Enchanted Realms Rulebook
When gaining the ability to cast incantations, a priest will be granted a customized list based from what is available in the province of worship. The list is built by either the player or by the GM.
The spells in the list are built based on points and the priest’s Faith score. Once an incantation is added to the list, it becomes a permanent power of the priest and is not interchangeable until the priest has a Faith increase again. When building the list for the very first time, a total number of points is assigned to build the list. Based on the Spirit spell point cost of an incantation, it can be added to the list, then those points are subtracted from the available points for the list. However, when the priest’s Faith increases, then the list of granted incantations can be completely rebuilt, keeping whichever ones are wanted but also replacing lower point-cost spells with improved ones, if so desired.
On special occasions, based on the will of the worshiped deity, the GM may allow the list to be altered for a specific mission or divine quest. It is always possible that the GM may act as the deity and alter the list of usable incantations.
Faith Score | Total List Points | Lacerta * | ||
2 | 18 | 6 | ||
3 | 30 | (+12) | 10 | |
4 | 43 | (+13) | 14 | |
5 | 58 | (+15) | 19 | |
6 | 74 | (+16) | 24 | |
7 | 91 | (+17) | 30 | |
8 | 109 | (+18) | 36 | |
9 | 128 | (+19) | 42 | |
10 | 148 | (+20) | 49 | |
11 | 170 | (+22) | 56 | |
12 | 194 | (+24) | 64 | |
* Deities of the jen’esse religion require that one-third of a shaman’s or priest’s incantation list come from the pantheon-granted incantations. |
Whenever the priest’s Faith score increases, he or she can add to the list; however, the newly selected incantations will not be able to manifest until the following day after being selected. Once completing the new selection of incantations, any points not used can be applied at the new Faith increase. Additionally, based on the worshiped deity, the GM could optionally offer a free incantation or ability when reaching Faith scores of 5, 8 and 10.
Incantation List
Abolish Shadows | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 ft from priest | Duration: | Instantaneous |
A burst of energy radiates from the priest in a 30-foot radius, dispelling shadowy foes and magical darkness alike. Undead shadows and shades within 30 feet must make a Resilience save (Comp:15) or suffer 4d4 points of smite damage; however, other types of undead are unaffected. If the invocation’s area overlaps with an area of darkness created by another spell, the priest uses his or her Faith in a competition save against the opposing force that created the darkness. On a success, the other spell ends. Multiple magical darkness spells can be abolished in this way. |
Absorb Song | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
As a creature’s lifesong exits its body, the priest can steal the energy of exiting the corpse. The can occur as a reaction in the moment of death or up to two rounds after the end of the round death occurred. The prayer will reach out and use the essence of the recently deceased, which will grant 1 temporary Body point for each Resilience modifier the dead creature had. If cast upon a being who is not yet dead, the prayer is worthless and the Spirit points are lost. If successful, those temporary points will remain up to ten minutes, but should the complete amount of temporary points be removed by damage, then the incantation effectively terminates. If the temporary points are not lost after ten minutes, they expire; thus, ending the spell at that time. However, while the temporary points are still within the priest’s lifesong and the spell has not expired, then another lifesong from a dying being can be captured for more temporary Body points by an action (but not a reaction) which costs no Spirit points. The maximum number of creatures from which life power can be stolen are equal to the priest’s Faith modifier with at least one life-essence being able to be captured. Temporary points from more than one creature cannot stack atop on another; only the highest value is gained. However, if a stronger life is stolen first, then some but not all points are lost, and a second dead being’s essence can be captured which is lesser than the first, those points can act to restore up to the original dead source amount. |
Acclimate | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 6 hours |
Upon casting, up to two beneficiaries of the spell will be able to withstand temperatures from -40 to 160 degrees F° as if it were room temperature. This prevents exhaustion due to exposure; however, the spell has a 6-hour duration. This offers no protection or resistance against direct attacks but does lower the exposure due to exhaustion. |
Acid Rain | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turn |
This terrible conjuration creates a toxic shower that covers all in the area centered on a point within range. The area of effect is 15-ft diameter column 40 feet high (7 hexes). The droplets are a corrosive acid that eats through metal, cloth, and flesh. Creatures caught beneath the rain take 2d4 points of corrosive damage. It is easy enough to move out of the are, but those remaining continue to suffer like damage at the end of each of their turns. A Resistance save (Comp:14) is required when suffering damage. This will not reduce any damage, but those who fail this save must check to see if any exposed equipment is destroyed. To clarify, once the acid rain called into a location, it cannot move and will last until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Advice | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Special |
This spell allows the shaman to give profound and thoughtful advice to any creature with a Mind score of 2 or higher. The two must also share a common language. When cast, the potentially affected creature is allowed a Will save against a Comp (d6+14) plus Faith modifier to avoid. If this is failed, the shaman can give the creature instructions in the form of advice. These can be instructions to do anything, including acts obviously foolish or destructive. The advised creature then does its best to obey the instructions. However, if the advice would place the creature in great peril or cause its death, the creature is allowed a second save with a +4 bonus just before committing the act. Should, for example, the shaman gave advice to go to a nearby cliff and jump off (and the creature cannot fly), the second save would be allowed just before, the creature took the fatal step. The spell does not in any way conceal the identity of the one who gave the advice, and bad advice can often cause trouble for the shaman should those who follow it survive. |
Age Plant | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This spell enables the caster to affect the aging of any plant, seed, or tree. The process can operate either forward or backward, causing flowers to blossom, seeds to sprout and grow, and trees to bear fruit; or fruit to turn to blossoms, trees to become saplings, and new shoots to turn to seeds. The change in age, either forward or backward, is chosen by the priest at the time of casting. The changes associated with normal or reversed growth occur instantaneously. Plants can be altered in age up to 5 years per point of Faith. The priest can stop the aging at any point within the limits. He or she could cause a tree to grow from a sapling until it withers and dies from old age or he could stop the tree’s growth at a stage at which it would shelter his home. The incantation does not alter the appearance or characteristics of a plant except those that result from normal aging (or regression). Age plant has no effect on magically generated plants or plant-based monsters. |
Aid Movement | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 minute |
For the duration of the incantation, the priest is not penalized extra movement to crawl, squeeze, or move across difficult terrain. This incantation will not remove encumbrance or armor penalties. |
Air Steps | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 30 minutes |
When cast, the priest is able to defy gravity, fly, levitate and navigate the air as if walking with his or her normal movement rate. However, this ability is limited to being under the open sky. While it can be performed inside an urban building, it cannot be used underground. |
Airy Shadow | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 5 turns |
When cast, the priest temporarily becomes a creature of shadow, flickering in and out of a demiplane on the borders of the Shadowfell. Until the ends of th priest’s fifth subsequent turn, he or she will have resistance to necrotic damage and further will inflict an additional point of necrotic damage per die pool whenever successfully hitting a creature with a melee attack. For the duration of the invocation, the metaphysical location of the priest is determined at the end of each of his or her turn by making a Faith feat save against Comp:13. If successful, then until the start of the priest’s next turn, he or she vanishes from the current plane of existence and appears in a shadowy demiplane. Otherwise, the priest remains in location. If rolling a “natural 1,” then the invocation terminates prematurely. At the start of the next turn, if the priest were in the shadowy existence, he or she returns to an unoccupied space of choice within 10 feet of the space from which the caster vanished. If no unoccupied space is available within that range, he or she appears in the nearest unoccupied space (chosen at random if more than one space is equidistant). This appearance and re-appearance may allow sneak attack, based on circumstances which will be ruled by the GM. Further, the spell requires an action to dismiss. While in the shadowy dimension, the priest can see and hear things in the plane of origin but everything is slightly obscured, lighting vision to only 30 feet. Further, the priest’s corporeal form is not in the previous location during the moments in the shadowy reflection. While in this shadow state, the only creatures able to detect the priest are undead, creatures with a natural immunity to necrotic damage, and those with spirit sight whether natural or magically-charmed; to be clear, even blindsight cannot detect the priest. Attacks by undead, even physical, will extend to this shadow dimension; however, any potential magic, such as that cast by a vampire or lich, cannot penetrate the planar barrier. Further, psionics cannot affect the priest while he or she is in the shadowy existence. However, there are a few exceptions: abolish shadows could affect the priest if targeting the location from where he or she left the plane. Additionally, extreme powers of vague description, such as a wish, could target the priest. Lastly, if this invocation is cast while on the Shadowfell and its bordering ethereal or astral locations, then it is wasted having no effect. |
Alert Tribe | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action to cast plus 1 action per creature touched | Range: | Touch / 90 feet | Duration: | 8 hours |
While not notifying the entire tribe, enables the priest to send an instantaneous mental missive to his comrades alerting them to a dangerous situation. It is not possible to send any message other than “alert” by means of this spell. Further this does not provide two-way communication. However, the true meaning of the mental missive, other than the fact that a dangerous situation exists, can be prearranged if so desired. The incantation can be cast only on awake, living, and sentient creatures (Mind score of 1 or higher). As the priest physically touches foreheads each recipient for an extended period of time, it causes the casting time to vary based on the total number of targets. One ally per point of Faith can be linked by means of this divine power. Once cast, the mental links forged by means of this spell last until the alert is broadcast or for at most eight hours. An alert has a maximum range of 90 feet around the priest. Anyone beyond that range won’t hear the alert, although the spell effect (and the mental link) ends nonetheless. Likewise, anyone maintaining a psionic defense shield, wearing a ring of mind shielding, or employing similar magics will not receive the menta1 warning. However, if a recipient is asleep and that condition is not maintained by chemical or magical means (although it may have been induced by such), he or she immediately awakens and is aware that an alert has been issued. To clarify, the missive does not require an action and occurs in the instant the priest is sends the message. However, the priest must use a reaction to send the alert. |
Alter Fate | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Self | Duration: | Until next turn |
Whenever the priest fails a Logic or Will save, this invocation can be called as a reaction. The priest can re-roll the failed save that triggered this reaction, but must use the new roll, even if it is lower. In addition, until the end of his or her next turn, the priest is resistant against smite and necrotic damage. |
Analyze Portal | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 minute |
The priest can see the outline of any magic portal within range; however, it will not reveal secret or hidden doors unless they are magical in nature. While studying the door no other actions, reactions or castings can be performed. For each round of learning about the portal, the priest gains knowledge randomly about the following on a d6. Repeated rolls are valid even though the gained information is not: 1. Any special key or command word required to activate the portal 2. Any specific circumstance to activate the portal (a time of day for instance) 3. Whether the portal is one-way or two-way 4. Whether the portal is functioning correctly or not 5. A glimpse of where the portal leads. The glimpse lasts for 1 second and can see about 20 feet beyond the portal. 6. Whether or not the portal is an illusion. For every round the priest focuses on the portal, he or she learn one more of the listed pieces of information. |
Animal Befriending | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 1 month |
This affects a single animal with a Mind score of 2 or lower. If the animal does not make a successful Judgment save (Comp:13) immediately when the spell is birthed, it follows the caster about thereafter. The spell functions only if the caster actually wishes to be the animal’s friend. If the caster has ulterior motives, such as, if the caster intends to eat the animal, send it ahead to set off traps, or use it as fodder, the the incantation will fail. The caster can teach the befriended animal three specific tricks or tasks. Typical tasks are those taught to a dog or similar pet (they cannot be complex). Training for each such trick must he done over the period of only one day due to the magic involved. For the month duration, the animal will not harm the caster, but if the creature is left alone for more than a week, it will revert to its natural state and act accordingly. The caster can use this spell to befriend an animal up to 2 Body points per Faith. This is also the maximum total Body points of the animals that can be affected and trained at one time. |
Animal Shapes | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 10 minutes |
When cast, the priest can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal kingdom. If the form assumed has any of the following abilities, the priest also gains the listed ability: climbing (max 50-feet movement), fly (max 50-feet movement), swim (max 50-feet movement), darkvision (up to 60 feet), and Perception bonuses (max +2). All items and equipment are transformed into the shape. Magical properties towards protection and PP scores are transferred if part of the “other” category; however, anything as an armor base is lost. If selecting a small-sized animal, the form taken grants a +1 bonus to Agility above the priest's natural, non-magical bonus; further, a +1 natural armor bonus in gained. If a medium-sized creature is chosen, then the gain is a +1 bonus to Strength above the norm, and also a +2 natural armor bonus. |
Animal Spy | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 30 minutes |
The priest borrows some of the senses of a beast he or she touch. So long as the priest is undisturbed, then seeing and hearing what the animal perceives is perfectly transfered. However, if the priest attempts anything else, even light activities such as reading or talking, then a Perception check (Comp:12) is required for each round of disturbance. Difficult distractions, such as loud noises, fighting or casting other invocations, require a similar Perception check but rolled with disadvantage. If the animal moves more than 1 mile away from the priest, the spell ends. This invocation only affects animals and fey with a Mind score of 6 or lower. To clarify, the caster gains no control over the animal nor can any communication with it be made other than seeing and hearing through its senses. If the priest uses this on a creature that is mystically or magically bound to another intelligent creature (such as fey binding, then the intelligent creature to whom the target is tied will make a secret Judgment save (Comp:13) when this invocation is cast. If that save succeeds, the spell fails. Whether the roll succeeds or fails, the intelligent creature tied to the beast gains no special awareness of this spell or its effects. |
Animal Subdual | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 10 minutes |
This incantation is started by gazing at a hostile animal. If neither the priest’s concentration or line of sight is broken by the start of his or her next initiative the following round, then the animal rolls a save against Will (Comp:21). If failing the save, the animal becomes instantly docile. As long as no one inflicts harm to it, the creature will remain calm and non-violent for the following 10 minutes. This does not act as the action of the priest’s subsequent initiative, meaning he or she may still take an action after the save of the animal is rolled. |
Animal Transcendence | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 15 minutes | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
Casting this spell transfers the priest’s consciousness into the body of a designated animal; the recipient must be of the Animal Kingdom. The priest can use all the senses and abilities of the animal and is in full command of the animal form. For example, a priest could elect to transfer his presence into the body of a hawk and fly over an area to determine the terrain, occupants, and other conditions. However, none of the priest’s skills or magical abilities are usable while in the animal’s existence. If cast on a creature with a Will score of 2 or lower, the animal does not receive a save. Animals of greater prowess, such as hippogryphs, receive a Will save against a Comp of (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). A successful save means the spell is wasted and the animal is unaffected. An attempt to transfer into the body of another’s kindred animal, bonded beast or a fey-bonded spirit always fails and wastes the incantation. The animal’s consciousness is suppressed throughout the duration of the spell. If the animal dies while the spell is in effect, the priest’s presence returns to his or her lizardfolk form. The priest suffers 1d4 points of Body damage and also 1d4 points of Mind damage. If Mind points fall below his or her Judgment score, the priest behaves like the animal, terrified and hurt. He or she may hiss, spit, move about on all fours or as if trying to fly; howl, meow, or otherwise vocalize as the animal; and will be generally uncontrollable until the insanity what would have been the end of the spell duration. While the spell is in effect, the priest’s body is motionless and vulnerable. The priest is unaware of his body or anything that might be happening to it. If the body is slain, the priest’s consciousness is imprisoned in the animal’s body until the animal dies or some other method can be used to free the priest. |
Animate Dirt | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 25 feet | Duration: | 5 minutes |
This incantation animates dirt in the area. Only normal, natural dirt can be effected and the caster can move up to one pound of dirt anywhere within the range. The speed of the dirt movement is 5 feet per round. The dirt cannot deal damage or affect the concentration of sorcerers. The priest is unable to cast another incantation for the round of evoking the divine power to move the soil, but may still take other actions and reactions. While the duration exists, the priest can also select a different pound of dirt and move it as well. This spell only animates dirt, so any other substance found mixed in with the dirt will not be effected and will remain afterwards. |
Animate Objects [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Objects come to life at the priest's command, remaining animated while the caster maintains concentration up to the end of the sixth subsequent turn. The caster chooses up to “six” nonmagical objects within range that are not being worn, carried or influenced by anyone's lifesong, and by doing so new “creatures” come to life. The size of the object affects the actual number of objects that can be animated. Small objects (a chest, chair, weapons) count as two objects. Medium targets (a four-person table, human-sized statue, heavy-weapons) count as four objects. Large targets (a cart or plow) count as six objects. Bigger objects are unaffected by this incantation. Each object is under the priest's control until the spell ends or until reduced to zero Body points. By concentration, the priest controls the actions of each of the creature-objects which occurs on each of the following turns belonging to the cleric, but the objects must remain within range of the caster. However, because of the required concentration, the priest cannot use reactions or cast new spells; however, other actions are permitted, such as attacks or item-use.
Anti-Cold Shell | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self (10-foot sphere) | Duration: | 1 hour |
This invocation creates a comfortably warm 10-foot radius sphere centered on the priest. The radius penetrates below the ground; therefore, if using atop a frozen lake, the results could be disastrous. Friendly creatures within the sphere are immune to cold damage. In addition, creatures made of ice, cold and even water elementals can’t enter the sphere; if such a creature is within the area when the invocation manifests, the creature is pushed to the nearest unoccupied space outside the sphere. |
Anti-Venom | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This removes the effects of a poison from a victim’s system. Details will be given for the specific toxin, as it may not reverse all damage done; however, it will at the very least remove the poison restriction. |
Aplomb | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
Until the spell ends, the recipient touched by the priest gains the ability to traverse across any surfaces horizontal, even sloping up to a 75° angle. The divine magic lightens the pressure of weight, but surfaces must still be capable of bearing at least half the total weight of the being crossing it. This leaves the recipient’s hands free while doing so, even when moving across surfaces where balancing is practically impossible or would ordinarily require a check. For the duration, the recipient also increases his or her climbing speed to become normal walking speed; however, it does not convey any skill of climbing itself or offer special protection from falling from a climb. However, one is at advantage on all checks involving balance. In no way does this offer abilities of spider-climbing or walking on liquids; however, for the matter of leaving traces of passage, the area traversed throws a -4 penalty to the calculations of anyone checking for tracks or attempting to track the recipient. |
Aquatics | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 30 minutes |
By touching the target, the ability to swim well is conveyed. The recipient temporarily gains webbing around its arms and legs, allowing it movement through water at a rate of 25 feet at normal encumbrance. This grants a total distance able to be swam by this incantation of 4500 feet, nearly a mile. However, this does not grant breathing in the water in any way, but it does allow holding one's breath for twice as long as normal; thus, a person with a Resilience score of 4 could dive underwater for ten rounds before the effects of not breathing begin. See Asphyxiation for more details. |
Arcane Disruption | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 12 turns |
This ability influences the ability of any sorcerer. It scrambles the memories of arcane magic in his or her mind, forcing the sorcerer to make a Judgment save against a Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). If failing it, then it completely interrupts any current concentration effects, Further, until the end of the victim’s twelfth subsequent turn, all axioms attempted are cast at disadvantage. This effect targets only the mind for use of sorcery. It will have no effect against cantrips, invocations, rune magic or whedelism. |
Assemble Armor [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | Special | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Concentration |
This ability allows armor to quickly assemble onto the priest; however, this can only be performed for the priest and not others. As the priest begins to concentration, his or her actual armor flies onto the priest by itself, assuming it is within 30 feet of the priest at the time of invocation. The armor must have been worn previously by the priest and cannot be in use or even touched by another creature at the time of calling this power into action. Once starting though, creatures touching or grabbing the animated pieces will not prevent the donning. While concentrating on miraculously effect, the priest may not use reactions or begin new spells, and any combat actions are at disadvantage. The time required depends on the bulk of the armor selected. Armors are fully assembled at the start of the subsequent number of turns for each 20 pounds (with any overage requiring an extra turn). Thus, padded armor (8 pounds) would be donned at the start of the following turn, but lamellar armor (35 pounds) would not be complete until the start of the second following turn. Plate mail (65 pounds) would require even more time, completing only at the start of the fourth subsequent turn. No assistance can speed up the time. Obviously, this allows the caster the option to not wear it most of the time and avoid heat, chaffing and other penalties, but it still requires up to a few combat rounds to have it securely in place. The spell and concentration are complete once the armor is donned. |
Astral Blood [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest creates an astral projection of himself or herself up to 60 feet away on the completion of the action, and the continued manifestation of the projection requires concentration. This power effectively moves the priest’s consciousness to the projection image, meaning his or her original form can take no actions or reactions. However, in the priest's stead, the projection can act – so long as those actions are limited to melee combat. Due to the nature of this incantation, the concentration to control the image does not cause disadvantage for combat actions. Actions of attack by the projected image are identical to the die pools used by the priest normally; however, special properties of the material and magic of weapons used are not transferred. Thus, if the priest normally attacked with a magical mace which allowed a bonus to hit, that additional modifier would not be used by the projection. If the original weapon had been blessed by an infusion of fire or other enchantment, that bonus effect would not be transfered to the projection. However, any melee maneuvers that can be performed in person, such as weapon lock, can be performed by the astral projection; and further, if the original can be disarmed, locked or broken, the astral weapon can be as well; yet, if the astral form is broken, the original will stay preserved, although it would be unusable again for the remaining duration of the incantation. Both the priest and the projection can use movement; however, because the priest is concentrating his movement rate is half of normal, but the project can move at the complete movement rate and is not penalized by rough terrain, obstacles, water, chasms, etc. While the projection cannot fly, it can cross a chasm or other gap of terrain so long as it ends on solid ground by the end of the turn. Lastly, the projection has no actual substance; therefore, blocking passage cannot be performed by the astral projection; however, grappling and pushing are still possible but no modifiers from the priest’s Strength are used in the contest. Finally, an astral blood image cannot use the flee attack as a reaction. The image lasts as long as the priest can maintain concentration; however, the image cannot remain after the end of the sixth subsequent turn. |
Aura of Glory | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self (10-ft radius) | Duration: | 2 minutes |
This spell creates an aura centered on the priest that bathes all friendly creatures within a 10-foot radius (18-hexes) in a warm, soft and comforting light. Each affected creature, while within the radius, has advantage on saves against being frightened or shaken. The aura moves with the priest. |
Backbiter | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until next turn |
The nhoblit priest places a curse on a visible enemy within range. The creature must roll a Faith save against Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). If failing, the victim suffers d6 points of smite damage. In addition, if the creature failed the save, it has disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. Should that next attack utterly miss, then the disadvantage damage (d3) is inflicted upon itself. |
Bane | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
The priest selects an enemy in combat within 60 feet, forcing a Will preservation save at (d4+8) plus the priest’s Faith modifier value. If failing, that target suffers -1 to hit on all attack rolls for the next 9 rounds. The effect ends after the victim completes its ninth turn after being cursed. Further free curse can remove the effect. |
Banner | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
Holy power radiates from the priest in an aura with a 30-foot radius, awakening boldness in friendly creatures. Until the completion of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn, the aura, centered on him or her, moves with the priest. Any non-hostile creature (including the priest) starting its turn within the aura gains +4 to preservation saves made against Will, Faith and Muse. |
Battle Cry | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest makes a battle cry which fills allies with righteous fury, making their attacks more sure. Up to three allies within range can be selected by the priest; however, the charismatic effect does not enhance the priest. For the duration of each recipient’s next three turns, the first melee action will gain a +2 bonus to hit on all the dice in the primary-hand die pool. After that bonus is used, the benefit ends for that recipient. If the enchanted ally never uses an action to perform a melee attack in that time frame, then the bonus to hit will be lost. |
Battle Fate | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Special |
This grants a special blessing upon a single target within range. At the start of each of recipient’s next turn until the spell ends, the target gains a “battlefate” die. During that turn, when the target makes an attack roll, preservation save, feat or competition, it can choose to roll the “battlefate” die to be applied to a single die. Once it is used, the blessing is complete. A d6 is used for attacks and saves, while a d4 is used for any competitions. The time to use the “battlefate” die is up to the recipient and can be held at most for six turns. If using the “battlefate” die in an attack die pool with many d20s, then it will apply to the first die rolled (or color-designated die). If the invocation duration ends without having used the blessing, then the recipient immediately rolls a d4, which is granted as an PP value bonus (as other) until the end of the recipient’s next turn. Never can more than one battle fate effect be upon the target simultaneously. Further, while cost little Spirit, the priest cannot cast this invocation again until after a short rest. |
Beast Claw | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
Using an action to cast, this power transforms the priest’s hands into taloned appendages. Until the end of the third subsequent turn, the priest is permitted to make a savage form attack, even if untrained in the skill. Further, if having savage form and a separate appendage-attack, then these can be used in conjunction under the method of savage form. However, without spinning moves, then the same target would have to be attacked. Further, the claws attack will gain a +2 bonus to hit. The caster can use a normal weapon if desired, but the special bonuses of this enchantment will not apply. |
Bedevilment | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | Up to 4 turns |
The priest casts magical disrupting bolts that prevent a creature from taking actions. By selecting a creature in line of sight within range, the target must make a successful Will preservation save against Comp (d6+14) plus Faith bonus or be unable to take any actions upon next turn; however, at the end of each of its missed turns, the victim can repeat the save against the original Comp to break the curse. Otherwise, it will continue under the end of the fourth missed turn. However, if breaking the effect due to a successful subsequent save, then the victim will still remain mildly affected by being under the drowsy restriction until the duration of the invocation. To be clear, if making the original save, no restrictions exist at all as it ends the spell’s effects. |
Bewildering Charm [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest selects up to three targets within range; however, they must all occupy a relatively close space, being within 20-feet of each other at the farthest points. All targets must make a Will preservation save against Comp (d6+10) plus the priest’s Faith bonus. On a failed save, the creature experiences a fog of the mind for the duration of the invocation, causing any reactions not be able to be taking quickly enough. Therefore, an affected creature charmed by this spell cannot take any reactions for its following 6 turns. However, to maintain the mind fog, the priest must maintain concentration. As such, the priest cannot use his or her own reactions or cast new spells; however, other actions are permitted, such as attacks or item-use. Affected creatures can use an action to make a new save against the original Comp, which would shake off the effect to itself with on success. |
Black Cairn | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Permanent |
Upon the completion of this casting, the shaman knows the location of a corpse (animal or otherwise). The lizardfolk must first find stones, each one bigger than a fist. He or she stacks them in a small pile, or cairn, and sits and stares at the blackness of the stones until he receives a vision of the corpse's location. If the caster has an item belonging to the corpse, the casting time is reduced by half. |
