
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Complete Rules 
 The Skills System 
 Fantasy World Skills

Fantasy World Skills

Can getting drunk be a counted as a skill?

There are skills besides those for combat. Further, there are skills which are for the non-adventurer. Other people in the world make a living having an occupation that can be traded for money or other exchanges. Further, the religions guard certain skills as well for specialty training of their devoted. And then there are skills that are just helpful to the traveler and explorer. Below is a list of all the available non-combat skills in the game, organized into various topics.

To be clear, many skills listed here will be designed for the for NPCs; however, PCs could learn them, such as armoring. That one, for example, has a requirement of a forge or workshop, meaning it won't be helpful while out exploring caves and hunting monsters. Then again, PCs could choose to invest in it especially if the campaign were primarily centered around an urban area and perhaps more political in nature than bug-hunting. Even if not, with urban trade skills, a PC could assist a local blacksmith for money – or even trade labor for price of needed items and services.

Additionally, some of the skills hold political importance to a government, church, organization or perhaps a species. These may be protected. Many of the divine skills are examples, as these cannot be learned just anywhere, and where it can be learned usually requires an affiliation with that Church. The training of Sorcery is also a process and not something picked up overnight. And of course, the more expensive skills have higher requirements. Just like with the Combat Skills, those more powerful skills will take some time to acquire.

All of that aside and regardless of the style of play or setting, below are over 200 skills which should keep any PC busy for a while. After getting the game started, it will not be a matter of having something to pick up, but instead, it will be how to choose between all the options.

 : indicates that group effort can be performed and potentially enhance the resulting effect
 : the skill is used or can be used as a reaction
 : is the symbol for divine preservation; incantations with this symbol can be used with this skill.
 :: denotes spells can be imbued into an object.
 : indicates that incantations can be infused.

The group listings of skills are each ordered by skill cost, then alphabetical, with their hierarchically successive skills underneath.

Adventuring Skills

Alertness100Terrain Perception
 Danger Sense250Advantage on Saves
 Keen Alertness4002d20 Perception
 Chorography2502d20 Navigation
Cooking100Food Prep
Dash100Fast Movement
Discipline100Bonus on Saves
Fire-Building100Start Fire
Hunting100Stalk, Forage
Knots100Rope Use
Mental Fortitude100Bonus on Saves
 Cranial Recovery250Recovery
Mountsmanship100Control Mount
 Aerial Reins300Ride Flyer
Packing100Load/Unload Caravan
Sailing100Skipper Small Vessel
 Marine Officer250Medium Vessel
  Naval Captain400Large Vessel
Stamina100Bonus on Saves
 Acrobatics2002d20 Saves
 Endurance250Avoid Exhaustion
Swimming100Traverse Water
 Hydromancy 200Prediction
 Sea-Horse 200Water Mount
 Flow300Faster Swimming
Tap and Touch100Detection
Under-Navigation100Underground Direction
Wilderness Proficiency100Survival
 Tracker200Follow Trail
 Wilderness Survival2002d20 Survival
Abandonment200Retreat, Escape
Climbing200Scale Grades
Forced Entry200Kick-in Doors
Foul-Play200Dirty Tricks
Gambling200Risk Analysis
 Kismet250Reroll Die
Quickness200Better Initiative
 Backstab300Stealth Attack
 Furtive Motion350Improved Stealth

Alchemy & Medicine

† Has Prerequisite

Toxin Coping100Prudence
Wound Care †100Binding Wounds
 Field Medicine200Improved Care
 Medical Zoology250Improved Care
  Forensics350Medical Exam
 Poison Treatment300Offset Toxins
 Stitch and Wrap300Minor Healing
Distillery †200Alcohol & Chemicals
 Mixtures300Herbs and Brews
  Alchemical Analysis350Reverse-Engineering
  Alchemy400Powerful Potions
   Transmutations 450Ore-Excavation
   Life-Chanting 500Golems

Animal Skills

† Has Prerequisite

Animal Breeding100Husbandry
Skinning100Remove Hides
Animal Companionship †200Perception
 Kindred Animal300Animal Affinity
  Beast Bond400Animal Bonding
Animal Training200Domestication
 Falconry150Advantage on Saves
 War Training250Military Animal

Art & Construction

Art: Body Art100Tattoos
 Art Mastery250Better Tattoos
Art: Ceramics100Earthenware
 Art Mastery250Better Earthenware
Art: Drawing100Ink & Pencil
 Art Mastery250Better Sketches
Art: Interior Decorating100Furnishing
 Art Mastery250Better Furnishing
Art: Painting100Brushing
 Art Mastery250Better Brushing
Art: Sculpting100Statues
 Art Mastery250Better Statues
Carpentry100Wood Working
Lapidary100Gem Cutting
Papermaking100Paper & Vellum
Scribing100Calligraphy & Writing
Tailoring100Garment Making
Locksmith150Mechanical Locks
  Stone Structures250Stone Building
  Bridge Building350Crossings
   Statics500Super Structures
    Towers500Grand Towers
  Gear Engineering350Motion Machines
   Clockwork Engineering400Exceptional Gears
    Advanced Clockwork600Complex Machines
  Hydraulics350Fluid Dynamics


† Has Prerequisite

Arcane Artificing †300Base Skill
 Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
  Artifice Research350Analyze Magical Item
Divine Artificing †300Base Skill
 Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
  Artifice Research350Analyze Magical Item
Enchanted Metals †300Base Skill
 Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
  Artifice Research350Analyze Magical Item

Equipment Skills

 Exotic Hides250Stitch Monster Hide
 Green Stitching250Stitch Darkleaf
  Arbor-Forging300Forge w/ Magic Ore
Skinning100Remove Hides
Tailoring100Padded Armor
Weaponsmith100Forge Metal Weapons
 Enhanced Metals200Forge w/ Steel
  Enchanted Metals250Forge w/ Magic Ore
   Cold Metallurgy500Forge w/ Adamantine
Armoring150Forge Metal Armor
 Enhanced Metals200Forge w/ Steel
  Enchanted Metals250Forge w/ Magic Ore
   Cold Metallurgy500Forge w/ Adamantine
Bowyer150Construct Bows
Cold Forging150Without Kiln

Expression Skills

† Has Prerequisite

Communication †200Dissemination
 Voice Imitation300Imitation
  Tell-Tale400Detect Lies
   Silver Tongue400Tell Lies
Fey-Binding †200Bond with Spirit
Lifesong Whisper †300Locate Being
Psionics †400Telepathy


† Has Prerequisite

Astrology100Navigation, Forewarning
Lore: Creature100Monsters
 Lore: Creature Specifics150Specific Taxonomy
Lore: Flora100Plants
Lore: History100History
Lore: Religions100Religions
 Lore: Cosmology200Ubiquiverse
Lore: Archeology150Ancient Civilizations
Lore: Biocartology150Lifesongs
Lore: Economics150Money
Lore: Geography150Topography
Lore: Literature150Literature
Lore: Miasma150Disease
Lore: Sapientology150Cultures
Lore: Thaumatology150Magical Theory
 Magical Research300Evaluate Device
Lore: Viticulture150Grapes, Wine
 Cleromancy150Fortune Telling
 Mago-mathematics300Cosmological Math
Alertness200Terrain Perception
 Danger Sense250Advantage on Saves
 Keen Alertness4002d20 Perception
Combat Studies †200Combat Analysis
 Combat Analysis †350Identify Fighter
Gambling †200Risk Analysis
 Kismet †250Reroll Die
Lore: Occult200Supernatural
 Magical Research300Evaluate Device
Lore: Stone History200Petrology &smp; Culture
Phrenology200 Cerebral Reading
 Meta-Phrenology300Preternatural Psychology

Magical Powers

† Has Prerequisite

Ceremony100Non-Magical Rites
 Scroll Reading200Use Incantation Scroll
 Weapon of Justice200Bless Weapon
 Pact400Spirit Talk
  Elemental Swarm500Elemental Gate
Cantrip Control200Fey Magic
 (Individual Cantrips)100[Other Section]
 Dendrosophy: Heat-Blossom †200Fey Flora
 Dendrosophy: Off-Season †200Fey Flora
 Dendrosophy: Strange-Fruit †200Fey Flora
 Familiar Quest200Bond with Spirit
 Green Stitching200Stitch DarkLeaf
  Arbor-Forging300Create Feywood Armor
 Spiritual Nature †250Bind Demons
  Wilder-morph, Land350Morph, Land Beast
  Wilder-morph, Water450Morph, Water Beast
  Wilder-morph, Flight500Morph, Flying Beast
 Fiend Practicum300Bind Demons
 Summon Pests200Vermin, Insects
  Hail Steed250Call Mount
  Summon Small Beast250Fey Beast
  Team of Pixies250Pixie Servants
  Conjure Minor Chaos300Summon Fiends
 Summon Vines200Animated Vines
  Hail Steed250Call Mount
  Summon Small Beast250Fey Beast
  Team of Pixies250Pixie Servants
  Conjure Minor Chaos300Summon Fiends
 (Individual Bewitchings)Varies[Other Section]
Divine Accord300Religious Prestige
 (Individual Incantations)N/A[Other Section]
 Benison100Holy Potions
 Divine Translation150Read Language
 Unlife Likeness †150Necromancy
 Astral Dreaming200Astral Projection
 Divine Luck200Re-Roll Die
 Divine Preservation200Defense Magic
 Imbue200Enchant Token
  Infuse200Stronger Enchantment
 Laying on Hands200Healing
  Amiable Vampirism250Sacrificial Healing
  Aura Linking250Rapport
  Lifesong Whisper300Locate Being
  Path Prophecy500Optimal Navigation
 Sap †200Necromancy
  Energy Drain300Necromancy
   Vampiric Gaze400Necromancy
 Clairvoyant250Minor Scry
  Spiritual Descrying400Revelations
 Aura of Benevolence300Area of Benefit
  Abundance500Terrain Blessing
 Beckon Shadows †300Necromancy
  De-Sanctification300Remove Consecration
  Forbiddance350Secure Area
  Banishment Ritual450Dimensional Ban
  Return to Life Ritual500Raise Dead
   Tether Soul500Trapping Soul
600Stronger Raise Dead
 Divine Artificing300Base Skill
  Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
 Etherwalk300Dimensional Shift
 Feratu Command †300Necromancy
 Lifesong Harmony300Powerful Exorcism
  Spirit Journey300Divination
 Scroll Writing300Create Incantation Scroll
 Prolongation350Extend Magic Duration
 Raise Ghoul †350Necromancy
  Animate Monster400Necromancy
 Holy (Unholy) Turning400Chastisement
 Tree-incarnation600Deity Specific
 Greed SacrificeSpecialDeity Specific
Rune-Crafting †300Rune Magic
 Rune-Renewal100Restore Rune
 Rune-Creation200Craft Rune
Sorcery300Arcane Magic
 (Individual Axioms: Cost 1 to 2)Varies[Other Section]
 Weaxan Dictation150Use Weaxan
  Weaxan Craft250Craft Weaxan
 Enriched Sorcery400Arcane Magic
  (Individual Axioms: Cost 3 to 4)Varies[Other Section]
  Arcane Artificing300Base Skill
   Artifice Discipline300Craft Magical Item
Arcane Craft
300Create Focus
Evocation of Fire
300Fire Magic
Evocation of Frost
300Cold Magic
Evocation of Lightning
300Lightning Magic
  Advanced Sorcery500Arcane Magic
   (Individual Axioms: Cost 5 to 6)Varies[Other Section]


