
Enchanted Realms Rulebook



Some axioms require concentration. The sorcerer can still partake in conversations and observe the surroundings, but while concentration is required no reactions can be performed. No new axioms, cantrips or invocations be cast. However, other actions, such as drinking a potion or activating a magic item are perfectly legitimate. However, combat attacks, whether melee or at range, can only be made with disadvantage. Further, movement rate is half during concentration. Of course, a specific detail in an axiom could override this general rule. Should the caster’s concentration be broken, it will usually end the axiom. Thus, if the concentration is required to maintain or complete an effect, then breaking the caster’s concentration would free the victims. However, in some cases, such as conjure elemental, it does not return end as one might expect.

Concentration may be broken by inflicting damage against Body, Mind or Spirit. However, the caster is permitted a save against a DC:14 plus the number of points of damage to maintain concentration. If struck with Body damage, a Resilience save is used. If Mind damage, then Judgment; and if Spirit, then Muse.

Other options to break concentration are using arcane disruption as an action or counterspell as a reaction at the start of the caster’s turn. Obviously, killing, stunning or incapacitating the caster would also work. Lastly, the GM may allow for environmental events to break concentration.