Bless Meal | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This ability purifies 8 meals upon usage. |
Blessing of Luck and Resolve | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
A favored blessing of nhoblit clerics, this spell grants its target a +2 morale bonus on preservation saves or feats involving fear and charm effects. If the target also has the discipline skill, the incantation conveys a special resistance, meaning if the target fails the save against fear or charm, a reaction can be used to re-roll the save with a +4 bonus, but the result must be taken, even if it is worse. |
Blind | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest blinds a foe. The victim must make an Agility save against Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). If failing the save, the target is blinded and under the restriction until the end of its sixth subsequent turn. |
Blindsight | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
This ability endows the priest with a special perceptive sense known as blindsight, a mystical means of being aware of the surrounding even without vision or hearing. The range of sensation extends 60 feet from the priest. During this effect, the priest is effectively immune to blind and deaf restrictions. This effect lasts for an hour. |
Blood Bond | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 12 turns |
The cleric chooses two willing creatures. Each target must have a Mind score of 9 or higher, based on its maximum, not its current score. This invocation links their life forces. Any damage taken by either enchanted creature is split between the linked creatures, each taking the extra point if the division results in a half point. If the same spell strikes both simultaneously and that spell inflicts damage which allows for a save to avoid or reduce the damage, then the two creatures make only one combined save. The two recipients choose which creature will make the save. Damage is calculated as if only one were hurt, then split any damage inflicted between them per this divine effect. The effect remains until the end of the priest’s 12th subsequent turn. |
Blood Lightning | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
![]() |
Blood Lust | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 4 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self to grant an enhancement for melee attacks, increasing the attack dice of the primary hand die pool by 1d20 for the following 4 subsequent turns of the recipient. The extra die counts as a skill die which makes it subject to the 5d20-in-a-die-pool rule. |
Blood Reprisal | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When a creature within range attempts a melee attack on one of the priest’s allies, a reaction can be used to animate a throwable weapon on the priest’s person to strike that attacker. That throwable weapon does not have to be in hand, but must be accessible on the priest’s person; e.g. on his belt but not in a bag. The weapon will attack with a single d20 using Faith as the modifier instead of Agility and delivers smite damage. The animated weapon will not gain advantage or magical effect that are currently granted to the priest for other events. |
Blood Wind | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until next turn |
This priest selects one friendly creature within range as the spell’s target. Until the end of the creature's next turn, any melee attack it makes with a savage form die pool carries its force through the wind, giving it an effective reach of 20 feet. However, if an appropriate attack is not made on the next turn, the reach returns to normal. |
Bloody Thorns | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 10 turns |
This spell creates a 30-foot diameter circular area filled with animated thorny vines and brambles which stand ten feet tall. Any movement in this area is limited to 10 feet. Unlike lesser versions, this invocation can be created upon an occupied space. Moreover, the bloody thorns area effectively becomes an entity of combat, gaining an initiative of its own. Upon its turn, it makes a special and individual d20 “attack” with its thorns against each of those who are inside the area; the roll will be at advantage using the better of the two dice to determine success. If there is a score against a victim’s PP value, d6 points of edged damage is inflicted. Moreover, anyone moving through the area of a bloody thorns will automatically suffer d4 point of body damage of the edged type at the end of that being’s turn. Finally, if traveling through the effect faster than 10 feet, by whatever means that might be, then the special attack would occur against the traveler for each five feet above the limit traversed. The thorny area disappears at the end of the tenth subsequent turn. |
Bolt | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
This enchants a bow or hurled weapon to double its normal range for 6 rounds; however, this effect will not alter the maximum. It can be combined with weapon return. The weapon type does not change and strikes as its normal state whether normal, silver or magical. |
Bone Bite | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 24 hours |
This invocation causes any bone or bone fragment to become a razor-sharp pair of jaws that bites any living being it strikes except the caster. The jaws either bite someone they are in contact with or someone they are thrown at and strike. The caster throws the bone as a improvised weapon based on the skills possessed. A contact-attack is based on a touch-attack or could be constructed as part of a weapon with an engineering skill, allowing it to be attacked as a spear for example. However, while gaining extra d20s, this would still act as a touch-attack and deliver no base damage. If successfully striking, the bone bites for ld4 points of piercing damage and remain attached, bony fangs clinging to the victim. If remaining attached until the start of the priest’s next turn, the bone bites automatically for an additional ld4 points of damage then release and fall to the ground as an unenchanted bone. However, the victim can use an action to detach the bone jaws. Undead are unaffected by this spell as bone bite jaws will not bite them. Any amount of time up to 24 hours can elapse between the casting of the spell and its biting attacks; a caster who fails to hit can pick up and throw the bone later, or leave it in a niche or corridor as a trap. The effect even functions underwater and so can be hidden in a pool or bucket of water. Multiple castings upon the same bone will fail. However, it can be cast upon different bones up to one per 2 points of Faith. Bone bite teeth can puncture armor, carapaces or bony plates, dragon hide, and all known nonmagical barriers and substances. |
Borrow | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 5 feet / 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest robs a creature of one of its attributes, such as Strength or Faith and gives that capability to an ally. One creature of priest’s choice within range rolls a save based on that attribute score against a Comp (d6+14) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 15-25). If the target fails, it has disadvantage on feats and saves using the chosen attribute. In addition, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls using the chosen ability score, and gains no modifier bonuses if they apply to an attack. At the time of casting, the priest chooses another willing creature within 30 feet. For the duration, that creature gains advantage on all feats and saves using that attribute. In addition, that allied creature gains 6 temporary Body points. On each of the first target’s turns, it can use an action to repeat the save against the original Comp; note that the disadvantage inflicted by this incantation will not apply to these special saves. On a successful save, the spell ends. Otherwise, the attribute will be borrowed until the end of the victim’s sixth turn. |
Bountiful Chance | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
This incantation grants the chance racial skill temporarily to up to three anthropoid or atavistoid targets. If the priest does not have this as a racial skill, then he or she could be one of the targets. The power remains until the end of the caster’s sixth following turn. |
Brambles | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
This spell creates a 20-foot radius circular area (38 hexes) filled with thorny vines, spikes and brambles, which will slow movement to 20 feet. This may not be created covering any occupied space, however, should one choose to enter the area, the special terrain gets an effective d20 (no modifiers) attack against the entering entity’s armor class. Upon a successful attack, the victim suffers d4 body point of edged damage for movement in the area on that turn. While one could choose to attempt to move faster than the restriction, this would result in a terrain-attack for each 5 feet of movement. If using movement other than one’s own transit, such as a fly axiom or pulled by telekinesis, then the attack for each 5 feet would apply. Of course, flying over the area would not incur penalties, but flying out of the spell would act as 5 feet of upward movement through the treacherous environment. The brambles effect will remain until the start of the caster’s 9th subsequent turn. |
Branding Smite | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest casts an enchantment on himself or herself, which potentially lasts until the end of the next 6 turns. During that time, when the priest hits the next creature with a melee weapon attack, which acts as a magical weapon strike, a radiance emits upon the strike. The attack deals an extra d4 of smiting damage with the blow. Further, it will force the target to become visible if it were not. Additionally, the victim emits a dim light in a 5-foot radius, making it unable to become invisible until the spell ends. The duration is only 1 minute, regardless of when and if a successful attack occurs. However, after the first target has been struck, the effect ends and subsequent hits against other targets do not convey this effect. |
Bread Crumbs | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 hours |
The priest leaves a mystical mist, trailing behind when walking. Only the priest can see this trail, allowing him to trace steps and backtrack if needed without error. The mystic marking lasts for 3 hours. |
Breath of Life | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This incantation will restore 2d6 Body points to a single target; however, unlike other spells that heal damage, breath of life can bring a recently slain creature back to life. If cast upon a creature whose negative score caused death the same round or one round previous, then the Body restoration from the healing applies to the creature as if death never occurred. However, if the healed creature’s total score is still below the death threshold after the healing, then death is imminent. Creatures who are brought back to life through breath of life stabilize at a -1 Body score rather than regaining the benefits of immediately being restored to functioning health and suffer all the same penalties. Further, creatures slain by death effects or who have been petrified cannot be saved by breath of life. |
Breath of the Elements | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 24 hours |
This incantation permits the priest or a touched creature to breathe normally in hostile environments. The priest must choose either air, earth, fire, or water. For the duration of the spell, the affected can breathe that element normally, as if it were normally breathed. This does not convey resistance or protection from damage other than no damage will occur from breathing. Fire-breathing would allow surviving smoke and flames of a burning building or even the flames of the elemental plane of fire. If buried in dirt, the priest could survive with earth-breathing. If air is selected, then poisonous gases, even magical ones, will not affect the enchanted target. |
Breathsense | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 10 minutes |
Through this power the priest can detect the presence of all breathing creatures within 150 feet. The size of each creature and its general direction can be determined, but not its exact location. You can sense the general size of a creature by its breathing. However, the breath signature of a creature can be muffled if it is behind total cover, in another room or blocked by some barrier. The priest would detect a creature as one size smaller half the time in such conditions. |
Briers | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
This spell creates a 20-foot radius circular area (38 hexes) filled with thorny vines and brambles, 10-feet tall, which will slow movement to 10 feet. This may not be created covering any occupied space, however, should one choose to enter, the terrain will automatically inflict d4 point of body of edged damage against a creature moving in the briers on one’s turn. If using movement other than one’s own transit and moving at a rate faster than 10 feet, then further damage may occur, as a d20-attack for each hex (5 feet) traveled will inflict d4 edged damage hit. The area will stay in existence until the end of the caster’s ninth subsequent turn. |
Burden | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 4 hours |
Allow one creature, up to the size of an elephant or gryphon, to carry twice as much burden as normal for 4 hours. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if the priest were suddenly encumbered beyond one’s ability to move. |
Burning Blood | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
This divine power infects the blood of a creature within range with a toxic mixture of corrosive fluids. The target must make a Resilience save against Comp (2d4+15) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 20-28). If succeeded, the no ill-effects occur and the spell ends. On failure, the victim immediately takes 1d4 acid damage and 1d4 fire damage. Until the spell ends, the target cannot take reactions, and its movement is half of normal. Then at the start of the victim’s next turn, it makes another save against the original Comp. If successful on these subsequent saves, the toxicity and incantation end. If failing the save, then a repeat of the damage and penalties occur. Finally, at the start of the turn after that, a final save is made again. If failing, the damage occurs one more time, but the reaction and movement penalties are lifted as this is the end of the spell. |
Burrowing Claws | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 5 minutes |
Through this spell, the priest grows short, thick claws. They are useless for combat, but ideal for tunneling mystically through soft earth. The priest gains a burrow speed equal to half of his or her normal walking speed. |
Call the Beast | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
The priest chooses a target within range, which must make a Will preservation save against Comp (d6+12) plus Faith bonus (Comp range: 14-23). On a failure, the next time the target falls asleep, it awakens 30 minutes later mad with rage, immediately moving towards the nearest creature that moves and making a melee attack against it. While enraged by this spell, target will not cast spells or make ranged attacks, but is compelled to continue making melee attacks against its target. This mad rage continues for 1 minute, during which time it continues to attack its target relentlessly. It only willingly stops if the target creature is dead or somehow completely removed from the situation, in which case it chooses the nearest creature that moves as its new target and attacks it in the same way. The creature enraged by this spell can repeat the Will preservation save against the original Comp at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell on a success. Otherwise, the spell ends 6 round-actions after the creature awoke in its rage. When this spell ends, the target falls unconscious and goes back to sleep. Unless awakened, it sleeps for whatever length of time it would normally sleep. The target retains no memory of what happened while it was charmed by this spell. |
Calm Sand | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Centered on Priest | Duration: | 1 hour |
This incantation inhibits natural or magical disturbances of sand within a 120-ft diameter sphere centered on the caster. If the priest moves, the sphere follows. Any natural desert creature or burrowing creatures with fewer Will points than the caster’s Faith will flee the area if possible, and earth elementals (animated rock, etc) are paralyzed while in the area. Desert, burrowing and elemental creatures with equal or greater Will must make a successful Will save (Comp:18) to avoid paralysis or maintain free movement in the area. Additionally, allies of the caster do not suffer difficult terrain penalties of movement while inside the area of effect. Note that while this spell would calm the sand during a sand storm, it would not affect the winds. Only Egasski will grant this incantation. |
Calm Water | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Centered on Priest | Duration: | 1 hour |
This incantation inhibits natural or magical disturbances in water within a 120-ft diameter sphere centered on the caster. If the priest moves, the sphere follows. Aquatic or water-based creatures with fewer Will points than the caster’s Faith will flee the area if possible, and water-based creatures (water weirds, elementals, etc.) of this type cannot take form. Aquatic and water-based creatures with equal or greater Will must make a successful Will save (Comp:18) to form or maintain free movement in the area. Note that while this spell would calm the waters of a hurricane, it would not affect the gale-force winds. Egasski will never grant this incantation. |
Calm Winds | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 10 mnutes |
When the priest cast this incantation, it stills the air around the holy one, creating an area of calm within a 20-foot radius sphere centered on caster. A creature inside the spell’s area is immune to the effects of high winds from either natural effects or spells. In addition, air-based elemental creatures treat the area as “crawling” terrain for the duration and feel an instinctive urge to avoid entering it. The spell’s protective area moves with the caster, who can only move at half speed while dragging the area of effect of the spell. |
Capitulation | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 5 minutes |
When a comrade of the enemy falls, the priest charms beleaguered foes they would be wiser to surrender. As a reaction to when the priest’s side of the fight reduces a hostile creature to 0 or lower Body points and that fallen creature is within 30 feet of the priest, this charming effect is brought into being. To determine who is affected, roll 3d6 and add the priest’s Muse score. The final total is how many Body points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within range that are hostile are affected in ascending order of their current Body points (ignoring unconscious creatures and creatures that cannot see or hear the priest). Starting with the creature that has the lowest current Body points, each creature affected by this spell drops any weapons it is holding, and for the duration it can take no action except to disengage, it can take no reactions except for self-preservation, and its movement is still normal. The charm can make any creature affected by this spell change its attitude from hostile to indifferent. Indifferent beings will not submit to being shackled or tied up. Subtract each creature's current Body points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest points. A creature's Body points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected. This spell ends early on any target that is attacked or harmed by a spell, or that witnesses any of its friends being harmed. When the spell ends, a target remains indifferent unless the GM rules that it becomes hostile again. Undead, constructs, and creatures immune to being charmed or frightened are not affected by this incantation. |
Celestial Fist [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
With this incantation, the priest conjures a great fist of force with the appearance of analogous to the divine province. An earth deity would create a fist of stony appearance, while a sun god would manifest one of flame. Regardless of the appearance, the fist will not inflict damage. It will, however, smash down on an enemy and hold that foe fast in its grip. The target can be of size category large or lower and must be within range. The target and the fist enter a grappling competition. The fist will use the priest’s Faith score for the competition. If the fist wins the competition, the victim is under the grappled restriction until the start of the priest’s next turn. If the priest chooses, he or she can continue the hold by concentrating, but doing so prevents the caster from taking reactions or casting new spells. The duration will through the start of the priest’s third subsequent turn. However, the victim may attempt to escape by another competition. If escaping, that action will end the celestial fist. Further, damage to the fist will not force an escape. |
Chain of Eyes | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 2 hours |
The priest can see through another creature’s eyes. The creature must be known and within sight at the time of invoking the ability. The duration of the effect is 2 hours. |
Chain of Madness | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
The priest inflicts one creature with random selection of temporary insanity, found in the GM Aide document. If the target fails a Judgment preservation save against Comp (d8+14) plus the priest’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 18-27), the two insanities from the table are rolled. The effects of the madness are immediate and last for 24 hours. If the same results are rolled twice, the madness lasts 48 hours. The target may infect up to six different people with madness. The first six people it touches within its duration of madness must also make a like preservation save. If failing, that victim contracts the same insanities, lasting 24 hours regardless of the number of afflictions. A creature infected with madness by the original target can spread it as well, forcing each of the first three people it touches during the 24-hour duration of its madness to make make Judgment saves as well; however, this third-generation victim will roll the save advantage and contracting the same madness for 12 hours on a failure. These final victims Creatures who cannot pass it on to others. |
Champion’s Strength [Material] | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 3 rounds |
The priest wraps a large and heavy gold chain of four links around his or her holy symbol. The gold chain jewelry must be valued at 1,000 bits, and further it is thick and will weigh over five pounds. The links represent the four willing humanish or atavistoid beings selected by the priest, who will designate one as the “champion.” Moreover, the targets are limited to persons of medium or smaller size category. All participants become aware of their roles. The methods of others will be subject to collective actions until the end of the “champion’s” next three turns. In between the start of the incantation and the first turn of the “champion” and then the times between his or her subsequent turns, if one of the beings designated as a link makes a sacrifice, then it will be at disadvantage on attacks and any saves, feats or competitions involving Strength. To sacrifice, the link is committing to this and its subsequent actions to be limited to melee attack and cannot make other choices, not even drinking a potion. However, by this sacrifice, the “champion” will become at advantage on melee attacks as well as any Strength saves, feats or competitions. If another willing link also makes the sacrifice, then the “champion” increases the weight of his weapon damage by 1 on every die pool used in the melee attack. If the third joins the sacrifice, then the weight increases by 2 total points of damage on every die pool. All penalties and bonuses granted by this incantation last until it ends, regardless of whether any or all of the targets remain within range; however, should a link change his or her minds, then the spell ends instantly. If a link becomes unconscious, incapacitated or dies, the spell continues but without that link’s contribution to the “champion.” |
Chancel | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 24 hours |
The incantation makes an area within range extremely secure. The area is a cube that can be as small as 5 feet to as large as 30 feet on each side. The spell lasts for the duration or until an action is used to dismiss it. When cast, the pontiff decides what sort of security the spell provides, choosing any or all of the following properties: • Sound is unable to pass through the barrier at the edge of the warded area. • The barrier of the warded area appears dark and foggy, preventing vision, vibration and smell (including darkvision, devil sight, blindsight and tremorsense) through it. • Magical sensors and scrying are unable to breach inside the protected area or pass through the barrier at its perimeter. • Nothing can teleport into or out of the warded area. • Planar travel is blocked within the warded area. |
Chaotic Fate | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Using the energy of chaos, one can use a reaction to alter the result of a single d20 roll. The rules of a single reaction per round must be followed. Further, certain deities of order and law may not grant this incantation, regardless of province -- at the GM’s discretion. However, when the priest character rolls a d20 (not any other sided die), whether as a solo roll, part of a die pool or even at advantage/disadvantage, and that single die score is unsatisfactory, then with this spell, a d8 and a d4 can be rolled. This will not change the raw score value of the d20 but only the total adjusted result; therefore, this can never remove the miss from a “natural 1.” To factor the new score, the original d20 roll is used, then add the result of the d8 and subtract the result of the d4. Any modifiers which would have originally been applied are then recalculated to determine the effective total score of the die roll. All other conditions of raw scores then would apply appropriately as if that value had been rolled naturally. |
Chariot of the Sun [Material] | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 12 hours |
Sacrificing two rubies (600 bits) by crushing them into dust in a specially designed crucible, the priest summons a large chariot and two horses made of flame in an empty area (15ft x 10ft) within range. The priest and an additional six medium-sized creatures can fit into the chariot. A large creature counts are three for space confinements here, while category-small beings count as ¾. Anyone other than the designated passengers will suffer d4 fire damage per round if entering the chariot. The horses only respond to spoken commands from the priest. Structurally, the chariot has 25 Body points, and each celestial horse has 21 Body points. All three are PP value 20, plus are immune to fire damage; however, these three are also vulnerable to cold damage. When pulled by the fiery horses, the chariot has a flying speed of 75 feet. The chariot and the horses can be banished back to their home plane of fire to end the spell at will, without an action, at any time. |
Charm Aquatic Life | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
By raising one's holy symbol, the priest causes each aquatic or amphibious creature seen within 30 feet to make a Will save (Comp:12). If any creature fails its save, it is charmed for its next 6 turns or until it takes damage. While it is charmed, it is friendly to the caster and others designated. This keeps any attacks or acts of aggression against the caster and allies at bay, even if the animal is a pet of another being. |
Charm Desert Creatures | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
By bellowing a guttural growl, the priest causes each native desert creature (animals, monsters, anything) seen within 30 feet to make a Will save (Comp:9). Only creatures with a Body-point max score equal or lower than double the caster’s Faith score can be affected. If any creature fails its save, it is charmed for its next 6 turns or until it takes damage. While it is charmed, it is friendly to the caster and others designated. This keeps any attacks or acts of aggression against the caster and allies at bay, even if the animal is a pet of another being. Only Egasski will grant this incantation. |
Charm Marsh Creatures | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
By spreading his or her arms to appear larger than normal, the priest causes each native swamp creature (animals, monsters, anything) seen within 30 feet to make a Will save (Comp:9). Only creatures with a Body-point max score equal or lower than double the caster’s Faith score can be affected. If any creature fails its save, it is charmed for its next 6 turns or until it takes damage. While it is charmed, it is friendly to the caster and others designated. This keeps any attacks or acts of aggression against the caster and allies at bay, even if the animal is a pet of another being. All Lacerta deities except Egasski will grant this incantation. |
Charnel Fire | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
Selecting a single target from any undead that the priest controls via crown of the grave, his or her touch causes the selected feratu to burst into flames, making the walking dead a roaring bonfire. For the duration, the affected undead is immune to fire and inflicts an extra 2 points of fire damage with its melee attacks: onHit;;{"command":"damage","quality":"body","value":"2","damageType":"fire","specialWord":"Fire"}. This fiery control is maintained until the end of the caster’s sixth following turn. Until that point, the priest may choose to use an action to cause the undead creature to explode. This, of course, destroys the feratu and ends the incantation, but moreover, every creature within 10 feet of the center of the explosion must make an Agility save (Comp:18). Creatures that fail the save, suffer 2d4 points of fire damage but only half on a successful save. |
Circle of Privacy | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 25-foot circle | Duration: | 24 hours |
The priest sprinkles salt in a circle around a campfire, tent, or some other central object. Natural predators and curious passer-byes are magically discouraged from looking too closely at the area enclosed by the circle. Sights, sounds and smells inside the circle are masked and muted, and anyone just passing by is unlikely to even notice your camp. Any Perception checks to notice the area are made with disadvantage. Effectively, this can create glamours and even phantasms to distract the victims who do not notice the area. This incantation does not protect against any form of magical detection. |
Clarity | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target gains d2 temporary Mind points for the next six subsequent turns. The score can exceed the maximum normal amount. Only one clarity effect can be on a person at one time. If the points are not lost by mental combat or spell-casting by the end of the duration, then the points fade from existence. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if the priest suffered Mind damage. |
Clarity of Mind | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest touches a target and grants extraordinary focus for the duration. The target has advantage on Logic and Judgment preservation saves and feats. |
Cloak of Bravery | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest touches a target and grants supernatural confidence. The target has advantage on Will preservation saves and feats or any other roll that could prevent the frightened or shaken restrictions. |
Closure of Confusion | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest chooses up to 3 hostile creatures within range and that are no bigger than size category Large. Each target can be pulled up to 20 feet closer to the caster on a failed Judgment save against Comp (d6+12) plus the priest’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 14-23). Those who make a successful save may optionally choose to be pulled if desiring so. However, those who fail are subject to 1d4 points of Mind from the confusion of this movement, while those who save are not. |
Cloud of Fungus | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 6 turns |
The shaman who casts this invocation on a normal mushroom, truffle or toadstool (up to 6 inches in diameter) transforms the fungus into a magical orb, which can be dropped or thrown on the caster’s next action. The rules for hurling grenade-like missile “close enough” are used. The orb bursts upon landing, releasing a cloud of spores 10 to 15 feet in diameter (7 hexes). Those caught in the spore cloud must make a successful Resilience preservation save (Comp:12) or suffer an attack of coughing and choking, which leaves them in an incapacitated restriction. They can make no actions or reactions, but are allowed to move out of the area. The cloud dissipates in d3+1 rounds; the coughing effect remains until end of the victim’s turn when escaping the cloud or it fades from existence. The spores do not affect undead or non-breathing creatures. If the missile is not thrown (or dropped) by the end of the priests sixth turn after casting, then the enchantment is lost. |
Combined Effort | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Melee Reach | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This incantation is a reaction to the attempt to perform a melee attack with the primary-hand die pool. Note the reaction is to the attempt not the success; therefore, the Spirit cost will be expended even if the melee attack fails. The primary-hand die pool gains a bonus for each die in the pool equal to the number of your allies visible within 10 feet of the target. However, the bonus has a maximum of +5. If the attack hits, then the victim must also make a Will preservation save against Comp 10 plus the granted bonus. If the fails the save, until the end of its next turn it cannot the victim has disadvantage on attack rolls but only against the priest and those specific allies. |
Commune with Earth | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This spell enables the dwarven cleric to become one with his environment. This incantation is only effective in the typical dwarven environment of rocky mountains or hills, or underground caverns or mines. The spell operates in a radius of five mile and to a depth of one mile. The priest instantly gains knowledge of up to three facts of his or her choice about any of the following subjects as they relate to the area: • Terrain, structures and bodies of water • Prevalent oozes, minerals, animals, or peoples • Powerful celestials, fey, fiends, elementals, or undead • Influence from other planes of existence |
Commune with Thought | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous | ||||||||||||||
With this power, the priest reaches a connection with cosmic thoughts and intellect, as an energy reservoir from of “thought incarnate” collected from gods, spirits and greater entities. This permits the priest to gain instant knowledge, learning up to three facts of his or her choice. This can be formed as a question or be given a general fact defined below:
Compelled Duel | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
