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 Over-Category: Biophage 
 Kingdom: Ooze 
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain.
Oozes are gelatinous creatures that rarely have a fixed shape. They are mostly subterranean, dwelling in caves and dungeons and feeding on refuse, carrion, or creatures unlucky enough to get in their way. Black puddings and gelatinous cubes are among the most recognizable oozes.
These creatures are effectively mindless, granting them immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, illusions, etc). Further, they are blind (but have 20-feet radius of blindsight) which gives them immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight. They are also immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning. Oozes eat and breathe, but do not sleep.

Blood Ooze 

When a fiend is destroyed on a plane of existence other than its home plane, ichor is all that remains in the place where it was slain. When a strong-willed, hateful fiend dies cursing its slayers, a small piece of its lust for vengeance can infuse the ichor, giving the remains life. The substance may become a blood oozes, which have a single-minded goal: revenge.

The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. It also has magical resistance, gaining advantage on all saves against spells and other magical effects. The blood ooze is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. These oozes are immune to fire and poison. Lastly for its senses, an ooze of this fiendish connection knows the direction and distance to the creature that performed the killing blow on the fiend from which the ooze was created, as long as the two of them are on the same plane of existence.

Body: 21 ( STR:5, AGIL:2, RESIL:7 )
Mind: 0 ( LOGIC:0, PERC:0, JUDG:0 )
Spirit: 0 ( WILL:0, FAITH:0, MUSE:0 )
Movement: 25 feet
Size Category: Medium 
Protection Points: 3
Guard Roll Dice: d4 & d4
Attack: Pseudopod (melee)
Number of d20s: 2
To-Hit Modifier: +5
Damage Type: blunt
Damage: 3 to 4 pts
Attack Special: onHit;;{"command":"damage","quality":"body","value":"1","damageType":"fire"}
Attack: Spit-Fire (range)
Number of d20s: 2
To-Hit Modifier: 0
Damage Type: fire
Damage: 1 to 2 pts