† Has Prerequisite

Feel Poison150Detection
Center Focus200Mind over Matter
 Disease Resistance200Advantage vs Contagion
 Fish200Hold Breath
 Poison Resistance250Resist Toxins
 Heart of Stone300Charm Resistance
  Dark Mind400Mind Shielding
  Era of Stone500Resist Aging
 Fire Proof350Fire Resistance
 Inner Fire350Cold Resistance
 Weight Shifting350Movement
Contortion200Small Spaces
Hydromancy †200Revelation
Phrenology †200Cerebral Reading
 Meta-Phrenology300Preternatural Psychology
  Psionics400Mental Powers
Fiend Practicum †300Bind Demons
Kindred Animal †300Animal Affinity
 Beast Bond400Animal Bonding
Lightning Rod300Redirection
Silver Tongue †400Tell Lies
Life-Chanting †500Golems

Music Skills

Minstrel150Musical Instrument
 Inspiration200Aid Allies
  Anthem of Excitement400Combat Advantage
  Opus of Normalcy400Disrupt Magic
 Song of Lamentation200Discourage Enemies
 Song of Rest200Simulate Short Rest
 Musician250Expert Player
  Accompaniment350Enhance Music Power
   Mystic Harmony400Greater Enhancement
  Maestro350Master of Instrument
 Encouraging Verse300Remove Charm
  Opus of Normalcy400Disrupt Magic

Species Specific

Prehensile Feet250Batfolk, Gryf
Camouflee300Gnomes, Nhoblits
Vibrational Identity350Jen’esse


† Has Prerequisite

Dash100Fast Movement
Mountsmanship100Control Mount
 Aerial Reins300Ride Flyer
Sailing100Skipper Small Vessel
 Marine Officer250Medium Vessel
  Naval Captain400Large Vessel
Swimming100Traverse Water
 Sea-Horse200Water Mount
 Flow300Faster Swimming
Climbing200Scaling Grades
 Brachiation200Movement in Trees
 Rock Climbing200Enhanced Climbing
Bridge Building †350Crossings
Weight Shifting †350Movement

Urban Skills

Acting100Disguise Self
Agriculture100Planting, Farming
Animal Breeding100Husbandry
Bartering100Trade Negotiation
Brewing100Beer and Mead
 Distillery200Alcohol & Chemicals
Cooking100Food Prep
Gardening100Small Farming
Glass-Blowing100Forge Glassworks
Knots100Rope Use
Language100Foreign Tongue
Lapidary100Gem Cutting
Legal Work100Politics, Court
 Coscinomantia250Crime Investigation
Mineralogy100Rocks & Crystals
Papermaking100Paper & Vellum
Scribing100Calligraphy & Writing
Tailoring100Garment Making
Locksmith150Mechanical Locks
Linguistics150Knowledge of Languages
 Magical Reading250Interpretation
Trainer150Extra Student
 Trainer, Advanced150Faster Training
  Trainer, Master400Classroom of Students
Animal Training200Husbandry
 War Training250Military Animal
Gambling200Risk Analysis
 Diplomacy250Eloquent Oration
 Leadership300Inspire Others
Sleight of Hand200Deception, Misdirection
Project Bureaucracy300Greater Efficiency

