions or cast new spells during this time. Objects bundled together in a sack or tied up can be affected as a single object so long as nothing living is part of the mix. While this is rarely used as a combat spell, it is possible to levitate something heavy then drop in on an opponent. For every 100 pounds of a falling object, a d20 with no modifiers is rolled as a blunt attack against the opponent's AC. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute. The maximum duration of telekinesis is two minutes, 120 seconds or until the start of the caster’s twelfth subsequent turn. |
Tentacle Guard Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
Two 10-foot long green tentacles sprout from the right and left sides of the sorcerer’s body. These serve in two ways. First, these can grab heights and walled surfaces to permit the sorcerer to climb up vertical surfaces at the same movement speed as the caster’s walking speed. The second option, which cannot be enacted unless standing on a flat surface, these long, additional arms can act to occupy or challenge three hexes in front of the sorcerer. Hostile creatures, however, can only occupy those guarded hexes by forcing a challenge. The hostile creature can use either Strength or Agility at their choice, but the tentacles will always use Strength as if having a value of 4. If challenging a space in front of the caster and the tentacles win, the caster may move through that space without requiring a second check for his torso to pass. Once cast, these tentacles remain until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Tentacle Strength acts as if having a value of 5. |
Thicken Damage Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When casting any axiom that produces damage against a single opponent within 30 feet, then the sorcerer may use a reaction to add this axiom to the result. When rolling damage for the original spell, the sorcerer’s player can choose to reroll as many of the damage dice as desired; however, the second result of the new die rolls must be used - for better or worse. |
Torus Of Destruction Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 action (+2 sec) | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
Upon casting, a visible, circular energy surrounds the sorcerer. This magical power can be either cold, fire or lightning at the choice of the caster but remains that energy type until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn. The height of the torus is equal to the height of the caster but offers no obscuring effect. Any creature starting its turn in a hex adjacent to the caster or moving through an adjacent hex, be it friend, foe or neutral, will suffer 1 point of damage of the appropriate energy type. The caster may use this offensively, moving to a space that will make an opponent begin its turn in an adjacent hex. Or it may be used defensively, so that only those who approach the sorcerer suffer the incidental damage. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 5 rounds. |
Touch of the Pitohuis Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
This axiom is a reaction when a successful touch-based attack has been successful. The attempt to touch can be known before choosing to expend the option to use the reaction. As a result, d4 points of poison damage are delivered, and the victim must make a Resilience save (DC:12). If successful, only half the damage is delivered (round down). However, if failing, then the victim also suffers being under the poisoned restriction until the end of its next turn. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Damage is d6. Resilience save (DC:13). |
Transmogrify Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 3 sec | Range: | Self | Duration: | 30 minutes |
The axiom alters the form of the sorcerer from the options below. While the spell lasts, the caster may end one option as an action to gain the benefits of another option as a second action. &nspb;• Appearance: The sorcerer chooses a new appearance by altering height, weight, facial features, voice, hair length, coloration and distinguishing characteristics. Gaining the appearance of a different race is possible; however, the limitations prevent the mage from becoming anything other than a bipedal creature of the same size category. No additional limbs can be grown either – not even a monkey tail. Lastly, no attributes are modified from this change. &nspb;• Aquatic Adaptation: The caster sprouts gills and webbing, allowing him or her to breathe underwater and swim at the same rate as the normal movement. However, worn armor will still have the restrictions as before the change. Be sure to refer to the underwater rules for additional details. &nspb;• Body Weapons: One set of claws, fangs, horns or other natural body weapons can be grown; however, this axiom only permits a single “appendage” as defined in savage form to be created by the change. This means a lizardfolk or batfolk could have two appendages as a result of this axiom as they might have already had one. For the duration of this option of the axiom the sorcerer is proficient in the savage form fighting skill; thus, attacks from the “appendage” can be combined with martial arts and spinning moves only. Lastly, attacks from these weapons are considered to be “of quality” but not magical, which will still allow the striking of special creatures such as lycanthropes or others that require silver. Spell-casting that requires gestures cannot be used during this time, even if the body alteration did not involve one’ hands. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Ending one option and gaining another requires only one action. |
