
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 
 The Skills System 
 Skills Overview

Skills Overview

General Rules For Skills
• Skills are required to perform actions.
• Compatible skills allow for an increase in dice or bonuses when performing actions.
• A maximum of 5 dice from skills can be placed in a die pool for an action.
• When successfully performing feats, encounters, story plots, etc, a player is rewarded with points of Karma.
• New skills are gained by spending acquired Karma.
• Karma may also be spent in a one-time scenario to gain advantage.

When more skills are gained that work in conjunction, then all applicable skills can be used for the action. Thus, if two skills can apply in combat, then 2d20 are rolled rather than just one die. The adjustment modifiers apply the same to each separate die roll, comparing each separate total against the enemy AC. This means there can be multiple successes to an attack, as the attacker inflicts damage for all the dice that strike the opponent. Feat skills will have specific details for what occurs when skill combinations exist.

As skills increase and combine, often more dice are used on an attempted action; this is most evident in combat. However, regardless of applicable skills, there is a maximum of 5 skills that can be applied on any single skill event roll. Some skills may allow bonus dice, and there is also the case of advantage gaining an extra die; therefore, the rule-of-5 applies only to skills, not the number of dice rolled. Additional dice can be gained by crits, magic and other circumstances.

While the statement is skills are required to perform actions, one doesn't need a skill to walk across the room or to hold one’s breath. So there is a bit of a fuzzy line in cases between whether an action is possible or not. To help clear this up, skills will have an unskilled portion in the explanation when one can perform an attempt of the action which the skill addresses. The most commonly considered example is horse riding. By default, it is assumed that someone of the proper build can ride a horse without the mountsmanship skill; however, there are several limitations for the unskilled rider. Conversely, if a listed skill has no explanation for unskilled actions, then one should assume that action cannot be done without the skill. Lock-Picking would be an example.

The high level summary of this skill system from the perspective of game-play is a character wants to acquire skills that can be used together and wants to use as many skills as possible in conjunction towards a single goal. In the chart below are a few examples of how combined skills work more efficiently than a single skill by itself.

Fighting Opening a Lock Forging Armor
Melee Fighting Attack with 1d20 Lock-Picking Attempt to pick lock Armoring Can create bronze and iron armor
 + Fighting Style  Attack with 2d20  + Locksmith  Gain +3 bonus on attempt  + Armoring II  Create steel armor
  + Weapon Forte   Attack with 3d20   + Lock-Picking II   Pick lock with 2d20   + Armoring III   Forge magical armor

Before listing out all the skills in detail, there are a few other items to address.


When embarking on the adventures of the story, as results occur based on the relative success, then the GM will award advancement points, called karma. This is similar to what other systems call bonus points, experience points or leveling. Players will receive karma for various reasons. Sometimes it is for crucial skill use or for excellent character choices through role play. Usually it is for succeeding at challenges and completing missions.

The method of award is mostly up to the GM. Some will keep track and award the karma at specific timing of the story. Awarding an amount at the end of the session is another. Perhaps a GM will dole karma out after each challenge scenario. Further, tracking by individual or by a group average is solely a GM choice.

When awarded, the amount will be recorded on a player’s character sheet, as a running total. However, karma tracked by what is available to use, not a total score from all time. The points from karma are used by “purchasing” new skills. Thus, the when spent, the running total is lowered by the cost amount.

Skills are not the only thing to buy with karma. Sub-attribute scores can also be increased with karma. In fact, it may be necessary to do this from time to time to gain the desired skill. Each boost is made one-point at a time. The cost to advance is listed in the table below. Thus, moving from a stat from 8 to 9 would cost 300 karma.

Score RaisedKarma  Score RaisedKarma  Score Raised Karma  Score Raised Karma 
From 1 to 230  From 7 to 8250  From 13 to 14550  From 19 to 201200 
From 2 to 360  From 8 to 9300  From 14 to 15600  From 20 to 211425 
From 3 to 490  From 9 to 10350  From 15 to 16675  From 21 to 221550 
From 4 to 5120  From 10 to 11400  From 16 to 17750  From 22 to 231700 
From 5 to 6160  From 11 to 12450  From 17 to 18875  From 23 to 241850 
From 6 to 7200  From 12 to 13500  From 18 to 191000  From 24 to 252000 

While normally used to advance one’s character, there is one other option for karma. It can be used to “buy” a one-time advantage for a specific scenario. When taking an action, but not a reaction, a player may sacrifice (spend) 10 points of unused karma to gain advantage on that action. This can be performed as many times as the player chooses and can afford.

Gaining Skills

Karma or Training?

When acquiring enough karma points, a player can choose to “purchase” new skills. This is how a character develops and becomes more powerful. Many of these skills wil be the same as what was offered during the Paideia phase of character creation; however, there will be many new skills as well -- plus, a lot which will complement those initially chosen ones. The cost will be listed with the skills. Further, to learn a new skills, there may be prerequisites that did not exist during the cultural phase.

Editing Note: The option to train a new skill rather than use karma to advance is still available; however, in the interest of getting the important aspects of the manual complete, the details will be shared later.