Skill Descriptions

AbandonmentNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+ and Judgment 3+
This is the art of escaping being pursued. Whether with this skill or not, a base Comp:15 is used for escaping a pursuit. Supplementarily, a failure is rolling a modified score below 5. This is checked by a Perception check rolled every 10 seconds of the chase. The way the pursuit ends is by either one success or one failure if the chase is indoors, two of either if the chase is outdoors, or if after two minutes of following, the pursuers give up by rolling 4 or lower on a d20.
 Condition Perception Roll 
 With This SkillAt Advantage 
 Pursuers are faster-3 
 Pursuers are slower+2 
 Pursuers have a tracker-3 
 Pursuers outnumber-2 
 Pursuers more than triple-5 
 Pursuers more than 10x-8 
 Pursuers familiar with area-4 
 Area is foreign to pursuers+3 
 Multiple routes of escape+3 
 Occurs in strong light-2 
 During the cover of night+3 
If multiple people are being pursued, then the rolls for escape are made individually.
Karma Attainment: Spending a day in a hedge maze
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Abundance Aura of BenevolenceSpirit 15+
This skill can be performed as a single priest or as a group. The more priests with this skill that work in conjunction, the greater the area of effect. The ritual quickens the ripening of a harvest or the growth of woodland. The priest stands anywhere within the area to be affected and designates the exact size and shape of the area. Fields of crops in the affected area grow, ripen, and he ready for harvest in a single day. Seed must be sown any time before the ceremony. A woodland achieves 1 year of growth in per day of the ritual. The ritual for woodlands can continue for any number of continuous days so long as the members involved in the ritual remain the same. Soil capable of supporting the woodland is required for the growth to remain healthy thereafter. The ritual affects 1 acre of cultivated fields or potential woodlands for a single priest; however, the area increases to the number of acres equal to the square of the priests performing the ritual. In other words, two priests affect four acres, while five priest alter 25 acres. Ten priests are the maximum number who can work on this effort together.
Unskilled: This is a divinely granted ability
Karma Attainment: Requires a week of prayer
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
AccompanimentMusicianPerception 4+
This musical skill allows any musical skill that bestows a preternatural effect, such as inspiration, played by a lesser-talented performer to rise one-step of talent above normal up to the equivalent of the one with the accompaniment skill when the two play the same song (skill) together within 90 feet of one another. For example, if a musician with accompaniment played inspiration together with a minstrel, then each would act as a musician for bonuses granted. If performed by a maestro the minstrel would still only act as a musician. However, if two maestros played together, there would be no increased value from this skill.
Karma Attainment: 2 Days of rehearsal with a skilled musical instrument
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Acrobatics No Skill RequirementBody 12+
Grants a +2 on any feat save involving Strength or Agility. Also, when using a reaction to stand, the cost is only 10 feet of movement.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest within 60 feet of swing or trapeze
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ActingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This skill allows the skilled person to pass oneself off as if he or she were a different person. This bluffing is a base Comp:12 plus Judgment bonus for a Perception check for others to recognize the rouse. If costuming is involved from +1 to +3 can be added based on the GMs discretion. Further, someone with acting can mimic voices and creatures, assuming the voice or sound has been studied directly. The chance of someone being fooled by the mimicry is the same as disguising above. Further, this will give a +2 to the roll against the normal Comp set by the GM to acquire information by social engineering. It will also add +3 above the skill bonuses of bartering and interrogation if the character has either of those.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a theater or similar
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Aerial ReinsMountsmanship or Sea-HorseMuse 4+
This allows riding a trained flying mount, such as a giant eagle or a gryphon. Functionally, this is the same skill as mountsmanship other than the prerequisite and riding one without this skill is not possible. This skill is also animal-specific.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week working with an animal of appropriate type
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AgricultureNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
While any laborer can work the land, this skill gives one the knowledge of soil rotation and methods of planting and sowing. An untrained laborer can work one acre of land and produce 1500 meals at harvest. This skill allows a person to supervise up to 25 laborers and up to 25 acres, but it will increase the output of each laborer to 2500 meals. Therefore, the harvest of maximum land and labor can produce over 20,000 vegetarian meals or enough to feed around 60 people a year. Certain machinery can also be able to increase these numbers. Also, the GM could adjust these numbers based on drought or other weather conditions.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a crop field
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Alchemical AnalysisMixturesMind 15+
This skill takes mixtures to the next level, where beyond identification of a potion, the actual formula can be reverse-engineered. Using the same Comp, interval rolls and expiration times for creating a batch, the formula can be discovered. Whether successful or not, the sample potion used in the process is destroyed.
Karma Attainment:1 Week in a laboratory
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AlchemyHomeopathyLogic 5+
This skill allows for the crafting of potions, oils and powders of a supernatural nature. After crafting the ingredients in the appropriate quantities, a d20 against the Comp is rolled for each interval. The better of the craftsman's Muse or Logic bonus can be added to these rolls. If score is successful for the interval, then the highest raw die value is tallied against a running total. When the value reaches the success value, then the batch is complete. However, if the success value is not reached prior to the maximum time, then this lot is ruined.
 Batch-SizeIngredientsCompIntervalSuccessMax TimeShelf Life
Elixir of Bravery4 doses12 Tbsp Frankincense
8 Tbsp Maiden’s Heart
6 Tbsp Moly
12 oz Red Mercury
14Daily9014 days3 months
Extinguishing Foam4 doses8 Tbsp Maruera
1 gal Ylang-ylang Oil
2 pints Iodine solution
13Daily7510 days2 months
Many other formulas are available in a separate document. These recipes are not naturally known from this skill, but must be acquired by apprenticeship, trade, purchase or other means. Recipes cannot be committed to memory and must be stored in writing. Comps may be modified in the future.
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks in a laboratory
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AlertnessNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
With this skill, one gains +2 to Perception checks in a particular environment: plains/grasslands, forest, hills/crags, mountains, swamp, desert or urban. Further, when in said environment, a +1 to initiative is gained. This skill can be acquired again for a different environment.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest in the specific environment
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Amiable VampirismLaying On HandsBody 13+
With this skill, a priest can sacrifice some of his or her Body points to transfer as healing to another while touching. The amount sacrificed is based on 2d4, which cannot be reduced by any means. However many points the priest loses as a result are transferred to the recipient. If the amount of points received exceed the maximum, then only max Body are achieved. Should the result take the priest to zero or below, the normal restrictions for near death, including death saves, occur.
Unskilled: This is a divinely granted ability
Karma Attainment: Requires a blood animal sacrifice, then a long rest
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy]
Animal BreedingNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
This skill is animal husbandry of a specific animal. With this skill, the general feeding and caring for the type of animal can be performed. When an animal becomes sick, someone with this skill can successfully nurse the animal back to health with a Judgment feat (Comp:9). This does not mean the animal will die on a failed feat, but merely that the caring made no influence. Breeding methods and selective breeding for stronger stock can be done with this skill; however, the results of that are not determined by a single die roll.
Karma Attainment:3 Days in animal habitat
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Animal CompanionshipWilderness LoreMuse 3+
This skill allows a person to sense the presence of animals within 60 feet and discern their temperament. If an animal is hiding or otherwise acting in a way that would require a perception check, then someone with this skill would gain +5 on that roll. If the animal is not frightened, threatened or hostile in any way, then an empathetic connection can be created with the animal, provided the animal’s Spirit score is [to be determined] (even 0 where applicable). The animal is allowed a Will save against a Comp of 13 + the skill owner’s Will bonus. If the animal fails, then it is considered charmed for up to the next 10 minutes. In this time period, a simple favor can be requested, such as “show me which way the man in black went” or “bring me the coin from that ledge.“
Karma Attainment: 1 Day spent with animals in a natural setting
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Animal TrainingNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This skill permits one to train an animal to follow basic commands. It is animal specific.
Karma Attainment:3 Days in animal habitat
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Animate MonsterRaise GhoulWill 6+
By using this skill, the necromancer can choose to create one zombie monster when casting crown of the grave. However, the time of animation for a zombie monster is longer than a typical zombie, lasting three months rather than the standard one. This creature counts as one creature under the priest’s control.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Requires the consumption 6 pounds of a mutant-type monster, which will require between 12 and 18 days
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy] [Protected]
Anthem of ExcitementInspirationFaith 3+
When the minstrel performs this as an action, its effects continue until the end of his or her next turn. The effect is selecting a single ally target other than the minstrel to gain an additional d20 attack die for melee combat. This die is not subject to the 5d20 maximum rule. Should the songster be a musician, then two allies can be affected. If he or she be a maestro, then three targets can be enhanced.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days in silence while in possession of a playable instrument
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Arbor-ForgingGreen Stitching and ArmoringAgility 5+
With this skill, one can use feywood to create elfin-chain, which is a light armor. An elfin-chain shirt has 7 PP, but has no penalty for sorcery; further, it sleeps as light armor. A full suit of elfin-mail has 10 PP, weighs only 25 lbs, can be worn consecutive for 48 hours, and only has a disadvantage for sorcery.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week honing the skill with the one who reveals the method of the skill
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ArchitectureMathematicsMind 13+
Building a single-story structure does not require a skill; however, larger buildings do require someone in with this skill to be involved. With this skill, wooden buildings up to 60 feet tall (6 stories) for a total of 10,000 square feet can be designed. This could be a rectangular building about 40x40 for each floor or a ziggurat with a 3600 square-foot base floor. However, if the architect also has engineering as an additional skill, the structure's height can be increased to 80 feet and a total of 20,000 square feet. The labor time varies by phase. Erecting walls with wood requires about 1 labor hour per square foot with ceilings requiring twice that (2 hours per sq ft). This is not the area of the walls but the total footage of the structure is used for the calculation. Thus, a ten-by-ten single story building has the structure completed in 300 labor hours (or 38 days for a single person). It is true interior walls shouldn't take as long as for an exterior; however, this is a gamified average, so use it as a guideline for interior intricacies. Also, multiple workers have communication penalties that increase the total labor hours, but still allow the project to be completed quicker. These can be determined by the GM when necessary. Finishing the external structure also requires time. Wall size can be finished in pitch, paint or staining at a rate of a 5 sq feet area per hour. Using brick or mortar, the rate is a 2 sq feet area per hour, but requires better skills than this one alone provides; see Stone Structures. Lastly, this skill does not allow for the design of stone or metal structures.
Karma Attainment:1 Week in an urban area
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ArmoringNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
This skill permits the fashioning of metal armors. It requires a forge and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:Long Rest at the forge
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ArmorlessDwarvesResilience 4+
All dwarves have the armor encumbrance trait, so that armor worn counts no more than 10 pounds towards encumbrance. However, with this training, a dwarf can completely ignore armor weight towards encumbrance. Like the trait, it does not alter one’s true mass. If pressure plates or weight tolerances are triggered, the creature’s true weight of the armor will be used.
Karma Attainment:A long rest
Tags: [Dwarven]
Art MasteryArt Skill (Specific)Muse 4+
This allows artistic works of higher quality and value to be created beyond the basic art skill. When art mastery is chosen, it must be specialized to an existing basic art skill. If wishing to enhance a different art skill, this skill would be required to be taken again for that area of expression.
Karma Attainment:A week of practice in the specific art field
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Art: Body ArtNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This skill grants someone the ability of tattooing, piercing, and scarification. It requires a studio and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:A day of smearing ink over one’s body
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Art: CeramicsNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This skill allows the creation of various of hard, brittle, nonmetallic, heat-resistant materials made by shaping and then firing or baking them. This will require the use of some sort of kiln or baking oven. Common examples of products are earthenware, porcelain, and brick. These goods are helpful to apothecaries and alchemists. It requires a kiln and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:1 Week sitting in mud
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Art: DrawingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This permits all forms of charcoal, ink, pastel, and pencil work. It requires a studio and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:Two days eating charcoal
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Art: Interior DecoratingNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
This skill allows the character to create pleasing building interiors by selecting appropriate paints, fixtures, and furniture. It requires a studio and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:Two days working puzzles
