
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 
 Rune Magic

Rune Magic

Remnants of the Earth’s creation-energies channeled.

Rune stones had a humble beginning in dwarven culture. The first rune carving acted as a protection for the interred; however, after further practice, the power of orgomn (sometimes called mana) that could be trapped within the runic symbols found its way to other uses.

The base skill of rune magic is a bit formulaic but also requires some understanding of mineralogy, as well as dexterous craftsmanship. However, if having the prerequisites, the base skill of rune-crafting can be acquired as if it were a vocational skill and would not require karma. Also, like axioms, the individual runic carving can be self-learned.

Rune magic can only be scribed upon rock, and many require specific types and sizes of rock, which are detailed below. Rune magic works best as protecting an area, but some can be modified to become personal. Less common, but some may also have more offensive-styled powers. Also, the size of the runestone impacts power and duration. This means that some runes can be carried as an amulet, while others cannot.

Moreover, rune magic radiates a bit of interference from them. This means bad consequences can occur if too many are gathered together in the same vicinity. The effect is not immediate, although the GM could rule in special circumstances. As a general rule, for each day of overlapping runic area, the ground around the runestone must make a survival check on a d20 (Comp:8) or become polluted, creating disease, vermin infestations, diminished crops and possibly tainted water supply where the conflicting runes are the source of the contamination, determined by the GM. The extent of the defilement varies based on the power of the runes and time of corruption. Further, for each week of overlap, the lesser of the runes involved (or both if equal) must make a survival check (Comp:6) or become permanently disenchanted. On a “natural 1” the disenchantment is associated with a smoldering fire (or similar), which could spread based on the location and surroundings of the rune. The point of all of this is that stock-piling runes will require an investment of time, space and likely money -- unless the villain of the area simply does not care.

However, it is also important to take note of the duration of the rune carving. After it has expired, it will no longer radiate orgomn to cause problems. For all purposes, this reverts to becoming a normal rock. Therefore, careful burial planning is often associated with dwarves who inter their dead under runic protection. A few examples: Walking through a dwarven graveyard while wearing a rune amulet is not an issue; sleeping overnight in the graveyard can be problematic. Two party-members having personal runestones traveling together might poison their trail. Putting three runestones in the same chest will create a poisoning around chest after a few days. A warehouse of runestones will have to be large and spaced out between bins to avoid contamination.

Rune-CraftingMineralogyFaith 3+
This skill offers no rune carving power itself, but does grant the understanding of how to use and create rune carving. This can be learned without karma over time like other skills if having the prerequisite.
Rune-CreationRune-CraftingFaith 3+
This is the skill to carve and enchant an initial and specific type of rune.
Rune-RenewalRune-CraftingFaith 3+
This skill allows a drained rune to be renewed to power.

Once the rune-crafting skill has been obtained, a cost of 300 karma, then the specific rune carving can be acquired. Some will be a passive protection, requiring no knowledge or skill to gain the benefits. However, some runes that have a different nature may require an activation, which will be listed in the description of the rune.

Further, there are two different skills available for each rune. The first is creation, costing 200 karma to learn, and the second is renewal, costing 100 karma. Creation is the skill to carve and enchant the initial rune. After a rune has become drained or its orgomn and becomes inert, it can be brought back to its original power by a simpler process, but it must be implemented within a time span of inactivity less than half the original duration. The renewal skill does this, but as the process is simpler, it requires less talent. Of course, someone with the creation skill could also renew and reactivate a rune but still require the full time as did the creation. Maintenance skills became prevalent in dwarven societies that widely use runes to allow workload to be shared. The cost for re-activating a rune is half of the original creation cost. In such societies, typically these rune skills are trained over time learning the renewal skill first; however, karma could be used directly to obtain the top skill as the lesser is not a true prerequisite.