With this, the cleric attempts to compel a creature into a duel. One visible creature within range must make a Will save against Comp (d4+8) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-17). On a failed save, the creature is drawn to the priest, compelled by the divine demand to duel. This compulsion remains until then end of the priest's sixth subsequent turn. However, the victim may choose not to attack the priest, and as a result for the duration of the invocation, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against all others besides the priest. Further, if attempting to move further than 30 feet away, it must make another Faith save against the same Comp. If it successful, it is free to move away; otherwise, it cannot willfully move further away as part of its movement for that turn. While the spell is in effect, the priest is free to take other actions and reactions; however, if attacking any other creature, if invoking a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the victim, if another ally inflicts damage to the target, if any ally casts a harmful spell on it, or if the priest voluntarily moves further than 30 feet from the target, then the invocation ceases. |
Compose Mind | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest maintains a calm attitude in the face of danger, which grants the Faith bonus to any save involving fear, with a minimum bonus of +1. Additionally, any damage inflicted which might break his or her concentration for the duration, the faithful has advantage on the saves required to maintain it. This effect remains until the end of the priest’s sixth following turn. |
Constriction | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
By making a touch-based attack using a grappling maneuver, the priest spreads his arms and wraps the target in a bear hug, if successfully attacking. As a touch-based effect, should the attack fail, then the reaction to cast the incantation is not used and the points are not consumed. However, if grappling the victim, this incantation allows the priest to make a special crushing attack. This type of attack is possible only against foes of the priest’s own size or smaller. The victim suffers 1d4 points of blunt damage from crushing for the initial turn and every turn thereafter unless the spell ends, the priest is killed, or the bear hug is broken. Normal rules of post-grapple still apply. At the start of the third subsequent turn, no damage is inflicted and the incantation terminates; however, the hold from the grapple will still be intact. |
Contingent Health | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | Through next turn or 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
This invocation has two options. First, as an action with a continued chanting until the end of the next turn, the priest can draw a sigil on a creature or himself which sets a healing contingency to occur within the next hour. When the recipient becomes harmed, the priest can willfully activate the sigil as a reaction to manifest power as a treat minor body spell for d4 healing; however, this cannot heal the recipient if he or she is in negative body values, but it will stabilize the victim like the minor healing spell does. It is also possible at the will of the original priest to use an action to activate the sigil. For the priest to trigger the sigil, the priest must be able to see the recipient in direct sight. If the sigil is never activated within the duration, then the treat minor body will occur automatically at the end of its hour-long duration, whether needed or not. The second option is to pray for an immediate healing upon touching the target, requiring only 1 action. With this option, d6 body points will be instantly restored. This option can restore a target in the negative range, where the original option will not. Note that this incantation, compared to other healing spells, requires touch. |
Create Flame | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
This power creates a 10-foot radius (7 hexes) circular campfire. It may not be created covering any occupied space, however, should one choose to enter or cross the fire, the fire would attack as d20+3 plus Faith modifiers against the crossing entity’s fire armor class. Upon a successful attack, the victim is suffers with d3 points of fire damage to its Body score and would suffer the same for each successive combat round remaining in the fire. The flames are real, not magical, and therefore addition fuel can be included to continue its burning; however, without doing so, the fire will burn itself out within 5 minutes. That said, the opposite effect is also possible. Finally, determined by the GM, the fire might catch other combustible materials and could turn into something wild and out of control. |
Create Jungle Minions | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This spell permanently changes common crocodiles or alligators (one for every three complete points of Faith of the caster) into lesser segophages. Additionally, this incantation can also transform humanish and atavistoids into such beasts; however, only a single target is permitted for such circumstance. Those to be affected need only be within sight and range of the caster. Willing creatures are transformed; unwilling creatures receive a Will save (Comp:10) to avoid the effect. Those who change effectively lose their consciousness. Minions attack as commanded by the priest. The spell is permanent, unless reversed by a successful disrupt magic or similar means. Lesser segophages are compelled to devour the flesh of enemies who fall in combat, a process taking 3 rounds of actions. Multiple devourers can shorten the time, but it will always require at least one round. During this time, a segophage cannot attack or follow the caster’s commands. If the segophages do not kill and devour at least one victim slain in an encounter he or she commands, then the caster must make a Muse save (Comp:10) or have the surviving segophages turn on him or her. The total number of segophages that can be under the caster's command, even if one is not involved in the current encounter, is one per point of Faith of the caster. |
Crown of the Grave | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 300 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 month |
The priest animates up to three skeletons or zombies. The type emerging is randomly selected, unless the environment is specifically, known or prepared, like an ancient graveyard or morgue. If there are no potential corpses within 300 feet of the priest at the time of casting, the spell and priest points are lost. The reanimated undead will act as charmed creatures under the priest’s influence for one month. If they are not destroyed in that time, then any remaining will fall apart as a ragged corpse at the end of the duration. The total number of undead which can be commanded simultaneously is twice that of the priest’s Faith score. Note: Skills to enhance the power of this incantation are animate monster, feratu command, raise ghoul and unlife likeness. |
Crystalbrittle | Spirit Cost: 12 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest touches any metal object up to 30 cubic feet in volume and turn it into a fragile crystalline substance that shatters easily upon impact. You can transform any metal object or even a creature made of metal such as an iron golem. If you target an item worn or carried by another creature, or if you target a creature made of metal, then a touch attack must first be made, then use a reaction to release the power of this incantation. Even then, the victim is permitted a difficult but possible Agility save against Comp (2d4+20) plus the clergy’s Faith modifier (Comp range:27-33). If the target is magical object or a construct entity, then the save is made with advantage. Once transformed, the object or creature becomes PP value 10 and has 1 Body point. |
Curse of Choking Sands | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 12 hours per Faith |
This transforms good water into lifeless sand. When cast on a creature that fails a Resistance against Comp d6+10 plus the priest’s Faith, the creature is unable to drink liquids for the next 12 hours for each point of Faith the caster possesses. Liquids turn to sand as they touch the victim’s lips. Every 6 hours under the curse, the victim must make a successful Resistance feat check (Comp:10) or suffer one degree of exhaustion. Death occurs under the rules of dehydration. A victim who has not died from dehydration when the spell ends can begin to drink normally. Liquids turned to sand by the curse remain sand. A free curse spell ends the curse of the choking sands immediately. It is also possible to break the spell by completely immersing the cursed creature in water for 60 seconds, which might cause asphyxiation. |
Curse of Woe | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Melee | Duration: | Special |
This incantation can be used as a reaction whenever a successful melee strike is made against an opponent. At that point, the victim is under a curse if failing a Faith preservation save against Comp (d6+8) including the cursing priest’s Faith bonus. The curse forces the victim to be at disadvantage on its next save or feat. This spell’s magic is permanent until its effect is triggered, but can be removed by a free curse or special ritual. |
Damage Ward | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally within 30 feet or self to imbue an enhanced ward against one type of damage. If an ally is selected, the target must be in line of sight. This grants a +2 bonus to PP value against either blunt, edged or piercing damage, selected by the priest, until the end of the caster’s 6th following turn. |
Darkness | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest can produce a darkness in a 10-foot radius (seven-hex circular area) which lasts until the end of the caster’s sixth subsequent turn. The darkness can be overcome by any light source, but only brings the area back to what it would be normally without the light. Magical darkness hinders all sorts of vision except devilsight. More details can be found in the Senses section. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to block suddenly-appearing light that is creating a threat. |
Darkvision | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 4 hours |
The priest is granted darkvision up to 30 feet for 4 hours. |
Deafen | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest deafens a foe. The victim must make a Resilience preservation save against Comp (d6+10) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range:12-21). If failing the save, the target becomes deaf and under the restriction of the same name for end of the victim’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Death Armor | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
After casting this spell, a shroud of dark flames wreathes the body of the priest. Until the start of the priest’s third subsequent turn, any creature within 5 feet that touches or hits the priest with a melee attack takes an amount of necrotic damage equal to 1d4. Those striking with reach from further than one hex (5 feet) will not receive this reflective damage. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction as revenge against someone who just struck the priest. |
Death Perception [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 300 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
Using a fresh corpse that has been dead for less than an hour and that is within range, the cleric can select to use either its sight, hearing or sense of smell, assuming the dead creature was capable of those senses when it was alive. For example, using a recently slain monster, the priest could see through its eyes. The effect is stationary unless the corpse is moved (or its head is moved). No special senses the corpse possessed in life are transfered to the priest. Further, while using the senses of the corpse, the priest’s equivalent sensory organ is occupied. The incantation can end at will at any time, but while in use requires concentration; thus, preventing reactions or the use of new spells. |
Death Prayer | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 5 minutes | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can, by use of this invocation, reduce the chance that a corpse will rise later as an undead creature. It prevents both the magical animation of a corpse and the seizure of the body by an intruding spirit. Once the protection is placed, the magic fades, and the fact that the death prayer was cast can be detected only by a powerful divinations. If a corpse would rise as an undead creature, this protection allows a special save using the Will score the creature had in its previous life (Comp:12). Failure means the corpse will rise as the appropriate type of undead. Success means that the corpse remains truly dead. This prevents the corpse from returning, for example, as a ghoul, shadow, skeleton, wight, or zombie. While the corpse is sealed, a necrosayance or its equivalent cannot contact the spirit unless the caster has a higher Faith score than the caster of the death prayer. Also, while the corpse is protected, any methods to restore its life suffer a -5 (or 25%) penalty on rolls. penalized by 25%. The death prayer cannot be removed with disrupt magic, but the GM may rule that more powerful magic could. To perform this, the priest requires a vial of holy water, which is sprinkled over the body. |
Death Throes | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 8 hours |
![]() Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to call this vengeful spell into existence at the moment of death. Of course the player would have to know the character died and choose to use this action in a relatively short moment after understanding this. |
Deathsense | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Instantaneous |
For the conscientious necromancer who doesn’t want to have a bad social reputation for raiding the local cemetery, this power can search for corpses just below the ground that would make viable undead for the crown of the grave incantation in a radius of a half-mile per point of Faith. When uses this spell, the priest learns a vague number of corpses that could be raised and animated. Terms such as “less than ten,” “a few dozen,” and “hundreds” are expected phrases to be learned by this incantation. |
Decompose | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This enchantment removes the flesh of up to 2 corpses, leaving behind perfectly cleaned skeletons. |
Deeper Darkvision | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 8 hours |
The priest blesses oneself or another creature, which grants the recipient darkvision out to a range of 90 feet for the duration. If the target already has darkvision to a range of 90 feet or more, then its vision is extended another 30 feet. |
Defense | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 12 turns |
The priest selects a target who becomes resistant to a damage type at the priest’s choosing (alchemical, blunt, cold, edged, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison or smite) until the end of the target’s twelfth subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to lessen the amount of damage from a specific type of damage just suffered. |
Déjà Vu | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest chooses one creature within range and forces it to make a Will save against Comp d8+14 plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range:18-27). If the creature passes, the invocation has no effect; if the creature fails, it takes all the damage it has suffered since the priest’s previous turn. This damage is smite damage. For example, a giant has taken 12 points of cold damage, 4 points of slashing damage, and 6 points of piercing damage since the last turn. If the giant fails its save, it would immediately take 22 points of smite damage. |
Delay Disease | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 day |
This incantation allows the subject to keep from worsening from a natural disease for the day. Delay disease does not cure any damage that a disease might already have dealt, and it has no effect on magical or supernatural diseases. This prayer can be used to stave off an infection from becoming worse -- or it could be used in a torturous manner to maintain the disease without allowing it to pass naturally. |
Deluge | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Between 3 adn 8 turns |
The priest can produce heavy rain fall in a 30-foot radius circular area, which lasts for a variable length of time, dispersing at the end of the priest’s turn equal to d6+2 turns. The temporary weather causes an obscurement, reducing visibility to 20 feet. Moreover, all ranged attacks suffer a -6 to hit penalty when firing from within or into the area; such ranged attacks are also at disadvantage. Further, if the target has 10-feet or more of rainfall between the attacker, then the friendly fire rule will be used. All movement inside the area is considered difficult terrain. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to obscure the ranged attack of a bowman. |
Desecrated Glow | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 15 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest radiates negative energy which heals any undead creature within 15 feet, restoring d4 Body points to each. The healing occurs instantaneously in an eerie flash of light which lingers on the targets’ bodies for a moment. Note: Skills to enhance the power of this incantation are energy drain, sap and vampiric gaze. |
Detect Harmful Gas | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Useful in mining and underground exploration, this incantation enables the caster to detect the presence of harmful gas in a sphere 60-foot diameter around the caster. The primary use of this spell is to detect underground hazardous natural gases such as explosive methane or poisonous sulphur dioxide, or fire-caused gases like carbon monoxide, but this spell can also detect any other harmful gases that occurs naturally or are produced by alchemy or magic. Although this spell always reveals the presence of such gas, there is only a 2% chance per total Spirit to identify the specific type of gas found (e.g., chlorine gas, methane, or carbon monoxide). Some rare, exotic gases may be beyond a priest's ability to identify exactly, although the identification roll may indicate the possible danger from or effect of the gas. The material component of this spell is the cleric's holy symbol. |
Detect Magic | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self / 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, the priest gains the ability to sense the presence of magic within 30 feet. The sense is not automatic but instead requires using an action to examine an object or creature to recognize a magical aura. If an object is on a living creature, then it is protected by its lifesong and therefore the person must be examined first to know something on his person is magical, then a second action, then third, and so on, could be used to delve deeper an examine specific items on the person’s possession. While the incantation does not require concentration, those rounds where examining for magic do have the penalties of concentration. Because the study requires an action, the only impact during moments of detecting magic, only reactions are restricted. |
Detect Metals and Minerals | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 10 minutes |
The priest concentrates on finding a specific type of metal or mineral. If the substance is within 90 feet, and no higher or deeper than 10 feet, the exact location and approximate quantity of the metal or mineral is revealed. The caster may try to detect different substances throughout the duration of the spell, one different type of metal or mineral per round. Metals and minerals of all types may be found, and a determination may be made of whether they are in a pure, refined form or whether they occur as a raw ore. The caster can move at a walking rate and still concentrate on the spell, but cannot engage in strenuous activity, combat or cast other magic and still maintain the detection effect. The priest must have his or her holy symbol. |
Detect Runes [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 5 minutes |
This invocation allows the terrac priest to locate all magical glyphs, sigils and runes within 60 feet instantly, even if they would otherwise be unrecognized. Further, if using a one round of concentration, during which no reactions can be used, the caster can learn what it the rune or glyph does - such as sealing an object closed or is a teleport sigil - and also learn what, if any, damage energy types are used as part of its protection. This invocation offer no protection or prevention of disturbing a magical glyph. It is possible for some magic sigils to detonate based solely on this analysis if such a symbol were created for that purpose. The option to study a rune lasts for 5 minutes, during that time only moments of concentration will the denial of reactions by in play. |
Devout Combat | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This is a reaction to a melee attack with a weapon of 5-foot reach or less. This is triggered based on the attempt; therefore, the Spirit cost is spent prior to the attack roll. When making the melee attack, the priest’s Faith is used rather than Strength for the calculations to hit and damage. |
Disarm Foe | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest creates a burst of force to target the wielded weapon of a visible creature within range. The victim must make an Agility save against Comp (d4+8) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-17); otherwise, the creature will drop the weapon. If the weapons is wielded by two hands, then the creature has advantage on its save. Should the weapon be dropped, it falls into a space of the priest’s choice within 5 feet of the victim. |
Discern Language | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest can understand all spoken and written languages. Responding, either in writing or verbally, is not endowed. The duration is 1 hour. |
Discern Lies [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 5 minutes |
The priest concentrates on a target. No reactions or new spells can be used during the continuous concentration; also if attacking in combat for some reason, it is at disadvantage. If the subject deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie, the priest will know. The spell does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal evasions. Skills such as silver tongue may protect from this discernment. The maximum duration for the concentration is 5 minutes. |
Disrupt Magic | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
The priest selects a single creature, object or effect within 60 feet to attempt to bring the magical energy to an end. If a creature is selected, then this will disrupt the concentration in play. The opposing caster must make an appropriate save (Agility for cantrips, Logic for sorcery, and Faith for divine powers) against a Comp 12 plus the priest’s full Faith score (Comp range:14-24); success indicates concentration is maintained. If an object is selected, should that object be projecting an effect, the disrupt arcana will stop it. An existing spell can also be taken down. In these last two cases, the effect makes a simulated save, rolling a d20 with bonuses based upon the power of the effect. If it is an axiom, the allow +2 for each point used for the spell. If a divine power, then bonuses are equal to the spirit points used. If that simulated save is successful, then the effect is not dispelled. If any of the interrupted effects were permanent in nature, then they would be restored after one minute (or at the end of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn). |
Disturb Sleep [Material] | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 week |
Prior to casting, the priest must prepare a doll crafted from silver and gems, having a value of at least 1,000 bits. It requires 8 hours of activity for the priest to prepare such a doll, and only three can be prepared in advance. Crafting a fourth will be a work of art but unable to hold the necessary energy to cast this incantation. When casting, the priest selects a target, touches it and by doing so, it loses its ability to sleep restfully for the duration of the spell. The subject’s dreams are filled with a discordant orchestra and frightening images. Starting when the subject next attempt, whenever the victim finishes a long rest, it must roll a Muse preservation save. If it fails, it does not gain the benefits of that long rest. This spell can be ended by a free curse, in addition to being dispelled by the caster. |
Divine Deterrence | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
When cast initially, the priest immediately gains +1 bonus to Armor Class in the “other” category. Until the end of the duration, the priest can use an action to increase another +1 to the “other” part of his or her PP value. Thus, in the original casting, the priest would gain +1. As the action of the priest’s next turn, an action could increase the bonus to +2. And even one more time on the next action, +3 could be obtained. However, at the end of the next turn, the spell would expire, causing all the PP value bonuses to be lost instantly. |
Divine Lock | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 month |
The priest creates a semi-material locking mechanism to secure a specific item touched, which could be a chest, door, or window, basically anything a standard lock could protect, even if the object doesn’t have a clasp. The caster gains the ability for the month duration to touch it to open or close as desired. Additionally, the priest can grant this opening ability to one other person. Further if examined by detect magic its magical property will be revealed; however, it will not identify as metal despite its appearance. Due to the magical nature of the divine lock, it will prevent the item from being used in an animate objects incantation. Finally, it exists for one month or until destroyed. If picked, this effect has a Comp:15 and is destroyed if successful. |
Divine Sacrifice | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Melee Reach | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The attempting a melee attack of the primary hand die pool, meaning the reaction is triggered before the attack rolls, this incantation can inflict additional damage based on self sacrifice. As a result, the priest will suffer half of the original damage from the primary hand die pool (rounded down). However, by doing so, the attack is granted an exploding crit die after the original damage is calculated. This extra die will count even if there already was a crit from the original attack. However, this d20 must be rolled against the target’s PP value, but will deliver 1-3 points of extra damage. Further, it is a true crit, meaning if it is a “natural 20” then it will produce yet another crit die. |
Downpour | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | From 4 to 7 turns |
The priest can produce heavy rain fall in a 20-foot radius circular area (38 hexes), which lasts for a variable time, terminating at the end of one of the priest’s subsequent turns. The total time of the effect is d4+3 rounds; thus, it ends from the fourth to seventh turn following the casting. The downpour causes an obscurement, making all range attacks into, out of or within the area penalized by -4 to hit. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to obscure the ranged attack of a bowman. |
Dragonskin | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
When the priest casts this incantation, his or her skin hardens and becomes scaly. For the following 6 subsequent turns, if wearing armor weighing under 20 pounds, the caster gains a +2 bonus to PP value in the armor base category. The priest also gains resistance to one of either fire, ice or lightning. Worshipers of the province of sun or fire will always have fire resistance. Those of water will have ice resistance. Sky and light deities select lightning resistance for their priests. All other provinces will occur at random or by selection by the GM. |
Dream | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | One Creature | Duration: | Up to 4 hours |
This incantation, unique to elfin goddess Ithalle Kaimeleron, allows the caster to become a messenger and effect the dreams of another intelligent being on the same plane of existence. If the target is asleep or in a state of dreaming meditation, the messenger can effect the target's dream creating any thing and the target would remember the dream perfectly. If the target is awake the messenger know it and can wait for it to fall asleep or end the trance ahead of time. However, the message itself has a duration of only one minute and no save is required. However, should the messenger choose to look horrific, making the dream nightmarish, its message will be shortened to ten seconds and the target will attempt to resist the messenger with a Will preservation save against a Comp (2d4+10) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range:13-23). If the priest is in possession of a graven image of personal nature, such as a possession, hair or blood, belonging to the target, then such a save is made at disadvantage. The target's save is successful, the messenger is forced out of the dream and the spell is broken. If the target fails, then the message is known, and the target awakens immediately. |
Earth Reaver | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 70 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
With one stern, commanding word, the priest gestures to a point on the ground within range, and the indicated spot erupts in a shower of dirt and stone. Each creature in the 20-foot diameter sphere (37 hexes) centered on that point takes 2d4+3 blunt damage and are knocked prone. Victims are permitted an Agility save (Comp:15) to remain standing and suffer only half the damage. After the eruption, the area of the spell becomes difficult terrain until it is cleared. Each hex of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand. Earth-based elemental creatures do not take damage from this spell. |
Echoes of Cowardice | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest amplifies the doubts and fears inside one creature within range. The target must make a Faith preservation save against Comp (d6+8) plus the caster’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 9-19). If failing the save, the victim suffers 1d4 Spirit damage and falls prone. Creatures not affected by spiritual attacks, such as constructs, and undead creatures are immune to this effect. |
Elemental Body [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Up to 4 hours |
When the priest cast this invocation, it transforms his or her body and all the gear carried into a new form, composed of one of the elements based on the type of divine province. The caster retains the previous size and statistics, except as noted below, but until the spell ends, the priest’s lifesong signature becomes “elemental,” and he or she gains the following benefits: •The body is attuned to the environments where this element completely surrounds you, breathing and existing in such places comfortably. •Immunity to poison damage and the poisoned restriction is gained, as well as immunity to being paralyzed, stunned, and unconscious. •The priest becomes resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons. In addition, the priest gains the following special abilities depending on the province of the worshiped deity: Air: Flight at your normal speed. Creatures have disadvantage on their attack rolls against the priest while they are flying or hovering. Earth: The priest gains a +1 bonus on all die in attack die pools when used against foes that are touching the ground; further, the priest has advantage on any competition made for tripping or pushing. No matter what armor is or is not worn, the PP value base will be at least 13. Appropriate sub-attribute modifiers will still apply. Fire: The priest is immune to fire. Any creature that grapples the priest, or is within 5 feet of you when it hits you in melee, takes 1d2 fire damage. If using savage form, the priest will inflict an extra point of fire damage. Water: The priest can swim at his or her normal speed and gains a +1 bonus to hit for all dice in any die pool when the priest and the opponent are both touching water. The priest can use an action to put any nonmagical fire within 5 feet by sheer desire. As a final note, this invocation requires the use of concentration, meaning no reactions or new spell-casting can occur. Combat attacks are at disadvantage as well; however, movement is not affected for this spell. Nonetheless, if concentration is broken in the midst of this spell, depending on the environment, the results could be devastating. |
Elemental Breath | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest unleashes a breath weapon, a 60° cone, extending 30 feet (26 hexes). The damage type depends on the province of the priest: earth inflicts acid; sun inflicts fire; nature inflicts poison; sea inflicts cold; and sky inflicts lightning. Any creatures in that area must perform an Agility preservation save against Comp (d6+20) plus the Faith bonus (Comp range: 25-31). Failure inflicts 3d4 points of Body damage. Those making a successful save suffer only half. |
Elemental Infusion | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
This enchantment endows a single melee weapon with an infusion of special damage such that an d2 points damage are also inflicted upon a successful strike with the weapon. The special damage is dependent on the type of divine province: earth delivers corrosive damage, sun delivers fire; nature adds poison (but not restriction occurs); sea adds ice damage; and the sky province delivers lightning damage. While under the effects, the weapons strikes as if it were a silver weapon, unless its normal type is better. The effect lasts on the weapon for its wielder’s next three turns. |
Enhance Senses | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
This incantation will enhance a single target’s senses. The target gains night vision, and all of the target's imprecise senses have their distances doubled, such as being able to hear or smell things at twice the normal range. Should the target already has night vision, then it gains darkvision. |
Enlighten Undead | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This invocation weaves the energies into the lifesong of an undead creature, essentially creating a glimmer of intelligence into its otherwise dead mind. The priest selects an undead creature in close proximity that is not hostile. The target must have no Mind score to be a valid target. The undead gains a Mind score of 9 (2/2/2). The target also gains the ability to speak one language of the priest’s choosing. Additionally, any languages it knew in its life can also be spoken. It also gains ability to learn up to one-thousand karma points worth of skills. Those skills are not instantly known and must be obtained over time. Further, most undead will deteriorate after around a month of re-animation; however, this power will extend the “life span” of the undead up to three years. The affinity of the enlightened undead creature is similar to having been charmed by the priest but is not under his or her control - unless being controlled by other means. It remains under the charmed condition for 30 days or until treated in a harmful way to break the charm. However, during the first 48 hours of its “new life” there is a condition like rapport between the priest and the undead, as well as a subtle telepathy where once every three to four hours, the priest can receive a summary of its experiences. This allows a newly enlightened undead to act as a potential spy before leaving its fledgling status adjusting to its newfound intellect. |
