Enchanted Realms Rulebook
One advantage of using encumbrance is it means penalties apply not based on the style of armor worn but rather the wearer’s prowess to manage it. This removes the typical need to define armor types in terms of bulk or heaviness. Thus, there are no “heavy” armors in Enchanted Realms. However, there are still a few rules based on style and weight, some of which can be observed in the encumbrance rules.
However, there are other guidelines involved when it comes to the weight and style of armor. Any armor weighing 15 lbs or under allows the sub-attribute modify to apply in full. Those weighing from 20 lbs up to, but not including, 40 lbs are only permitted to use half the value of the modifier (round down). Finally, armor heavier than this do not have any modifiers apply to the Defense calculation.