
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Game Starter 


“Time moves slowly but passes quickly.” ―Alice Walker

The term “round” is in reference to a specific duration of time in a fight. A round represents a ten-second block of the combat. It is also the game mechanism to determine the results of each combatant’s actions in that time frame. Further, a new round is the game mechanism for resetting the combatants’ reaction availability. During a round of combat, each player, monster and NPC involved is granted a “turn” within the round. Upon each creature’s turn, he, she or it can take an action and use movement. The timing of one’s turn is determined by the initiative roll. There are times when “round” and “turn” may sound like they are synonymous, which they are close, the round represents the entire timespan of the ten-seconds of everyone’s turn, while the turn is what belongs to the individual taking its action during the round.