Envenom Claws | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 6 turns |
This invocation allows the priest to imbue a poisoning ability to an animal that has claws. This is typically used on allied, trained pets; however, it is possible to empower a wild animal, assuming the touch is possible. The requirements are the target must be of the Animal Kingdom and it must have an attack that uses either claws or talons. Upon empowering the animal, it will have the following weapon special added: onHit;{"type":"save","quality":"resilience","Comp":"12"};{"command":"poison"} for its next 6 turns. The duration of the poison afflicted upon anyone will last beyond the duration of the spell but will fade after roughly five minutes after being stricken. |
Epuration [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 12 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
The priest selects a creature within range, conjuring seven small golden orbs to hover around the target, granting it a strong magical protection. Concentration to maintain the orbs is required, meaning the priest can take no reactions nor cast any new spells. However, when any magic forces the protected creature to make a save or suffer damage by a spell attack, one of the orbs nullify the incoming spell effect on it; thus, the protected creature no longer needs to make a save or the spell damage is absorbed. Afterwards, the orb that blocked the attack fades away. Should a magical attack require a save for half-damage, only one orb is used to completely block the effect. This is true even in an area-of-effect attack; however, this orbs only protects the chosen creature with the orbs hovering around it. Other victims in the area will still suffer normally. |
Escape Ward | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 minute |
This incantation grants the priest extra maneuverability when running through melee spaces that might otherwise offer a flee attack. This enchantment only works against foes who are larger by at least one size category above the priest. When running through adjacent spaces, by counting an adjacent hex as difficult terrain, then a larger opponent is unable to use a reaction for a flee attack. Also, the priest is at advantage for any competition to invade the larger creature's space. |
Exhaustion | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
The priest selects a target within range which must roll a Resilience save against Comp (d4+8) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range:9-17). If the victim fails the save, it suffers one degree of exhaustion, meaning it is at disadvantage for feats and checks until the end of its third turn after being affected. Preservation saves would still be rolled normally. A common use would be when grappling is involved. This invocation cannot used against celestials, constructs, fiends, or undead. |
Exorcism | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 30 minutes | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
Exorcism is a simple ceremony which will put a banshee to rest, cause a haunting to cease or remove a presence from a possessed being. This will also remove any charms or allures, such as a charm axiom, which might be upon a person. The process requires 30 minutes and is guaranteed to work, unless special circumstances exist for which the GM can justify. |
Extend Breath [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 rounds |
If a being within range is currently holding its breath, then this incantation will add up to another three rounds to which it is capable of remaining in the held breath restriction. For example, a creature with a Resilience score of 2 is able to hold its breath for two rounds, but aided by this prayer, it would be able to avoid asphyxiation for a total of five rounds. This effect cannot be used cumulatively upon the same target until the recipient has respired breathable air for one full round, from end of turn to end of subsequent turn. Further, this incantation cannot be be place prior to the recipient being under the held breath restriction. Lastly, to grant this extra holding power, the priest must maintain concentration, meaning he or she cannot use reaction, cast other magic spells, as well as suffering disadvantage on combat attacks. |
Extract Poison [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | Through next turn | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
This deadly effect requires a special casting time, which begins as the action of the cleric’s first turn. During the casting, the priest draws poison and negative energy from nearby sources, like serpents, mushrooms or even undead. Most areas have natural poisons, but it is possible isolated or designed areas might not. It causes no harm to the object from which the venom is drawn. During this process until the priest’s next action, concentration is required, meaning no reactions are permitted. Upon the priest’s next turn, an action is used to complete the incantation causing the poisonous energy to be emitted upon a single opponent within 60 feet. The victim must make a Resilience preservation save against point using a Comp of (d6+12) plus the priest’s Faith. If the victim fails, the strike inflicts Body damage in points equal to d4 plus Faith bonus and acts under the poisoned restriction until the end of the victim’s next two turns. Lastly, if the victim has been poisoned from this effect, then at the start of each turn while under the effect, the victim must make like Resilience saves equal to the original. Failure of these subsequent saves inflict an additional d2 points of poison damage. |
Exultation [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
Through this incantation, this bolsters allies’ divine incantation casting. Until the start of the caster’s third subsequent turn and while maintaining concentration, meaning no reactions, other spells and combat is at disadvantage, when an ally within 30 feet of the priest’s current location calls about a divine spell, then special bonuses are granted to that caster. This includes action and reaction spells alike. If the incantation incorporates an attack roll, the ally gains a +2 bonus to hit for the applicable die pools of that incantation’s description. If an ally casts a divine power that requires any creatures to roll a save during the same turn as the spell is cast, the Comp of those saves is increased by 2. |
Faerie Fire | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
Up to three targets within range when the incantation is cast are outlined in light if they fail an Agility preservation save (Comp:d6+10 plus Faith). Until the end of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn, the affected creatures or objects shed dim light in a 10-foot radius. Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object cannot become invisible. |
Fangclaw | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 3 turns |
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Favor | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target gains d4 temporary Body points that lasts for the recipient's next six turns. The score can exceed the maximum normal amount, and only one favor effect can be on a person at one time. This will not alter bonuses granted from the Body score. If the points are not lost by physical combat during the incantation’s span, then the extra fade from existence. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if the priest suffered physical damage or right before entering something expecting to inflict damage like jumping from a platform. |
Favorable Wind | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until the next turn |
The priest selects herself or an ally within 30 feet. If the next action is a ranged attack, guiding winds will aid the attack, granting advantage. If the next action is not a range attack or the power is not used by the end of the following round, then the benefit is lost. |
Fearsome Duplicate | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 12 turns |
The priest creates a larger and far more menacing version of herself that can be sent forth, manipulated like a puppet, and used to interact with others. This glamour has visual and auditory components but no tactile or thermal factors. Further the illusion becomes a larger and far more menacing version of the caster, being up to a large size category. Further, the cleric can determine a theme as to how it alters from the original appearance. However, this duplicate always retains some vestiges of the actual appearance. The duplicate has no actual substance, cannot manipulate the surroundings, or attack or otherwise harm creatures it encounters. The caster can use the duplicate to speak and interact verbally. Additionally, the priest can see, hear and smell the duplicate's surroundings as if the priest were actually present using your Perception. The caster also remains aware of her own immediate surroundings when controlling the duplicate; however, this does take a toll on the senses. The priest suffers –4 penalty on Perception rolls of things in the original location while controlling the image. Maintaining control of the duplicate requires a standard action; however, the duplicate can remain under control even if with no line of sight. The duplicate immediately winks out of existence if it is struck by an attack or in the area of a damaging effect, or if it moves beyond the maximum range of the spell. The illusion has an PP value of 10 for attack calculations. |
Fellowship | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
When the fey priest cast this upon oneself, he or she becomes +2 for all saves originated from a fey being. Further, whenever meeting a fey creature in a social situation, the priest emits a minor and friendly charm which causes other fey to be impressed, unless that fey being already had a hostile intent. This impression allows the priest to engage in 1 minute of conversation before the affected creature will act in a defensively or choose to respond in hostile manner, unless the priest or allies cause harm during that time. |
Find the Boss | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
As the caster surveys the opponents, he or she can perceive a shimmering aura over the most powerful foe. From all the creatures seen within range and perceived to be non-allies, the priest instantly knows which creature is the most challenging. There is a bit of subjectivity to this which must be determined by the GM if multiple opponents have very different skills. This spell does not reveal any details about the enemy. |
Find the Gap [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Melee Reach | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
This incantation allows the priest to spot weak points in an opponent’s armor until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn. However, this requires concentration to maintain this spell’s effect, but while doing so any melee attack made by the priest against that target treats all armor as base 10 and ignores any shield bonus. If a creature has natural armor, it is not bypassed. Any attribute modifiers due to armor still apply to the enemy PP value. Further, disadvantage for attacking while concentrating will only remove a d20, but the d3 damage penalty is removed by this incantation. |
Flame Strike | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
A vertical column of divine fire roars down from the heavens in a location chosen by the priest. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius (7 hexes), 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range must make an Agility preservation save against a Comp (d8+20) plus the priest’s Faith score. Those caught in the area suffer 5d4 points of magical fire damage if failing the save, or half as much damage on a successful one. |
Flesh Shiver | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 80 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest makes a gesture of snapping a bone and a selected target’s muscles and skin twitch while a terrible crunch comes from your victim. The target rolls a Resilience save against Comp (d8+14) plus the death priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 18-27). If the opponent succeeds the spell has no effect; otherwise, upon failing, he or she are stunned until the beginning of the priest’s next turn. At the beginning of the priest’s next turn the victim suffers 4d4 points of bludgeoning damage and is under the poisoned restriction for a number of rounds equal to the priest’s Faith score. Finally, if the inflicting damage renders the victim to zero or below (and the victim survives), then a random appendage becomes broken. Healing like treat serious body wounds or stronger invocations will mend the broken bone but suffer half its normal Body-point restoration. Salves and weaker spells will leave a hindrance even though the Body points are restored. If it is a leg, then movement suffers -25 feet of movement. If it is an arm, then attacks are at disadvantage. Such a hindrance remains in place until an appropriate healing occurs. |
Flitter | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 15 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This is a reaction incantation triggered by an adjacent combatant moving away from the priest and reaching 10 feet of movement. There are several possibilities for the intent of the opponent; therefore, it is important to breakdown the sequence of things. On the opponent’s turn, it move away 15 feet. This might be a partial moving away, a full break-away or using an action to flee. If the intent is movement beyond 15 feet, then the priest would be allowed a flee attack reaction, making this reaction spell impossible. Otherwise, when reaching 15 feet, this invocation is triggered and the priest “flitters” instantly 10 feet in the same path, most likely placing himself adjacent again to the opponent who fled. Further, as part of that same reaction, the priest has extended his or her melee weapon as part of the short teleport to potentially strike the fleeing opponent; however, it is only a 1d20 die pool with the primary hand. Essentially, this permits a minor flee attack as a reaction and Spirit cost when one would not normally be possible. From that point the opponent is free to finish out its movement and action. |
Fog of War | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 5 minutes |
The priest can produce a magical dense fog in a 20-foot radius circular area (38 hexes), which lasts for 5 minutes until it slowly. This creates an obscurement, making visual depth into or from inside the fog only 10 feet. The fog can be overcome by magical sources, but natural wind will not dissipate or move it. If a target inside the fog cannot be seen, then methods that require line of sight cannot be used. Further, ranged attacks can still be used, but suffer a -3 penalty on the attack rolls. Moreover, the friendly-fire rule will be in play. |
Force Shapechange | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This invocation allows the Lacerta priest to force any shapechanger to reveal its true form -- or the form most commonly used if it has no true form. The shaman simply points at those known or believed to be shapechangers. These creatures, if they are shapechangers, must make a successful Faith save against a Comp (d8+20) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 26-33) Each victim that fails immediately reverts to its true form. In addition, the change is accompanied by wracking pain, causing 3d4 points of Body damage to the shapechanger. The shapechange happens until the end of the victim’s next turn, during which it can take no other action. If the save is successful, the shapechanger does not change form; however, the strain of resisting the spell causes pain equal to half the normal amount. The maximum number of creatures that the priest can select is equal to his or her Faith score. |
Foundation of Stone | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
The priest infuses his or her allies with the strength of the earth. Up to four creatures within range and the priest raises the base PP value up to 12 for those not wearing armor or armor weighing less than 15 pounds. Further, each are at advantage on Strength checks. These effects last until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn. However, if an affected creature moves from the space it was standing in when the spell was cast, or if it jumps, flies, or otherwise leaves solid ground, the invocation’s effects end for that creature. |
Free Curse | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
Like exorcism but targeting curses instead. This ability irrevocably removes all curses on an object or a creature. |
Free Movement | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 10 minutes |
After touching a willing recipient, that target becomes immune to ghoul touch, hold, immobilize, windstorm or other movement-speed restricting magic. |
Free Will | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Then the priest touches a recipient, it will end one of the following conditions: charmed, drowsy, or stunned. It could also change the frightened condition to shaken; paralyzed to prone; and unconscious (with positive Body points) to drowsy. Only one condition can be altered. |
Frost Gaze [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 70 feet | Duration: | Up to 4 turns |
On one’s turn, the priest’s eyes glow a brilliant, icy blue. Every creature within 10 feet must make a Will save against Comp (d6+14) plus his or her Faith bonus (Comp range: 15-25). Those who fail are frightened until the end of the priest’s next turn. If choosing to use concentration, the on the subsequent three turns the caster can use an action to emit a freezing cold ray from its eyes at a single creature in range. The target must make an Agility preservation save against the same Comp formula as above. The damage is 2d4 of cold damage but only half as much on a successful save. |
Gateway [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
When casting this invocation, a circular portal, 10 feet in diameter, opens over a point chosen within range. The priest also chooses a second point, which can be at any location previously visited on the priest’s home plane of existence. A second, identical portal appears at that point. Both portals are two-dimensional glowing rings filled with mist, hovering inches from the ground and perpendicular to it at the points you choose. A ring is visible only from one side (the priest’s choice), which is the side that functions as a portal. Any creature or object entering the visible opening portal will exits from the other portal as if the two were adjacent to each other; passing through a portal from the nonportal side has no effect. This invocation requires concentration to maintain, meaning during the holding open of the portals, no reactions can be made. The maximum duration of the incantation is until the end of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn. |
Gentle Repose | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 Month |
This preserves a corpse for one month. |
Geyser | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This spell causes a geyser to erupt from the ground, shooting scalding steam and water high into the air. The geyser shoots up to a height of 20 to 50 feet instantaneously (d4+1), and continues to spout until the end of the priest’s next turn. The area of effect is a function of the geyser’s height; the scalding water falls in a circular pattern around the point of eruption, with a diameter equal to one-half the geyser’s height. A creature hit directly by the geyser’s spray itself takes 3d4 points of damage from the scalding water. Creatures within the area of spray suffer ld6 points of damage and are allowed an Agility save (Comp:18) for half damage. The geyser itself occupies one hex when it erupts. Damage is considered to be fire damage for the purposes of resistances. Lastly, Egasski never grants this incantation. |
Ghoul Touch | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 12 turns |
With this ability, the priest touches a victim, which requires a normal to hit about the opponent’s armor class or a successful grappling maneuver. Once delivered, the victim is permitted a Will preservation save against a Comp (d6+12) and the priest’s Faith score. If failing the save the touch inflicts a movement penalty of -20 feet to the creature’s base movement. If base movement reaches zero, then the recipient falls under the paralyzed restriction. The effects of hindered movement last until the end of the victim’s twelfth subsequent turn; however, on its turn, the victim can use an action to make another Will save against the original Comp to restore 10 feet of movement. |
Gibberish [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
This short curse causes its victim to have difficulty to annunciate speak properly. By selecting a creature within range, this forces the victim to make a save on each incident of attempting to cast a spell with verbal aspects, to speak a command word to activate an item, or to read a scroll, while the priest maintains his or her concentration on the curse. Each time, this will be a Muse preservation save (Comp:12). On a failed save, the creature utters gibberish instead of the proper phrasing, and its action is wasted without producing the desired effect. However, if the victim makes subsequent attempts, another save is permitted. If ever the save is successful, then the curse is lifted and the incantation ends. Assuming the priest maintains concentration, the curse will remain in effect until the end of the priest’s third subsequent turn. |
Glorify | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target gains +2 on all to hit attack rolls for its subsequent 9 turns. |
Grace | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
The priest selects one ally in combat or self within 60 feet. That target gains +1 to hit on all attack rolls for the next 9 rounds. The effect ends after the end of the target’s ninth subsequent round’s action. |
Grave Robbery | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 month |
When the priest encounters controllable undead beings that are under the command of another priest, necromancer or master undead, there is the possibility of stealing their servitude. This is also possible when encountering such feratu that are naturally wandering and under no one’s control. In either case, the priest selects up to three undead he or she has the skills and capacity to control and enters a Faith competition for each one. If that competition is against another priest or being then it is a straight comparison of d12 rolls with applicable bonuses. If the undead are uncontrolled, then the ungoverned undead have a static competition result value equal to their Resilience score. Skeletons are 2; zombies are 4, for examples. If control is gained, the reanimated undead will act as charmed creatures under the priest’s influence for one month. If they are not destroyed in that time, then any remaining will fall apart as a ragged corpse at the end of the duration. The total number of undead which can be commanded simultaneously is twice that of the priest’s Faith score. Finally, the robbing priest must have skills from animate monster, raise ghoul or unlife likeness to affect an undead of the corresponding types. |
Gravel Footsteps | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This dwarven must touch a creature using the rules of a touch-based attack. If successful, a reaction is used to curse and hamper the victim, who must roll a Faith preservation save against Comp (d4+16) plus the priest’s Faith value. If successful, the curse fails. Otherwise, every time the effected creature takes a step it is constantly conjuring gravel beneath their foot. The gravel makes a noise when stepped on, removing a d6 from any stealth Comp rolls and also allows the target to be followed with a +4 to all tracking feat rolls. The gravel has no effect on combat. The effect is permanent until dispelled by a free curse or similar method. |
Great Worm of the Sea | Spirit Cost: 12 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 120 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
A gigantic worm of liquid substance appears from out of a pond, lake, ocean or any body of water with a depth of at least ten feet. The priest selects a point within range, and every creature within 20 feet of that point (62 hexes) must make Strength save against Comp (2d4+20) including the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 27-33). This will deliver a base damage of 5d4 of blunt damage; half on a successful save. However, creatures that fail the save are dragged into the water to a depth of 60 feet or the maximum depth of the body of water, whichever is less. Creatures pulled underwater (and still living) will immediately enter the rules of asphyxiation without the opportunity to hold their breath, but further are disoriented and remained trapped underwater until making a successful Judgment save against half the value of the original Comp. These extra Judgment saves are permitted at the start of each of a trapped creature’s turn. Even then, returning to the surface, requires swimming or the ability to navigate the water, and rules of armor and encumbrance will play into the ease of that task. Finally, those who made successful saves, while not dragged into the sea, will be knocked prone. |
Greater Acupressure | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
Limited to only life priests, this invocation allows greater healing if time to prepare is permitted as well as reviving the recipient from unconscious as does lesser acupressure. Further, when expending the time and Spirit points for this procedure, it helps to prepare the body to purge negative energies. The the priest’s next action can be to use a divine healing spell; when doing so, the greater acupressure will grant an additional 2d4 points of healing. Because the process is designed to channel divine healing, potions and salves will not produce the same result. Alternatively, instead of being used as an augmentation for healing, this spell could be used on its own specifically to cut the duration of a poison condition by half. However, one one method or the other has to be chosen; both effects cannot occur. Once this has been used, it cannot grant further enhanced healing to that recipient until 24 hours pass. Obviously, this invocation will have no effect on constructs or undead. |
Greater Sculpt [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Special |
The ability can form an existing piece of stone into any shape that suits a purpose. Moving parts and fine detail is simply not possible. The amount of stone altered is 10 cubic feet per point of Faith, but no dimension can be greater than 10 feet. Therefore, with a score of 7, a 7x10 wall 1-foot deep could be created. For the completion of the transformation, spell concentration is required, meaning no reactions or new spells are permitted. The rate of shaping is 5 cubic feet per round. |
Growth of Plants | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or 8 hours | Range: | 150 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This spell channels vitality into plants within a specific area. There are two possible uses for the spell, granting either immediate or long-term benefits. If cast using 1 action, the priest selects a point within range. All normal plants in a 100-foot radius centered on that point become thick and overgrown. A creature moving through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves, similar to thicket and related incantations; however, this solely effects movement with no chance of harming the one traversing the area. Further, the priest can exclude one or more areas of any size within the area from being affected. If cast over 8 hours, the priest enriches the land. All plants in a half-mile radius centered on a point within range become enriched for one year. The plants yield twice the normal amount of food when harvested. |
Guard Spirit | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 18 turns |
The priest selects an ally, imbuing him or her with the effects of a discipline skill, granting a +1 to all saves involving Will, Faith or Muse. Should the recipient already possess the skill, then saves of such nature are made at advantage. The short duration of the guard spirit lasts through the recipient's following 18 turns. |
Guiding Bolt | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Next turn or 3 attacks |
A flash of light is hurled toward a creature of the priest’s choice within range. To determine if the attack hits, standard “throwing an item” rules are used, granting an appropriate number of d20s for the attack. Further, the rules of advantage and disadvantage might apply based on the other events of combat. If any d20-attack is successful against the target’s PP value, then a shimmering light surrounds the victim; however, no damage is inflicted by this spell. As a result, until the end of the priest’s turn the following round, up to the next three attack made against the marked creature are at advantage. Multistrke attacks from a single combatant count as one attack. |
Hallow | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 12 turns |
The priest selects up to two allies, one which can oneself, in combat within 60 feet. Those targets gains +3 on all attack dice until the caster’s twelfth subsequent turn. |
Harden Armor | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
By touching one suit of armor, it hardens with an extra layer of protection against attacks. The armor gains temporary Body points equal to 1 + the Faith modifier. While the armor still has these temporary points, its wearer also gains +2 PP value (in the Other category). Damage is inflicted to the armor before the wearer suffers any damage; however, even if a single blow exceeds the protective points, then remaining amount is calculated as if the wearer is resistant to the incoming damage. The spell ends early if the temporary hit points are depleted, if the armor is removed, or if the incantation is cast again on the same suit of armor. The priest can also dismiss the spell as an action. In all other cases, the effect ends upon the end of the sixth subsequent turn of the wearer of the enhanced armor. |
Harmonic Shabti [Material] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
There can only every be on token in linked at one time; however, through this spell, the priest links his or her lifesong to an to a small statuette of at least 100 bits value. This item can be separate from the priest at this point; however, it will reflect the physical health of the priest so that others can be aware of the priest’s safety (or lack thereof). Thus, when the priest suffers Body damage, the superficial or critical wounds appear on the statuette as well; however, the placement may not be exact and the shabti represents health and wounding in a more general sense. As the priest heals, the graven image reflects that as well. If the caster is killed or is in the condition of being incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, stunned, or unconscious (not sleeping), then the talisman becomes rusted and dull. Once the condition is removed the shabti will regain its luster. Damaging the item does not harm the priest. These effects persist even if the priest and the item are not on the same plane. This incantation ends if creating another shabti. |
Healing Waters | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This is a common incantation of adventuring lizardfolk traveling through swamps. By the use of this spell, all adjacent beings, ally or otherwise, receive a healing from the priest. However, all the recipients must be occupying a space that shares common water, be it swamp water, a pond or even the ocean. If an adjacent being is standing on the beach, atop of a large tree root, or other terrain that prevents them from sharing the water, then the healing cannot affect that target. If the shaman is not standing in water, then no one receives the healing. The healing effect is a d4+1 Body points which is granted to each viable target. The shaman’s Body is not restored, however. |
Hearken Lifesong | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | Until next turn | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
With this invocation, the priest is able to know detailed information about the true nature of a creature. It does require touching the creature at the start of the priest’s turn through the start of his or her next turn. Through this contact the priest hears and sees the lifesong of the being to identify it by bestial-kingdom (animal, fiend, anthropoid, etc); know its species; recognize its gender (or lack thereof); known any innate immunities, resistances or vulnerabilities; whether the creature breathes, eats and needs sleep; and finally the priest will identify a unique and distinct pattern of its lifesong which can be used as an identification of the specific entity. This pattern does not reveal the creature’s name or deeds, but it can be compared to know if it is the same creature the priest has previously identified. Unwilling creatures will likely have to be shackled or somehow restrained by means outside the priest to maintain a proper reading. |
Heartseeker | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
While casting this spell the priest touches a piercing weapon. For the wielder’s next three turns, that weapon inflicts a critical hit on a natural roll of 17-20. Further, the exploding-crit die chains from the “natural 17 or higher” also follow that score for subsequent crits. The spell ends once the duration has expired or the weapon inflicts a number of critical hits equal to the priest’s Faith score. |
Heat Metal [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest selects a single manufactured metal object, such as a plow, a metal door, a metal weapon, or even a suit of armor; however, the object must be in direct line of sight. Concentrating on the object and chanting is permitted until the start of the priest’s next 6 turns. While doing so, this causes that one item to heat up to a burning temperature. Any creature in physical contact with the object suffers d2 points of fire damage at the start of the invocation. The priest can continue to chant and concentrate, which will prevent reactions in the interim. However, upon the priest's following turn, the item remains hot and will again inflict fire damage to anyone in contact with it. This continuous of heating the object can be maintained for six actions of inflicting potential damage. If the affected weapon is in possession of an entity at the start of the prayer, then that being’s lifesong may offer some protection from the magic. In such a case, the possessor would roll a Resilience preservation save against against Comp (d6+8) plus the caster’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 9-19). If successful, all heat damage from the item would be half while not leaving the possessor’s possession. However, if the creature in contact is suffering damage, he or she may optionally drop or remove the item, time permitting; however, if choosing to stay in contact and suffer the damage, the creature is at disadvantage on attack rolls or skill rolls while the item remains heated (unless the initial save was successful). However, if the priest loses concentration or sight of the object, the invocation is instantly broken. This means ways to dispel the effect could vary from running around a corner to becoming veiled to being immersed in a showers or fog of war spell. |
