Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Biophage |
Kingdom: Animal |
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain. Animals are nonhumanoid creatures that are a natural part of the fantasy ecology. Some of them have magical powers, but most are unintelligent and lack any society or language. Animals include all varieties of ordinary animals with several subtypes: amphibian, arthropod, avian, mammal, primeval, and reptile. Many animals have zero scores for mind or spirit. Unless otherwise noted, animals of zero quality will automatically fail any preservation save. The notable group exception is primeval animals. Perhaps one of the most powerful defenses of the dire beasts is their resistance to Mind and Spirit attacks. Any preservation save of involving sleep, charm or fear will automatically save for all members of the primeval sub group. |

Pigasus (Mammal)
The pigasus is the smaller and wilder cousin of the pog. This breed has also grown stronger and functional wings, granting it flight similar to an albatross or condor. While the average pog weighs around 50 pounds, these smaller versions rarely get above 35 pounds, but also their coats is thicker and consists of long, coarse bristles underlaid with short brown downy fur.
They are social creatures and produce a number of different sounds which are divided into three categories:
- Contact calls: Grunting noises which differ in intensity according to the situation. Adult males are usually silent, while females frequently grunt and piglets whine. When feeding, pigasus express their contentment through purring.
- Alarm calls: Warning cries emitted in response to threats.
- Combat calls: High-pitched, piercing cries.
The pigasis has a sense of smell that is very well developed. Its hearing is also acute, though its eyesight is comparatively weak, lacking color vision; however, all of this, allows one to distinguish between different creatures of roughly the same size. As a result, when engaging in combat, the pigasis can seem to be rather chaotic. However, as to combat, this boar-like creature possesses mutations that protect against venom. As such, snakes have become part of the species regular diet.
Furthering the details of their social behaviors, the swine live in female-dominated sounders consisting of barren sows and mothers with young led by an old matriarch. Male boars leave their sounder at the age of 8–15 months, while females either remain with their mothers or establish new territories nearby. Subadult males may live in loosely knit groups, while adult and elderly males tend to be solitary outside the breeding season, which is usually between November to January.
As stated above, their eyesight is poor, while their other senses are keen. This leads them to occasionally attack other creatures for known explainable reason other than mistaken identity. Although the species is small, one can fight quite aggressively, having a fierce bite-tusk attack. Additionally, it may use its flight to escape bad positioning to making flying passes during subsequent attacks. As it flies by, however, the technique does make it susceptible to flee-attack reactions.
Furthering the details of their social behaviors, the swine live in female-dominated sounders consisting of barren sows and mothers with young led by an old matriarch. Male boars leave their sounder at the age of 8–15 months, while females either remain with their mothers or establish new territories nearby. Subadult males may live in loosely knit groups, while adult and elderly males tend to be solitary outside the breeding season, which is usually between November to January.
As stated above, their eyesight is poor, while their other senses are keen. This leads them to occasionally attack other creatures for known explainable reason other than mistaken identity. Although the species is small, one can fight quite aggressively, having a fierce bite-tusk attack. Additionally, it may use its flight to escape bad positioning to making flying passes during subsequent attacks. As it flies by, however, the technique does make it susceptible to flee-attack reactions.
Body: | 9 ( STR:2, AGIL:2, RESIL:2 ) |
Mind: | 6 ( LOGIC:1, PERC:3, JUDG:0 ) |
Spirit: | 3 ( WILL:1, FAITH:0, MUSE:1 ) |
Movement: | 50 feet |
Size Category: | Small |
Protection Points: |
Poison: 5 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d6 & d4 |
Attack: | Bite-Tusks (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +1 |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 3 to 4 pts |