Enchanted Realms Rulebook
Attack Rolls
When rolling attack dice, it is similar to making a skills check, but this is based on one's skills of combat. The results of hitting varies by method and weapon, but conceptually, it is really no different. Combat attacks use multiple sets of d20s based on the characters skills. In this case, the opponent’s Defense score is the TM. Some dice may meet the TM and others might not. As such this determines the variance of damage delivered.
One important difference with attacks versus the skill check above is that combat uses statistical outliers of raw numbers to prevent always and never hitting. Thus, the natural 20 and natural 1 raw score values have significance. Regardless of the math, if a natural 20 is rolled on the die, this die counts as a hit. Conversely, any time score of natural 1 is rolled, then that die will miss the target. However, traits like chance allows a single natural 1 in the dice pool of an attack to be re-rolled. Also, these special raw numbers merely indicate whether the die hits or misses in an attack; it does not guarantee a crit or a fumble.
While this will be discussed more later, when attacking with advantage, not only is an extra die added to the die pool, but further damage is increased by an additional d2 points. Likewise, when attacking at disadvantage, the total damage is decreased by d2, which means the inflicted amount could result as zero or lower. Of course, negative damage cannot happen, but some attacks will be neutralized by disadvantage even if successfully striking the opponent.