Hellfire Burst | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest chooses a creature within range, who becomes engulfed in flames, requiring an Agility save against Comp (d6+12) including the Faith modifier (Comp range: 14-23). The victim takes 3d4 points of fire damage but only half as much on a successful save. |
Hidden Lodge | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 5 minutes | Range: | 120 feet | Duration: | 24 hours |
The priest conjures a 25-foot square cottage made of stone that appears as a natural rock formation or similar natural terrain feature that blends in with its surroundings. A creature within 30 feet that explicitly investigates the area must make a successful Perception check (Comp:16) to discover the hidden lodge; a passive Perception check would require a “natural 20” unless having true sight. The cottage contains a fireplace, bunks for up to eight people, and a wooden table and eight chairs. The doors are protected against intrusion by divine lock that will open by the priest’s touch, and the chimney has a narrow shaft with sturdy bars at the top. In addition, an invisible spirit provides service to the lodge’s occupants for the duration. |
Hindsight [Material] | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 hour | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Ghostly images recreate the events of the past, centered on the spot where the priest calls the invocation. However, it requires a gem sacrifice of a diamond to appeal to the spirit to reveal the history. The amount of detail in the images depends on how much time desired to be seen and heard. When cast, the priest will choose one unit of time to view. • Days: The last 20 days can be viewed. The priest gains detailed knowledge of the conversations, people, and events. • Weeks: The caster sees a summary of the events of the past 20 weeks without hearing or seeing everything that happens, but the priest will understand the gist of conversations and events. THe more important people and events will be known in greater detail. • Years: The priest will see the noteworthy events of the past 20 years. Major participants and events, like executions, battles, and discoveries, will play out in greater detail. • Centuries: A general sense of the last 500 years in gained. Only see the most important events and most remarkable people are revealed. |
Holy Storm | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest selects a point within range, and a loud and blinding rain pours down in a 25-foot diameter by 40-foot high cylinder (37 hexes) centered on that point. The area becomes lightly obscured, making all range attacks into or out of the area penalized by -4 to hit. The rain automatically extinguishes unprotected flames and has a 50% chance of extinguishing protected flames such as lanterns. In addition, the rain causes d6 smiting damage to any undead creature that moves into or starts its turn within the area. The rain remains until the end of the third subsequent turn of the priest. |
Horde of Healing | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest radiates healing energy which heals any injured ally within 20 feet of the priest’s location (62 hexes). Each ally within the area of effect rolls 2d6+2 for oneself; this is the number of Body points that are restored to each individual. The healing cannot exceed the maximum Body score, but it will affect those in negative values. |
Hypnotic Evulsion [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 minute |
The priest softens the mind of a creature who is either drugged, drunken, unconscious, or sleeping. The priest will suggest a topic of discussion. The victim must make a Will save against Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier. If the victim is asleep or unconscious, then the save is at disadvantage. On a failed save, the creature begins to talk randomly. For the next minute (or six rounds), there is a chance of gaining up to six useful details of information. At the start of the creature’s turn each round, the GM will roll 1d4; on a roll of 1, the creature speaks a password, a word to activate an item, the name of a secret location, the direction toward a hideout, or other similar secret information pertinent to the conversation or topic the priest brought up. Use initiative and the rules of conversation for determining the order of speaking between the two, even if combat is not happening. After the victim speaks, the priest can change the topic in a related way. For example, if the topic was “tell me about the thieves' guild” and the response was “I am a member,” then the priest could request “where is their hideout?” Considering the creature will not answer with specifics but rather in a general manner, such a response “gotta enter through the sewers” may be given up. However, if the initial save was successful, the creature is not affected by this spell, but the interaction still takes place with the GM fake-rolling but never revealing any pertinent information. If the creature is awakened, cured of its unconsciousness or intoxicated condition, the spell ends. Since this incantation requires concentration, any subsequent turns for the priest cannot involve additional casting. Further no reactions are permitted while concentrating. |
Hypothermia | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 50 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest selects a visible creature within range and evokes swirling cold mists around it; the creature must make a Resilience save against Comp (2d4+10) plus the Faith bonus (Comp range: 13-23). On a failed save, it takes 2d4 cold damage and suffers one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, the creature takes half the cold damage, and doesn’t suffer from exhaustion. |
Icy Backlash | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 5 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
As part of the reaction to being hit by a melee attack with a reach of 5 feet or less, an icy flash vents back against the attacker for d4 points of cold damage. Those striking with a weapon of reach from farther than one hex (5 feet), then no retaliative damage is inflicted. |
Imbue Undead | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
The priest grants an undead servant or undead ally the ability to cast an invocation from the priest’s granted list. The spell imbued must cost no more than 3 Spirit points, which are also consumed at the moment of casting. The undead creature touched gains the ability to cast that spell once before the next time finishing a long rest. When casting the power, any calculations required will use the attributes of the undead creature, even if that means the Faith modifier is zero for an applicable Comp. Unless the undead creature is under the control of the priest, it cannot be forced to use the spell. |
Immobilize | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This effect establishes itself in various ways depending on the deity granted it. It might be vines reaching up through the ground or mud softening beneath the victim. Regardless, the effect is the same, as the priest selects a single target within range, visibly seen and in contact with the ground, attempting to restrain that victim to the spot. The target is permitted a Strength preservation save against a Comp of (d6+10) plus Faith score. If successful, the target breaks free of the magical gripping to the ground; otherwise, he, she or it is considered restrained. However, victim may choose to use an action to free himself with another Strength feat against the original Comp. Otherwise, the duration lasts until the end of the sixth subsequent turn of the victim. |
Immobilize Animal | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action (Special) | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest selects a single animal within range, visibly seen and in contact with the ground. The target can be up to large sized. By this gaze, the caster attempts to restrain that victim to the spot through the intimidation of his or her divine power. This stare continues until the start of the priest’s next turn. If the caster has maintained concentration and line of sight has not been lost, then the target rolls a Will preservation save against a Comp (d4+8) plus Faith mod. If successful, the animal breaks free of the magical charm; otherwise, he, she or it is considered restrained. However, victim may choose to use an action to free himself with another Will feat against the original Comp. Otherwise, the duration lasts until the end of the victim’s sixth turn under the effect. To be clear, at the end of the gaze, the caster still is able to use his or her action for that initiative. |
Indestructibility | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Next turn |
This powerful power grants the priest momentary of being imperishable. From the casting until the start of the priest’s next turn, he or she cannot be affected by anything unless chosen to be. For the duration of the spell, the caster is immune to any effect or damage that might cause harm, excluding effects caused by artifacts, deific power, and similarly powerful sources. The cleric can still be affected by anything he or she is willing to accept. |
Infusion of Chaos | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Like other incantations of chaos, at the GM’s discretion, lawful gods may not grant this spell. For those who do grant this incantation, it endows a single melee weapon with a rainbow shimmering glow that will deliver an additional point of damage upon a successful hit for each die pool delivered by that weapon. The type of damage, however, is random for each die pool and strike landed. While under the effects, the weapons strikes as if it were a silver weapon, unless its normal type is better. The effect lasts on the weapon for its wielder’s next three turns.
Infusion of Fire | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
This enchantment endows a single melee weapon with an infusion of fire such that an additional point of fire damage is also inflicted upon a successful strike with the weapon. While under the effects, the weapons strikes as if it were a silver weapon, unless its normal type is better. The effect lasts on the weapon for its wielder’s next three turns. |
Infusion of Ice | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
This enchantment endows a single melee weapon with an infusion of ice. If striking a creature, the victim suffers an additional point of cold damage. While under the effects, the weapons strikes as if it were a silver weapon, unless its normal type is better. The effect lasts on the weapon for its wielder’s next three turns. |
Infusion of Lightning | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
This enchantment endows a single melee weapon with an infusion of lightning. When successfully striking a creature, an additional point of lightning-based damage is also inflicted. While under the effects, the weapons strikes as if it were a silver weapon, unless its normal type is better. The effect lasts on the weapon for its wielder’s next three turns. |
Insect Plague | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When the shaman utters the incantation, he or she calls forth a hundreds, if not thousands, of crawling and flying insects. This swarm fills an area 8 feet tall and occupies 9 hexes in whatever configuration the shaman chooses. It must begin as a mass (3 x 3), but the hexes can spread in different directions independently. Upon command from the caster, the swarm looms forward at 10 feet per round toward any prey the caster desires. The swarm inflicts 2d6 points of corrosive damage to anyone with whom they occupy the same space. After stinging, biting or by whatever method the insects deliver damage, some of the swarm dies. Each hex of the swarm supports up to 20 points of damage. If that hex delivers that or more, then all the insects of that hex have died away. If an occupants runs through the swarm, perhaps in an attempt to escape it, that victim will suffer 2d6 points of damage for each hex it encounters. The insects are non-magical creature but cannot be struck effectively by weaponry; however, a fireblast might be able to destroy the entire lot. |
Instant Refuge [Material] | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | Self or Ally | Duration: | Up to one year |
An elixir concocted of rare herbs, costing 1,000 bits is brewed and consumed by the recipient. As part of this ritual, the priest selects a location previously visited, which can be on any plane of existence. Additionally, the priest places up to six conditions that trigger the effect, such as falling unconscious, seeing a dragon, upon a command word, etc. Whenever one of the chosen conditions occurs, the recipient is instantly teleported to the location of choice. No creatures can be brought along, but everything carried on the creature’s person that is not considered a living being will be teleported with the target. If the condition is something the priest says or does, it will require either an action or reaction to trigger the effect. For example, seeing a dragon would be automatic, but speaking a comment word would require the use of an action or reaction. |
Instill Vulnerability [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest selects a foe who must make a Resilience save against Comp (d8+14) plus the caster’s Faith bonus. If the target succeeds, the spell ends. However, upon a failed save, the priest selects a damage type (cold, edged, fire, necrotic, etc) and lowers that creature’s resistance against it until the end of the priest’s third subsequent turn, assuming concentration is maintained. If the creature were already vulnerable, then this invocation has no effect. If the creature had been immune, it becomes only resistant; if resistant, it is affected normally; and if normal, the creature becomes vulnerable to such an attack. As a final possibility, if the creature is healed by that specific damage type, that health absorption is lost but the immunity remains. |
Intellectual Redoubt [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
This invocation requires continuous concentration to maintain the protection. For the duration, all beings within 10 feet from the caster (19 hexes), including the caster, gain a special protection for psychic damage. This does not prevent thought probing, telepathy or the like but it does offer the following benefits: • Whenever an attack that inflicts Mind damage requires a save, that save is rolled at advantage. • Whenever at attack that delivers Mind damage without a save, then the recipients are considered resistant to the attack. |
Intimidating Presence | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 10 minutes |
The speech of the terrac priest becomes more forceful as does his or her general bearing more menacing. The grants a +4 bonus on social interactions when intimidation, interrogation or influence is involved. |
Intuition | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 8 hours |
This invocation allows for a sudden flash of future insight. Once during the duration, when the halfing priest must make feat for remembering lore, history, for investigating an area, making a Perception check or other feat the GM deems reasonable, if the die roll is disliked by the player, then this invocation allows that check to exist as if a “natural 20” had been rolled on the die. This should never apply to a “crit” circumstance. However, when doing so, the duration of the spell is over. Further this invocation ends early if cast again while active, or if the priest is rendered unconscious. |
Iron Gut | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 4 hours |
The recipient, which could be the priest, has advantage on all saves involving the ingestion of poison for four hours following the casting. |
Know Magic [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 2 minutes | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
Upon casting, the priest can identify the magic affecting all creatures and objects within range. For magic items or other magically-imbued objects, the priest learns the properties and how to use them, and how many charges they have (if any). The priest also learns whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, the priest will know which spell created it. For creatures within range, the cleric becomes aware of what magic, if any, are currently affecting them. While analyzing things, it requires complete attention, during which no other actions, reactions or castings can occur. Additionally, it requires 2d4 rounds (20 to 80 seconds) per item or creature to gain the information. |
Know Other | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest chooses one creature that can be seen and is within range. It must make a Will save against Comp (d4+8) plus Faith bonus. If the victim fails the save, the priest instantly learns one of the following determined by the GM: • One damage type the creature has resistance to • One damage type the creature is vulnerable to • One special condition about the creature |
Knurl | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 15 minutes |
This curse is cast upon one creature, who is permitted a Resilience save against Comp (d6+12) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 15 to 25) to avoid. If the victim fails the save, the invocation transforms a creature’s arm into a tree branch of the same thickness, covered with bark and twigs. The new limb possesses neither elbow nor wrist joints -- not even a hand. The “arm” remains attached to the shoulder. The victim can use it as a club for fighting or as a savage form attack; however, it cannot manipulate tools, weapons, or spell components. The caster chooses which of the recipient’s arms to affect. A character could use multiple knurl spells to transform both arms of a humanoid. The arm is treated for all purposes as a tree branch, becoming subject to fire, wood-altering spells, and tree diseases. A successful disrupt magicwill end the knurl effect. |
Lacuna | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest causes a burst of spiritual energy to strike one target within range who is concentrating on a spell or item-use. The victim must make a Muse preservation save (Comp:14) or have its concentration broken. |
Land Lair [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
The priest and all allies within range (19 hexes) are magically dragged into the earth and deposited in a chamber just big enough to hold everyone. Everyone can breathe and the ceiling of the chamber is translucent to tell if there is movement above, but the numbers or types of beings are indistinguishable. The area will not detect as magical, making it difficult to detect the chamber. Movement inside the chamber is very limited and spell-casting is limited to those without material or gestured requirements. When the invocation ends or the priest’s concentration is broken, all the occupants return to the the surface. |
Larvated Tone | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest and up to four beings capable of speech who are touching each other when the invocation is cast instantly develop a secret language only they can speak and understand, which is unintelligible to all others. Neither discern languages nor tongues can decipher the language. |
Lasting Breath [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest unleashes a breath weapon, a 60° cone, extending 30 feet (26 hexes), which then hangs in place. The damage type depends on the province of the priest: earth inflicts acid; sun inflicts fire; nature inflicts poison; sea inflicts cold; and sky inflicts lightning. Any creatures in that area must perform an Agility preservation save against Comp (d6+20) plus the Faith bonus (Comp range: 25-31). Failure inflicts 4d4 points of Body damage. Those making a successful save suffer only half. The priest may choose to concentrate through the end of his or her third subsequent turn. If doing so, the cone lingers but is secretly hidden from view. Anyone attempting to pass through the area is permitted a Perception check (Comp:14) to be aware of its presence to avoid it. However, if entering the area or ending one’s movement there, that creature must make an identical save and suffer the save potential damage. |
Leaf Into Dagger | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
This invocation turns one leaf into a dagger which can only be used by the priest. The dagger counts as a magic weapon for overcoming damage resistance but offers no additional bonuses to hit or damage. In all other ways, it acts as a normal dagger. It requires concentration to maintain the dagger’s form; therefore, no reactions can be made nor can any new spell-casting be performed. Due to the divine power of this prayer, attacks with that specific dagger will not suffer being at disadvantage because of concentration. Further, this is a great method to smuggle a weapon into restricted areas. |
Lesser Acupressure | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When expending the time and Spirit points for this procedure, it helps to prepare the body to purge negative energies. This will revive a creature who is unconscious, either by restriction or Body score. This does not affect health but merely causes the recipient to awaken. If the unconscious state was due to Body score, then the injured character suffers the combined restrictions of being both restrained and stunned. However, pointing, gesturing, one-to-two-word responses for communication becomes possible. See Death Saves for further details. Once this has been used, it cannot grant further enhanced healing to that recipient until 24 hours pass. Obviously, this invocation will have no effect on constructs or undead. |
Life Bolt | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 50 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest uses his or her own life energy to release energy that sears the walking dead. The priest sacrifices up to 1 Body per 3 complete points of Faith. The total number of Body points forfeited equal the number of d8 of smiting damage inflicted upon the single selected undead creature within 50 feet. This sacrificial damage cannot be reduced or avoided in any way, and works as if the undead is being turned, meaning the victim might receive a frightened restriction. |
Life's Grace | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
The priest touches a willing recipient. Until the end of the target’s third following turn, the creature has a ward it against death magic for a time, gaining resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against effects that would reduce its Body-point maximum (such as life-drain from a vampire) or anything that would cause instant-death without dealing damage. In addition, when the subject would fail a save any undead creature forces it to make, it can choose to succeed instead; however, executing this option ends the ward. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to being inflicted by necrotic damage. |
Lifesilt | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 5 minutes | Range: | Up to 10ft x 10ft x 10ft | Duration: | Permanent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This power is more on the investigative nature. It finds and records lifesilt, which is the residue from a lifesong. Lifesilt can be found in body fluid or hair, when a creature handled an object, and even in trace energy patterns from spell-casting. When examining an area or object, the priest will record the series of symbols on a scroll or papyrus. These symbols could be compared at a later date against a priest using hearken lifesong The chance of success depends on what is being inspected. The priest will choose to inspect, he or she will roll a Faith check (d20 plus modifier) against the Comp of the circumstance based on the area or object.
Lift | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 1 hour |
With this ability, the priest can jump over or onto any obstacle 10 feet tall with the certainty of landing sure-footed. The spell duration is 1 hour. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if the ground gave way under the priest or if struck by a tremor incantation with another surface available. |
Lightning Command | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest calls down lightning from the sky, striking three separate 5-foot (1 hex) locations of choice within 60 feet and in direct sight. Any creatures in those areas suffer d4+1 Body points of lightning damage. However, the effected are permitted a preservation save using Agility against Comp d6+10 plus the priest’s Faith in order to avoid the damage. Rules of cover also apply for victims, but the direction of attack is from above the victim. This may only be used outdoors and an open sky. Lastly, this is considered normal lightning rather than magical, meaning creatures who have a magic resistance advantage would not receive it against this invocation. |
Lizard Wrath | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 turn per Faith |
This invocation empowers an ally with unnatural aggressiveness. However, upon the initial touch, it drains the ally by 1 Body point to transfer into an influence of +2 to-hit bonus for all dice in an attack and the effect that all light-weight weapons act as medium-weight ones. The spell ends based on the end of the priest’s turn, not the ally’s sequence. Thus, the number of attacking rounds under the influence may not equal the priest’s Faith score. |
Locate | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Special | Duration: | 30 minutes |
Using the priest’s holy symbol, the direction of a specifically known object can be known, so long as that object is within 1000 feet per point of the priest’s Faith score. This can also be used to find the closest source of a generic (non-magical) object, such as water or gold, assuming any is within the distance of the priest’s ability. Looking for a generic source will not find a specific item. |
Locus | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Instantaneous |
By use of this power, the priest names a being personally known. At that moment, the priest is aware of the direction that creature, although distance is unknown from the divination of this incantation. Further, the caster gets a sense of the target’s physical and emotional wellbeing (whether it is injured, sleepy, hungry, etc.). If the target is on a different plane, the spell fails. If the target is unwilling to be located, it can make a secret Will preservation save (Comp:16) to avoid detection; however, being unwilling is more a subconscious concept. The target is not aware of the scrying method. |
Maggots | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
By using a touch-based attack, if the required contact is successful, then a reaction is used to form maggots that writhe over the enemy’s skin and deliver 1d4 points of necrotic damage. In addition, the victim must roll a Will save against (2d4+10) plus Faith bonus. If the save fails, then the target is under the frightened restriction until the end of its third subsequent turn. However, at the end of each of those interim turns, the victim may use an action to fight the fear, rolling another Will save against the original Comp to release itself. |
Magic Creeper [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This spell allows the shaman to temporarily animate up to 20 feet of a single natural vegetable vine or creeper. The caster can then command the affected vine to knot or unknot itself, move along most normal surfaces (including up walls and along ceilings) at a movement rate of 10 feet. It could also be commanded to attack enemies. The vine can be left attached to its parent growth, or a suitable length can be cut before the spell is cast. To make the vine perform any of these actions, the shaman must use concentration, meaning no other spells can be cast nor can reactions be used. Any knots or mappings remain in place after the spell ends. The vine attacks with the shaman’s attributes to perform a grappling attack; it has an Armor Class of 14. At the start of each of the shaman’s subsequent turns, if the vine has wrapped around a subject, it will inflicts d2 points of edged damage, cutting into the victim. After suffering damage, the victim can make an Agility save against Comp (d4+8) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-17) to free oneself without action. The first missed save restricts the subjects movement to 20 feet. The second missed save places the victim under the restrained restriction. A single blow from an edged or cleaving weapon that inflicts 3 or more points of damage severs it. Otherwise, it can withstand of 6 total points of damage from edged weapons or damage-producing magic in smaller intervals. The spell ends when the duration expires, when the vine is severed or when it suffers 6 or more points. |
Mask Spirit | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest can hide the aura or lifesong of two beings. This makes them effectively invisible to undead or any relying on spirit sight. Further, lesser undead will not have the capacity to understand the difference between invisible and missing; thus, likely will break off attacks. If the recipients are attacked by those unable to detect them, they are treated as invisible as a restriction, and the attackers would suffer from blind shot if using anything of range. The duration of the incantation is one hour. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if an undead stalker suddenly appeared. |
Meld With Rock | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 12 hours |
The priest steps into a stone object or surface large enough to fully contain one's body, melding oneself and all the equipment carried into the rock for the duration. Using movement, the caster steps into the rock at a point it can be touched. Nothing of the priest's presence remains visible or otherwise detectable by nonmagical senses. While merged with the stone, the caster cannot see what occurs outside it, but Perception checks can be made to hear sounds outside it, yet are made with disadvantage. The priest remains aware of the passage of time and can cast self-based incantations while merged in the stone. Movement can be used to leave the rock where it was entered, which ends the spell. Otherwise the caster is unable to move. Minor physical damage to the stone will not harm the encased being, but its partial destruction or a change in its shape (to the extent that one no longer fits within it) expels the occupant and deals 2 bludgeoning damage to the priest. The stone’s complete destruction (or transmutation into a different substance) expels the occupant and deals 5 bludgeoning damage. If expelled, the priest falls prone in an unoccupied space closest to where he or she first entered. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to hide from being spotted, assuming the priest is aware of being seen. |
Misstep | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
This invocation can be cast as a reaction whenever the target is moving, has covered 20 feet and is within range of the spell. At the 20-foot mark of movement by the intended victim, the priest points at the target and forces a Will preservation save against Comp (d6+8) plus Faith modifier. If failing the save, the victim's total movement becomes half of its base for the round. If becoming negative, then movement for its turn expires. Additionally, the half movement value may stay in effect on its next turn, if the target fails a second Will save against the original Comp. These additional saves to break the curse continue until the end of the victim’s sixth subsequent turn, at which point the effect dissipates. The movement is not limited to walking, as this brief curse can slow flight, swimming, climbing, brachiation or virtually any movement. |
Mold Touch | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
This spell empowers the casting priest to transmute a leaf into brown mold spores without suffering personal harm. The first creature touched by the caster within six rounds of the casting is infected by brown mold. This may be causal contact in certain social contexts or in combat. Either way a successful attack roll is used to touch an opponent and ensure the transfer. If causal touch or used against one who is unaware or immobilized, the roll is still required but it would not be perceived as an act of aggression. If the caster cannot touch any creature, the mold spores vanish at the end of six rounds. The mold spores created by this invocation cannot live on plant or inorganic material. The caster can infect only one creature. In the event of an accident, this could still transfer to a friend or ally. A mold touch spell inflicts delayed necrotic damage upon the target creature after roughly 10 seconds. This translates to 4d4 points of damage suffered at the end of the target’s next turn in combat. The victim is permitted a Resilience save (Comp:13) to suffer only half damage. Brown mold spreads from the contact point rapidly, growing by absorbing body beat. In the process, it chills the subject. More frightening is this acts as a life-draining attack, causing the target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. At the end of the next turn of the victim, the mold inflicts d4 more points of necrotic damage with the option to save for half on each damage suffering. If the save is successful, the victim has shed all the remaining spores and no longer incurs damage. However, if failing, then the process continues at the end of each subsequent turn until a successful save is made. Brown mold created by this spell is of limited duration, and a subject cannot infect other creatures even if intending to do so. Magical cold harms mold created by this spell in the usual manner, but also affects the creature on which the mold is growing. |
Momentary Mind Bastion | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | 1 full turn |
In response to a psychic probe or attack, the priest creates a momentary barrier to protect the minds in the immediate area. The priest can select a number of creatures within range of this spell up to his or her Faith score; the priest counts as one of those numbers. Until the start of the cleric’s next turn, those selected have advantage on any Mind saves, including against the triggering effect. The decision to use the reaction may happen even after learning the results of the effect. |
Music of the Spheres | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 15 turns | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
With this invocation, the priest creates tones and harmonies of such unearthly beauty and complexity that they entrance the listener, making it difficult for the listener to attack or otherwise harm the priest. To avoid the effect, the listener receives a Will preservation save against Comp (d6+8) including the priest’s Faith bonus (range: 9-19). Failure means that the listener is entranced and is unable to attack the priest for the duration of the spell. In addition, the music makes the subject gullible and more susceptible to charm magics such as charm, advice and similar spells. While the music spell is in effect, the subject saves against charm spells with a -3 penalty. This spell does not protect other characters in company with the priest; listeners who have fallen prey to the music are free to attack anyone else. The spell effect ends instantly if the priest takes any hostile action against a creature under the influence of the spell. Music of the spheres can affect a varying number of creatures based on the Faith score of the priest.
