
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 
 The Skills System 
 Magical Powers

Magical Powers

Divine Skills and Endowments

† Has Prerequisite

SkillCostNote or Province
Ceremony250Non-Magical Rites
 Scroll Reading (Incantation)300Use Incantation Scroll
 Weapon of Justice300Bless Weapon
Laying on HandsGracedHealing
Divine Accord300Incantations
 (Individual Incantations)n/a[Other Section]
 Benison200Holy Potions
  Desecration500Remove Consecration
  Forbiddance750Secure Area
 Divine Preservation500Defense Magic
 Divine Translation250Read Language
 Imbue300Enchant Token
 Necromancy †500Death/Afterlife
  Beckon Shadows †300Necromancy
  Feratu Command †300Necromancy
  Graven Likeness †300Necromancy
  Raise Ghoul †350Necromancy
   Animate Monster400Necromancy
  Sap †500Necromancy
   Energy Drain600Necromancy
    Vampiric Gaze750Necromancy
 Scroll Writing300Empower Scroll
 Divine Accord II600Incantations
  (Individual Incantations)n/a[Other Section]
  Aura of BenevolenceGracedArea of Benefit
   AbundanceGracedTerrain Blessing
  Aura LinkingGracedRapport
  ClairvoyantGracedMinor Scry
   Astral DreamingGracedAstral Projection
  Divine Artificing300Base Skill
   Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
  Etherwalk300Dimensional Shift
  Holy (Unholy) Turning400Chastisement
  Infuse500Stronger Enchantment
  Lifesong WhisperGracedLocate Being
   Path ProphecyGracedOptimal Navigation
  Prolongation350Extend Incantation
  Spirit Journey300Divination
 Ritual Abettor350Ritual Participant
  Banishment Ritual600Conduct Ritual
  Exorcism Ritual300Conduct Ritual
  Return to Life Ritual500Conduct Ritual
   Tether Soul600Conduct Ritual
750Conduct Ritual
  Divine Accord III600Incantations
   (Individual Incantations)n/a[Other Section]
   Tree-incarnationGrantedDeity Specific
   Greed SacrificeGrantedDeity Specific

Fey Influence

† Has Prerequisite

SkillCostNote or Province
Fey Magic250Fey Magic
 (Individual Cantrips)250[Other Section]
 Dendrosophy: Heat-Blossom †350Fey Flora
 Dendrosophy: Off-Season †350Fey Flora
 Dendrosophy: Strange-Fruit †350Fey Flora
 Extraplanar Alliance500Form Pacts
 Familiar Quest250Bond with Spirit
 Green Stitching300Stitch DarkLeaf
  Arbor-Forging600Create Feywood Armor
 Spiritual Nature †500Review
  Wilder-morph, Land400Morph, Land Beast
  Wilder-morph, Water500Morph, Water Beast
  Wilder-morph, Flight600Morph, Flying Beast
 Summon Pests200Vermin, Insects
  Call Mount250Beckon Steed
  Summon Small Beast350Fey Beast
  Team of Pixies350Pixie Servants
  Conjure Minor Chaos500Summon Fiends
 Summon Vines200Animated Vines
  Call Mount250Beckon Steed
  Summon Small Beast350Fey Beast
  Team of Pixies350Pixie Servants
  Conjure Minor Chaos500Summon Fiends

Occultic Powers

The occultist is able to find substitute powers and prerequisites to use a different path of progression to obtain metaphysical, magical and divine-like powers. When starting the journey towards the occult, one may not realize into what other-worldly powers he or she is stepping. However, eventually the occultist will gain the attention of some Patron power, be it a emas kami, perhaps a noble fey or even a demon prince. Only upon gaining the Commune with Patron and speaking with the power “behind the curtain” with the identity become revealed.

† Has Prerequisite

Contortion200Small Spaces
Feel Poison250Detection
Hydromancy †250Revelation
Meditation300Mind over Matter
 Disease Resistance300Advantage vs Contagion
 Fish Gills250Hold Breath
 Laying on Hands250Healing
 Poison Resistance400Resist Toxins
 Extraplanar Alliance †500Bind Demons
  Commune with Patron750Divination
   Elemental Swarm750Elemental Gate
   Heart of Stone500Charm Resistance
    Dark Mind600Mind Shielding
    Era of Stone750Resist Aging
   Life-Chanting †800Golems
   Fire Proof350Fire Resistance
    Pyromaniac500Fire Connection
   Inner Fire350Cold Resistance
   Tell-Tale750Detect Lies
    Silver Tongue †750Tell Lies
 Scroll Reading (Incantation)300Use Incantation Scroll
 Scroll Reading (Axiom)300Use Axiom Scroll
  (Individual Axioms: Cost 1 to 2)Varies[Other Section]
 Weight Shifting350Movement
Phrenology †250Cerebral Reading
 Phrenology II500Preternatural Psychology
  Psionics800Mental Powers

Rune Skills

The power of runes is explained in a future section.

† Has Prerequisite

Rune-Crafting †500Rune Magic
 Rune-Renewal250Restore Rune
 Rune-Creation500Craft Rune

Sorcery Skills

† Has Prerequisite

Sorcery300Arcane Magic
 (Individual Axioms: Cost 1 to 2)Varies[Other Section]
 Scroll Reading (Axiom)150Use Scroll
  Scroll Writing250Empower Scroll
 Sorcery II500Arcane Magic
  (Individual Axioms: Cost 3 to 4)Varies[Other Section]
  Dactyl Procedure† 600Graft Ductilium