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Art: PaintingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This grants all forms of painting, whether on paper, canvas, or a wall, and whether with tempera, oil-based paint, or something more exotic (like blood). It requires a studio and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:Long rest covered by canvas
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Art: SculptingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This permits creating three-dimensional art from ivory, stone, or soft metals. It requires a studio and cannot be performed “on the road.”
Karma Attainment:Long rest in a quarry
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Artifice DisciplineDivine Artificing or Arcane Artificing or Enchanted MetalMuse 4+
This is the skill used to actually craft magical weapons, armors and devices; however, it is specific to a particular discipline of artificing. There are eleven disciplines. This skill can be learned for other disciplines separately, but disciplines marked as opposites cannot be learned once its diametric skill has been obtained. Further, a formula of how to create an item must be known. Like alchemy, formulas are traded, sold, shared, researched and stolen. Additionally, recipes are complex and must be written down. However, once a process is acquired and the necessary consumable materials and the artifice core have been obtained, the crafting can begin. There is a daily Comp that must be rolled; bonuses to rolls are based on the prerequisite skill. When successful, that value is added to the running total. If the threshold value is reached before the expiration days for the item, then it is successful. If not, then the item fails. Either way, the consumable materials are destroyed and the artifice core could be. When performing this, the GM will provide additional details specific to the item being crafted.
 Lawful(Opposite of Chaos) 
 Chaos(Opposite of Lawful) 
 Good(Opposite of Evil) 
 Evil(Opposite of Good) 
 Divination(Opposite of Illusionary) 
 Illusionary(Opposite of Divination) 
 Cold(Opposite of Fire) 
 Fire(Opposite of Cold) 
 Necrotic(Opposite of Smite) 
 Smite(Opposite of Necrotic) 
Karma Attainment:1 Week in location of artificing origin (church, forge, tower)
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Artifice ResearchArtifice DisciplineMind 16+
This skill offers two benefits. First, it can identify magical items more quickly than the magical research skill and without the need of a library. After only one full day of studying, the researcher rolls against the Comp of the item (as described in magical research) with his or her Logic score bonus and an additional +3 bonus from the skill. If successful, the magical properties are known. If unsuccessful, the item can continue to be studied and another roll made the following day. The second benefit is determining the artificing formula by examining a magical device. This only works for items that can come into creation by artificing and not all magical items can. However, if possible, then using the same process as if crafting the object, but substituting weeks for days to accumulate Comp rolls towards the threshold, then if successful, the formula will become known. Unlike alchemical analysis, this research does no harm to the device examined.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a library or scholarly site
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Astral DreamingDivine AccordSpirit 13+
By using this ability, the priest can enter a sleep and dream of the places and events around him. His astral form is projected from his body and he can move about from his place of slumber at his normal rate of movement. The dream spirit can pass through solid objects with no difficulty but cannot enter areas which are magically or spiritually protected; further, no sound can be heard from a protected area. While in this form, the priest is considered a fey for any effects that might be cast upon him or her. This also limits the priest from entering holy ground that is not directly consecrated to the priest's deity. This can prevent the priest from performing this action if his or her body starts on holy ground or other blockage against fey or planar travel, such as forbiddance. Finally, while dreaming, the priest’s body cannot protect itself from physical attack. The dream lasts for 5 minutes and can only be performed once before requiring a long rest.
Unskilled: This is a divinely granted ability
Karma Attainment: Obtain the kiss of a unicorn
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
AstrologyNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
Navigation by the stars. When lost, under clear skies, navigate back on path successful Perception check against a Comp:8. Also, minor foretelling can be discerned from the stars in the sense that a general future action bodes well or not. This is a four-hour reading at night. The GM will make a secret Perception feat against a Comp:13, then reveals the reading information accordingly.
Karma Attainment: 3 Nights of Stargazing from an observatory or scolarly site with sky charts
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Aura LinkingPrescienceWill 4+
As an action, this divine skill can be used upon either friend or foe. The priest reaches into the unshielded mind of any creature seen within 60 feet to become aware of its presence. Any protection of the Mind, from psychic shield to dark mind, no matter how minor will prevent this connection. Further, the victim can resist if choosing to attempt a Will save against Comp:15. If the priest successfully connects, then the cleric will always know the target's location for the following hour, assuming the two are on the same plane of existence. While the priest has this connection, the target cannot become hidden from the priest unless an effect to hide the target's mind is used or entering an area of forbiddance. Even if the target becomes invisible, it gains no benefit from that condition against the priest. No more than one creature can be linked at a time. The effect can be terminated early at the discretion of the priest. However, after using this power three times, then a long rest is required to use it again.
Unskilled: This is a supernatural ability
Karma Attainment: One must abstain from alcohol/alchemy for a week
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
Aura of BenevolenceDivine AccordFaith 6+
Whenever a friendly creature within 10 feet must make a save, the recipient gains a bonus of half the priest's Faith bonus (rounded down) is added to any saves, regardless whether it is against Mind, Body or Spirit. However, the priest must be conscious. Once gained, this ability is in constant effect and acts passively.
Unskilled: This is a divine blessing
Karma Attainment: One must donate one-tenth of current wealth to a charitable cause
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
BackstabStealthAgility 4+
This skill trains the attacker in ways to do more harm to an unsuspecting victim when performing a sneak attack. Before this can be employed, it must be established that a sneak attack can occur. However, a backstab attack cannot be performed at range, only as a melee attack. However, but unlike an untrained sneak attack, a backstab can be employed with any non-heavy weapon. This gains the additional 2d20 on the attack just like a sneak attack. Of course, the first of those dice is for being at advantage and therefore cannot be counted twice if the target is incapacitated or other was already allowed to be attacked at advantage. Because this must be performed as a melee attack, the victim is permitted an additional Perception check at the moment of attack. When employing the backstab skill, all the dice are used even if the victim makes his or her Perception save. The difference is if the victim fails the Perception, then that last d20 for “striking a vulnerable and unaware victim,” assuming that last die successfully hits, acts as a crit, just as a “natural 20” would. If the victim becomes aware at the last moment, then that extra die can only inflict a single point of damage. Of course, if that die misses, then whether it is a crit or not is moot. Therefore, that “backstab” die should be rolled separately. If counted as a crit and hitting, then the attacker gains yet another bonus d20 gets rolled. That extra d20 crit roll strikes for d3 points of damage if that new roll hits the target number. Moreover, this “backstab crit” is separate from any “natural 20” rolls. Thus, two different crit-attack threads could exist, each having their own exploding opportunities. Lastly, it is important to understand that while the longsword could be used, the versatile property allowing it a heavy attack could not be used in conjunction for this attack.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days honing the act of concealing oneself and attack from shadows
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Banishment Ritual CommissioningWill 6+
By the means of this skill, one can tap into the universal forces that tie beings their cosmological origins. It can only be used against celestials or fiends of the opposing ideology of the priest's church. If a faithful's deity is truly neutral in the good/evil schema, then either could be banished but the target would gain +3 on its save in this case. This ritual is a chanting that requires 1 minute (6 combat turns) to recite. If the priest is injured during the chanting, then it must begin again. Therefore, this is most often performed after victim has been captured in some sort of magic circle or holy turning. Once the ritual is complete, the target must roll a Will preservation save. The Comp is base 12 plus the Faith modifier of the one performing the banishment. If the save fails, then the creature is forced back to its plane of origin and is unable to leave under its own power for at least one year. If the target succeeds, the ritual may be attempted again at no penalty. Others with this skill can join together, assuming the morality schema permits. For each extra person, up to a maximum of four, a bonus of +2 is granted to the Comp.
Unskilled: This is a divine ritual
Karma Attainment: Four citrus fruits must be gathered and used to scent a candle, which is burned on the fifth day
Tags: [Divine]
BarteringNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
Allows a Muse feat against a Comp:10 to reduce prices or raise trade-in price by 10% by spending time at the local market and checking with several vendors. If used against a single merchant, then treat as a competition with anyone having this skill gaining a +3 on the d12 roll. Further, this gives a bit of ability to appraise items similar to the touch of appraisal incantation. This can be trained as a vocational skill.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest in a marketplace
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Beast BondKindred AnimalMuse 5+
This skill more powerful form of the kindred animal skill. With this, any true animal including primeval creatures, can be connected by this bond. Even mutant class monsters may be bonded, with the limitation that its Mind score and Spirit score combined do not exceed 5. However, in no circumstance could a bonded beast exceed 30 Body points. Through this bond, the handler can give commands to the bonded beast telepathically provided the beast is within 200 feet and in line of sight. Any actions made by the creature occur on the handler’s turn. The beast master can only create a telepathic link between himself and one creature at a time. This bond can only be broken by death; however, as with kindred animal both are susceptible to charm. If a bonded beast is charmed, it will gain +4 to its save. However, the master will gain no bonus against mind-effecting magic.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest with and near an undomesticated and unfamiliar animal
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Beckon ShadowsCrown of the Grave IncantationFaith 5+
This skill allows a special summoning of 2 to 4 (d3+1) undead shadows to come forth under the mental command of the priest. After being summoned, starting on the priest's following turn, the existing shadows will take actions as the priest chooses. The shadows exist for two minutes (12 rounds). If a shadow is destroyed before that time, it will cease to exist. This ability can be used once, after which a long rest is required to summon the shadows again.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Stay in total darkness for three days
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy]
BenisonCeremony and Divine AccordMuse 3+
This skill gives the priest the ability to bless water in one of three ways: Anointing Spirits, Holy Water, or Invigoration. Each requires a few days to create. This is a process, requires to be performed on holy ground and cannot be performed “on the road.” Material cost is about 10 bits. Similar to brewing, there is a d20 roll against Comp:6 each day with Faith bonus added. When successful, the raw score of the die is tallied until it reaches 18 or higher - at which point the holy blessing is complete and the solution is good, producing 6 viable uses. So long as the process continues, success is guaranteed, the only variance is how much time is required to produce the batch. Shelf lives of the blessed waters are listed in the apothecary table under the market.
Unskilled: If someone with the distillery skill attempted these recipes; however, the Comp would act as 10 instead of 6, and the number of usable dosages are random on a d6.
Karma Attainment: Three days of study on ancient to modern metrics must be performed
Tags: [Divine] [Alchemy]
BicyclingNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
This is the ability to ride a bicycle long distances, at high speeds, over difficult terrain, etc. Bicycles can move at a rate up to 90 feet in short distances in a straight line for one minute; however, longer sustained speeds for daily travel are considered 70 feet. This skill can be self-trained in one month with an Agility feat-check (Comp:4) for success. Having a mentor means the training can be checked after only 21 days. Additionally, a Logic feat-check (Comp:8) allows to make simple repairs, assuming tools and parts are available
Karma Attainment: One day of practice
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BowyerNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
This skill conveys to ability to create bows, crossbows, arrows and bolts.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest at archery range or the like
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BrachiationClimbingBody 12+
This skill enhances one's climbing ability to effectively move through trees and branches. This could be, but not necessarily, swinging from branches leaping with one's arms. Alternately, this could be leaping and running from branch to branch on foot -- or a combination of any of those methods of locomotion. The base movement for this skill is 40 feet, which is not subject to dash but could be increased magically. For a full appreciation of this skill, watch the movie House of Flying Daggers.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day actively climbing trees
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BrewingNo Skill RequirementSpirit 10+
This skill allows the creation of beer and mead through fermentation. Brewing ale and other drinks have several components: batch-size, ingredients, Comp, interval, success, maximum time and shelf life. After crafting the ingredients in the appropriate quantities, a d20 against the Comp is rolled for each interval. If having distillery, homeopathy or alchemy, then additional d20s for each can be added to the roll. If any die is successful for the interval, then the highest raw die value is tallied against a running total. When the value reaches the success value, then the brew is complete. However, if the success value is not reached prior to the maximum time, then this lot is ruined. When brewing several batches at once, the character may choose to roll against each batch, the whole set or in divisions of his or her choice. Lastly, due to routine ingredient handling, one's risk for handling poison is reduced to Comp 3 to avoid self-infliction.
 Batch-SizeIngredientsCompIntervalSuccessMax TimeShelf Life
Ale, Normal120-Flagon Barrel80 lbs Barley8Weekly225 weeks1 year
Ale, Stout120-Flagon Barrel120 lbs Barley9Weekly245 weeks1 year
Liqueur, Fruit30-Flagon Firkin75 lbs Fruit
5 gal Cheap Rum
10Weekly236 weeks3 years
