Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Biophage |
Kingdom: Atavistoid |
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain. Atavistoids are similar to anthropoids, having common ancestry somewhere back the line; however, these races have monstrous or animalistic features. Additionally, they may have magical abilities. |

Rhinoceaur (Taurian)
These magnificent creatures form small familial and tribal communities. They stand around five feet at the rump and about nine feet to the top of their heads, weighing about 1500 pounds. They have language and can be social, when not being interpreted as gruff. Rhinoceaurs have a thick hide which offers resistance to piercing weapons; however, they are susceptible to cold attacks. They can attack with weapons, if available; however, they have rare need for them as their bone and keratin fists make for a powerful savage form attack. Additionally, they have a special charging attack which can knock a victim who is smaller than they are to a prone position whenever their raw attack scores are 18 or better, even if the attack itself is a miss. However, they must be able to charge from 20 feet away, which may be a challenge at times due to their poor eyesight.These creatures are virtually blind beyond 90 feet, and anything over 30 feet is treated with the penalties of dim light (-2 on Perception and movement is halved if traverse beyond that distance). This means they can take full 60-foot movement, so long as they do not extend beyond a 30-foot radius of their starting position on a combat turn. if extending reaching that barrier, a rhinoceaur is out of movement, making any linear advance limited to 35 feet.
Body: | 22 ( STR:7, AGIL:3, RESIL:5 ) |
Mind: | 9 ( LOGIC:2, PERC:2, JUDG:2 ) |
Spirit: | 9 ( WILL:2, FAITH:2, MUSE:2 ) |
Movement: | 60 feet |
Size Category: | Large (+1 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 7 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d4 |
Attack: | Pummel (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +7 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | blunt |
Damage: | 4 to 5 pts |
Attack: | Trampel (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +7 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | blunt |
Damage: | 4 to 5 pts |
Attack Special: | anyRaw>=18;;{"command":"n-markers","tags":[{"tag":"prone","parameter":"true"}]} |