Enchanted Realms Rulebook
Attribute Stats
Score | Modifier | Score | Modifier | |
1 | -5 | 13 | +1 | |
2 | -4 | 14 | +2 | |
3 | -4 | 15 | +2 | |
4 | -3 | 16 | +3 | |
5 | -3 | 17 | +3 | |
6 | -2 | 18 | +4 | |
7 | -2 | 19 | +4 | |
8 | -1 | 20 | +5 | |
9 | -1 | 21 | +5 | |
10 | 0 | 22 | +6 | |
11 | 0 | 23 | +6 | |
12 | +1 | 24 | +7 | |
25 | +8 |
Every entity, characters and monsters, have a set of three attributes: Body, Mind and Spirit. Body represents physical health and athleticism. This also acts as life points. When a character is harmed, poisoned or fatigued, the effective value of the Body score decreases. The Mind score is one’s mental prowess, solve puzzles and void tricks. As stress occurs, mental exhaustion can set in, resulting in the potential loss of Mind points. Lastly, Spirit is a measure of willpower, faith and creativity.
These three attributes are the compounds of other sub-attributes. The Body score consists of Strength, Agility and Resilience. The Mind score comes from Logic, Perception and Judgment. Lastly, Spirit is made up of Will, Faith and Muse. The range of the sub-attributes is from 1 to 25, with the values having different modifiers.
Agility is the manual dexterity, reflexes and hand-eye coordination
Resilience is a represent of hardiness and general health
Logic is the general intellect and puzzle-solving ability
Perception measures how well one uses natural senses, even unwittingly
Judgment is a score of patience and impulse control
Will is the determination held by a being
Faith measures religious devotion and believe in the unseen
Muse qualifies the artistic and creative nature
All starting characters begin with sub-attribute values of 8 in each score. A total of 7 points can be added to any of these values; however, the limit is any single sub-attribute can receive at most 4 points during this start-up adjustment. The sub-attribute scores will then be modified further once a species is chosen. The additional species adjustment is not subject to the 4-point limit explained above.
As stated above, the three primary attributes consist of three sub-values. Body, Mind and Spirit represent the health of those three aspects of a being. If being depleted, then a character may die. The most common example is Body, which acts like hit points of a creature. However, it is possible for a Mind and Spirit death to occur as well. Details about this later.
How is the score value determined for the three primary attributes? The short answer is the player no longer calculates this; instead, the digital character sheet handles it. The longer answer is it is a mathematical formula based on the three sub-attributes that encapsulated by it. The function is not linear; therefore, the greater the sub-attribute score, the more increase in the calculation. All this said, one can expect the value of the scores for Body, Mind and Spirit for a starting character to be between five (5) and eighteen (18). That top-end value would likely indicate that all the adjustments were used only for one primary attribute, leaving the other two at the minimum. This is perfectly fine as favor should be given based on the archetypal role of the character; however, an extreme indulgence will leave that starting character vulnerable in the other two areas. It also means the thresholds to be discussed next may also be at risk as well.
NEW to Enchanted Realms version 3 are thresholds for these three attributes. These are Pain, Anxiety and Spite. When damage is inflicted to one of the attributes, these three thresholds are potentially challenged as well. Further, there are methods of inflicting values against the thresholds without damaging the primary attribute. This obviously opens up the option for new tactics to overpower an enemy.
Pain is likely the easiest to understand. As said, Body is akin to hit points or one's physical brokenness, but Pain is more about whether the physical body can function at peak performance. If a being experiences too much Pain, then it fatigues, swings become weaker and less accurate, speed is reduced and lifting power reduced, as well as attacking with disadvantage. For the Mind, Anxiety lowers the effectiveness of sorcery and awareness checks. Spite diminished divine prayer and will power. Inflicting these methods makes it possible to incapacitate an opponent without every harming it, provided one knows how to deliver this type of unwounding damage.
The calculation for these is also managed in the digital character sheet, but it is rooted in a combination of the sub-attributes as well. The maximum Pain tolerance before being unable to function is the average of Resilience and Will. For Anxiety it is the average of Logic and Muse, while the max Spite tolerance is the average of Faith and Judgment. Penalties of disadvantage occur at the halfway point. As a result, among the primary attributes and these thresholds, there really is no “dump stat” but rather choices of where one will have exposed weaknesses.