Mead30-Flagon Firkin25 lbs Honey9Weekly246 weeks2 years
Wine60-Flagon Cask300 lbs Grapes10Weekly256 weeks10 years
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a bar or brewery
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Bridge BuildingArchitecture and EngineeringLogic 4+
With this enhanced skill, the engineer can create plans for building simple bridges and aqueducts, upwards to 5000 cubic feet. This is not the actually creation of the bridge, but rather the designing and planning for one. Those with a masonry or carpentry skill can be the laborers to build the structure from the plans. Building time is 1 cubic foot per day for a single worker. For each worker over the first for a single build increases the time, which is detailed in the Game Masters section.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at a bridge
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CamouflageOne of Acting, Hunting, Leatherworking or TailoringPerception 3+
To benefit from this skill, a bit of investment prior to its use may be required. Much of this skill is preparing clothing to match an intended environment. When properly planned and prepared, the appearance used to move through an area will gain +5 on to the Comp of a stealth check attempt. There is a chance that someone with the camouflage skill can create an ad hoc covering or outfit that will offer a +3 benefit just by scouring the things in one’s on backpack or standard items. This is performed by rolling a Perception feat against a base Comp of 11, but if there are up to two willing others with the person to pick from, then the Comp rises to 12. If there are three to five, then the Comp becomes 13. With six or more others, the Comp:14 is used to determine if appropriate coverings can be found.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week studying and examping color schemes.
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Camouflee Gnomes, Nhoblits, Small BipedsAgility 3+
Immediately after taking damage, a gnome or nhoblit with this specific skill can use a reaction to fall prone and roll up to 15 feet. This maneuver will use 15-feet of movement; thus, it must be available to use the skill. This unique flee and camouflage method allows the small person to be effectively invisible (to normal sight) until the end of the round or the start of his/her turn, whichever comes first. After using this ability once, it cannot be performed again until finishing a short or long rest.
Karma Attainment:Two days of rolling and practicing this maneuver
Tags: [Defense]
Cantrip ControlNo Skills Requirement Agility 3+
This is the base skill required before one can use cantrips. Further, individual cantrips must be known. To acquire known cantrips, one must purchase a cantrip through karma and have an Agility score of at least 3 when acquiring the skill. To be clear, elves who gain this skill for free will not possess it automatically if their starting Agility score is below 3. The maximum number of cantrips that can be known is equal to one’s Agility score.
Karma Attainment: To gain this skill, one must hunt and kill a noble deer, prepare the venison from the deer, consume it for breakfast. Then spend the rest of the day dancing and singing.
CarpentryNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
The basic skill of constructing simple wood structures.
Karma Attainment:1 Week in a wood shop
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CartographyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
Cartography is the skill of reading and making maps. As there are no standards set for map symbols and scale, this skill is required for using maps. Reading one’s own map or one made by familiar sources can be performed without a roll; however, reading maps from unknown sources can only be interpreted correctly on a Logic feat against a Comp:9. This can be trained as a vocational skill but requires a Logic save-feat (Comp:4) at the end of the training to acquire.
Karma Attainment: 6d6 Hours studying various maps
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Center FocusNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
With this skill a character becomes less affected by the environment. He or she requires only half the normal amount of food to survive, and can act as if temperatures are 20°F for the better. Further, by using a action for concentration, on one’s following turn, an attempt to make a save when ordinarily not permitted can be made to any effect made against Will, like breaking free from a bane incantation.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week of Meditation
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CeremonyNo Skill RequirementFaith 2+
This skill trains a clergy member how to conduct marriages, rites, funerals, coming of age services and other religious observance. The ceremony skill can be learned and performed by a person without the divine accord justification; however, the church may not recognize the union, protocol or legalities if the performer of the ceremony is not at least associated with the sect. However, if the ceremony is used by someone with divine accord, then an extra sanctuary-type ceremony can be performed that can create a 10ft by 10ft area of temporary “holy ground” for 8 hours. However, a long rest is required before performing again on the same location. This same location can be maintained by the ceremony if no more than 24 hours pass from its previous blessing ends. However, if choosing a different location, the one week must pass from the previous use of this type of ceremony. While there are no requirements for this skill, acquiring it is obviously a protected and protected one.
Unskilled: Someone with an acting skill could perform the ceremonies without having the skill on a Judgment check (Comp:9). However, no actual benefits would occur such as creating temporary holy ground. The other portions are merely recognitions of authority and could remain legitimate if the rouse lasts.
Karma Attainment: A three-day church class is taught to grant this skill with karma
Tags: [Divine] [Legal] [Urban]
CharioteeringNo Skill RequirementBody 12+
Driving a single-person chariot pulled by one creature can be performed without a skill, but there are several restrictions that this skill lifts. With this skill, one can drive larger chariots, using the creatures pulling the chariot at their best speed, as opposed to a 15-feet penalty without. Chariots can only travel on roads, grasslands, light forests, plains and dry tundra that have no inclines greater than 20°, and terrain penalties always apply; however, with this skill, and using 50-bits worth of equipment, which must be replaced after a week of travel, even desert and snow-covered tundra can be traversed with a 50% penalty rather than the typical 60% adjustment. Moreover, one can fight effectively from the chariot. Without this skill places the fighter at disadvantage, whether driving or merely riding. However, the driver is limited to the primary-hand die pool. Shields and two-handed weapons cannot be properly employed when driving, as as the off-hand is required to manage the chariot, but riders of the chariot can use such equipment. Lastly, riders do no gain their own initiatives when using melee combat but rather attack after the driver’s action; however, if using range or taking a non-combat action, then an individual initiative would be used.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day honing skill
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ClairvoyantDivine AccordPerception 4+
This ability is a minor version of scrying. It can only be used to view a location very familiar to the priest or in an obvious location which might be unfamiliar, such as behind a door or around a corner that is within 100 feet. It is also possible to view locations that have been visit only once before; however, these less-familiar areas must be within two miles to see. The first connection is automatic; however, it requires concentration, meaning no spell-casting or reactions can be used while maintaining the scry. At the start of each of the priest’s turns (or every ten seconds if not in combat), he or she must make a successful Perception check or lose the connection. The Comp for very familiar is only Comp:6, while others are Comp:13. This skill can be used repeatedly; however, a short “down time” must transpire, which is equal to one minute for each connected turn of viewing. Thus, if the priest divinely spies on an area of five turns, then five minutes must pass before another clairvoyant activity may be attempted again.
Unskilled: This is divinely inspired
Karma Attainment: Wine from a silver cup must be drunk every day for four days
Tags: [Divine] [Scry]
CleromancyMathematicsLogic 3+
This is divination by lots. The practitioner of this ability would cast down a number of small dice or tiny, marked bones, record the numerology by values and positioning, then retreat to perform calculations to make a prediction. The process requires approximately two hours per omen. A successful divination, rolled in secret by the GM, Logic save (Comp:9), will tell whether the general topic asked will have good fortune, bad fortune, a mixture or no reading at all. The time of the omen ranges from the time of rolling up to the end of overmorrow.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day rolling dice or bones
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ClimbingNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
Anyone can climb a tree or scale a five-foot wall or climb a secured rope next to a surface up to 20 feet tall; however, this skill is required to navigate a slope greater than 60° and more than 10 feet without the need for special climbing gear. Climbing is performed in 20-foot increments per round. An Agility skill check against a Comp:11 as a base is used to determine success. If successful, the distance is crossed; otherwise, no movement can occur. Other modifiers may apply as well.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days running through obstacle courses
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CloneAmiable VampirismMuse 7+
This skill allows an inert duplicate of a living creature to grow inside a specially prepared container. It is a safeguard against death. This clone forms inside the vessel used and grows to full size and maturity after 120 days. The death priest can choose to have the clone be a younger version of the same creature by up to 10 years. It remains inert and endures indefinitely, as long as its vessel remains undisturbed. Any time after the clone matures, if the original creature dies, its soul transfers to the clone, provided that the soul is free and willing to return. The clone is physically identical to the original and has the same personality, memories, and abilities at the time the close was originated. Obviously none of the original’s equipment would be obtained. The original creature's physical remains, if they still exist, become inert and can't thereafter be restored to life, since the creature's soul is elsewhere. Material items to begin a cloning are a diamond and at least 1 cup (8oz) of the creature’s blood that is to be cloned, which is consumed during the clones maturity, and a vessel worth at least 5,000 bits with a sealable lid and is large enough to hold the creature being cloned filled with salt water.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Spend 5,000 bit on experiment equipment and work in a lab for a week
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy]
Cold ForgingNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
Cold Forging is the use of either hammering and pounding of wrought iron or chipping and chiseling of stone to shape a a product into a weapon or other products. The material result is either “cold iron” or stone. Times to produce are 50% longer than with a kiln, unless one is a dwarf who only take 20% longer than fire-forging.
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks in pounding iron and rocks
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Cold MetallurgyEnchanted MetalsMuse 4+
Can work grow adamantine and other crystalline metals for forging weapons and armor.
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks in specific foundry
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Combat AnalysisCombat StudiesJudgment 5+
This is an enhancement of combat studies which allows the unique ability to potentially identify individuals by the idiosyncrasies of the fighting style used. With a single round of observation as an action, the analyzer can identify an individual at a distance of up to 150 feet by its stances, motion and strikes. This can be performed even if the entity is not known to the person studying, but that individual could be identified again later on another battlefield. This can be performed even if the fighter is masked, in disguise or under the effects of transmogrify; however, this cannot be used on a shape-shifted or polymorphed being. This ability to identify is also not automatic. It requires the analyzer to make a Perception feat check against a base of Comp:10 minus the number of d20s used while studying the subject during the required action.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days at a military academy studying others
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Combat StudiesOne of Bludgeoning, Cleaving, Pole-arms or Slashing StylesJudgment 3+
This skill allows one to study the techniques of an opponent. After two rounds of melee combat against the same opponent, the person will this skill can grant himself or herself at advantage for the third round of melee conflict. This cycle can be repeated against the same or different opponents so long as consistently attacking the same opponent.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day at a military academy observing fighters
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Commissioning Divine Accord and CeremonyFaith 3+
The act of commissioning a structure or area creates it to be defined as "holy ground." This involves a several church rituals, requiring a full day to commission an area. The size of that area is dependent on the priest. Total square footage includes separate floors of a building not just the actual ground. It also requires one vial of holy water for every 500 sq feet, plus herbs and incense valuing at 1 bit per 10 sq feet. While the area can conform to any shape of square footage, the table also shows the size of a perfect square of commissioning. For each extra priest joining in the commissioning, up to a maximum of six priests, each individual acts as if one point higher in Faith for calculating the area blessed.
Faith Score Area 
3 400 sq feet (20x20
4 900 sq feet (30x30)
5 1,600 sq feet (40x40)
6 2,500 sq feet (50x50)
7 3,600 sq feet (60x60)
8 4,900 sq feet (70x70)
9 6,400 sq feet (80x80)
10 8,100 sq feet (90x90)
11 10,000 sq feet (100x100)
12 15,625 sq feet (125x125)
Unskilled: This ability is powered by divinity
Karma Attainment: Perform ritual prayer for 3 days
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Communication No Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
Normally, a character can only share information on his or her turn. With this skill allows one to have enhanced communication during combat by being able to use a reaction at any time to communicate a short message as deemed appropriate. The character can still use normal speaking or gesturing on his or her turn as well.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day actively working with carrier pigeons, mirrors, smoke signals or other communication methods
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Conjure Minor ChaosSummon Pests or Summon VinesJudgment 4+
There is an important material resource needed to use this skill; it is a vial of blood from a humanish or atavistoid which has been killed in within the last day. With this magic, two moon demons appear. These will disappear when dropped to zero Body points or after five minutes (30 rounds of combat). The demons are hostile to all creatures. A demon attacks the nearest non-demons to the best of its ability. When conjuring the demons, the summoner swirls the blood in a circle, roughly a 10-ft radius; the demons appear outside that circle but within 40 feet of the summoner. The summoned demons cannot cross the circle or target anyone in it. It requires a long rest to perform this ability again.
Karma Attainment:
