
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 


What about that competition roll? These are for when two or more opponents are both attempting an action that are in competition. An example would be when someone is holding a door shut while a monster is trying to break through. This is going to make a comparison of sub-attribute tenacity against the other. Usually, the same sub-attribute will be compared but there are notable exceptions which can be discussed later. In the case of holding the door vs breaking through, Strength would be used on both sides. However, to allow modifiers to have more value for the competition, a d12 will be used instead the dice used in those other methods. Each side will add its sub-attribute modifier to the d12 die roll. Whichever competitor has the highest total score wins the action, such as holding the door or forcing it open. In the event of a tie, then circumstance remains as it was, and the struggle continues (assuming all parties continue). Therefore, the door would remain in a closed state.

While these differences may seem minor while discussing them theoretically, they become very important to game-play and strategy. Consider for a moment about the scene in The Emperor’s New Groove when both Kuzco and Yzma both attempt to grab the potion. While the game probably should not run as comically as that scene -- although it could, what no one wants from a game system is whoever gets the first turn is able to grab the potion without a challenge. This is one of the reasons and strategies for using competition roll. It further means the outcome, simply cannot be predetermined.

Competitions are used in a few other cases, such as moving through an occupied space or grappling an opponent in combat. The mechanics are the same, using the d12 and comparing the results. However, the details of these can be found later when combat is detailed further.