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 Over-Category: Biophage 
 Kingdom: Atavistoid 
Beings that are biophages are those who eat and survive by the consumption of other living and materials or various nutrients that reside in the earth or native terrain.
Atavistoids are similar to anthropoids, having common ancestry somewhere back the line; however, these races have monstrous or animalistic features. Additionally, they may have magical abilities.

Sleastog (Saurian)

The sleastogs are a subterranean race of reptilian bipeds, living on the moon of Gayna. They have a thin but wide-set mouths and large, round black eyes which are averse to light. Covered mostly in green scales with yellow thoraxes, they have claws on their feet and on their hands which can function as pincers. The sleastogs also have a single horn protruding backward from the top of their heads. 

Sleastogs appear significantly taller than the average human, approximately 7 feet in height. While slow-moving, they are quite physically strong with reasonable reflexes. Their pincers can close with sufficient force to easily cut through the wooden shaft of a torch. This translates to a special d6 dodge skill. On a raw 6, the weapon must make survival check against physical force. The standard Comp for the wood shaft of a weapon is 7; metal weapons are Comp:5. If a cloth weapon is used via martial arts, it is Comp:8.

The sleastogs are accomplished in the arts of building, foraging, and hunting, and make and use crossbows and nets to hunt. Due to their sensitivity at light, sleastogs tend to live underground in the caves and caverns with their periods of activity heavily influenced by thermal energies of volcanic magma underground. 

Body: 15 ( STR:6, AGIL:2, RESIL:2 )
Mind: 10 ( LOGIC:2, PERC:, JUDG: )
Spirit: ( WILL:, FAITH:, MUSE: )
Movement: 40 feet
Size Category: Medium 
Protection Points: 5 (+2 from shield)
Guard Roll Dice: d4 & d4
Attack: Claw (melee)
Number of d20s: 2
To-Hit Modifier: +6
Damage Type: cleaver
Damage: 3 to 4 pts