Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Biophage |
Kingdom: Mutant |
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain. Mutants are monsters in the strictest sense frightening creatures that are not ordinary, not truly natural, and almost never benign. Some are the results of magical experimentation gone awry, and others are the product-of terrible curses. Unless stated otherwise, mutant beasts eat, sleep, and breathe. |

a solitary creature with little known about its reproduction capabilities; however, stories of encounters with such a beast have been around for centuries, which has caused sages to conclude that some means of breeding or spawning does occur.
An alliguar is a fast running, able to overtake dogs and camels, which does surprise many as its reptilian primogenitor is not nearly as fast. However, the size of the creature is another reason it stupefies its prey. The creature is massive and muscular, weighing over twice that of either of its predecessors.
The beast can attack with a choice of maiming claws or crippling bite for each of its turns. Like an alligator, if scoring an attack with its bite, the victim will be “held” in its vice-like mouth, effectively grappled. Fortunately, when an alliguar attacks a group, it is satisfied with bringing down a single prey and devouring it on the spot. However, if challenged by the surviving members, it will continue to fight, even releasing its prize for self-protection. Of course, it might defend itself with its claws while still grasping the original victim.
If the combatants are careful about keeping their distance, the alliguar has one final trick: poisonous and combustible venom that it can spit up to 30 feet away. Its goal is to blind its attackers for various strategies, but even if that does not work, the delayed candescence can be an effective weapon as well. When spitting, a single d20 is used to strike at the target. If scoring higher than the target's protection points, then it splatters over the victim, doing no initial damage. However, the target must make an Agility save (Comp:12) or have the corrosive poison get into the eyes. Goggles or other eye protection will add +3 to the save. If failing this save, the victim is blind as well as under the poison restriction for the next hour or until magical aid can be rendered. Moreover, whether failing or not, at the start of the alliguar's following combat turn, the those successfully struck by the venom will experience corrosive ignite and burn, inflicting 2 points of fire damage immediately with 1 point at the end of each of the victim's consecutive turns if not suppressing the flames.
Body: | 30 ( STR:8, AGIL:5, RESIL:7 ) |
Mind: | 7 ( LOGIC:1, PERC:2, JUDG:2 ) |
Spirit: | 9 ( WILL:4, FAITH:0, MUSE:2 ) |
Movement: | 90 feet |
Size Category: | Huge (+2 to hit) |
Protection Points: | 6 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d4 & d5+1 |
Attack: | Claws (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 2 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +9 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | edged |
Damage: | 5 to 6 pts |
Attack Special: | anyRaw>=16;;{"command":"maimed","save":"AgilityDC7","movement":5} |
Attack: | Bite (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 1 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +1 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | piercing |
Damage: | 3 pts |
Attack Special: | onHit;;{"command":"grapple"} |
Attack: | Spit-Venom (range) |
Number of d20s: | 1 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +2 (not including size bonus) |
Damage Type: | no-damage |
Damage: | none |
Attack Special: | onHit;{"type":"save","quality":"agilty","DC":"12";{"command":"n-markers","tags":[{"tag":"blind","parameter":"true"},{"tag":"poisoned","parameter":"true"}]} |