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ContortionNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This allows a person to fit into and move through a smaller space than normally would be allowed. Further, there is a chance to remove oneself from being tied or shackled, similar to the knots skill. Escape can be attempted each five minutes with success if rolling an Agility feat (Comp:13) for rope and (Comp:18) for shackles. If someone also has knots as a skill in addition, then escaping rope-binding is (Comp:10) and can be attempted once per two minutes. Further, one can spend ten minutes in preparation to dislocate the restrained limb, then one can roll a Will feat against a Comp 3 points lower for success to escape; however, if failing, the limb is unusable for the next hour.
Karma Attainment: No activity required, but must sleep in a square box half the characters height for 5 consecutive nights
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CookingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
Cooking is exactly what it sounds like - the ability to cook and prepare food. Cooking uses raw meat and ingredients to prepare a meal. However, this has an advantage for the adventurer on the road to add a bit of variety for any “road kill” that happens.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a kitchen, bakery
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CoscinomantiaLegal WorkPerception 3+
This is a method used to determine the guilt or responsibility of a known character in causing a known event. The soothsayer will balance a small brass sieve atop a tripod, then describe the event (a crime, usually). After that, the names of characters suspected of causing the event or committing the crime are spoken before the balancing sieve. When the name of the guilty (responsible) entity is spoken, the sieve will begin to wobble at that time or perhaps fall. The sieve must cleaned, oiled and prepared prior to the divination, which requires about two hours. The names must be spoken with a one-minute delay between them. Further, they must be repeated three times to ensure a parity of the results. The results are rolled against each name spoken, each time using a d20 and adding the seer’s total Perception score (Comp:12). Rolls will be made secretly by the GM. If the roll is successful, the sieve will respond correctly. If failing, no movement will happen, whether true or false. Finally, this divining ability is emotionally taxing and therefore can only be performed once per day.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day rolling dice or bones
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Cranial RecoveryMental FortitudeResilience 4+
Through this training, one recovers from the conditions of stunning and unconsciousness quicker than normal. Based on the units of time, whether rounds, minutes or hours, with this skill one recovers at the better of 2 fewer units or half the time; however, the minimum will be one unit if it cannot translated into a different unit, like one hour to thirty minutes. If it is one turn, then it will become the start rather than the end, if applicable. In other words, if the normal effect is until the end of one’s next turn, recovery will happen at the start of one’s turn; if the duration is one hour, then it becomes 30 minutes; as a final example, if normal stunning lasts until the end of one’s third subsequent turn, the recovery will happen at the end one’s next turn.
Karma Attainment: One week sleeping with rocks on one’s head
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Danger SenseAlertnessMind 12+
Through this skill, a character is granted advantage on Strength or Agility feat saves (checks) against physical or mechanical effects, such as traps. Advantage can only be granted if the character has normal sight and hearing in the circumstance.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest inside a shallow pit
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Dark MindHeart of StoneWill 6+
A character with this training may be undetectable to scrying and divination inquiries, as well as many magical detections, including the reading of thoughts or detection of his or her lifesong. This protection is in constant effect and completely passive, including when the being is sleeping or unconscious. Against any effect which attacks the mind and allows a save, the dark mind skill grants a +5 bonus to those saves. Any form of thought-reading, mental communication, detection or other divinations which do not typically allow a save used upon the effected target, a special Judgment save against Comp:9 is permitted. If successful, the target is fully protected from mental intrusion, including even knowing its existence is confirmed. GMs should not reply, “You can’t read him” but rather merely answer from the perspective. In other words, if attempting to detect magic on the person with dark mind who makes a successful special save, the GM would reply, “There is nothing magic on him.”
Karma Attainment: 1 Week, 24 hours per day, wearing a bronze helmet and mask that prevents vision
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DashNo Skill RequirementAgility 4+
With this skill, a character can double his or her movement in combat a combat round. This can be performed for as many rounds that a character has points of Agility. The rounds performed do not have to be consecutive. After using that many rounds of dashing, a short rest is required.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest after rubbing legs with 10 bits worth of herbs
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Delay the ReadyNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
By having this skill, one can “hold the action” for 2 points of initiative. This will not be announced until the initial the character's turn comes up, then it will be delayed appropriately. In other words, if the character has a 7 for initiative that round, then he or she may chose to delay the action until the last of all those with a 5 have taken their turns; however, during any time between, the character may interrupt to take his or her turn. If the delay drops below 1, then the action can be held until the last action of the round. If two people both delay until the “last of” an initiative number, they will execute in the order of the original initiative as a tie-breaker.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest after eating a humming bird
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Delay the TimingDelay the ReadyMuse 5+
This skill is virtually identical to its predecessor, except one can “hold the action” for 5 points of initiative.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest covered in the blood of a gray fox
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Dendrosophy: Heat-BlossomCantrip Control and AstrologyPerception 4+
The fey skill combines agronomy and fey magic to produce extraordinary crops. Once per year, the disciple can plant up a fruit-bearing trees or bush. The result of this sacramental rooting produces inedible orbs, when plucked from the branch produce warmth and light for about a week. The special fruit does not burn, but it will radiate both heat and light equivalent to a campfire. After the week has passed, the orb rots, diminishing in its glow until it completely decays over the next few days.
Karma Attainment: Sacrifice a pig that has been personally owed for at least one month; after its death, circle the pig exactly nine times, then remove its intestines and hang them on a tree; sleep there that night; long rest.
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Dendrosophy: Off-SeasonCantrip Control and AstrologyPerception 4+
This fey skill is similar to heat-blossom in that it allows a fruit-bearing plant to be rooted once per year. However, this version causes the normal fruit of the tree to bloom in the off-season; thus, cherries would blossom in winter, while grapes would grow in early spring.
Karma Attainment: Time to acquire a rabbit or hare personally, chased down without tools or weapons, the sacrifice the animal sprinkling its blood on the roots of a tree, the sleeping there; long rest.
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Dendrosophy: Strange-FruitCantrip Control and AstrologyPerception 4+
Like the other forms of dendrosophy, this skill allows the flora to grow and bear fruit from outside of the region, such as oranges in an arctic zone. Another option might be to grow a root-vegetable like potatoes.
Karma Attainment: Having sex in a forest, which re-enacts the sowing of the earth, then remaining there naked for a long rest
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De-Sanctification CommissioningFaith 4+
The divine power removes the "holy ground" status from an opposing deity. This is a cleansing process to remove all benefits from those of aligned worship. The rituals require one day to purify an area, which is dependent on the priest's Faith score. It also requires one vial of holy water for every 300 sq feet, plus herbs and incense valuing at 1 bit per 5 sq feet. Up to three priest can combine their efforts to remove commissioned ground. For each extra priest, the individuals act as if he or she had one point higher score in Faith for the calculation of area abjured.
Faith BonusArea 
4 100 sq feet (10x10)
5 400 sq feet (20x20
6 900 sq feet (30x30)
71,600 sq feet (40x40)
8 2,500 sq feet (50x50)
9 3,600 sq feet (60x60)
10 4,900 sq feet (70x70)
11 6,400 sq feet (80x80)
12 8,100 sq feet (90x90)
Unskilled: The stripping of (un)holy ground requires a true connection with a greater power
Karma Attainment: 99 fronds of palm ferns must be cleaned; duration is one day
Tags: [Divine]
DiplomacyInfluenceSpirit 15+
This skill permits a character to speak without interruption from others for thirty seconds, unless someone else in the crowd also has the same skill. Also, as an enhancement of charisma and social engineering, the skill allows a person to influence others, making the Comp used by the victim to increase by 4 points, rather than just 2 from the influence skill. Further, if using in combat as a complete action, which disallows other actions or reactions until the remainder of the round, then sentient, language-speaking combatants can be convinced to make a momentary truce for one round. This is performed at the end of the round by each hearing opponent, who understands the language and has free will, to roll a Judgment preservation save (Comp:9). If a majority of the opponents fail and take pause, then the following round the diplomat can clearly explain or articulate why the fight should not continue. This may or may not be effective based on the conditions and responses barked by the enemy leader. Moreover, this truce cannot be used more than once in a single combat.
Karma Attainment: 2 Days of Silence with tongue painted in red mercury (25 bits)
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DisciplineNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
Grants +2 on all saves (preservation, feat or competition) on all dice when any Spirit sub-attribute is involved. Additionally, if an affect against one's spirit is automatic, this grants one a Will preservation save against (Comp:15).
Karma Attainment: 1 Day spent balancing a bucket of water on one's head
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Disease ResistanceCenter FocusResilience 4+
This conveys a +4 to any saves involving disease. If infected and damage occurs as a result, then that damage is halved per incident, just as any other form of damage resistance. It also halves the duration of the infection if becoming sick.
Karma Attainment: No activity time lost, but must eat moldy bread for a week
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DistilleryBrewingPerception 3+
This skill allows the creation of liquors, spirits and minor chemicals. Homeopathy or alchemy can each add d20s to the chance of success rolls; however, as brewing is a requirement, it will not aid with this skill. The better of the head craftsman's Muse or Logic bonus can be added to these rolls.
 Batch-SizeIngredientsCompIntervalSuccessMax TimeShelf Life
Absinthe30-Flagon Firkin5 lbs Herbs
5 lbs Sugar
12Weekly246 weeks1 year
Acid Splash1-Flagon (8 uses)10 lbs Salt
1 pound Copper
1 pint Ethyl Alcohol
13Daily252 days3 months
Bonfire Blend1-Flagon (8 uses)12 Tbsp Jaffray
1 lb Phosphorus
13Daily485 days1 month
Bourbon60-Flagon Cask50 lbs Corn
10 lbs Barley
12Quarterly604 years20 years
Coma Draught1-Flagon (8 uses)8 Tbsp Laishaberries
1 gal Ethyl Alcohol
13Daily426 days3 months
Ethyl Alcohol30-Flagon Firkin500 lbs Corn10Daily4010 days3 years
Rum60-Flagon Cask15 lbs Sugar
1 gal Molasses
Various Spices
11Quarterly605 years20 years
Smelling Salts1-Flagon (8 uses)24 Tbsp Venus Flora
1 gal Ethyl Alcohol
10Daily3510 days1 year
Sun Oil1-Flagon (8 uses)8 Tbsp Jaffray
12 eggs
1 gal Ethyl Alcohol
10Daily386 days1 year
Whiskey60-Flagon Cask40 lbs Rye
15 lbs Barley
5 lbs Corn
11Quarterly402 years15 years
Karma Attainment:1 Week in a brewery or medical lab
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Divine AccordNo Skill RequirementSpirit 10+
This skill grants the ability call forth incantations from one's deity. It bonds the character to a devout relationship with a deity, the church or sect, which may influence decisions and mindset of the character. Starting characters will have a history of study with the church or leaders from the Cultural Paideia. However, others switching to become a priest later will need to have some sort of story explanation that is approved by the GM. While technically this skill can be self-trained, the deity must accept the initiate to actually gain access to incantations. Thus, for those picking this up(or in rare cases of extreme devotion for self-training, at the GM's discretion) as if it were a vocational skill; thus, after 100-days religious study without using karma, the acolyte can gain divine accord upon a successful Faith-feat save (Comp:4).
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Most religions and sects will requires a formal set of classes to gain this skill, which will range from two to six months.
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
Divine ArtificingDivine AccordMuse 3+
This allows a priest to create a magic item through a divine-magic process. It is actually a prerequisite and more details can be found under the skill in this section and also in the GM Aide.
Unskilled: This requires true supernatural influences
Karma Attainment: A circle of mirrors must be assembled where one’s graven image must stay for three days. The graven image will become the priest’s icon for creation.
Tags: [Divine]
Divine Luck Divine AccordWill 3+
Whenever a visible ally within 30 feet rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, a check or a save, then a reaction can be used to let the ally re-roll the die. The ally must use the new roll. This can only be done once before requiring either a short or long rest to reset the option to use again. To clarify, one must have an available reaction to employ.
Unskilled: The power comes from the divine
Karma Attainment: A spearmint/beeswax lotion must be created and rubbed over one’s body. Requires 1 day.
Tags: [Divine]
Divine Preservation  Divine AccordFaith 4+
This defensive skill allows a priest to instantly use an incantation that is designated to be an action in a self-protecting manner. Whenever this is used, the normal amount of spirit points are consumed, and if the priest does not have enough then this ability cannot be used. However, it is an instant and one-time protection. If the incantation has a duration, it will not continue to manifest for that time, but rather only for the instant safeguard. On the other hand, this invoking the effect is performed as a reaction, assuming the priest has one available. Further, only divine incantations marked with the symbol can be used in this way. An example is a goblin prepares to fire an arrow at the priest, who has a reaction available. Using that reaction, the priest could instantly create a downpour to influence the effectiveness of the goblin's shot. The downpour would not last the normal minute-duration but instead only for a few seconds to impede the arrow shot. Or instead, if the goblin shot the arrow and inflicted damage against the priest, a treat minor body damage could be used as a reaction to grant an instant healing of the damage.
Unskilled: This is a divine power
Karma Attainment: A day of exchanging the flame between two candle sticks
Tags: [Divine]
Divine TranslationDivine AccordPerception 3+