Types of Runes

Rune MeaningCreation CostRenewal Cost
koberenAcid Resistance200100
eistenBlunt Resistance200100
eialagndagCold Resistance200100
eisvargonEdge Resistance200100
eibrhanFire Resistance200100
eiskajjLightning Resistance200100
eiörPiercing Resistance200100
eieiturPoison Resistance200100
komaívegfyrirvondRepel Evil200100
komaívegfyrirflinkkRepel Good200100
eigudSmite Resistance200100
hetjajardatenHeroic Burial300150
Acid ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksBasalt, Gabbro, Feldspar
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 2ft x 1ft1ft x 1ft x 6inSmall Stone
Stone Weight1100 lbs90 lbs2 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to corrosive damage.
AidPassiveTime to Craft: 10 days
Usable RocksCarnelian, Citrine, Sardonyx
Stone Shape/Size2ft x 1ft x 1ft9in x 9in x 6inAmulet
Stone Weight450 lbs30 lbs½ lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
For all in the area of effect, it offers +1 PP, which is not stackable with other magical protections.
AntimagicPassiveTime to Craft: 6 days
Usable RocksPumice, Scoria
Stone Shape/Size6ft x 3ft x 2ft3ft x 2ft x 1ftSmall Stone
Stone Weight1500 lbs250 lbs5 lbs
Area of Effect20ft diam sphere10ft diam spherePersonal
Area of RadiationNoneNoneNone
Creation Cost10,000 bits7,500 bits5,000 bits
Duration of Rune1 month1 week1 day
This rune blocks all magic from entering or manifesting within the area of effect. Due to the time to create, renewing is very difficult for the middle-sized stone, and it is impossible for the small stone.
ArmorPassiveTime to Craft: 30 days
Usable RocksCorundum
Stone Shape/Size2ft x 1ft x 1ft6in x 6in x 4inAmulet
Stone Weight500 lbs20 lbs½ lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost7,500 bits5,000 bits3,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
This runestone radiates throughout the area of effect, offering +3 PP, which is not stackable with other magical protections.
Blunt ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksApatite
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 1ft x 1ft1in x 1in x 6inAmulet
Stone Weight700 lbs80 lbs1 lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
This offers all in the area of effect resistance to all non-magical weapons that deliver blunt damage. Resistance is effective even if the weapon is silvered.
BoltActivationTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksFulgurite
Stone Shape/Size4ft cylinder, 8in diam2ft cylinder, 6in diamSmall Stone
Stone Weight625 lbs140 lbs2 lbs
Area of Effect90ft range
60ft range
30ft range
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune12 charges6 charges3 charges
While touching the stone, anyone with the base rune-crafting skill (or some other valid skill that offers the ability to use it), it can conjure a bolt of lightning from the runes. The range the bolt can strike varies by the size of the stone as does its damage. The attack is made against a single victim's PP score. The larger stone rolls 3d20 each gaining +5 to the roll. The medium-sized stone rolls 2d20 with a bonus of +4 per die. Lastly, the portable stone strikes with d20+5. For each successful strike against the opponent, 1 point of lightning damage is delivered. Further, if any die strikes, the target must make an Agility preservation save (Comp:13) or suffer an additional point of lightning damage. For the rune to build up energy to make another strike requires 2d4 rounds. The stone becomes unpowered after all charges are expired. Moreover, to re-activate this runestone once inert, the process must be started again within 10 days of the last charge used.
BurialPassiveTime to Craft: 1 day
Usable RocksGranite, Pegmatite
Stone Shape/Size6in cylinder, 18in diam
Stone Weight90 lbs
Area of Effect5ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation5 feet
Creation Cost1,000 bits
Duration of Rune1 month
Carved on a headstone of a burial plot. This protects the interred becoming undead while the power of the rune remains intact. This is believed to be the original rune that began runic magic. Also, a bit of dwarven trivia: dwarves bury their dead in soft rock, such as a talc or gypsum field, rather than dirt, but place their dead vertically so the head of the corpse is less than a foot from the surface.
Cold ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksQuartz
Stone Shape/Size4ft x 3ft x 1ft2ft x 18in x 8inSmall Stone
Stone Weight1150 lbs220 lbs3 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to cold damage.
Edge ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksSchist
Stone Shape/Size2ft x 2ft x 1ft18in x 1ft x 1ftAmulet
Stone Weight700 lbs275 lbs1 lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
This offers all in the area of effect resistance to all non-magical weapons that deliver blunt damage. Resistance is effective even if the weapon is silvered.
EvictionPassiveTime to Craft: 5 days
Usable RocksFlint, Chert
Stone Shape/Size10ft diam circle
Stone Weightn/a
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation20 feet
Creation Cost5,000 bits
Duration of Rune1 month
