
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 


Kingdom: Atavistoid
Phylum: Carnivoid
Size: Medium M F
Height Range: 5-3 to 5-9 5-7 5-4
Weight Range: 120 lbs to 160 lbs 140 130
Start of Puberty: Approximately 10 yrs old
Average Lifespan: 50 years
Maximum Age: 75 years
Movement Rate: 45 feet Walking
Daily Travel: 22 miles
Traits: Fall Protection
  -1 Strength
  +1 Agility
  +1 Perception
  -2 Muse
Cultural Points: 1000

The JZAKA [ ƷⱭ • kɑ ] are atavistic humanoids, an excellent blend of human, wolf and panther. Their bodies are covered with black fur, save their faces and manes which vary in color from silvery-gray to brilliant reds. Head hair varies in its thickness as well. Some lineages are nearly bald and hairless on the face, while others retain a very bestial appearance. Long, pointy ears and sharp teeth are common among these people. Jzaka often sleep in trees, even while in communities.

Like wild cats, jzaka possess swift, quiet movement, but they can also fall from heights of ten feet without fear of becoming hurt due to their fall protection trait. Because of the heights, climbing and competition, to survive the early jzaka culture, only the dexterous thrive; as such, all adult jzaka have an adjustment to the Agility score. In fact, the requirement to play this species is to have a starting minimum of 11 in the sub-attribute, but it could be started as high as [13]. Starting jzaka characters gain +1 for Perception [13] as well. However, this species is not as naturally strong as many of the others, suffering a -1 to Strength [11]. Further, due to the animal instincts, the jzaka tend not to be overly creative, suffering -2 to Muse [10]. Finally, while not directly penalized at the starting value, certain attributes Logic, Will, Faith and Muse all have lower than normal maximum limits.

While jzaka do not have a darkvision trait like the terrac species, these people have nightvision, which works similarly to the other. This sense uses the remnants of solar rays that are absorbed by surfaces to visually map an area out to roughly 40 feet. Due to the dependency on the sun, it can only be used above ground. It is even effective indoors but suffers half the visual range. In a subterranean setting, jzaka become as blind as others who have no alternate vision. Moreover, nightvision uses sensitivity to light to operate; thus, unlike darkvision, using other light sources will ruin it from being used.

Culturally, jzaka tend to rely on their senses and feelings to make judgments. Their keen olfactory is better than humans; however, it is not so great as to offer further bonuses on Perception checks, although the hubris of the species believes these senses give them a strong intuition, making it a societal practice to follow one's hunches. This communal attitude has created suspicion of outsiders who are unused to trusting their emotions and feelings. Of course, following these gut instincts often are not successful, which gives those outsiders a perspective that the jzaka are sullen and moody. The jzaka are not really xenophobic like the elves; however, other species tend to avoid their communities because of their lack of order and structure. Most others usually only interact with jzaka when using them as manhunters, trackers and guides.

Their historical lore claims they were once Beastmasters of this area. According to the myth, a small number of jzaka ruled over several animals species who served them naturally, and these animal servants guarded against the foul creatures of the world. However, then came “the Great Disaster,” which changed them from an immortal or spiritual status to what the species is today. Or so their history claims

Jzaka still domesticate and breed animals, and their skills at such are equal to any other species. They will often use hunting birds as well as great cats for tracking and game-hunting. Canines are also domesticated, but oddly the jzaka use dogs like food stock, among other peculiar rituals - such as sacrificial animals in construction for the blessing of a building and other ceremonies, such as births and burials. Smaller dog breeds are typically the only lines tamed among their culture.

How They See Themselves     How Others See Them
• as very intuitive creatures, trusting their feelings for decisions     • emotionally immature and quick to change moods
• as superior beings having suffered a fall into mortality     • suspicious of the jzaka history of their own origin
• believe their senses are so keen as to grant hidden information     • tend to believe that the jzaka’ atavistic side does grant them superior senses