Twisted Throw Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This axiom is used as a reaction to an attempt of a ranged attack with a thrown weapon. This means the Mind points are consumed before the attack is made, which may seem confusing since no attack rolls result from the use of this axiom. However, the target of the attack must have been previously hit successfully by some combat attack, but not necessarily by this hurling method. Further, the intended target must have been viewed by the sorcerer within the last three rounds but does not have to be currently in view. When hurling the weapon (not a spell that uses hurling), the weapon alters its path to move towards that creature, moving around corners if necessary and ignoring three-quarters cover and half cover. If the target is within range and there is a path large enough for the weapon to travel to the target, the target must make an Agility save (DC:12). On a failed save, the target suffers damage as if the all the dice in the used die pool all struck successfully, and the sorcerer becomes aware of the target’s current location. On a successful save, no damage is inflicted and the sorcerer cannot be sure of the victim’s its location unless observed by some other means. This reaction axiom can be used within magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Range is 40 feet. |
Unpickable Lock Verbal, Gesture, External | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 month |
The caster touches a lock, animating its interior workings and imbuing them with the will to fight attempts to open it without the proper key. Until the spell ends, all ability checks to pick the lock are made with disadvantage. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Duration is 2 months. |
Upshot Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When rolling an Agility, Logic, or Will feat (not a save) and the player dislikes the result, then a reaction is used to reroll the d20 feat. Additionally a bonus 1d4 is rolled and added to the d20 roll; however, the sum of the two dice must be used, even if it is lower. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Bonus d6 is rolled and added to the d20 reroll. |
Valet Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
This axiom creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at the command of the sorcerer until the spell ends. The valet springs into existence in an unoccupied space on the ground within range. While it is unlikely to be attacked, it can be destroyed by physical damage. It has AC 14 due to being amorphic and invisible. Further is acts as having only 1 Body point. For any calculation where Strength of the valet would need to be used in a calculation, it is considered to be a score of 1. However, the valet can only have a total encumbrance of 10 pounds and does not change speed based on weight. In response to verbal commands, the valet have a movement rate of 20 feet and can interact with an object. The valet can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine. The valet can manage only one command at a time, will perform the task to the best of its ability until it completes the task, then waits for the next command. If given a task that would move it more than 60 feet away from the sorcerer, the spell ends. Lastly, while likely to be unnecessary, this axiom can be cast in magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is 90 minutes. |
Veil Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 1 hour |
A creature the caster touches, including self, becomes shrouded by an illusion until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible if it is on the target’s person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell. This axiom can be cast despite silence or mute. Also, should the recipient be the caster, then remaining movement can be used in the initiative when the invisibility occurs. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Two separate targets can be selected for simultaneous casting. |
Vengeance Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When a sorcerer received body damage by a creature within 60 feet, then he or she may point his finger at the offender and curse one that inflicted damage, who becomes engulfed in black flames, inflicting 2 points of necrotic damage in vengeance. |
Venomfire Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer creates a long stream of flaming venom which is wielded like a whip. However, it is not tangible; thus, it cannot perform special maneuvers like whip steal or tripping an opponent. The sorcerer must have melee fighting to wield this stream of deadly energy; otherwise, the axiom will fail. Over the following three rounds, the sorcerer can make a melee attack with the energy whip against a creature within the weapon reach. On a successful hit, the target receives the normal effects of a whip but also 2 points of fire damage. Further, the victim must make a Resilience save (DC:13). On a failed save, the creature is also poisoned until the end of the axiom’s duration. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Strength save (DC:15). Poison is potent up to four turns of failing saves. |
Venomous Spew Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The caster spits a glob of congealed venom at a foe. The sputum creates an attack of a d20 against the victim’s armor class. If the caster has either ranged fighting or foul-play, then the Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the caster both skills, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. On a successful hit, the target hit takes d4 Body points of poison damage, and the sticky venom forces the target to make a Strength save (DC:13) at the end of its next turn. In the interim, the victim is under the poisoned restriction. On a failure, it takes an additional d4 points from the poison. On a success, it scrapes the sticky poison off and the spell ends. For the duration, the target must repeat the Strength save at the end of each of its turns. A successful save will end the effect. However, up to three turns of failing saves can occur before the poisonous glob loses its potency. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Strength save (DC:15). Poison is potent up to four turns of failing saves. |
