Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Fideophage |
Kingdom: Fiend |
Celestials and Fiends are Fideophages, who endure and sustain their existence by harnessing worship and belief but sometimes emotion as well. Mere consideration that a creature could exist by only a dozen people may be enough to sustain one. Starvation because of a lack of belief varies in time based on the power and strength of the entity in question. Fiends are creatures of wickedness that are native to the Lower Planes. A few are the servants of deities, but many more labor under the leadership of archdevils and demon princes. Evil priests and mages sometimes summon fiends to the material world to do their bidding. If an evil celestial is a rarity, a good fiend is almost inconceivable. Fiends include demons, devils, and dybbuks. Demons are evil agents of chaos. They are immune to poison and resistant to fire. Demons do not sleep; however, they do breathe. Demons also eat, but their need for sustenance is far different than mortal beings; demons absorb fear and hedonic emotion to feed. Devils are methodical and astute observers; however, their wickedness runs deep. Devils radiate fear that affects non-primeval animals. They are immune to poison and fire, as well as being resistant to cold. Devils can see through darkness, even magical darkness. And they do not sleep nor breathe. As Fideophages, devils do not eat food; however, the way a devil does feed is by absorbing mental energy that emits from doubt. Dybbuks are beings of pure evil. Such entities require magical weaponry to hit. Moreover, they are immune to acid and resistant to fire and ice. They beings do not sleep, eat food or breathe. Techically, these beings sustain their lives from the energy dispersion that erupts from a lifesone upon death. |

Osyluth (Devil)
Osyluths, sometimes called bone devils, are the taskmasters and interrogators of the devils, acting as law-enforcement throughout the Nine Hells. They stand 8-feet tall with dry, sickly skin that seemed tautly stretched over every bone in their body. Despite being over 300-pound creatures, their frames were incredibly gaunt husks so emaciated that they seemed skeletal. Plus, their tails are like that of a giant scorpion while their heads looked like menacing skulls. Osyluths have claws and fangs, but their most fearsome natural armament is the scorpion-like tails which injects poison upon a successful strike that will paralyze its victim (DC:12) for d4 actions. The attack of the osyluth is that of multiattacks, meaning one makes a claw-fang attack and also a tail-sting attack in the same action. Further, they can select different targets with these attacks. Further abilities of an osyluth are magical flight (Movement 50), use veil as an action, and the creation of a brambles barrier as an action; however, only one brambles effect at a time can exist. Many osyluths are also trained in range weaponry, preferring crossbows, and will fire with an archery-level skill. When firing the mechanical bow, the multi-attack of using their tails is not gained. Finally, once per day an osyluth can teleport.
Notes: | Multiattacks; Flight (50); Veil; Brambles; Teleport (once per day)) |
Body: | 34 ( STR:9, AGIL:6, RESIL:8 ) |
Mind: | 15 ( LOGIC:4, PERC:3, JUDG:3 ) |
Spirit: | 9 ( WILL:3, FAITH:1, MUSE:2 ) |
Movement: | 50 feet |
Size Category: | Large (+1 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 11 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Thrash (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 3 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +10 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 4 to 6 pts |
Attack: | Tail (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +1 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | piercing |
Damage: | 2 to 3 pts |
Attack Special: | onHit;resilienceDC12;{"command":"n-markers","tags":[{"tag":"paralyzed","parameter":"true"}]} |