This is similar to the imprisonment rune in that it is designed for a specific target and requires a graven image. It is carved in a circular pattern covering a 10-foot diameter. The circle becomes the equator of the area of effect; thus, walls, ceilings and floors are commonly used. When walking into the area, the victim must make an immediate Will preservation save (Comp:20) or be transported away. If blood is used, then Comp:20. If the creature is extraplanar, then it will be sent to its home origin. If the victim is native to this plane, then it will be sent to a random and harmless location on the current plane of existence. Should the target make its save, then the rune carving is flawed and powerless; re-activating it will not be effective.
Fire ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksAgate, Jasper
Stone Shape/Size4ft x 2ft x 1ft2ft x 1ft x 1ftSmall Stone
Stone Weight1350 lbs350 lbs3 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to fire damage.
HammerPassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksGranite, Limestone
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 2ft x 2ft1ft x 1ft x 1ft
Stone Weight1800 lbs160 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet
Creation Cost7,500 bits5,000 bits
Duration of Rune6 months1 month
Power radiates from the rune so that any being standing inside the area is at advantage for attack rolls of combat, whether melee or ranged.
Heroic BurialPassiveTime to Craft: 3 days
Usable RocksGranite, Pegmatite
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 2ft x 2ft1ft cylinder, 2ft diamSmall Stone
Stone Weight1800 lbs600 lbs2 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet5 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits5,000 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years2 years6 months
Carved on a headstone of a burial plot or at the base of a preserved statue. This protects the interred becoming undead while the power of the rune remains intact. It additional, the area acts like a protection from evil circle, preventing fiends, undead and fey from entering the space.
ImprisonmentPassiveTime to Craft: 3 days
Usable RocksGypsum, Limestone
Stone Shape/Size10ft diam circle
Stone Weightn/a
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation20 feet
Creation Cost5,000 bits
Duration of Rune1 month
This rune is carved in a large circle on the floor or ceiling and created specifically for one individual; the circle of symbols become the equator of the area of effect. A graven images of the target is also required (blood, hair, picture, doll). However, if that target walks into the circle within the duration of the rune's active power, then that being is trapped there as would a fiend be in a pentagram cage, guaranteed to be trapped for one hour. However, after that, each hour the victim may make a Muse check to find a weakness in the rune. When creating it, the GM secretly rolls the Comp, which is 12+2d4 (and it remains that Comp for every attempt to escape). If blood is used for the graven image, then +2 is added to the Comp to escape.
Lightning ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksSandstone, Talc
Stone Shape/Size5ft x 18in x 1ft3ft x 1ft x 6inSmall Stone
Stone Weight900 lbs180 lbs1 lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere10ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet20 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 month6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to lightning damage.
LockActivationTime to Craft: 1 day
Usable RocksMarble
Stone Shape/SizeSmall Stone
Stone Weight3 lbs
Area of Effect1 Lock
Area of Radiation5 feet
Creation Cost500 bits
Duration of Rune1 month
This rune becomes a magical key. It can add +10 to the Comp of opening a lock by touching the lock. Touching an affected lock with the stone will automatically open it. Only one lock can be affected at a time. No special skills are required to activate the lock or unlock, merely touching the stone to the mechanism works.
LuckPassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksAgate
Stone Shape/Size3ftx 3in x 1ft1ft x 1ft x 6in
Stone Weight1000 lbs45 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5 ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet
Creation Cost5,000 bits4,000 bits
Duration of Rune6 months3 months
When standing in the area, an entity is at advantage for any saves required.
Non-DetectPassiveTime to Craft: 30 days
Usable RocksOlivine
Stone Shape/Size6ft obelisk, 18in diam
Stone Weight1200 lbs
Area of Effect20ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation25 feet
Creation Cost5,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years
When completing the carving of the rune over the large obelisk, it creates a 20-foot diameter sphere of non-detection. Inside the area cannot be scryed upon, nor can its occupants have divination or detections used against them, as if they all had a dark-mind skill. However, scrying through the eyes of another being physically present, such as fey companion, who is still outside the area but looking into it might still work.
PetrifyPassiveTime to Craft: 60 days
Usable RocksObsidian
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 18in x 1ft
