
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 


The word “paideia” is just a fancy term from Ancient Greece that means education or upbringing to fit with one’s station. Thus, it is the perfect word, albeit a bit archaic, to describe this part of the character-creation process. This is where the player determines what happened during the character’s growing-up years, what he or she learned during that time, and what significant development happened in that period of life.

To determine what happened, a small base of back story has to be decided. Often the GM will not need to be involved, assuming it is nothing crazy like choosing being created from the blood of Titania, Queen of the Fey, exchanged for a soul-trapped demon to a greater kami of weather, who entrusted the child to the Lord of the Cloud Giants to raise. This step is essentially deciding who the parents were and maybe the siblings, what size of city in which they lived -- or that it was a pirate vessel, or so on. Of course, if a player wants a little unusual childhood, that player should work with the GM.

Once understanding the early environment and roles involved, then look up how many cultural points were granted for the species selection. These points are akin to money for purchasing skills acquired in early life and one’s species in the price tag. This said, just because the character is one species doesn't mean the culture of one’s youth is the same. Elfin families do live in human cities. An equirda might have been orphaned and raised by nhoblits. However, if as part of the character’s history, these are different, the work with the GM to decide which species cost to use: the nature or the nurture.

To clarify, a dwarf raised in a traditional subterranean dwarven city means there is no question that the “Dwarven Cost” will be used when selecting skills for the history. However, if that same dwarf were found and adopted by gnomes, then the GM could rule that the “Gnome Cost” should be used instead. The exception is an orkane character. An orkane will have access to the culture from where one was raised, however, due to social prejudices against a bastard child, the cost listed for an orkane will always be used instead of the standard price, which in some cases will be cheaper; i.e., the orkane was pushed towards a stereotype, such as fighting or to be a laborer.

Stated above it was suggested that the player consult with the GM. That is not just the case for odd back stories because the GM may award up to an extra 400 cultural points due to socio-economic class or perhaps because the family is part of a guild. These points could come with conditions stated by the GM such as “Skill X must be acquired to gain these bonus points,” based on whatever the GM discerns relevant from the history.

Skills can be selected at the attributed cost. Then whatever that cost is, it is taken from a running total of those cultural points. This continues until reaching zero or no more skills can be bought with the points remaining. Also, some skills will have requirements, which means the sub-attributes for the created character must conform to those requirement otherwise the skill could not have been acquired during childhood. Further, the skills obtained here may have requirements later in game play; however, during the selection from paideia, the skill can be acquired even if not meeting those prerequisites needed later after joining the game story.

If the species cost is listed as “R” then it is restricted and unavailable. This is true whether it is the child’s species or if it is the culture used for the cost. Further, if a species has a trait that acts like one of these skills, it would not need to be acquired here but could be at the lowest price. In other words, if a woodland elf, having the weapon intuition trait with a spear, wanted to select melee combat, then rather than the normal cost of 400 culture points, it could be obtained for only 300.

Do not forget that humans have the diversity trait. This trait is specific for selecting skills from childhood, and it allows a human character the option to purchase these cultural skills at the lowest price point available. This is why one will note “Human Cost” is never listed.

Lastly, a quick statement on languages. Every character has fluency in one’s species culture (or starting culture if different); however, literacy is not a given. If one's character must be able to read and write, then 100 points must be used to gain this additional part of the native language skill. Additional languages can be bought in this step with fluency costing 100 points, then one must spend an additional 200 points to gain literacy in the newly acquired language. To be clear, literacy cannot be learned first. Finally, one's Logic score determines the number of total languages that can be known from childhood with the default of two languages with the determining values beyond that. To be able to learn a third, one must have a minimum of a 12 Logic score.