Mute | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 12 turns |
The priest must see the target creature within range and will curse the creature to be unable to speak. The victim must make a Will save against Comp (d6+8) plus the priest’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 9-19). If failing, the victim cannot speak for its next 12 turns; thus, it cannot cast spells with verbal components. An affected creature can use an action to attempt a new preservation save to force the curse away and be able to speak again. Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this spell. |
Native Port | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | 1 month |
When the priest casts this spell he or she chooses the location of home. If not having a home, the priest selects a location with emotional weight that would be considered the closest thing. For the next 28 days, the caster knows the approximate distance and direction to that location. However, this location must be on the same plane of existence or the spell ceases to function. |
Necrosayance | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
This spell allows the priest to communicate with a corpse. The corpse must still have a mouth and cannot be undead. The spell fails if the corpse was the target of any other necrosayance within the last 10 days. The corpse must answer three questions. The answers are limited to the memories and knowledge of its previous life, including languages known and understood. The dead cannot comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and is unable to speculate about future events. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive; however, they will be mostly truthful from the perspective of the corpse. The process of answering varies but requires approximately one to two minutes per answer, making this an unlikely invocation to be used during combat. |
Necrozone | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 3 turns / Special |
The priest summons an ashen glow that hovers over an enemy. That enemy must make a Will preservation save. If the target fails, then any wounds taken while within the glow are enhanced to suffer an additional point of necrotic damage per die pool that hits. This extra necrotic damage cannot be healed naturally or by a treat body damage invocation of the mild or moderate versions until the enemy has completed a long rest, after which they can heal normally. The glow-effect remains over the enemy until the end of the priest’s 20th subsequent turn. |
Negative Treatment | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can heal a single undead creature. Upon casting, the target regains d3 points to its Body score. Healing cannot exceed the maximum health. The healed undead must be within 30 feet of the priest to receive the restoration. |
Nhoblit Vengeance | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
When using an action to make a touch attack against a small or tiny creature, and that touching is successful, then the priest may select to use a reaction to casting this incantation. If the initial action is unsuccessful, the reaction is not used. This reaction will deliver d4 points of necrotic damage and inflict a special nerve pinch which means for the victim’s next 3 actions it will not be able to use its attribute modifier as part of its PP value calculation. |
Noxious Fumes | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 18 turns |
The priest can produce a magical dense poisonous cloud in a 10-foot diameter circular area (7 hexes), which lasts until the end of the priests 18th turn after casting, then it slowly dissipates. This invocation can be placed atop of other’s position. The cloud can be overcome by magical sources, but natural wind will not dissipate or move it. Any creature caught within the fumes will immediately act under the poisoned restriction. Anyone choosing or unable to leave the cloud on its next movement opportunity will suffer d4 point of alchemical damage. Further, whether remaining or exiting, a creature must make a Resilience preservation save against Comp (d6+12) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 15 to 25) to be able to take any action other than movement, as the creature overcomes the poisonous attack. The effect is one of alchemical corrosion which harms creatures whether they breathe or not. Finally, for those inside the fumes, there is a total obscurement, meaning even those in an adjacent hex cannot be seen clearly. This creates a -2 penalty on melee attack dice and a -5 for ranged attacks for those firing into or from within the effect; friendly fire will be used for all ranged attacks as well. |
Obsessions | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Special |
This curse is placed about a target that can be seen and is within range. The potential victim must make a Will save against Comp (2d4+10) plus the caster’s Faith bonus (Comp range 13-23). If succeeding, the attempt results with no effect; however, it the target fails the save, then it gains a minor obsessive compulsive disorder. This would manifest in something like demanding that clothes are clean and wrinkle free at all times, even if changing several times per day is required. If the clothes became soiled, they would need to be burned. Any other similar obsession could be selected by the GM. However, from gameplay, the effect is that the inflicted person would lose an hour of effective activity time each day to manage the uncontrollable compulsive behaviors. This quirk would continue until the victim made a successful save against the original Comp when waking for each subsequent day. While unlikely, should the victim fail the daily save for a month, the GM might rule that it becomes permanent. |
Opportunity | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Until next turn |
This invocation grants advantage to the recipient's next turn. If no action is taken at that moment, then the blessing is lost. |
Pair to Other | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
When the priests uses his or her action to cast an invocation that has a range of “self,” then the caster can immediately use a reaction to cast this spell and touch one creature. That creature is affected by that spell instead of the priest, as if it were the source of the spell. The cleric is still the caster of the spell, and if it requires concentration or other special conditions, the those must be met and maintained by the priest. If the creature does not want the receive the bestowing, it can make a Will preservation save against Comp (d6+14) plus the caster’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 15-25). |
Perceive Insanity | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 2 hours |
The priest can sense the presence of mental disturbance in creatures within 30 feet. While the duration of the spell is 2 hours, the awareness is not automatic. It requires focus (as an action) to sense the state of one creature. The history of the problem or what it is will not be revealed, merely that the being is suffering from some sort of madness or addiction. Charmed or possessed creatures will also register under this discernment, but they will be indistinguishable from insanity. |
Poison Ward | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 12 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self within 30 feet. That target gains advantage specifically from poisons that might harm him or her over its next 12 turns. Against any effect classified as poison requiring a preservation save, the recipient will make such rolls with advantage. Should any effects still bring damage to the recipient, then he or she should be considered resistant to poison for any such calculations. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction after being struck by poison. While not exactly intuitive, it would allow a re-rolling of the save and calculating the damage/duration if still failing. |
Polymorph Plant | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This invocation enables the shaman to transform any single plant, including fungus and mold, into any other type of plant of choice. The change is permanent. The changed plant has the physical appearance of the new form, but may not have all its associated properties. If edible, the new form tastes bland, like cotton. If it is used as a magical component, there is only 50% chance of success on the spell. If used for alchemy or some sort of medicinal means, there is only a 50% chance of having the beneficial properties. Only living plants can be polymorphed. This power will not work on a fallen leaf, nut or picked fruit. The size of the plant is not a factor, as a blade of grass can be transformed into a towering oak tree and vice versa. Further, the new form does not have to be indigenous to the region, although the weather might impact its survival. Neither the original or transformed versions can be an intelligent or plantlike creature. Magical and abnormal plants are not allowed; thus, a mushroom can be turned to a cornstalk, but not a 50-ft tall cornstalk or a cornstalk that produces apples rather than corn. |
Prestidigitation [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 1 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Up to 10 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 minute |
This special incantation, available only to jzaka priests of Feluperi, is similar to the cantrip of the same name. It has a lower-than-normal cost, but allows the performance of a simple trick, which can manifest in one of several different ways: • Create an instantaneous and harmless sensory effect, such as a puff of wind, shower of sparks, music or odd odor. • Light or snuff a flame up to the size of a torch, instantaneously • Clean or soil an object smaller than one-cubic foot • Chill, warm or flavor a nonliving material smaller than one-cubit foot lasting up to one hour. • Create a mark or symbol of a desired color on a nonliving object or surface lasting up to one hour. |
Produce Disease | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This is more of a slow curse than something to assault with in combat. The priest can select either Abyssal Fever, Hangman's Distemper, or Rat Fever to infect the target. The victim must make a save appropriate to the type of disease. If failing, symptoms will begin to occur at the end of the incubation period. Similarly, the priest can infect an inanimate object that will likewise deliver the disease if touched by another within the incubation period. |
Protection from Cold | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 30 feet. That target gains +2 PP value bonus and +2 for saves against cold-based damage until the end of the recipient's sixth subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if being struck by an ice-dart as a preventative to avoid the strike. |
Protection from Fire | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 30 feet. That target gains +2 PP value bonus and +2 for saves against fire until the end of the recipient's sixth subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if being struck by an fire-dart as a preventative to avoid the strike. |
Protection from Insects [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 5-ft radius | Duration: | Up to 1 minute per Faith |
This spell prevents bodily contact between the shaman, and normal insects. This protection extends to adjacent hexes. It completely hedges out swarming attacks of common insects, such as insect plague. Attacks by giant-sized insects attack at disadvantage. Also, the shaman saves at +3 against effects from giant-sized attacks. The spell does not affect monsters and insects of a magic nature. |
Protection from Lightning | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 30 feet. That target gains +2 PP value bonus and +2 for saves against lightning until the end of the recipient's sixth subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to help against being struck by a lighting bolt. |
Protection from Serpents | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 24 hours |
This incantation protects the recipient from normal serpents. Nonmagical and unintelligent snakes simply ignore the creature's presence. Giant, magical, or intelligent snakes, and snakelike beings such as nagas, can still attack, but at disadvantage. The protected creature has a +1 save bonus against injected poisons for the spell’s duration, even if it is not from a viper or snake-like creature. The material component is ash from a fire in which a snake has been cremated. Relatively large amounts of the ash are required, because, as the spell is cast, the shaman smears the ash over the recipient’s body. The spell ends if the ash is washed off, or after 24 hours in any case. If the ash is removed from a part of the subject, the exposed portion is again vulnerable to snake bites; however, the change of striking that specific spot will be determined by the GM. |
Prying Eye [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Special | Duration: | Up to 4 hours |
This incantation requires concentration, which prevents reactions or new spells during its use; however, during its use, a large amount of information can be garnered. Thus, it would be unlikely to be used when other spells might be needed. At the spells birth, it creates an invisible, floating eye, 1 inch in diameter, at a location the caster can see within 120 feet. This sensor sees in all directions with same visual as the priest, continuously transmitting what it sees back to the caster. Each round (10 seconds), the priest can either move the eye quickly up to 30 feet away, seeing only things in front of the eye. A second option is to move more slowly, up to a maximum of 10 feet, seeing everything in all directions around it. It does not transmit sound, smell or touch; nor can it pass through solid objects. However, there is no limit to how far from the priest that the eye can move, but the spell ends immediately if this link ceases to be on the same plane of existence. Thus, if sending the sensor through a gateway to another dimension, even a magic pocket dimension, such as a hidden lodge or hideaway. The caster can attempt to notice anything subtly or easily overlooked by using an action through the eye as a Perception check. Although invisible, the eye is detectable. Any damage dealt to it destroys it and ends the spell. If sending the sensor in a straight line at top speed for the full duration, this spell could reach a little over eight miles. |
Quell Fire | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 100 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
The priest selects a point within range. No fire can burn within 40 feet of that point. Any fire currently in that area is immediately extinguished. Not even dragon’s breath nor magical fire can burn within 40 feet of that point. Any fire elemental-based creatures in that area will suffer d4 points of cold damage and be pushed to the nearest unoccupied space outside the radius. The magical suppression lasts until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to suppress a fire that suddenly started. |
Radiance | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 5 turns |
With this invocation, the priest is able to create a ward against death magic for himself or herself with a slight glow that produces dim light out to 15 feet. Until the end of the fifth subsequent turn, the priest is resistant to necrotic damage. |
Radiant Halo | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self (10 feet) | Duration: | Until next turn |
The priest draws forth a small spark of the primal flame that smolders beneath the earth, allowing energy to shine in a purifying halo. The priest and each ally in a 10-foot radius (19 hexes) gain resistance to fire damage until the end of the priest’s next turn. The first time each subject of this spell is inflicted by melee damage within a 5-ft reach before the end of the priest’s next turn, then the attacking creature suffers 1d4 points of fire damage. |
Rage | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 minute per Faith |
Casting this spell invokes a battle fervor that temporarily raises Strength, combat abilities, and Body points to a single creature. The affected individual’s Strength score is raised 2 points up to a score of 8 maximum. This will raise the Body score accordingly as well as an additional 4 temporary points on top, which disappear when the spell expires if they were not damaged. Further, the affected creature makes all melee attacks at advantage. Moreover, initiative is increased by +1 and a +2 bonus is granted to saves while the spell is in effect. However, enraged creatures are so intent on combat that they cannot cast spells. After the spell elapses, the formerly enraged creature is exhausted, requiring a short rest, which will not restore any points before engaging in combat or other stressful activities again. |
Rapid Warmth | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
This restores a being to its normal healthy body temperature and removing any lingering chills from exposure to cold. This will also instantly thaw a frozen creature, as being a victim of cold of cone. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction if the priest were the victim of a cone of cold. |
Rapport | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
The priest chooses a willing target within range. For the duration, the priest and the target each know the exact direction and distance from each other. The invocation will continue to function if the priest or the target dies. If either travels to a different plane or enters an area where magic does not function (such as an antimagic field), the spell is temporarily interrupted. |
Re-preserve | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This effect is the opposite of decompose, as it regrows flesh upon a skeleton to restore the appearance of the deceased on the time of death. While this is often used for funerals or investigations, it is also possible to prepare the dead to become a zombie rather than a skeleton prior to animating it. This will affect up to 2 skeletons per casting. |
Reanimation | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
A deceased creature is restored to a semblance of life it once was, assuming the creature has been dead less than one day per point of Faith. However, this is a method of un-life, granting the new creature all the abilities of an undead being with part of its original abilities in tact, but the new being is not the same nor does it have a soul. It also has little free will and basically follows the instructions of the caster. Any skills costing 300 karma or less are restored to the new being's existence; however, no divine powers are recovered. Its sub-attribute scores will each be one point lower than when alive. Movement base is also ten feet slower than normal. The body does not decay while it is reanimated. Such a reanimated creature is not actually undead; thus it cannot be turned, harmed by positive energy, affected by holy water, or healed by negative energy. If killed again, it can be reanimated again so long as the time limit is within the original death. |
Recruit Medic | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 3 turns |
With this invocation, the priest recruits a healing assistant and enables the recipient, who must be capable of speech, to be empowered with a special version of laying on hands. After completing the spell, the recipient can use its next three turns can perform a the divine skill, having other targets make two special Resilience saves to be healed. See the details in the Divine Skills section. However, there is no short-rest requirement until after this special endowment ends. However, once the invocation is complete, the empowered recipient cannot perform laying on hands again from either its own skills or this spell until after a short rest. |
Reeking | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 hour |
Another dwarven curse that forces the victim to roll a Faith preservation save (Comp:12) to avoid. If failing, the target touched smells horrible, modeled from the stench of a dwarf after a days long day of hard work; a lot of sweat mixed with dirt, metal, blood and countless other smells. The aura of smells noticeable for up to 30 feet depending on conditions. The smell is disgusting, and gives a -2 to all social encounters. The smell can not be washed away, and even strong perfumes can not mask it. The reeking will draw any insects or creatures usually attracted by strong smells, and will be left behind for those that track by smell. Although normal means will not dissipate the odor before the spell elapses, a free curse will. The priest may also end the effect at any time. Once the reeking has ended, the lingering effects will remain in clothing and equipment until they are cleaned. |
Refresh | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
Upon touching another being, their personal energy will be restored as if just having slept for eight hours. The recipient can continue normal movement, labor and actions without the need for additional rest or fear of contracting exhaustion. However, this does not replace the effects of either a short or long rest; attribute points are not recovered in any way. Further, this cannot remove any degree of existing exhaustion imposed from penalties. The recipient cannot receive a second enchantment of this type without first using an actual long rest. |
Regenerate | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 5 minutes |
Up to two recipients touched by the priest gain the ability to heal quickly. Each gain back 1 point of Body at the start of its turn after being touched. The regenerative powers cannot restore a creature above its maximum score; however, if a limb is lost while under this power, it would grow back, assuming the maximum about of points were restored by the end of the incantation. The effect lasts for 5 minutes (or 30 rounds). Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction should a limb be severed. |
Reincarnation | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 30 minutes | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This invocation enhances the normal afterlife process of the Lacerta religion with more immediate results, allowing the priest can bring back a dead person in another body if death occurred no more than one week before the casting. Reincarnation does not require any special rolls for success. The corpse is touched, and a new incarnation of the person appears in the area in d6 turns. The person reincarnated recalls the majority of his former life and form, but the skill of the new incarnation might be very different indeed. The new incarnation is determined on the following table or by GM choice. If a player character race is indicated, a new character must be created. At the GMs option, certain special (expensive) incenses can be used that may increase the chance for a character to return as a specific race or species. If an unusual creature form is indicated, the GM might use the guidelines for new player character races to allow the character to earn skills, although this may not be the same ones as before. If the reincarnated character returns as a character capable of having skills, the reincarnated character will have half the previous karma value for gathering skills and attributes. A character returning as a an animal or other creature will have the ability to speak, but only the abilities of the incarnated creature.