For priests not granted the discern language incantation, this is an alternative. It could be granted to those with the spell, but selecting it for such priests would be a rare choice. This skill only works on written language, and the priest must remain in the presence of the scroll, book, carving or whatnot. The effort is not strenuous and can occur during a short rest; however, the priest must be conscious during the translation. For each minute in the presence of the non-magical foreign writing, one word (in order from the beginning to end) becomes known. Up to 12 hours of translation (720 words) can be performed before requiring a long rest. After sleeping, the priest can pick up from where the last learned word left off.
Unskilled: Supernatural power is connected to this ability
Karma Attainment: Recite aloud the liturgy of one’s religious texts. Duration one day.
Tags: [Divine]
Elemental SwarmPact and Divine AccordWill 7+
This skill allows a 30 minute ritual to open a portal to one elemental plane corresponding to the province of the priest. Upon the completion of the ceremony, 2d4 elementals will appear. After another 30 minutes, without any action of the priest, the portal will re-open, bring forth another d4 elementals. All the elementals obey the commands of the summoner explicitly and cannot be turned against the priest. There is no concentration required to maintain control over these creatures. As there is a tether between the elementals and the dimension through which they arrived, these elementals cannot be dismissed or banished. The elementals remain in the material world for one hour after the completion of the ritual, meaning 1 hours for the first set and 30 minutes for the second. Due to the power of this rite, deities granting the connection between the planes will not permit its use more than once per month.
Unskilled: This is a direct connection with greater powers
Karma Attainment: Must boil a gallon of water in a ceramic bowl until it evaporates; then breathe the vapors. This must be done all day for a week.
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Enchanted MetalsEnhanced MetalsBody 16+
Can work with special metals for forging weapons and armor. This also acts as a prerequisite for artifice discipline, granting Strength modifiers as a bonus to daily crafting rolls.
Karma Attainment:2 days near a kiln
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Encouraging VerseMinstrelPerception 3+
This grants the ability to use musical notes to disrupt mind-influencing effects. As an action, the minstrel begins a performance that lasts until the end of his or her next turn. Upon the next turn, the action may be to continue the performance. During that time, the player and any friendly creatures within 30 feet gain advantage on saves against being frightened, charmed and even phantasms. A creature must be able to hear gain this benefit. The performance ends early if player becomes incapacitated or silenced. Further, the songster could voluntarily end it (no action required). The skill of the music maker impacts the effect of the performance. Should a musician perform this action, then in addition to advantage, +1 on the save is gained. Should it be a maestro, then +2 is gained. Further, it should be noted that only one song type can be performed at one time.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day practicing musical instrument
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EnduranceStaminaResilience 4+
Anytime a degree of exhaustion might be suffered, this skill will allow a chance to avoid it. If the character succeeds a Resilience save feat against Comp:18, then the exhaustion does not set in. If the condition places the victim in disadvantage, then the roll still must be rolled at disadvantage. This will not avoid negative-temporary point loss from things like starvation or life-draining, nor will in allow a person to hold one's breath longer. However, any exhaustion penalties from asphyxiation or starvation might be avoided.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest, sleeping on a bed of nails
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Energy Drain SapWill 5+
With this skill, the priest can add a “life-drain” onto any melee attack that physically strikes an opponent as a reaction after the strife. When successfully hitting the opponent, the “life-drain” inflicts damage at the top of the Body reducing the opponent's max value. If the victim’s current Body points are lower than the drained max value, then no “current” damage is inflicted; otherwise, the “current” value is lowered to match the new max value. The victim’s max score recovers at a normal rate according to short and long rest rules; however, no normal healing magics can raise the max value unless the spell or effect explicitly states so. When a priest with vampirism activates this power, it will last for three consecutive attacks or until a successful strike occurs. Once either happens, the draining cannot be performed again until after a short rest.
Unskilled: The power is supernatural
Karma Attainment: Must observe a flower rot in hand over one week
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy]
EngineeringMathematicsJudgment 4+
This is the basic understanding of mechanics and structures. It allows the building of simple structures. Some routine actions can be performed with a Logic feat save. These are: identifying weak points in walls and structures; calculating large volumes by sight; converting weight and evaluating sturdiness. The Comp for these is 9 with the skill; without the skill is a Comp18. The GM should give an answer when calculating or evaluating quantitative values even if the roll is failed. A guideline would be to be off 10% per point missed. Other feats as deemed reasonable by the GM can also be made. Additionally, the engineer can create and set simple spring-loaded or weight-shifting traps. In combat, if materials exist, an engineer can create a temporary melee weapon, which acts with the weight and balance of a specified one, allowing any character to use it with full skills rather than as a “improvised weapon.” For example, if a combatant in the group has swords in addition to melee fighting, the engineer could fashion a "sword" from a scabbard and broken door handle to act as an actual sword, allowing the combatant to roll 2d20 in an attack, instead of just 1d20 for a random weapon. However, the make-shift sword will break on a score of a ‘natural 1” on either die set. Ranged weapons cannot be fashioned this way. The time to create is an action in combat. Lastly, engineering can offer bonuses to the architecture detail under that description.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at a scholarly site or similar
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Enhanced MetalsArmoring or WeaponsmithBody 13+
This allows a lesser metal-working skill to use techniques of silvering and crude carbon-steel. Silvering weapons allows them to get around the damage resistance of some creatures. Silvering weapons add 100 bits to the cost. Steel weapons gain a +1 to hit, but inflicts damage as a normal weapon. They cost an additional 200 bits or three times, whichever is greater. Armors made from crude steel are 1 point higher in armor class. More details can be found in the Game Master section. However, silvering a steel weapon is not a successful technology. It can be done, but the plating falls from the steel quickly, making it a moot method.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at specific forge
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EnoptromancyCenter FocusWill 4+
This divination is performed by means of reflections and mirrors. Details of the future may be divined in detail by the oracle after an hour of mirror-gazing. Random events are reflected in the mirror; however, over the duration the seer may be able to determine in fair detail what the major events of the next two days will be for a specifically named subject (death, for example, or a complete loss of money), assuming any major events will occur. A Will feat check (Comp:14) will be rolled in secret by the GM. For each additional spent studying in reflections, a +1 bonus can be added to the roll. If the roll fails, then it will be read as nothing will happen 75% of the time; however, false information may also be determined.
Karma Attainment: Spend a week in a room of mirrors
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Era of StoneHeart of StoneResilience 6+
This slows the natural aging process. For each two chronological years that pass, only 1 year of aging occurs.
Karma Attainment: Starting only on a full moon (either moon), spend 1 Week in meditation surrounded by incense and candles (20 bits)
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EtherwalkDivine Accord and CeremonyFaith 5+
Through one minute of concentration, the priest transports himself and any number of followers who are joined by hands to the border ethereal plane of existence. If the circle of connection (hand-holding/touching) is broken during the attempt, it will ruin the transport. This commute is physically stressful for the priest, inflicting d2 points of Body damage per traveler, including the priest oneself; therefore, if the priest and four companions, then upon arrival the priest would suffer 5d2 points of damage. It is entirely possible the trip could kill the priest. To return to the material world, the priest will have to perform this ritual again, which subjects him or her again to the same bodily stress. Finally, travel on the border ethereal results in time passage being a bit out of sync. When first arriving, time occurs much faster in the ethereal, but while remaining relative time gets closer together. Using the image to the right, the perception of the passage of time in the material world is represented by the green line, while and time experienced in the ethereal is the blue line. Whenever returning to the prime material, more time will have passed there than perceived while off plane. For the first hour in the ethereal, time occurs at a three to one ratio; thus, if spending 10 minutes in the ethereal, when returning 30 minutes will have passed. However, over the next two hours, the ratio slows to two to one. After that, time synchronizes to a one to one ratio. Nonetheless, the first faster periods still impact the total time; for example, if a total of eight hours is spent in the ethereal plane, then when returning fourteen hours will have passed (1+2+7 => 3+4+7).
Unskilled: This is a divine power
Karma Attainment: Practice creating string figures (witch broom, cat’s cradle) for two days.
Tags: [Divine]
Evocation of FireSorceryMind 13+
When casting a spell that inflicts fire as the base damage, flames engulf the caster from the beginning of the casting until the beginning of his or her next turn. The flames cause no damage to the sorcerer or possessions. Further, they shed dim light out to 20 feet. While the flames are present, these offer a defense such that any creature successfully striking the sorcerer by melee from an adjacent hex will suffer 1 point of fire damage. As a downside, it does costs an extra Mind point for such a spell to prevent the effect from occurring.
Unskilled: Impossible
Karma Attainment:Three days looking at fire
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Evocation of FrostSorceryMind 13+
When casting an axiom that inflicts cold as the base damage, frost covers the caster from the begining of the casting time until the start of his or her next turn. The frost causes no damage to the sorcerer or possessions. No light sheds from this effect. While the frost is present, these offer a defense such that any creature successfully striking the sorcerer by melee from an adjacent hex will suffer 1 point of cold damage. At the cost of an extra Mind point of the axiom-casting, this effect can be stopped from manifesting.
Unskilled: Impossible
Karma Attainment:Three days packed in ice cubes
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Evocation of LightningSorceryMind 13+
When casting a spell that inflicts lightning damage, sparks of electricity cover the caster when starting the axom through its manifestation and until the start of his or her next turn. The sparks cause no damage to the sorcerer or possessions. Further, they shed dim light out to 10 feet. While the sparks are present, these offer a defense such that any creature successfully striking the sorcerer by melee from an adjacent hex will suffer 1 point of lightning damage. At the cost of an extra Mind point of the axiom-casting, this effect can be stopped from manifesting.
Unskilled: Impossible
Karma Attainment:Three nights awake staring into the sky
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Exotic HidesLeatherworkingMuse 4+
Create leather armor from monster hides.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at a tannery
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FalconryAnimal TrainingWill 3+
The prerequisite of animal training can be for any animal. The falconist must merely have some experience with training animals. Once gaining the skill, the person can hunt small game with a trained hawk. It includes theoretical knowledge of hunting, plus one can act as having animal training specific to falcons if the prerequisite is not that specialty. Finally, this skill offers the equivalent of animal breeding specific to hawks.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days in observing falcons
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Familiar QuestCantrip Control and Creature Specifics (Fey)Mind 15+
Once learning specific lore for fey creatures, this skill allows the ability to bind a fey spirit to another person or to oneself. Only one fey spirit can be linked to another living being at one time. The process is a special woodlands summoning, requiring 24 hours where the person to whom the familiar will be linked must be present. The material costs are roughly 100 bits for herbs, amber incense, and a brazier full of duskwood chips. The fey spirit is summoned on a successful Will check (Comp:9), and it will come in the form of another creature and act as a charmed animal companion (see skill) serving its master for the following five years; however, unless noted in the benefits familiars cannot attack unless defending themselves against direct attack and will still often flee to survive. One further benefit from a familiar is the ability to see and hear through that creature once per day, which acts as an act of scrying for one minute. Thus, familiar are often used as spies. Different types of familiar forms offer different benefits, but each will have the abilities of their form. Some are due to advantages for the spirit while others benefit the master. The form will be based on a 2d6 roll:
2ImpFamiliar can communicate telepathically with the Master
3QuasitFamiliar can attack and speak the abyssal language
4HawkFamiliar can fly; Master gains +1 on Perception
5CatMaster gains +2 on Stealth actions
6BatFamiliar can fly
7MonkeyFamiliar can climb
8OwlFamiliar can fly
9RavenFamiliar can fly; Master gains free language as a supernatural ability during familiar's service
10TurtleMaster gains +1 magical PP bonus like having a ring of protection
11BrownieFamiliar can communicate in the common language
12PseudodragonFamiliar can fly, can attack and has a random cantrip
The summoning ritual can only be performed once every three months, whether successful or not. As a result, this skill is rarely offered as a business service and the quester is often very selective of the recipient.
Karma Attainment:
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FarrierNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
The farrier skill is that of shoeing horses. This is most often performed on a horse, but it can include a borgaaz, goat and a mule. When shoeing an animal its burden increased by 100 pounds.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a barn or the like
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Feel PoisonNo Skill RequirementPerception 4+
