
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Basic Game Rules 


Kingdom: Atavistoid
Phylum: Ornithoid
Size: Small M F
Height Range: 4-0 to 4-8 4-5 4-2
Weight Range: 72 lbs to 94 lbs 85 75
Start of Puberty: Approximately 7 yrs old
Average Lifespan: 50 years
Maximum Age: 60 years
Movement Rate: 30 feet Walking
  50 feet Flying
Daily Travel: 16 miles
Traits: Echolocation
  Marginal Flight
  Savage Fighting
  +1 Agility
  -1 Will
Breeds: Flower
Cultural Points: 1200

 BATFOLK [ BÆT • fəʊk] are atavistoid bipeds with bat-like features. They have short brown, black, or gray fur and leathery wings in place of arms; however, from the wingbone, they have an elbow which extends into a prehensile and clawed hand. They have luminescent eyes in shades of red, green, or yellow as well as fangs. They stand about 4 to 4½ feet tall and weigh around 70 to 90 pounds. They have a walking speed of 30 feet and can fly at a movement rate of 50 feet for 30 seconds (3 combat turns) until they must recover for an equal time before flying again. They also have a form of echolocation, which allows them to effectively see in the dark, even magical darkness, so long as they are not deafened; however, they must emit a 80dB high-pitched screech each turn in combat to do so (which is a free action but only once per combat round). If not in combat, the effects of echolocation last for around 10 to 12 seconds. This briefly activates a part of their brains which gives them synesthesia for a few seconds, effectively allowing them to “see” sound.

When creating a starting character as the batfolk species, there are a few sub-attribute adjustments to be made. They gain +1 to Agility [13], but suffer -1 to Will [11]. The number in brackets from the previous sentence is the maximum starting value for that stat. Further, batfolk due to their size have stat limitations. Strength and Resilience cannot naturally exceed a score of 18, and even the enhanced Agility has 19 as the capped value for the species.

Batfolk have claws, they cannot naturally use them effectively. However, should a batfolk learn martial arts, then he or she gains a free savage fighting skill for claws, which can only be used in conjunction with the martial arts skill, meaning their initial claw strikes are 2d20.

Batfolk actually have three breeds; however, only the nutritional requirements make any differences. Fruit batfolk must consume fruit for three meals per week or they will become sick. Vampire batfolk must consume blood for one meal per week. Lastly, flower batfolk must consume nectar for two meals each week.

Batfolk reside in cavernous environments, although often close to other cultures for trade. This species has a reputation for making clothing and leatherworks with the same respectability as dwarves have for their metal crafting. Batfolk also tend gardens and small fields outside of their sleeping caves. Members of this species are hard workers but tend to avoid overly physical tasks due to their smaller stature and less than optimal wing structure.

How They See Themselves     How Others See Them
• having self-sufficiency but enjoy providing other cultures with their trade goods     • respect them for their leatherworking and textile skills
• as good stewards of what they tend     • find their appearance and mannerisms creepy
• take emotional pleasure in staying busy and performing maintenance     • have concerns they might become predatory