Rejuvenating Waters | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This incantation requires the priest to have access to enough water to fully immerse the recipient, but by doing so, this will heal 2d6+2 to a single target. However, there is a further chance of expelling negative effects of poison or charm as well. If the recipient is affected by poison, then another save against the type of poison originally inflicted is permitted. If successful, this acts as an anti-venom procedure against the specific poison. If the recipient is under the effects of a charm or even possession, a second save like the original is permitted to remove the effect. |
Remote Listening [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 3 turns |
For a short moment, the priest can center an invisible sensor anywhere in range that can been seen. Until the end of the third subsequent turn, the priest can hear as if he or she were at that point instead of where he or she actually stands. This requires concentration. |
Remove Disease | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
Remove disease cures all diseases from one to three subjects. The power also inflicts 2d6 points of Body damage to any parasite, mold or slime creatures. Certain special, magical or even alchemical diseases may not be countered by this ability at the GM’s discretion. |
Renew Breath | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
If a being within range is suffering from asphyxiation, then this invocation will increase a creatures total number of rounds to suffer asphyxiation by two. For example, a creature with a current Body score of 16 can survive four rounds of gulping and gasping unbreathable atmosphere. However, by assistance of this divine power, the total rounds is extended to six rounds. This effect cannot be used cumulatively upon the same target until the recipient has respired breathable air for one full round, from end of turn to end of subsequent turn. Further, this incantation cannot be be place prior to the recipient being under the asphyxiating restriction. From a roleplaying aspect, this power unfortunately does not alleviate any of the pain or offer any healing associated with the choking effect. |
Renew Deposit | Spirit Cost: 12 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 day | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
This spell permits a dwarven high priest to renew the normally nonrenewable mineral resources upon which dwarven society depends. With this spell, a depleted mineral or metal ore deposit can slowly grow and renew itself. First, a mineral seed must be prepared. The type of seed must be the same as that of the deposit to be renewed (e.g., a gold seed is used to renew a gold vein, a diamond seed is used to restore a diamond mine). The value of the seed ranges from 5,000 bits for a base metal (such as iron) up to 150,000 gp or more for a very rare substance (such as mythril). Next, the high priest casts prayer upon the seed, then casts the renew deposit spell. The seed is planted in the depleted vein at the midway point of the spell-casting. The cleric will require bed rest for 72 hours after the spell is completed, because the spell is so physically and spiritually draining. Once the spell is cast, the depleted deposit slowly grows new ore until the vein is completely renewed. The vein renews itself at a rate that depends on the substance growing in the vein, as follows: • Base metal (iron or copper): 5-30 years. • Precious metal (silver or gold): 20-80 years. • Very rare metal (mithral): 70-100 years. • Semiprecious stones: 5-20 years. • Fancy stones: 10-60 years. • Gems tones: 20-80 years. The substance grows until the deposit is fully renewed, up to the total volume of the original deposit. If the vein is again depleted, the spell may be cast again. If the vein is hastily mined before the deposit is fully renewed, the spell is broken and no additional growth occurs. Furthermore, no additional growth can ever occur, even if the spell is cast again, because the vein has been spiritually polluted by the greed and haste of the foolish miners. Only a special act of forgiveness by a dwarven deity can overcome the spiritual pollution of the area. |
Repeat Action | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
This invocation compels its target to repeat the previous action. When witnessing an ally or enemy take an action, the priest can create a partial time-loop so that the result of the repetition is always identical to the original result within a few restrictions. For example, if an individual fired an arrow and inflicted 4 points of damage, a repeat action casting would cause the target to fire a second arrow on its next action that also inflicts 4 points of damage. This requires the same target of the original arrow-shot to be fired upon again, assuming it is still within range. If the target of the second arrow-shot moves out of range, is under any cover better than the first shot, or is out of sight, the target of the repeat action would fire an unsuccessful arrow in that general direction. If repeat action is used on an enemy to repeat a failed action (an unwilling subject) or if the ally does not want to take the same action, then that target is allowed a Will preservation save against a Comp (d8+14) plus Faith modifier (range: 18-27). The subject of a repeat action must be capable of performing the indicated action a second time or the prayer fails. An archer who has no arrows can't fire a second shot. A sorcerer allowed to repeat an axiom, would attempt this if having remaining Mind points with any material components still available; however, the sorcerer would not desire to recast the axiom despite having enough points would be considered an unwilling subject. |
Resistance to Fire | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 50 feet | Duration: | 18 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target becomes resistant against fire, gains +5 PP value against fire and +5 to all saves involving fire. The effect lasts for 18 turns. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction in response to being struck by fire damage. |
Resistance to Ice | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 50 feet | Duration: | 18 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target becomes resistant against cold, gains +5 PP value against cold and +5 to all saves involving cold. The effect lasts for 18 turns. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction in response to being struck by cold damage. |
Resistance to Lightning | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 50 feet | Duration: | 18 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target becomes resistant against lightning, gains +5 PP value against lightning and +5 to all saves involving lightning. The effect lasts for 18 rounds. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction in response to being struck by a lightning bolt. |
Restore | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This power restores each value of Body, Mind and Spirit to within d6 from their maximum scores, rolled separately. If the current value exceeds the calculation, then that score is restored to maximum. However, the power of this incantation is so great that it cannot be cast a second time without having a short rest first. Further, this incantation is subject to the divine law of spiru-dynamics, meaning the maximum number of Spirit points restored is limited to 10 points. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to counteract the results of some sort of debilitating assault. |
Return to Earth | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Next turn |
Granted only by Egasski, this incantation turns the physical bodies of undead creatures within 30 feet of the caster into sand. The affected undead must actually have physical forms; for example, wraiths and shadows are not subject to this spell. Undead with 15 or more maximum Body points are allowed a Resilience preservation save (Comp:13), but zombies, skeletons and lesser animated undead are not. The magic will strike up to four creatures affecting the weakest, then the closest, that are within range. Once cast, bits of the undead creatures begin to crumbIe and fall to the ground, completely destroying them by the end of the priest’s subsequent turn. As they deteriorate, affected undead creatures suffer all actions as if being at disadvantage. |
Reveal | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This power dispels all invisible, concealed and magically hidden items and beings within a 30-foot radius. Each potentially revealed creature must make a Resilience preservation save against a Comp (d6+8) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-19). If failing, the invisible creature is revealed or glowing for non-corporeal. The magical indication can be seen by all with normal vision and even penetrate darkness; however, without darkvision or other sight, only objects revealed can be seen through the darkness – everything else is still unknown. |
Revive | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Instantaneous |
Similar to refresh, this invocation grants energy as if just having slept eight hours, but further by the priest’s touch, the recipient also has one degree of exhaustion removed. In addition, this will advance the next long rest, granting all the attribute-point recover associated with it. However, the long-rest enhancement cannot be gained if a long rest has recently occurred in the last four hours, and additionally, the recipient’s next long rest will grant no restoration for attributes or exhaustion. |
Ride the Lightning | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 300 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
The priest transforms into a lightning bolt and instantaneously moves to a new location within 300 feet. The bolt cannot inflict damage. No movement points are used by this invocation. |
River Eyes [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | 3 miles | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
This allows the priest to view happenings that are occurring along a natural watercourse in which the priest stands. The vision can only see downstream and not behind the flow of the water. Further, this incantation requires concentration, which prevents reactions or new spells during its use. The range of this awareness is one miles per point of Faith; however, concentrating on multiple areas of the waterway simultaneously is not possible. |
Sail | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | Until next turn |
The priest gains the ability to walk on air for a brief moment. The priest gains a flying speed equal to the normal walking speed until the end of his or her next turn, at which point the spell ends. If the priest is still aloft, he or she will fall unless you can stop the fall by some other means. |
Sanctify | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest blesses all allies and self within 20 feet to a maximum of 8 recipients. Each one is under advantage for all combat rolls, melee and range, and gain +2 on all attack dice for the next 6 subsequent actions for each individual endowed. |
Sand Warriors | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest can summon d3+1 warriors from beneath the sand to fight for him or her. The warriors are completely loyal and cannot be controlled or stolen, although they can be banished by a successful disrupt magic or similar means. They are constructs, having Armor Class of 15, with 16 Body points, and wield terrible swords that strike as 2d20 attacks. Unlike most constructs, sand warriors are fast, having a movement rate of 60 feet. They are resistant to fire and lightning. However, sand warriors take double damage from water-based or cold-based attacks. To use this spell, a cup of water is poured onto the sand where the warriors are to rise. Their existence lasts until the end of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn after casting. |
Sandstorm [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | Special | Range: | Special | Duration: | Up to 12 turns |
This incantation requires an extending casting time, which starts with the first action and continues through the action of the second subsequent turn and the chanting prayer continues until the start of the priest's third turn. Upon that moment, the power conjures a very large dust devil: one that can engage and harm a number of targets simultaneously. The storm is a “natural condition” and a hazard that cannot be attacked any more so than fighting the wind. The sandstorm is a large whirlwind of dust and sand twelve feet tall that covers an area of 25 feet in diameter (37 hexes). At the start of the turn when the priest complete the casting and each of the priest’s subsequent turns, the storm can move up to 30 feet. Any creature starting its turn or passing through it becomes subject to a 4d20 (+9) attack that inflicts 1 point per successful hit-die plus an additional d6 points of damage, all of which considered edged damage. Additionally, the creature must roll a Perception perseverance save (Comp:15) or be blinded while in the storm and an additional d4 turns after emerging from it. Further, the winds of the storm put out normal fires. Also, exposed items must roll survival chances or be destroyed. The storm can hold a gas cloud or a creature in gaseous form at bay or push it away from the caster. The cloud obscures vision similar to downpour, making all range attacks into or out of the area penalized by -4 to hit. Spell-casting within the storm is not possible and any casting interrupted by the storm is ruined. However, the incantation requires concentration to maintain it, meaning the priest cannot cast other spell, is not permitted reactions and combat is at disadvantage. The maximum time the storm can exist is until the caster’s twelfth subsequent of controlling the storm. |
Sculpt [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Special |
The ability can form an existing piece of stone into any shape that suits a purpose. Moving parts and fine detail are simply not possible. The amount of stone altered is 5 cubic feet per point of Faith, but no dimension can be greater than 5 feet; thus, with a score of 3, a 3x5 wall 1-foot deep could be created. A standard door could be effectively blocked from passage with the change of 10 cubic feet from a stone floor. For the completion of the transformation, spell concentration is required, meaning no reactions or new spells are permitted, also combat attacks are at disadvantage. The rate of shaping is one cubic foot per round. |
Seduction | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 15 feet | Duration: | 30 minutes |
The caster causes an alluring charm to come over a single target, permitted the victim is animal or humanoid. The victim must make a Judgment preservation save against a Comp of (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). If failing the save, then the effect works, and the target considers the priest to be a close and dear friend and under the charmed restriction. Social interactions can be rolled with a +6 bonus. Once the duration has expired, the recipient will have little memory of what transpired. |
Self-Reflection [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Self | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This effect allows the priest to accelerate his or her own natural healing. The invocation requires a full minute of chanting and concentration, during which no reactions may be taken or new spells cast. At the end of the chanting, the priest will reap all the benefits as if having taken a short rest. This will not count against any other natural rests; thus, the priest can gain the benefits of two short rests in one day. However, this incantation cannot be cast again until after the of a long rest. |
Showers | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | From 2 to 4 turns |
The priest can produce heavy rain fall in a 15-foot radius circular area (19 hexes), which lasts for a variable time, terminating at the end of one of the priest’s subsequent turns. The total time of the effect is d3+1 rounds; thus, it ends from the second to the fourth turn following the casting. During the effect, the shower acts as like an obscurement, inflicting a -2 penalty to all range to hit attacks from within or fired into the area, despite the the total distance of the shot. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to obscure the ranged attack of a bowman. |
Shrine for the Undead | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 24 hours |
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Silent Step | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 5 minutes |
For the duration of the incantation, the target can move with silent steps. This includes walking over difficult terrain with no penalty; however, it cannot overcome the effects of a thicket or similar spells nor will it prevent any sort of restraint. The net result is the target gains an additional d6+2 on any stealth Comp calculations. |
Singing Stone | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | Up to 20 seconds | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
This results in a similar but more power version of glamour mouth. It traps a short tune, up to 20 seconds of sound or 40 words. Whenever the stone is either tapped or entirely immersed in water, it emits the tune or message, repeating it at 10-minute intervals if the immersion continues. Any solid stone no larger than the caster's fist will serve, and the music can consist only of sounds the caster can make himself (in other words, singing, playing an instrument, and thumping out a rhythm simultaneously as about as complex as the captured sound can be. The “tune” need not involve vocal sounds; it may be a message spoken or chanted rather than sung. In any case, pitch, timbre, tone and inflections of the voice and instruments are precisely duplicated, and listeners could mistake the sounds of a singing stone for a particular person's actual voice. This spell has been used to prepare traps, leave behind wills or dying messages, and to preserve the best work of the bards. The maker of the sound to be captured must be the caster. There is no known way to use this spell to capture the words or song of another being. The invocation does not pick up the words of others or background noise, even if such things were present as the spell was cast, but it does preserve throat-clearings, mistakes, and other noises -- such as the caster of something dropped by the caster, even sounds that the caster may not want preserved. The sound is preserved at the volume level reaching the stone. Loud shouting or music is recorded as loud. The spell range refers to the fact that the stone must be touched. The caster can, if desired, move way from the stone to achieve an echoing effect or a distant sound and can even choose to move continuously toward, away from, or around the stone while recording. The recorded sound will reflect this. |
Sky Drop | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Line of sight, roughly 3 miles | Duration: | Instantaneous |
With this incantation the priest flies upwards at supersonic speeds and lands at a new destination, effectively teleporting. The destination can be as far away as can be seen by an unobscured line of sight, which is approximately three miles on level ground. This transport is always on target, but can only be used if the open sky is directly overhead. |
Slow Wound | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | Self | Duration: | Until next turn |
In response to suffering physical damage, this incantation can be triggered by using an available reaction. It can be chosen after knowing the amount of damage to suffer. It alters the speed of the inflicting damage to spread over time. This effectively buffers the intensity of the original wound. Visibly the wound develops slower than normal. If a laceration were inflicted, the skin breaking and blood spilling would appear as if in slow motion. From a game perspective, half of the damage is received instantly (round down); however, the initial slowing reaction lessens the damage by a d4. The remaining amount will occur at the end of the priest’ next turn. Thus, if 10 points are inflicted, (5-d4) points are suffered instantly, then the remaining 5 later. If the d4 buffer reduces the damage to zero or below, then no damage is inflicted for in either round and the wound closes itself. If suffering damage but being healed in the interim of the two inflictions, the future damage can be reduced or even prevented from manifesting. Any skill-based or magical effects from the wounding will not take effect until the end of the priest’s next turn after receiving the damage. For example, if maimed, the reduction in movement would be delayed. Likewise, an infusion of fire would not inflame for damage until the next turn. Moreover, if the weapon were poisoned or enchanted in a way that the victim must make a save upon being struck, that save would not take effect until the end of the next turn. However, if the damage is removed entirely and reduced to zero, prior to when the effect should begin, then the malevolence, poison, spell-effect is avoided completely. |
Smear | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
This ability targets carvings, totems, runes or writing as a single object, magical and non-magical alike. It dilapidates the item, reducing recognizable symbols to illegible smears, carved likenesses to marred blobs, and runes to a defaced result. This is an automatic effect on a writing which is not in not under the control of a living being. However, when an object resides inside a lifesong or biofield (including tattoos), then the target creature is permitted a Faith preservation save against the divine power. The Comp is a (d6+8) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-19). Magical writings might have their own save as well, at the discretion of the GM. |
Smog | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 100 feet | Duration: | 15 minutes |
The priest can produce a huge and extremely dense fog in a 40-foot radius circular area, which lasts for 15 minutes until it slowly dissipates. The smog creates a visible obscurement, limiting line of sight to 5-feet for those looking into or from within the effect. The smog can be overcome by magical sources, but natural wind will not dissipate or move it. Ranged attacks can still be used; however, firing upon targets inside the smog suffers a -5 attack penalty. Further, all ranged attacks are considered blind-shots, meaning the friendly fire rule is used. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to obscure the ranged attack of a bowman. |
Snow Shape [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Special |
The ability can form snow and ice into any shape that suits a purpose. Moving parts and fine detail is simply not possible. The amount of frozen material altered is 10 cubic feet per point of Faith; thus, with a score of 3, a 3x10 wall 1-foot deep could be created. For the completion of the transformation, mental concentration is required, meaning no reactions or new spells are permitted. The rate of shaping is 5 cubic feet per second. |
Solar Flare | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Special |
The priest causes light to shine from within himself. As an action, the caster creates a burst of light which originates from oneself and has a radius of 60 feet. All creatures within 20 feet who are not friendly must roll a Perception save (Comp:16) or be blinded until the end of its next 6 turns (1 minute). After the initial blast of light, if used in a dark space, 60-foot radius area will be lit by a bright glow until the end of then priest's next turn. |
Sorcery Bane | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until next turn |
Psychic energy surrounds the selected target within range. The creature’s next melee attack that hits before the end of its next turn inflicts an additional d4 Mind damage. If a melee attack is not used or the attack misses, the invocation terminates. |
Sorcery Curse | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
An invisible ray shoots from the hand of the priest toward a target within range, which makes a d20 attack against its armor class. If the priest has ranged fighting, then any Agility bonus can be added to the to-hit value. If the caster further has a hurling skill, then the total Agility score is added in lieu of the bonus. If successfully striking, no damage is inflicted; however, the target cannot cast axioms or even cantrips; however, incantations are possible. This suppression lasts until the end of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn. Further, the victim cannot be the recipient of other axioms for this duration. Also, any sorcery effect on the target is suppressed for the duration, though it is not necessarily fully-dispelled, as it might resume when the curse expires should the original magic have lasted through that time span. On the victim’s turns while under the effect, it can use an action to make a Logic preservation save (Comp:18). If successful, then the curse is lifted early. Finally, if a magic item created through sorcery artificing is targeted by the ray, its magical properties are suppressed for the incantation’s duration. Magic items on the target’s person and enveloped by its lifesong, will also cease to function while the curse is in effect. This includes weapons made of enchanted materials, which will act as a steel weapon when under the blocking effects of the sorcery curse. This includes the ”silver” or magical properties to overcome a creature that is only harmed by non-magical weapons. |
Speak with Animals | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 10 minutes |
The fey priest gains the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with animals for the duration; however, the creature must have at least 1 mind score. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, beasts can give information about nearby locations and monsters, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. This does not permit persuasion for the animal to perform any favors; however, in trade of food or other bargaining, at the GM’s discretion, gaining a small favor is possible. It is recommended the animal being willing (GM’s discretion) or fail a Judgment save (Comp:12). |
Speak with Water | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 minute |
Water, or the spirit sthat dwells within it, can speak to casters of this spell; this includes swamp water. It will know such things as what creatures drank from it last or traversed through it. It will also know what the creatures looked like, where a particular fish is, or if a specific item lies at the bottom. It has no concept of names or time, and generally only remembers natural events that have occurred in the past week. This is a good way of finding out how long a given water supply will last, or if it has been poisoned or enchanted. The shaman must be able to see the water to speak with it. |
Sphere of Life | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Self | Duration: | 24 hours |
This spell enables a number of creatures to survive in arid, inhospitable terrain. Those within a 25-foot diameter sphere, centered on and moving with the caster, need only half their water requirements per day, and regain 1 extra Body point every long rest. Occupants of the sphere can briefly step outside of the area, but so long as most of the time is spent inside the sphere, then its effects will protect those within. The spell does not help the caster in any way, in fact, the caster requires twice the normal amount of water. The priest transfers his own bodily water to those within the circle of life, requiring his or her own water to be replenished more often. Eggaski only grants this invocation. |
Spike Stones | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 90 feet | Duration: | 8 hours |
Rocky ground, stone floors, and similar surfaces shape themselves into long, sharp points that blend into the background. Spike stones impede progress through an area and deal damage. Any creature moving on foot into or through the 20ft square area moves at half speed. In addition, each creature moving through must make an Agility preservation save (Comp:10) for every 5 feet of movement through the spiked area; if failing the save, d4 point of piercing damage is inflicted to the body. Any creature that takes damage from this spell must also succeed a Resilience save (Comp:10) after clearing the area to avoid injuries to their feet and legs. A failed save causes the creature’s speed to become half of normal for 24 hours or until the injured creature receives magical healing. Spike stones is a magical trap that requires a Perception check of 16 or higher to notice it. |
Spineless | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 10 minutes |
This power allows the priest to walk in dangerous terrain, magical or otherwise, such as into a thicket,brambles or even spike stones area, without fear of becoming harmed. This further allows the priest to ignore movement penalties from rough terrain, whether natural or magical in nature. Should movement through an area require saves to avoid damage, then those saves are made at advantage, as well as a +3 on any save die roll. Areas that automatically inflict damage, such as briers, would still inflict harm but the priest could move through the effect at his or her standard movement rate. Further, if under the prone restriction, those movement restrictions remain; however, additional rough terrain modifiers would not apply. Lastly, this allows the priest to stand up from prone with a cost of only one-quarter of one’s standard movement (rather than half). Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to grant oneself special movement through a dangerous-terrain area that the priest himself created. |
Spirit Sight | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 30 minutes |
This ability endows the priest with a life-detection radar sense like the undead use; however, the priest can only use this sense up to 60 feet. During this effect, the priest is effectively immune to the blinded restriction. This effect lasts for 30 minutes. |
Stand Firmish | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 2 actions | Range: | Self | Duration: | 8 hours |
When invoking this spell, it has a dual effect of keeping memories of good times had in the forefront on the priest’s thoughts, but further literally prevents anything from keeping one down. As a result, the caster is immune to the prone restriction allowing the standing up response to occur automatically without the cost of a reaction, although it still will not occur until the next initiative. Furthermore, no movement points are lost for standing. This effect works even if the priest loses consciousness. However, should the caster die, the spell effect is lost. Lastly, there is a material requirement for this invocation, which is a shot of dwarven whiskey which is consumed upon casting. This, of course, makes it less likely to use during a combat as the preparation of pouring the whiskey and casting require 2 actions. |
Star Reading | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 15 minutes | Range: | Special | Duration: | Special |
This unique spell is granted only by Fortidus. Further, it can only be cast if the priest has a skill in astrology. However, with it, the caster studies the alignment of the night sky to read the omens of future events. It is a very nebulous understanding; however, it allows the priest to use a special ability for the next several hours (until the next sunset). Twice during this time, he or she can add a d4 to any of his or her own checks or saves; however, the choice to do so must be made prior to rolling the dice. The dynamic bonus is the act of special precognitive knowledge gained from the reading. |
Static Shield | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 6 turns |
The effect envelops the priest in a visible field of lightning, which sheds dim light for 10 feet. If no armor or an armor weighing under 16 pounds, it raises the recipient’s PP value by 3. This is classified as the “other” segment of PP value; thus, it is not able to be combined with rings of protection, etc. Additionally, it grants a further +2 bonus to the priest's PP value specifically against fire. If no armor is worn, the priest gains modifiers from Faith; otherwise, the modifier from the armor will be used. The effect ends upon the start of the priest’s sixth subsequent turn. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to raise the priest’s PP value in response to an attack. It could act similar to a dodge to possibly avoid an attack after knowing it hit. |
Status [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 120 feet | Duration: | 6 hours |
Once enchanting herself, the priestess can visually select any creature within range to know its Body attribute status by using a subsequent action. This can be used to assess an enemy or determine the severity of a fallen comrade. In game terms, this means the priest’s player can know the exact value for the current Body score, including temporary points which will be distinguished separately. As an example, the GM might say, the monster has 15 Body points, 2 of which are temporary. The range of the ability is a 120-foot radius and can only target beings without any protections from aura-reading, mind-shielding or magic resistance of any kind. To perform a scan on a seen creature, one full round of concentration is required and only information about a single target can be gained during that round. During this concentration, the time from starting the action until the start of the priest’s next turn, he or she cannot make any reactions. However, at the start of the next turn, he or she will be aware of the current values. Once endowing this ability, the priest can perform it as often as desired for the following 6 hours. There is no limit to the number of creatures that can be scanned but only one at a time. |
Stepping Stones | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until next turn |
This spell conjures up stones roughly the size of the priest's foot. One stepping stone is created for point of Faith of the caster. The stones may be placed by the priest as desired within the range of the incantation, and each stone is able to levitate above the ground up to eight feet above a surface (including water or a molten surface). Other people and creatures may use the stones for as long as they exist. When the duration ends or should the stones be dismissed by the priest, anyone standing on the stones will fall to the ground. The effect will expire no later than the start of the caster’s second subsequent turn. |
Stone Birds | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
When cast, this spell causes 2d4 birds to momentarily turn to stone and fall upon victims. Due to the nature of this invocation, it cannot be birthed indoors, underground or in locations where there are virtually no birds, such as a desert. The birds, no larger than a bluejay, are partly under the control of the caster but lose their ability to fly or remain perched; and as such, the priest can direct them to fall into certain locations. The priest selects up to an equal number of hexes within range to guide the stone birds’ dive-bombing fall. It is possible for the same hex to be selected three times, meaning up to three birds “attack” that space. Each stone bird is treated as a medium-weight weapon with a 2d20 attack. No Strength bonus is figured for the strike, making the blunt damage between 2 and 3 points. If a bird strikes an opponent, it too will suffer a like amount of damage, likely killing it. If it misses, the birds strikes the ground and inflict 1 point to itself. After striking a target, the bird will revert back to a non-stone form. If the birds survive, it is possible they might be impaired permanently. |
Stone Bones | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Un to 6 hours |
The priest selects from one to three allies to protect, which may include the priest oneself. Those recipients gain +5 to armor class against physical damage, including blunt, edged and piercing attacks. However, after being struck physically by any of these, the defense expires, and the PP value returns to normal at the start of the recipient’s next turn in combat. Any physical attacks in the interim will still be made against the higher armor class. The stone bones effect lasts for a maximum of six hours; if no physical damage is inflicted during that time, the effect expires. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction in response to being struck by devastating physical damage, comparing the new PP value to see if the damage would have been avoided. |
Stone of Sharpening | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 5 minutes | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
Any sword or other edged weapon, including cleavers and bastard swords, struck against this temporarily enchanted rock has its edge perfectly sharpened. This means the first attack with the weapon gains a +3 to-hit bonus and increases its weapon weight to 3 points upon a success striking. Its next attack will gain +2 to hit and act as a 2-point weapon of weight regardless of size. The third and final attack will gain +1 to hit and have 1 point for weight unless naturally heavier. After this point, the enchantment for that weapon ends. If the weapon has properties that are equal or better than these enhancements, these bonuses will not combine but rather the better of effects must be used. The stone can enchant as many weapons for every 2 points of Faith possessed by the caster. To cast this invocation, the caster wraps cloth around a stone, no larger than 2 feet in diameter, and soaks it in a pint of fish oil or whale fat. Next the cloth is set on fire until it disintegrates. The stone can then be used to sharpen and enchant weapons for the next ten minutes up to the maximum number of weapons allowed. Sharpening a weapon against the stone requires one minute. |
Stone Talk | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 10 minutes | Range: | Self | Duration: | 5 minutes |
With this incantation, the priest gains the ability to speak with stones, which relate who or what has touched them as well as revealing what is covered or concealed behind or under them. The stones relate complete descriptions if asked. A stone’s perspective, perception, and knowledge may prevent the stone from providing the details desired. The priest can speak with natural or worked stone. |
Suggestive Fear | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action (Special) | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Up to 30 seconds |