Stone Weight700 lbs
Area of Effect30ft range
Area of Radiation30 feet
Creation Cost10,000 bits
Duration of Rune6 charges
The pattern of runes are written to form the shape of an eye and face a specific direction. After it is completed, anyone approaching it within 30 feet and examining it for more than a glance must make a Resilience save (Comp:13) or begin the petrification process. On a failed save, a target begins to turn to stone and under the restrained restriction. At the end of the target's next turn, it must repeat the saving throw. On a success, the victim is able to break free from the forming stony skin and the effect ends. On a failure, the target is petrified. However, there is still one more final chance to avoid permanence. In the next round, an initiative is still rolled for the target, even though no actions can be taken. On that turn, the victim repeats the save a final time, which the GM may choose to have the player roll in secret to prevent the other players from knowing the fate. Please note that this final roll is not subject to automatic failure of the petrification restriction; it is made as if the character were whole. If successful, then the petrification effect is only temporary and fades from the target in 2d6 rounds. However, if this third save is failed, the petrification is permanent. After six creatures have become subject to the petrification, saved or failed, the rune no longer retains its orgomn.
Piercing ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksDolostone
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 2ft x 1ft1ft x 6in x 6inAmulet
Stone Weight300 lbs14 lbs¼ lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
This offers all in the area of effect resistance to all non-magical weapons that deliver blunt damage. Resistance is effective even if the weapon is silvered.
Poison ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksJade
Stone Shape/Size3ft x 18in x 1ft1ft x 1ft x 6inSmall Stone
Stone Weight900 lbs100 lbs2 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to poison.
Repel EvilPassiveTime to Craft: 2 days
Usable RocksGranite, Limestone
Stone Shape/Size5ft diam circle
Stone Weightn/a
Area of Effect5ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation10 feet
Creation Cost1,500 bits
Duration of Rune1 week
Carved on a standing surface, when a being stands inside the circle, that entity is protect from fiends and undead as if standing in a Protection from Evil circle from fiend practicum. No truly evil being can physically enter or harm the occupant. Further, any charms, fear or spell-effects originating from an evil being are at disadvantage to affect the protected being.
Repel GoodPassiveTime to Craft: 2 days
Usable RocksGranite, Limestone
Stone Shape/Size5ft diam circle
Stone Weightn/a
Area of Effect5ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation10 feet
Creation Cost1,500 bits
Duration of Rune1 week
Similar to the repel evil rune except is thwarts celestials and other truly good creatures.
ShieldPassiveTime to Craft: 2 days
Usable RocksOrthoclase, Moonstone
Stone Shape/Size2ft x 18in x 18in9in x 8in x 6inAmulet
Stone Weight725 lbs40 lbs1 lb
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
This runestone radiates throughout the area of effect, offering +3 to the PP score, which is not stackable with other magical protections.
Smite ResistancePassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksPyrite
Stone Shape/Size2ft x 18in x 1ft1ft x 9in x 3inSmall Stone
Stone Weight950 lbs50 lbs2 lbs
Area of Effect10ft diam sphere5ft diam spherePersonal
Area of Radiation20 feet10 feet5 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits1,500 bits1,000 bits
Duration of Rune2 years1 year6 months
The stone radiates throughout the designated area, granting all in that area resistance to smite damage.
SufferingPassiveTime to Craft: 4 days
Usable RocksPeridot
Stone Shape/SizeGround
Stone Weight2 lbs
Area of Effect1 Person
Area of Radiation15 feet
Creation Cost3,000 bits
Duration of RuneAs Imprisonment
This is an extension of the imprisonment rune. The time to carve the additional runes and sprinkle in the crushed peridot is added to the time to create the original circular rune trap. However, while a victim is trapped inside, he, she or it suffers physical and mental anguish. This causes a -4 to all save attempts to escape. Further, for each full day spent in the prison, one degree of exhaustion is added.
UnboundPassiveTime to Craft: 20 days
Usable RocksGranite, Limestone (Aventurine)
Stone Shape/Size20ft diam circle
Stone Weightn/a
Area of Effect20ft diam sphere
Area of Radiation25 feet
Creation Cost7,500 bits
Duration of Rune2 years
The rune is carved on the ground in a circle of symbols, using crushed aventurine in the grounds; it stretches out to a 20-foot diameter circle. For those standing in the area, it offers the wearer protection of free movement, meaning the wearer cannot be affected by spells such as windstorm or immobilize. Further, the wearer is at advantage for any non-magical save or competition that would result in being restrained or grappled.