Verbalize Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 3 sec | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
Until the end of the sorcerer’s third subsequent turn, the sorcerer is able to axioms without using the verbal component. This axiom has no effect on any other sound, but it allows casting silently or if under the effects of mute. To be clear, even this axiom can be called into effect during magical silence. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration is 5 rounds. |
Viper Dart Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The sorcerer selects a target within range who can be visibly seen, then hurls a writhing bolt of energy at that target by an attack of a d20 against its protective points. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. A successful strike inflicts d6 points of poison damage plus being under the poisoned restriction until the end of its next turn. However, the victim is permitted a Resilience save (Comp:12) for half the damage and avoidance of the poisoned restriction. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | The 1d20 attack is at advantage to hit. Base damage remains d6. Resilience save (DC:13). |
Vocalink Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 24 hours |
The sorcerer touches one willing ally, which permits the caster and this ally to communicate verbally no matter how much distance is between them - as long as the two are on the same plane of existence. THe caster will hear what the ally speaks, no matter the volume, and vice versa. The sorcerer does not hear any other sounds from the ally’s location. This axiom works on any creature with a Mind score of 7 or greater, but the magic does not bestow any ability to comprehend an unknown language. Either the sorcerer or the ally can end the spell at any time. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Duration is 36 hours. |
Voltaic-Arc Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 Requirement: Spark |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 30 feet or one weapon | Duration: | Varies |
The sorcerer creates a surge of lightning to fly from his or her hand to a target within 30 feet, requiring a d20 attack against its AC. If the caster has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the cast further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If striking, then d6+1 points of lightning damage is delivered. Optionally, the gesturing requirement of the axiom can be performed while maintaining grip on a weapon and delivering the arc from the weapon as well. When incorporating a weapon, it offers two choices for delivery. The first is an immediate hurling of an electrical arc through the weapon for the same values as if it had been thrown by hand. The second option is to maintain the charge in the weapon until the sorcerer's following turn. On that next action, the sorcerer can wield that weapon to strike with as a normal combat attack. If successfully hitting the target with the combat attack, the additional d6+1 points of damage is delivered as well. However, if the attack misses, then the magical lightning in the weapon dissipates. Lastly, this spell can be used in silence if (and only if) selecting the second option to charge a weapon. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Damage is 2d4+3. |
Warning Shout Verbal | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | Instantaneous | Range: | ½ mile | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The caster can speak 5 words which are magically amplified so that every creature within a half a mile can hear them. Deaf creatures cannot hear the words. Sleeping creatures are automatically awakened by the words. These words cannot be used to perform an attack based on sound nor can act as a separate action. While these words are incredibly loud, they do not damage nearby creatures. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Eight words can be spoken. |
Web Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 15 minutes |
The caster conjures a mass of sticky webbing at a location within range. The web fills a plane 20 feet by 20 feet and 5 feet deep, which can reside wherever it can be anchored; otherwise it will occupy the lowest layer of the terrain. The sticky area is considered rough terrain for traversing. Further, the sorcerer must concentrate to maintain its existence, which prevents him or her from taking reactions or casting during that time. Any being which starts its turn in the web-area must make a Strength preservation save against DC:13. On a failed save, the creatures suffer the restrained restriction while in the webbing or until it breaks free. A restrained creature may use its action to make another Strength check against the original DC to free itself. The webbing is flammable and will burn at a rate of a 5-foot cube (1 hex) per combat round. However, any creature caught in a burning cube at the start of its turn will suffer d4 points of fire damage. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Strength save (DC:15). Concentration is not required. |
Weighty Chest Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 second | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 week |
This axiom enchants a chest, book, package or any non-living object no greater than 5 feet in any dimension. When the object is touched by anyone other than the caster, the effective weight of the object becomes two to five (d4+1) times the weight of the creature touching it, making it extremely difficult to move; however, the sorcerer can handle it as if it were its natural weight. The weight is only effective when the touch of the item is initiated by another. Thus, it could not be hurled by the caster to pin down a victim. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 2 | Duration of the enchantment lasts for 2 weeks. |
