Online Viewer of Enchanted Realms Monsters
Over-Category: Biophage |
Kingdom: Animal |
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain. Animals are nonhumanoid creatures that are a natural part of the fantasy ecology. Some of them have magical powers, but most are unintelligent and lack any society or language. Animals include all varieties of ordinary animals with several subtypes: amphibian, arthropod, avian, mammal, primeval, and reptile. Many animals have zero scores for mind or spirit. Unless otherwise noted, animals of zero quality will automatically fail any preservation save. The notable group exception is primeval animals. Perhaps one of the most powerful defenses of the dire beasts is their resistance to Mind and Spirit attacks. Any preservation save of involving sleep, charm or fear will automatically save for all members of the primeval sub group. |

Lunarchne (Primeval)
These arachnids are the true moon spiders despite another creature having that name. However, what makes this species most frightening is that Lilyth, evil Selquerine goddess of spiders and darkness has chosen these specific spiders to be her warriors. While they are small, they are stealthy, vicious and circumstantially an apex predator.
An individual spider is about the size of a chihuahua, but they hunt in packs of around 20, spreading themselves out about 10 to 15 feet apart. In game terms, this sets a Perception comp score of 19 as stealth to be able to notice one. The shape of their fold when preforming this spread hunting method depends upon the prey, as they are surprisingly cunning and will even leap from ledges to attack birds passing by. Unnoticed spiders will attack as if making a sneak attack.
Despite being small in size, a lunarchne is very fast and agile, able to move at speeds rivaling most bipeds and able to leap 40 feet as part of its movement to clear difficult terrain. Further, despite the design of its eyes, a lunarchne possesses excellent sharp eyesight, having a full 360 view of its environment. From a game mechanics view, this means they roll all Perception checks involving vision at advantage.
They nest of spiders may also ambush by burrowing shallow into the group. When doing this the lunarchne forces the victim to roll the Perception check at disadvantage, as well as having the 19 comp to succeed. This will act like a sneak attack as well. And that is for each spider.
As for the poison of the lunarchne, it is far more deadly than the typical monster spider. First, because of the favor with Lilyth, the lunarchne can strike mystical beings who are protected from normal weapons. The fangs of this spider act like a silver weapons as special weaponry. Further, the fangs, despite their small size strike as a medium-weight weapon. If the bite is successful, the an injury poison more deadly than icerip is delivered. Then victim must save with Resilience (Comp:15). On failure, it will enact the poisoned restriction for 30 minutes, inflict blindness for d4 rounds, and act as a corrosive to deliver d4 Body points of acid/alchemical damage. Even if saving, the corrosive substance delivers a single point of acid damage.
Victims that can be subdued and dragged back to a burrow, the lunarchne injects more poison into the corpse, which will dissolve the body from the inside into a gooey blob in under a day for small creatures. The alchemical decay destroys a body at a rate of 2 pounds per hour. If fully deliquesced, the dead being suffers a higher requirement (Comp:25) if a return to life ritual is performed. However, a rebirth power is not affected.
Body: | 10 ( STR:1, AGIL:4, RESIL:2 ) |
Mind: | 9 ( LOGIC:2, PERC:3, JUDG:1 ) |
Spirit: | 7 ( WILL:2, FAITH:, MUSE:1 ) |
Movement: | 45 feet |
Size Category: | Small |
Protection Points: | 6 |
Guard Roll Dice: | d6 & d4 |
Attack: | Bite (melee) |
Number of d20s: | 1 |
To-Hit Modifier: | +4 |
Damage Type: | No-Damage |
Damage: | none |
Attack Special: | [{"trigger":"onHit", "bool":"1==1", "formula":{"command":"damage","quality":"body","value":"1","damageType":"alchemical","specialWord":"Acid"}},{"trigger":"onHit", "condition":{"type":"save","quality":"resilience","DC":"15"}, "formula":{"command":"various","inner":[{"command":"poison"},{"command":"n-markers","tags":[{"tag":"blind","parameter":"true"}]},{"command":"damage","quality":"body","value":"d4-1","damageType":"alchemical","specialWord":"Acid"}]}] |