Skills Gained From Upbringing
Bonuses involving physical Actions
Requires min 10 Body score
Point Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:R
Equirda Cost:200
Nhoblit Cost:200
Pass oneself off as different personPoint Cost:300
Elfin Cost:200
Equirda Cost:R
Orkane Cost:R
Planting, Harvesting, Cultivating FoodPoint Cost:200
Increased awareness in a particular terrain
Requires min 10 Perception score
Point Cost:300
Animal Breeding
Selective crossing of domestic animalsPoint Cost:200
Animal Training
Condition a specific animal species to follow basic commandsPoint Cost:300
Orkane Cost:R
Jen’esse Cost:R
Forge Metal Armor
Requires min 9 Strength score
Point Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:200
Art: Body Art
Tattooing, Piercing, Scarification
Requires min 10 Muse score
Point Cost:200
Art: Ceramics
Firing or baking ceramicsPoint Cost:200
Art: Drawing
Charcoal, ink,
pastel, and pencil
Requires min 9 Muse score
Point Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Gnome Cost:100
Art: Interior Decorating
Create pleasing building interiorsPoint Cost:300
Nhoblit Cost:200
Art: Painting
Painting on paper, canvas, or a wall,
  with tempera, oil-based paint, etc
Requires min 9 Muse score
Point Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Nhoblit Cost:100
Art: Sculpting
Three-dimensional art from ivory,
  stone, or soft metals
Requires min 10 Muse score
Point Cost:200
Gnome Cost:100
Sense of Direction, Foretelling
Requires min 9 Logic score
Point Cost:200
Jzaka Cost:100
Lower Costs, Increase SalesPoint Cost:200
Gnome Cost:100
Orkane Cost:300
Create Holy Philters
Requires some sort of clergy association
Point Cost:300
Gryf Cost:200
Riding a bicycle over long distances
Requires min 9 Agility score
Point Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:R
Equirda Cost:R
Gnome Cost:200
Construct Bows and Arrows
Requires min 9 Agility score
Point Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Equirda Cost:100
Gnome Cost:200
Craft Beers and AlesPoint Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:200
Triton Cost:500
Wood StructuresPoint Cost:200
Batfolk Cost:100
Elfin Cost:100
Read, Decipher Maps
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:300
Equirda Cost:100
Nhoblit Cost:200
Use of ropes, handles to scale a surface
Requires Agility score 10 or higher
Point Cost:300
Batfolk Cost:200
Dwarven Cost:400
Equirda Cost:R
Gryf Cost:100
Jzaka Cost:100
Cold Forging
Forge Iron By Hammering
Requires min 10 Strength score
Point Cost:300
Batfolk Cost:R
Dwarven Cost:200
Jen’esse Cost:200
Nhoblit Cost:R
Combat Training: Melee
Fighting with melee weaponsPoint Cost:400
Dwarven Cost:300
Jen’esse Cost:300
Orkane Cost:300
Combat Training: Ranged
Fighting with melee weaponsPoint Cost:400
Elfin Cost:300
Equirda Cost:300
Orkane Cost:300
Triton Cost:500
Combat Training: Shield Use
Removes shield restrictionsPoint Cost:400
Dwarven Cost:300
Orkane Cost:300
Combat Training: Unarmed Fighting
Grappling and strikingPoint Cost:300
Batfolk Cost:200
Orkane Cost:200
Triton Cost:200
Cook and prepare foodPoint Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Nhoblit Cost:100
Triton Cost:300
Bonus for Spiritual Defenses
Requires min 10 Spirit score
Point Cost:300
Divine Accord
Connection to Deity
Requires Literacy
Requires min 10 Faith score
Point Cost:400
Hunt small game with a trained hawk.
Requires Hunting
Point Cost:400
Dwarven Cost:R
Equirda Cost:300
Jen’esse Cost:R
Triton Cost:R
Requires min 9 Strength score
Point Cost:200
Gnome Cost:300
Gryf Cost:300
Jen’esse Cost:400
Triton Cost:R
Build Fire without ToolsPoint Cost:200
Catch FishPoint Cost:200
Gryf Cost:R
Triton Cost:100
Landscaping, small foodPoint Cost:200
Batfolk Cost:100
Nhoblit Cost:500
Triton Cost:400
Risk and GamesPoint Cost:200
GlassworksPoint Cost:200
Triton Cost:300
Hunting GamePoint Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Jen’esse Cost:100
Jzaka Cost:100
Orkane Cost:100
Tie Knots with ProficiencyPoint Cost:200
A new languageLiteracy (Native):100
Cutting Gems
Requires min 9 Agility score
Point Cost:400
Dwarven Cost:300
Create Leather, Hide ArmorPoint Cost:200
Batfolk Cost:100
Legal Work
Urban Government Work
Requires Literacy
Requires min 9 Judgment score
Point Cost:300
All Non-Human Cultures:400
Eavesdrop from a DistancePoint Cost:300
Building standard locksPoint Cost:300
Mimic having a key
Requires tools to use
Requires min 9 Agility score
Point Cost:300
Lore: Archeology
Study of ancient civilizations
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:300
Lore: Creature
General information of animals and monstersPoint Cost:200
Lore: Economics
Theory of money, markets, and finances
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:300
Lore: Flora
Recognition of common plants,
trees and bushes
Point Cost:200
Lore: Geography
Study of topographyPoint Cost:300
Lore: History
Historical knowledge
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:200
Lore: Literature
Study of the great writings
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:300
Lore: Miasma
Knowledge about the spread
and origin of disease
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:400
Lore: Mineralogy
Identification of rocks and stonesPoint Cost:200
Lore: Religions
Addition theological information not commonly knownPoint Cost:200
Lore: Thaumatology
Academic study of magical theory
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:400
Lore: Viticulture
Theoretic understanding about cultivation and harvesting grapes for the purpose of wine-makingPoint Cost:300
Elfin Cost:200
Extract, Build with Stone
Requires min 9 Strength score
Point Cost:200
Basic algebra and geometry
Requires Literacy
Requires min 9 Logic score
Point Cost:200
Gnome Cost:100
Mental Fortitude
Bonus for Mental Defenses
Requires min 10 Mind score
Point Cost:300
Gnome Cost:200
Ability to produce music from one type of musical instrument