Whirlwind Blade Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | 30-foot beyond | Duration: | Special |
In response to attempting an attack with a hurled weapon, this axiom is used as a reaction. This means the Mind points are expended before the dice pools for the attack are rolled. When throwing the weapon at the first target, the sorcerer’s normal range attack is made and damage calculated, except the weight of the weapon is added as if it were worth 2 points, despite being a range attack. Furthermore, the magic of this axiom allows the weapon to continue on in a straight path up to an additional 30 feet beyond the first target. Assuming there are targets beyond that line up in a perfect line from the caster to the first target, then up to three additional opponents can be struck by the thrown weapon, so long as they are within the range of the first target. Each subsequent target is attacked at 1d20, using Agility as the attack modifier and weapon weight worth 1 point, again despite being a ranged attack. Finally, if the targets behind the first are not in line, then the additional attacks cannot strike them. Nonetheless, at the end of the possible targets, the weapon remains floating in mid-air in a space of choice which can be seen within 5 feet of the last target attempted to hit. It will remain spinning until the start of the sorcerer’s next turn. For another creature to grab it requires an action and an Agility check (DC:14). On the sorcerer’s next turn, assuming it is not in another’s possession, he or she may use an action to recall the weapon instantly to hand. If choosing not to recall the weapon, if falls to the ground. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Up to four additional opponents can be struck. |
Whispering Wind Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 4 sec | Range: | 200 miles | Duration: | Instantaneous |
With this axiom, the sorcerer can send messages to beings with whom he or she is familiar. The recipients hear the message in their minds, recognize the caster as the sender, assuming they know the caster, but answers in return are not permitted. The number of targets is based on the number of words in the message. The formula is the number of words times recipients cannot exceed 20. A twenty-word message could be sent to a single target. However, two recipients could only hear up to ten words. Further, five targets would be limited to four words. But even twenty people could receive one word. If a target is not known to the sorcerer, then that recipient must be in sight. Otherwise the range is 200 miles for those well known to the mage. However, the message is limited to the plane of existence where the sorcerer resides at the time of casting. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 3 | Range is 350 miles. Maximum number of words formula is 30. |
Wind Compass Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 3 sec | Range: | Self | Duration: | 24 hours |
While casting this spell the sorcerer chooses a compass direction (“north” or “southeast” for example). While walking in that direction a pleasant tune plays softly in the sorcerer’s ear. The tune isn’t distracting, and stops if walking in any other direction. A compass direction must be chosen rather than the direction towards a landmark or a specific individual. Until this axiom ends, the caster cannot become lost except by magical means. Not that it would likely be done, this axiom could be cast in silence. |
Windstorm Verbal, Gesture, [Concentration] | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | Self (to 40 feet) | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
A line of strong wind 40-feet long and 15-feet wide blasts from the caster in a direction chosen for the duration of the axiom. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength preservation save of DC:13 or be pushed 10 feet in a direction following the wind. Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving against or through the blast. The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It acts like an arcane disruption against magical mists and clouds, such as fog of war. The axiom requires concentration, meaning the sorcerer cannot use reactions or cast new spells; however, upon each of his or her turns before the spell ends, the direction in which the line blasts may be changed. This axiom has no verbal component; thus, it can be cast in silence. The wind lasts up to the sixth following turn after its casting. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Duration is 9 rounds. Strength save (DC:15). |
Withering Circle Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 2 |
Time Required: | 2 seconds | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The caster summons necrotic energy to manifest in a 15-foot-diameter circle centered on a point within range. Each creature in that area must make a Resilience save (DC:13), taking d6 points of necrotic damage if failing the save. No damage is inflicted if it is successful. Nonmagical vegetation in that area withers and grass turns black. |
Oversiphoned: | Points: 4 | Resilience save (DC:15). |
Wraithstrike Verbal, Gesture | Mind Point Cost: 1 |
Time Required: | 1 reaction (no delay) | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The hands of the sorcerer and any weapons held become skeletal and insubstantial and can easily pass through armor. By making an attempt with a melee weapon with no more than 5-foot reach, the sorcerer can use a reaction to add this effect onto the attempted attack. This means the Mind points are expended before rolling the attack dice. However, for the primary hand die pool, the sorcerer gains advantage on for a melee attack against creatures wearing armor or using shields. |