This effect is typically used in social encounters rather than combat, as it would be difficult without special skills of communication. However, with those, it would be possible. Unlike most other incantations, while this is spoken, requiring voice capability, it is not detectable as being cast during its birthing. It can be cast as quickly as one action; however, it could be drawn out in a soliloquy of twenty or thirty seconds to add more detail. The effects begin at the end of the first recorded action. The power of this ability attacks a single victim’s mental state, forcing one to make a Judgment preservation save against a Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 12-21). Should the victim fail, then as the priest speaks about potential accidents and mishaps that might happen, powerful suggestions overcomes the target’s perception as a phantasm illusion, whereby those statements feel very real for a few moments. For example, if the target were eating, the priest could suggest how painful and horrible it would be should the victim begin to choke; after hearing this the recipient suffers a momentary phantasm illusion as if he or she were actually choking, suffering from the asphyxiating restriction. The recipient must also understand the language the priest speaks. So long as the priest continues speaking, the illusionary effects last up to 30 seconds or 3 subsequent turns of the victim, unless made aware of the illusion. |
Summon Animals | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 1 hour |
The priest summons fey spirits that take the form of animals (but not primeval) and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. No creature type with more than 20 Body points can be summoned and all forms will be the same. The formed beasts can collectively equal 15 Body points plus two per Faith score of the priest; thus, if the priest has a 6 Faith, then 27 Body points of animals can be summoned, e.g., two giant frogs or six giant bats. The summoned creatures are friendly to the priest and companions. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (upon completion of casting). If no commands are issued, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. |
Summon Spectral Death | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 72 hours |
This evil spell summons a spectral death, a billowing cloud creature of negative energy, to find and slay a creature described to it by the caster. It cannot otherwise he commanded to fight for the caster. When it is summoned, the priest must be inside a Pentagram Cage from fiend practicum, standing on a repel evil rune, standing on the edge of unholy ground or a forbiddance, protected by evil by some magical means, or have a special item used to control the spectral death. Otherwise, the undead attempts to slay its summoner and return from whence it came. The spectral death returns to its own plane whenever the spell lapses, its mission is fulfilled, it is banished, or the priest is slain. If the spectral death cannot complete its mission within 3 days, and none of the foregoing have occurred it relentlessly tracks its summoner. If it confronts its summoner. As reincarnation is a vital part of the Lacerta beliefs, this invocation is considered incredibly cruel, which is why only Ssess'nik typically grants it. Although there have been rare events in lizardfolk history where the other deities in the pantheon have granted it as a one-time specialty for punishment of a horrific nemesis who is a nefarious threat to the tribe. |
Sunray | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
A beam of purifying fire and light emits from the priest, extending 40 feet in a 5-foot wide path. Each creature in the path will be inflicted by 4d4 points of fire damage and be blinded. Undead beings are vulnerable to this attack, making the base damage double the roll. However, each victim may make an Agility save against a Comp (2d4+15) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 20-28) to take only half the damage (round down) and avoid being blinded. |
Surrender | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Until next turn |
The effect fills the recipient with dread and attacks their spirit, who must make a Will preservation save against a Comp which is (d4+8) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-17). If failing the victim is vanquished, drops held weapons and becomes under the charmed restrictions until after its next action. However, if the priest or his allies attack the target during the surrender, then the charm is broken. Also, after the victim’s next turn, he/she/it may fight again, assuming weapons were not removed or the target was not restrained in some way in that time. |
Sustenance | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 minute | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
Provide internal sustenance equal to a day’s worth of food and water, effecting up to 2 people. |
Swamp Lance | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
This spell transforms one or more natural plants into flying spears that attack as the caster directs up to 60 feet. The plants can be of any sort, from clumps of moss or lichen to towering trees, but they must be alive for the incantation to work. Three spears are created by this spell and will attack during subsequent turns. At the start of each of the priest’s subsequent turns, one lance will animate, fly and strike at a target without the use of an action by the caster, who is free to work other magic or engage in other activities. Each spear attacks as a magical spear with a +2 bonus to hit, hurled as a 3d20 attack. Further, these strike with +2 for weapon-weight, despite that being abnormal for range weapons. The lance withers and vanishes after an attack. The lances are living plants until they wither; thus, they can be affected by magic that works on plants. A lance can also be destroyed by a successful disrupt magic if cast directly upon a single lance. Because using this invocation strips the local vegetation, it could be subject to terrain issues; however, the swamp tends not be short of vegetation. The spell works on existing living plants in their natural habitat. If there is insufficient plant growth within range, the caster cannot generate the effect. |
Sympathetic Dehydration [Concentration] | Spirit Cost: 10 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Concentration |
This awful invocation causes water to evaporate rapidly from the target creature’s body. The creature loses 1 Body point per round as its body fluids seep to the surface of the skin and are absorbed by the invocation. This continues until either the creature is dead or the priest is disrupted or willfully stops concentrating. Due to the concentration required, no other spells or reactions can be taken while this spell is in effect. The drinking a canteen of water by the victim stops all damage for 2 rounds and restores d2 points of damage taken from this invocation. The invocation not only steals its creature’s water, it transfers it to the caster as well. The priest doesn't have to drink again for a number of days equal to half the stolen points. If 10 Body points were stolen, the priest does not have to drink for 5 days. If the creature survives, drinking good water returns all but d4 of the lost Body points, and healing spells work normally. This evil spell does not normally afford a save; however, if the victim has either cold or necrotic resistance, then a special Resilience save (Comp:15) each round to be affected. Also, if under an undetectable invocation, then this magic cannot find the proper lifesong to attack and would render the subject unaffected. Use of sustenance cubes or other creative thinking would hamper or prevent the effect, requiring a ruling by the GM. This invocation cannot be cast on constructs, undead or other creatures that do not consume food. |
Taint Body of Water | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest transforms any large quantity of water within a 10-foot cube (3 hexes, 10-feet deep) centered on a point you choose into a deadly poison. This spell only affects bodies of water of at least 10 gallons or more within the affected area, not separate smaller quantities of water. It can also be liquid that is mostly water (such as blood, sewage, or wine), but a living creature’s vital fluids cannot be affected. Any creature with its head or one of its breathing pathways (such as a human nose or mouth) currently submerged into the tainted water must make a make a Resilience save against Comp (d8+14) plus Faith bonus (Comp range: 18-27) at the beginning of any turn in which they are so submerged. On a failure, the creature is poisoned for three rounds after being removed from the waters, and further victims suffer 2d4 Body points of poison damage. On a successful save, the creature can choose to spit the water out and take no damage, or if fully submerged, take half damage. If the creature failed its save, then at the start of each of the its next three subsequent turns, it must succeed on another Resilience save against the original Comp or suffer an additional d4 Body points of poison damage. However, on a successful subsequent save, no damage occurs and the threat from the poisonous waters ends, meaning no further saves are required. Creatures who are immune or otherwise do not need to save against the invocation and are within 5 feet of the transformed water can use an action to apply poison to one weapon, piece of ammunition, or portion of food or drink. Once applied, the poison retains potency for the duration of the incantation, which occurs at the end of the third subsequent turn, or until someone must save against it. If a creature is struck with the poisoned weapon or ammunition, or if it ingests the poisoned food or drink, it must make a Resilience save or be poisoned three rounds as well as suffer 1d4 Body points of poison damage. Creatures that succeed on the save suffer no ill effects or damage. |
Taint Cuisine | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Special |
With a deadly touch, the priest places an undetectable poison into one food item or drink. If this poison is ingested (such as if slipping it into a political enemy’s drink), the victim must make a Resilience preservation save (Comp:13). The victim suffers 2d4 points of poison damage towards Body and is under the poisoned restriction a failed save. This restriction lasts for one hour. Even on a successful save, half as much damage occurs, but there is no restriction. If an anti-venom procedure occurs, it will remove the poisoned penalties, but it will not restore lost Body points. Should the poisoned item not be ingested after 24 hours, the poisonous potency loses its effect. |
Target of All | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Up to 3 turns |
The priest chooses one target within range, which must make a Will save against Comp (2d4+10) plus Faith modifier (Comp range: 13-23). If it fails, every ranged weapon attack that targets a creature within, or originates within, 30 feet of the enchanted creature will twist in the air to strike that creature. Attack rolls must be made versus the enchanted creature’s PP value. This requires concentration on the part of the priest to maintain the curse, but it can last up to the end of the third following turn. However, at the end of the affected creature’s turn, it can attempt the Will save again against the original Comp to be free from the spell early. |
Terrac Mettle | Spirit Cost: 5 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 foot range | Duration: | Between 3 and 6 turns |
For the duration of the spell, which is variable, every terrac creature within range (including gnomes and even creatures that have only one dwarven parent) is immune to being shaken and frightened. Further, those blessed gain a special attack die pool for each of its turns. macro: !enchantR --alternattack @{selected|token_id} @{target|token_id} melee 1 ?{Damage Type|blunt|cleaver} magic ?{Weapon Size:|Light,0|Normal,1|Heavy,2} STR ?{Extra To Hit Bonus:|0} ?{Special|} This blessing lasts for d4+2 turns and end at the completions of the caster’s subsequent turn equal to that value. This extra die pool attack can be made separate from the affected terrac’s normal action or could be combined with an attack. The extra die pool will act as a second primary-hand die pool with only 1d20 but with whatever weapon is wielded in the first primary-hand pool. If no primary hand die pool is used in an attack, then this extra die pool will be lost. Further, regardless of the material of the weapon, the extra die pool will act as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. To clarify, if an affected dwarf normally attacked with a war maul for 2d20, then a second 1d20 pool with the war maul would be made. However, if choosing, the dwarf could also take a different action, such as drinking a potion, and still gain the 1d20 war maul attack. Finally, this power requires the sacrifice of a steel or better melee weapon, which must be a cleaver or a bludgeon, which has a value of at least 500 bits. If the sacrifice is greater than 1,000 bits, then any roll for duration has a minimum value of 2 for the d4. The sacrificed weapon is reduced to ash by the power of the invocation. |
Thick Air | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 12 turns |
This ability allows the priest to act as if having a deflect missiles skill for the following 12 turns, ending its duration at the end of the turn at that time. |
Thicket | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 9 turns |
This power creates a 10-foot radius circular area (7 hexes) filled with bushes, branches and vines, which creates great cover, but may only be created outdoors. Further, the thicket may not be created covering any occupied space. The area is considered rough terrain for any creature entering it, costing an additional foot of movement for each foot traversed. This divinely empowered effect will work against creatures who would otherwise not be penalized for terrain modifiers under natural conditions. In addition to the rough terrain modifier, should one choose to enter the thicket, then at the half-way point of that creature’s movement through the thicket area, an Agility preservation save is required against a Comp (d4+8) plus the priest’s Faith modifier (Comp range: 9-17). If failing the save, the victim becomes caught up or tripped to the ground, considered to have the prone restriction at that moment. If prone, a reaction to stand up may be used. If using movement other than one’s own transit, such as a fly axiom or magic carpet, to move above the area then no save is required, nor would the movement penalties apply. The overgrowth will remain until the start of the caster’s 9th subsequent turn. |
Thornwrack | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 1 thorn per Faith |
Thornwrack causes long, painful thorns to grow out of the spell recipient’s flesh, piercing the skin from the inside. One thorn appears at the end of the caster’s subsequent turns, starting with the turn of casting. This continues until the invocation ends. As each thorn appears, it inflicts d2 points of necrotic damage until all the thorns have appeared. When the number of thorns exceeds the subject’s Resilience and still conscious, the victim must make a Will preservation save (Comp:15) for each thorn appearance. Failing the save places the victim under the incapacitated restriction, wracked in the pain, lasting until the end of its next turn. After the last thorn erupts from the subject’s flesh, the first one disappears at the end of victim’s turn. The thorns continue receding at this rate of one each round at the end of the subject’s turns. While the total thorns exist are greater than the victim’s Resilience, saves will continue to be made at the start of the subject’s turn before taking any action. Healing spells can restore damage but do not eliminate the thorns or any restricting pain. Disrupt magic will end the spell but prevents existing thorns from receding. A healing invocations costing 7 or more Spirit points will cancel the thornwrack, eliminates all existing thorns, and cure damage as per the spell description. Without the benefit of magical remedies, the spell ends when the last thorn has receded. |
Tongues | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self | Duration: | 2 hours |
The priest can speak, read, write and understand any language for a duration of 2 hours. |
Torch | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 24 hours |
Upon touching an object, no larger than ten-feet in any dimension, which objects emits bright light in a 30-foot radius, colored as desired. Covering the object blocks the light, and the effect can be dismissed at will; however, for the duration of 24 hours, the light can also be brought back as often as desired (as an action) provided one minute passes between toggles. Further, if the object is worn or held by a hostile or unwilling being, then a touch attack must be successfully made and this incantation can be used as a reaction to illuminate the object. However, even then, the hostile creature may roll an Agility preservation save (Comp:12) to avoid it. |
Torus of Terror | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Self (10-foot radius) | Duration: | 3 turns |
An aura of fear emanates from the priest in a 10-foot radius (18-hexes) and moves with the priest, lasting until the end of the caster’s third subsequent turn. Each creature, including allies, that enters the aura for the first time, or starts its turn there, must succeed on a Will save against Comp (d6+10) plus Faith modifier or become frightened for the duration of the incantation. If the spell is still in effect by the end of the affected creature’s second turn, then it can choose to use an action to attempt another save, assuming the victim ends its turn where it can no longer see the priest. On a successful save against the original Comp, the creature is no longer frightened. |
Totem Beast | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 1 day | Range: | Special | Duration: | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Similar to fey-binding, this invocation binds an animal spirit into a specially-prepared totem, a carved object of roughly the size of a small barrel. Most of the time, the spirit is inactive and resides inside the totem. Only one totem can be active at a time for the priest and it is placed in an area to guard and protect. The spirit has blindsight out to 90 feet. If any threatening activity occurs within that range, the spirit of the totem will manifest in physical form like a fey summoned beast monster of the type according to its physical form. Protection may not always be combat, as the spirit’s appearance may serve to scare off invaders. Regardless of response, the beast cannot move beyond 90 feet from the totem. However, when it appears it will remain for at least one minute, regardless of actions. The duration of the binding between spirit and totem will last until the spirit exhausts one hour of service or until the totem is destroyed. The totem itself has an Armor Class of 12 and can endure 15 Body points worth of damage.
Touch of Appraisal | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 10 minutes |
For the duration, the priest has a chance to determine the value of an item. To know the value, the priest rolls a Muse check the Comp of the item: those with a value of 0 to 100 bits have a secret Comp:7; those with a value of 101 to 1,000 bits, Comp:9; those with a value of 1,001 to 10,000 bits, Comp:12; and those with a greater value than 10,000 bits have a secret Comp:15. The priest can appraise multiple items but items must be handled for at least 1 minute. |
Tranquility | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | 6 turns |
The priest selects an ally or self in combat within 60 feet. That target gains d2 temporary Spirit points for the next six subsequent turns. The score is able to exceed the maximum normal amount, but only one tranquility effect can be on a person at one time. If the points are not lost by spiritual combat or spell-casting during the 6 rounds, then they fade from existence at the end of the interval. These temporary points cannot be used to cast incantations. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from a Spirit-damaging attack. |
Transfer Offense | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 15 minutes | Range: | Special | Duration: | Special |
This invocations takes the wrong-doings of a community and ritually “transfers” them to an animal (a “scapegoat”). Any kami that are displeased with a community will recognize the efforts by the shaman, and will accept that the burden of guilt has been shifted to the scapegoat, and thus the community’s standing is restored in their eyes. This is handy if someone has misbehaved so badly that mere sacrifice is insufficient to appease the kami, if the crimes cannot be precisely determined or if the perpetrator is unable or unwilling to beg forgiveness. An animal such as a goat, an ox, or a pog is selected and symbolically dressed in the tribe’s wrongs: representative ribbons, thongs, or ropes are tied to its horns, or the clothing of wrongdoers (if identified) are strapped to its back. A short speech or ceremony is then given, and the beast is driven or led away from the tribe, to be destroyed by wild animals. It is considered unlucky if the beast returns to the village, if a hunter should slay it and anyone should eat its meat. The animal and the items attached to it are the focus for the spell. If eating the meat or other event considered a bad omen as a result of this ritual, several things might occur. These ills are permanent until countered either by the tribal shaman or other magic. • Disease ravages the tribe • Poor hunting luck (-2 to all rolls involving hunting, fishing, foraging, and the like.) • A curse sets upon the community • A spirit animal of roughly the perpetrator’s power attacks. If slain it reappears the next month. • Any game killed or meat butchered will be rancid • Plants grown will die within the month |
Transmute Drake | Spirit Cost: 8 | ||||
Time Required: | Special | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent |
Swamp drakes are created by magically altering crocodile eggs to create the trainable monster lizards. Those who cast this spell must prepare themselves with a ten-day of prayer and fasting before attempting the casting. The spell caster must then coat a fertilized, living crocodile egg with a mixture of holy oil and ruby dust, then perform a seven-hour ritual prayer dance around the egg. Each hour of the dance, the shaman must make a Resilience feat check (Comp:10). Failure of any check results in the complete failure of the spell. The spell can be attempted again one ten-day later on the same egg with new material components. A second failure kills the unhatched egg, rendering it useless. When transmute drake is successfully cast, the material components are absorbed into the egg and an untrained hatchling drake emerges from the egg one ten-day later. The material components of this spell are a crocodile liver and one crushed ruby. |
Transmute Metal | Spirit Cost: 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Time Required: | 30 minutes per pound | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Permanent | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This invocation enables the caster to change an object, raw ore or substance from one type of metal to another. The volume of metal cannot exceed a maximum weight of 1 pound per point of Faith for each casting, based on the objects weight as iron. The metal object must be in the possession of the priest to make the change. Fine jewelry, precious metals (such as gold, silver, platinum) cannot be transmuted, nor can miraculous objects, such as religion relics (determined by the GM). In addition to the size of object, one’s Faith determines the quality of metals which can be affected. While the table below assumes the invocation will be used to “upgrade” a metal object, it is possible for the priest to transmute from the ending metal back to a starting metal as well.
There are several important details to this incantation. The first is the incantation is designed for raw ore, even if that ore has been molded into blocks or spheres. Multiple blocks could be transmuted as under one casting up to the maximum weight allowed. However, this incantation can be used on worked items, such as swords, shields, or even statuettes, but only one item can be transmuted per casting. Further, worked and crafted items have an additional expense required in ruby dust to the conversion. The increased amount of expense in dust needed is the difference in steps of metal; moreover, such worked items count as raw ore plus a like amount times the steps between metals. To clarify, there is one step between iron and steel, while there are three steps between steel and meteore. Here are a few examples. With a minimum Faith, four one-pound blocks of iron could be transmuted to electrum with a single casting. This would cost 1200 bits in required ruby dust (4 x 260 = 1040, rounded up to a whole gem). The end result would be 3.6 pounds of of electrum (four 14.4 oz blocks); the loss of weight is a density difference between metals. This would count as four pounds towards the monthly allotment. Conversely, if converting an iron longsword, weighing four pounds, the expense of ruby dust would be 3300 bits in ruby dust (4 x 260 = 1040 plus (1040 x 2 steps) = 2080); for a grand total of 3120, rounded up to the next gem). The end result would be a low-grade electrum longsword, which would likely fetch under trade-in value because the craftsmanship would be that of an ironsmith. Further, this transmutation would count as twelve pounds (4+(4x2)) towards the monthly amount allowed. Further, if a metal has magical properties permanently as part of its existence, such as an artificed sword, then the GM will have to make a decision whether it is immune to the power, as relics are immune. If the GM does allow the metal of the item to be “downgraded,” such as from orichalcum to iron, those properties would continue to exist, except for the bonuses granted by the type of metal. Metals that have a potential for special properties, such as lightning for electrum alloys, there are the same odds of this manifesting as if it were forged with a metalworking skill. If repeating this until gaining the properties, this would require “downgrading” the metal before transmuting it against for the chance of a special property. As part of the invocation, the dust of rubies is required and transfused into the new metal as part of the change. If the cost of the dust exceeds an interval of 300 bits, then a whole extra ruby must be crushed to supply a sufficient amount; thus, the minimum material cost would be 300 bits. Finally, other fine gems (sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds) can be used as a substitute for rubies; however, when using using a different type, then the required cost in dust costs double per pound. Further, the dust would have to be crushed to the whole gem value, which is higher than that of a ruby. Thus, if using sapphire dust for those four pounds of iron to electrum, the cost in dust would be 2400 bits (4 x 260 x 2 = 2080; rounded up to an 800-bit valued gem). The electrum longsword from iron could be performed with 1 diamond (4 x 260 = 1040 plus (1040 x 2 steps) => 2080 times 2 equals 4160, which rounds to one 5000-bit diamond). |
Treat Mass Wounds | Spirit Cost: 7 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest radiates healing energy which heals any injured ally within 10 feet of the priest’s location (19 hexes). Each ally within the area of effect rolls 2d6 for oneself; this is the number of Body points that are restored. The healing cannot exceed the maximum body score, but it will affect those in negative values. |
Treat Minor Body Damage | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can heal a single target. Upon casting, the recipient regains a d4 Body points. If in the negative range, the prayer will stabilize the recipient and stop any death saves;, but it will not restore any Body points. Should a target be exactly zero points, then the recipient is raised to 1 point and immediately active again. Of course, standing up will be needed. Healing cannot exceed the maximum health. The ability can be performed so long as the target is within 30 feet and the priest has direct sight of the ally. This prayer can also be used as either an action or a reaction. To use as a reaction, the recipient must be able to be physically touched and have just received Body damage. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from physical damage. |
Treat Minor Mind Damage | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can heal a single target. The recipient regains d4 Mind points, up to his or her maximum. This invocation can raise scores even in the negative range. The range is 30 feet but requires line of sight. This incantation can also be used as either an action or a reaction. To use as a reaction, the recipient must be able to be physically touched and have just received Mind damage. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from mental damage. |
Treat Minor Spirit Damage | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can heal a single target. The recipient regains up to two Spirit points, up to his or her maximum Spirit. Due to the laws of spiru-dynamics, the roll of a d4 is used to restore points, but the maximum restoration to anyone’s Spirit is two points. This invocation can raise scores even in the negative range. The range is 30 feet but requires line of sight. This ability can also be used as either an action or a reaction; however for a reaction to be used, the recipient must have just received Spirit damage and must also be able to be physically touched. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from soul damage. |
Treat Moderate Body Damage | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can select a single recipient within 20 feet, who are able to be seen and not blocked by any invisible barrier (such as glass or instant wall). A total of 2d4 Body points are restored. Repair cannot exceed the maximum, but negative body scores can be restored. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from physical damage. |
Treat Moderate Mind Damage | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
Instantly restores 2d4 points of Mind to a single recipient but cannot exceed the recipient's maximum. The range is 20 feet but requires line of sight with no barriers. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from psychic damage. |
Treat Moderate Spirit Damage | Spirit Cost: 4 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action or reaction | Range: | 20 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
A single target, within 20 feet and in line of sight, instantly restores Spirit points based on a 2d4. However, this incantation is subject to the divine rules of spiru-dynamics, meaning that the maximum about amount restored can only be four points; thus, any total higher than 4 will only restore four points. Repair cannot exceed the maximum. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from spiritual damage. |
Treat Serious Body Damage | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
The priest can select one or two recipients within 10 feet, who can to be seen and not blocked by any invisible barrier (such as glass or instant wall). A total of 2d6+2 of Body is restored, which can go to one individual or the dice can be split to heal two targets; if two are selected, each target rolls a separate die for health restoration and each gain +1 to the die roll. Repair cannot exceed the maximum, but negative body scores can be restored. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from physical damage. |
Treat Serious Mind Damage | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
Instantly restores 2d6+2 points of Mind to one or two recipients; dice are split according to the number of targets, using d6+1 for each. Repair cannot exceed the maximum. The range is only 10 feet and requires line of sight. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from Mind damage. |
Treat Serious Spirit Damage | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 10 feet | Duration: | Permanent |
Up to two targets are instantly restored a total of 2d6+2 points of Spirit; if two targets are chosen then d6+1 is rolled for each; however, as this incantation is subject to spiru-dynamics, if two targets are selected, the maximum healing is 6 points of repair, regardless of the values on the dice. This means values over 2 on the d6 count as 3 points, but roll of 1 would heal only 2 points, which would allow the other recipient receive up to 4 points from that die roll. Repair cannot exceed a recipient's maximum. The range is 10 feet and requires line of sight. Divine Preservation could be used as a reaction to heal from Spirit damage. |
Tree Mount | Spirit Cost: 6 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | 10 hours |
This invocation enchants a log, plank, or similar piece of wood to become a temporary steed. The log or plank must he at least 1 foot wide, 3 inches thick, and 3 to 10 feet long. Any type of wood is suitable. When the power is cast, the log sprouts four wooden, horselike legs. The tree mount can be ridden like a normal horse and can be used to carry equipment. The tree mount can carry up to 600 pounds of riders and gear before breaking. If the mount breaks under the weight of the riders or gear, the enchantment instantly ends and the tree mount again becomes a normal (although broken) log or plank. The tree mount obeys all of the caster’s verbal commands to move, slow, speed up, stop, and turn. It has a movement rate of 60-feet on land. It can move in the water (swim: 25-feet) floating on the surface and paddling with its legs. The tree mount must remain within 30 feet of the caster in order to move; if the distance between the tree mount and the caster exceeds this distance, the mount stops until the caster is again within range. The tree mount will not fight for the caster and is incapable of any action other than movement. The tree mount does not become fatigued and does not eat. However, it has all the vulnerabilities of normal wood including fire, and can he damaged by both magical and physical attacks. It has PP value 8 and 5 Body points. Obviously, an appropriately-sized log or plank must be available to cast this invocation. |
Treestaff | Spirit Cost: 9 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | Up to 6 turns |
The priest transforms a specially-prepared staff into a creature that is identical to a treant, except it cannot speak or animate other trees. The creature is friendly to priest and follows commands to the best of its abilities. If the caster offers no commands, it takes no action on its turn other than to defend itself. It acts on the priest’s initiative, beginning its turn at the end of the priest’s turn. If it is reduced to 0 Body points, it reverts to a staff and shatters. The priest can only have one treestaff active at a time due to the divine rule that only one staff of this type at one time can exist directly attuned to the priest. If the treant remains intact at the end of priest’s sixth subsequent turn, it reverts back to the staff. To create the staff used for this spell, it must be prepared over the course 12 hours of activity (see Daily Time Usage), etching intricate symbols into the wood. At the end of the required activity, the staff is ready for use. |
Tremor | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
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Trickster's Blessing | Spirit Cost: 2 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | Touch | Duration: | 10 minutes |
While this invocation cannot be cast upon oneself, any ally has his or her armor quieted and gain more freedom of movement. Effectively, this removes the disadvantage of stealth that any armor that has that penalty. It further adds +2 to anystealth roll performed in the duration. |
Tsunami | Spirit Cost: 11 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 60 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This incantation requires a large body of water such as a lake or ocean; however, by casting it a massive whirlpool is created which causes a wave of water to strike a 10-foot wide space. However, both the target area and the edge of the body of water must both be within the 60-foot range. A direct path from the water to the target area crashes down, potentially effecting 24 hexes. All those in the area suffer 4d4 points of bludgeoning damage and will be knocked prone. Victims are permitted a Strength save (Comp:20) to reduce the damage to half and remain standing. Creatures capable of swimming automatically succeed on the save. Wooden buildings and structures in the direct strike require a survival check on a d20 at a Comp of 14. |
Turn Undead | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 action | Range: | 40 feet | Duration: | Special |
This harms undead creatures. The holy symbol is required. The spiritual power extends from the priest striking the weakest (then closest) four undead within a 40-foot sphere. This automatically inflicts d4+1 points of smiting damage to each affected. Mindless undead will recoil from the priest as if under the frightened restriction, lasting 10 minutes. Those beings with mental capacity, shadows, wights, wraiths, vampires, etc, must make a Logic save against a Comp (d6+8) plus the priest’s Faith bonus (Comp range: 9-19). If failing this save, even these powerful feratu will fall under the frightened restriction for a full minute (6 rounds). While “turned,” an undead being will still defend itself if attacked but will not engage with the priest’s allies; however, any individual (ally or otherwise) who attacks a “turned” creature can do so at advantage. Being attacked, the undead may choose to retaliate against that individual, save for the priest oneself. The turning priest cannot be attacked by the affected undead until the frightened restriction has expired. However, an intelligent undead may use techniques against the priest, such as magic items, spells or abilities, but only to defend itself or flee. |
Twist of Fate | Spirit Cost: 3 | ||||
Time Required: | 1 reaction | Range: | 30 feet | Duration: | Instantaneous |
This power is used as a reaction to slightly perturb the course of reality in an unpredictable way. Whenever the priest or any creature viewable within 30 feet rolls a d20 for any reason: attack, save, feat, etc., the priest can use a reaction cast this incantation forcing any of the dice used to roll a new d20 to replace it. It can only |