Requires min 9 Muse score
Point Cost:300
Riding a specific type of mountPoint Cost:200
Equirda Cost:R
Aquatic Mount
Like mountsmanship except with aquatic creatures
Requires Swimming
Point Cost:500
Triton Cost:200
Load and unload pack animals quicklyPoint Cost:200
Create writing surfacesPoint Cost:200
Reduces Attacks
Requires Combat Training: Melee
Point Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:200
Elfin Cost:200
Jen’esse Cost:200
Nhoblit Cost:R
Orkane Cost:200
Dowsing for water or oil
Requires min 9 Faith score
Point Cost:200
Sail a Ship, Command CrewPoint Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:500
Equirda Cost:R
Gnome Cost:400
Nhoblit Cost:400
Writing, Calligraphy, Forgery
Requires Literacy
Point Cost:200
Orkane Cost:300
Sleight of Hand
Deception, Misdirection
Requires Agility 9
Point Cost:200
Recover Hide, Extract OrgansPoint Cost:300
Ability for Advanced Magic
Requires Literacy
Requires min 10 Logic score
Point Cost:400
Grae Elf Cost:300
Bonus to Exertion Actions
Requires min 9 Resilience score
Point Cost:200
Sub-attribute Increase
Add +1 to a single sub-attribute scorePoint Cost:500
Ability to SwimPoint Cost:200
Create Clothing, ArmorPoint Cost:200
Batfolk Cost:100
Tap and Touch
Improves SearchingPoint Cost:300
Toxin Coping
Handle Dangerous Substances
Requires min 9 Judgment score
Point Cost:400
Dirty TricksPoint Cost:400
Jen’esse Cost:300
Orkane Cost:300
Direction UndergroundPoint Cost:400
Batfolk Cost:300
Dwarven Cost:200
Forge Metal Weapons
Requires min 9 Strength score
Point Cost:300
Survival in the WildernessPoint Cost:200
Elfin Cost:100
Equirda Cost:100
Crafting weapons from woodPoint Cost:200
Equirda Cost:100
Wound Care
Render Medical AidPoint Cost:300