This skill is often believed to be powered by the supernatural; however, it is an intense training of being in-tune with one’s senses. This endows the priest with a spiritual sensitivity to the presence of poison. Acting like a passive sensation, whenever a poison, whether bottled, on a weapon or in the fangs of a venomous creature, comes within 30 feet of the one with the skill, a secret Perception roll (Comp:10) is made by the GM to see if the PC is aware of it. This will not give the location of the poison, however, but the person will be aware of its existence. The priest will experience a mild sensation of nausea, not strong enough for penalties to incur. If other poisons are routinely around, such as carried by a party member, then this will cause the Perception roll to be made at disadvantage. However, if a second or third poison is introduced shortly after the presence of the first poison detection, then the chance of becoming aware of those is rolled normally.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Perform an unguided, insight meditation for three days
Tags: [Protected]
Feratu CommandCrown of the Grave IncantationWill 4+
With this skill, when creating undead under one's command, such as with the crown of the grave incantation, the number of controllable undead is doubled.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Lay in the earth, slight dirt covering, for 2 days; no breaks; no eating.
Tags: [Divine] [Necromancy]
Field MedicineWound CareJudgment 4+
This is an advancement of wound care and for all practical purposes should be considered the same effect; however, when restoring Body points, no roll is required. Additionally, it is possible to restore a total of two points to a recipient. Of course, three actions are required to achieve this maximum effect, unless having a wound or medical kit; with one, both Body points can be restored on the second action. As with its lesser form, it will not remove any exhaustion from being rendered unconscious. Recipients of this skill are act the same as if having been treated by wound care and cannot gain the benefit of one and then the other without a long rest occurring between them. To clarify, only one method field medicine or wound care can be applied, but not both. Further, new injuries must have occurred before a new treatment can be administered.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of study at a hospital or library
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Fiend PracticumCantrip Control and Creature Specifics (Fiend)Spirit 15+
After acquiring “fiend lore” by taking creature specifics for fiends, this skill allows some methods for dealing and harming creatures of the lower planes.
Protection from Evil: By spreading a two-foot diameter circle of runes made from herbs and silver shavings (cost: 50 bits), the occupant inside the circle gains a preternatural protection from fiends. So long as the being on the interior does not cross the circle or reach outside of it, then no fiend can physically enter or harm the occupant. Further, any charms, fear or spell-effects originating from the fiend are at disadvantage to affect the protected being.
Pentagram Cage: This allows the complex knowledge to create a pentagram that can trap a fiend, who once entering it cannot easily break free from it. The materials needed are herbs, silver shavings, and powdered rubies. The circle can be from two-feet in diameter to a maximum of ten-feet. The cost increases according to size (100 bits multiplied by 3x-diameter). Tiny fiends, such as imps, can be trapped by a two-foot diameter; small require three-feet; a medium fiend can be trapped by a six-foot diameter circle; and the largest is required for large-sized fiends. The fiend is guaranteed to be trapped for one hour. However, after that, each hour it may make a Will check to fine a weakness in the cage. When creating it, the GM secretly rolls the Comp, which is 12+2d4 (and it remains that Comp for every attempt to escape).
Binding Pact: Once trapping a fiend in a pentagram cage, a sage with fiend practicum can recite a supernatural binding ceremony to create a pact with the captured creature. This is an hour-long process, meaning the fiend will have one-chance to escape before being bound. This becomes an agreement in exchange for being set free from the cage. This could be knowledge or a specific act. Fiends with a total Spirit score of 7 or lower are immediately bound. Those with a Spirit score from 8 to 20 are permitted a save every hour against Will (Comp:14) and are only bound to the pact after failing the save. Those with higher Spirit scores must fail two saves before bind bound to the pact.
Karma Attainment:
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Fire ProofCenter FocusWill 5+
Through mind-over-matter techniques, one gains a resistance to fire damage.
Karma Attainment: No activity time lost but must each phosphorous for 3 Days
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Fire-BuildingNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
Building a fire requires tools, like flint and steel; however, with this skill and five-minutes of effort, a fire can be started without tools on a successful Agility feat against a Comp:8. Obviously, fires could not be started in impossible environments, such as underwater. This can be trained as a vocational skill in 30 days, but still requires a Muse save-feat (Comp:4) at the end of the training to acquire.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest in possession of flint
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FishCenter FocusBody 12+
The ability to hold one’s breath is tripled in duration. See the Asphyxiation subsection and Recovery.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day submerging head underwater several times during the day
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FishingNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
Someone with a fishing skill can fish from the bank with poles, use traps and nets in shallow waters or even troll with larger nets from a boat. Assuming normal populations in the area fished, a person can produce 10 meals per day and double that on Agility feat skills roll (Comp:14). If the person also has wilderness lore, then +3 is added to the roll.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest near a body of water
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Flight-StaminaBatfolkStrength 3+
Upon being trained in this skill, a batfolk can use his or her Strength bonus to add as an additional round of flight. Thus, a batfolk with a Strength score of 6 could fly for a total of five rounds.
Karma Attainment:A long rest
Tags: [Combat]
FlowSwimmingBody 15+
This is an enhancement skill for the prerequisite of swimming, which increases the movement rate to 25 feet. The duration one can swim is equal to five minutes per current Body life points. This is 750 feet per Body point for swimmable distance; e.g. 11,250 feet for current score of 15. Should a character choose only to tread water, this can be performed for 1 hour per Body point. After either, a short rest is required before swimming or treading again. Encumbrance reduces movement as it normally would.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest with a bonefish which must be eaten afterwards
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Forbiddance CommissioningWill 5+
This ritual creates a ward against magical travel that protects a space up to 30,000 cubic feet (which is roughly 30 feet by 30 feet by 30 feet). For the following month, creatures cannot teleport into the area or use portals, such as extradimensional gates, to enter the area. This ritual protects the area against planar travel and access from either the astral or ethereal planes. If the ritual is performed every month for 5 years in the same location, then its effects will lasts until it is dispelled. The repeated ritual does not have to be performed by the same person; however, a priest of the exact deity would be required to count towards the 5-year requirement of permanence.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Tie 1000 knots in a silk rope; duration one whole day.
Tags: [Divine]
Forced EntryNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
This is the ability to kick in doors and windows, or demolish them with a ram, spikes or pry bars, without necessarily being adept in melee combat. Effectively, this allows the lowering of the Comp in brute force circumstances. For each turn/round of preparation, the Comp is lowered by 1 point up to a maximum of 5. However, if used against a restraint that is holding someone’s limb, the shackled person must make a Resilience save (Comp:9) or have the limb rendered useless for the next d8 hours.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest
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ForensicsHomeopathy and Medical Zoology (Any)Logic 4+
By use of forensics, an examiner can conclude with a high degree of accuracy the cause of death of a corpse. If looking at an animal mauling, most persons can deduce this, assuming the body is less than a week old. However, someone with forensics can gain the size category and from the bite marks or clawed incisions determine some details about the predator. If the cause of death cannot be determined by external examination, then if a laboratory is available, an autopsy can be performed to test for a toxicology and for magical evidence in the flesh. The chart below is used for a person with this skill via a Logic check to discover what occurred. Of course, things that did not happen to the corpse would not be rolled.
 Discovery CompFailure 
 Mauling/Weapons 3Additional injuries post-death, or wounds don't appear severe enough to be a fatality 
 Size of Attacker 8Angles of the attack create confusion 
 Weapon or Savage “Appendage” 10The wounds are inconsistent, possibly due to post-death issues 
 Specific Creature 17This can only be determined if Size and Weapon are known 
 Burned by Fire 4Burns obvious but source unknown or whether it is actual cause 
 Burned by Lightning 7Burns obvious but source unknown or whether it is actual cause 
 Burned by Acid 8Burns obvious but source unknown or whether it is actual cause 
 Life-Draining, Necrotic or Smite 14No clear cause of death 
 Toxin Involved 16No Suspicion 
 Dehydration 5Nothing discerned 
 Starvation 6Nothing discerned 
 Asphyxiation 8Nothing discerned 
 Life-Draining, Necrotic or Smite 14No clear cause of death 
 Old Age 18No Suspicion 
 Heart Failure 14No Suspicion 
 Toxin Involved 9No Suspicion 
 Dehydration 3Nothing discerned 
 Starvation 3Nothing discerned 
 Asphyxiation 4Nothing discerned 
Time: For each full week of time after death has occurred while no form of preservation has happened, an additional penalty of -1 is included in the Logic roll.
Karma Attainment:3 Days drawing sketches of death scenes
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Foul-PlayNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This is the art of unethical behavior. With this skill one can handle and deliver poisons. Without the skill, one risks self-infliction if failing a Resilience feat against a Comp:6 per each handling. This does not convey any skills to extract poison from dead creatures without also having a skinning skill. Moreover, to milk poison from a live creature, an animal breeding skill would also be required. Additionally, a person with this skill is well versed in combat exploitation and fighting dirty. This is throwing dust in the eyes, lulling an opponent into an unfriendly position, or other dirty tricks. This functionally causes a single opponent to be at disadvantage in a melee scenario on his or her next turn. The opponent is aware of the disadvantage and may choose not to perform a melee action. Invoking the disadvantage comes at a cost of 10 points of karma. If the foul-player does not have the karma, it cannot be used. Conversely, if 20 points are available, disadvantage could be thrown against the opponent for 10 points and advantage given to oneself could be gained for another 10 points.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest
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Furtive MotionStealthAgility 5+
This skill allows any action taken by stealth to gain special rules concerning the roll. This formula remains 4d6 + Agility score; however, any “raw 1s” rolled will count as the value of 2, making the lowest possible Comp for one's stealth maneuver a 13.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days of practice walking on crunchy surfaces like acorn shells, metal shards, or broken glass
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GamblingNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
With this skill, one is an expert at risk analysis. This often applies to playing games of chance for money, but it has a wider application as well. Gamblers may appear lucky, but in truth tend to enter into things where the odds tip in their favor. Ironically, this often makes them persons who are not big risk takers and like to be able to know things that others often overlook. This means that the gambling should not be interpreted as some sort of augury. That said, gamblers are very good at reading other people's tell, meaning that the GM should give the gambler a +1 or +2 bonus in social interactions where there is deception occurring, not a typical barter but rather a broken product, for example. Also, when playing games of chance, if the results are determined by a d20, then the gambler should be granted a +1 on his or her roll. Finally, can also make a karma sacrifice for advantage for only 9 points rather than the typical 10.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest at a casino
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GardeningNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This is a small scale agriculture skill combined with a bit of artistry. While this can produce 2 meals per day for a small house, it also adds beauty to an area by landscaping flowers, bushes and trees.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a garden
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Gear MechanicsEngineeringLogic 4+
The specialty allows the design of machines with mechanical motion. While a cart or wagon could be created without this, gear mechanics would permit the building of drawbridge or portcullis. Even a swinging floor as a mechanical bridge between points could be built with this skill. This skill also permits one to sabotage an existing pulley or gear mechanism to prevent it from normal operation. Sabotage is a specific feat if during combat and requires d3 actions to complete. If applied against a one-time mechanical trap, preventing the trap from triggering is successful on a Logic feat save (Comp:11) with the roll being secretly made by the GM. As for the time required to build a structure is 1 day of labor per cubit foot of the design. Thus, a wooden twenty-foot drawbridge would be 200 cubic feet for the bridge and 600 cubic feet for the wall face, making the total 800 labor days. Further, there is a 10% addition to the total labor time for each additional laborer. A team of 20 workers could complete this in 120 days. The details of a work project is explained in the Games Masters section.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at a wagon factory, windmill or other type site
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Glass-BlowingNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This allows the creation of glasswork. It does require tools and a heat source. This is not directly an artistic skill although it could be. Typically, products made are glassware for the upper class, beakers, flasks and globes. Even crude spectacles could be created from this skill.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest at glass shop or studio
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Greed SacrificePriest of RahdjiFaith 8+
This is a special ritual that is freely granted to dwarven priests of Rahdji once having a Faith score of 8 and higher. This ceremony requires 30 minutes to perform, but after it is complete it will have transformed gems, trade bars, and/or coinage into restored Spirit points. For each value of 250 bits sacrificed in a hollowed fire burned in a special kiln, one point of Spirit is gained. The materials sacrifice are divinely disintegrated in the process. This ritual cannot take the score above the maximum, and only 4 points at most can be regained by this ceremony. Additionally, the special kiln weighs over 1,000 pounds; thus, it is movable but highly unlikely to travel with the priest. The cost of such a kiln is 2,500 bits. Once performing this ritual, it cannot be performed against until after a long rest.
Unskilled: Granted only to dwarven priests of Rahdji
Karma Attainment: Freely acquired upon Faith 8
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Green StitchingCantrip Control and LeatherworkingAgility 4+
With this fey skill, the lateral appendages of the darkleaf tree can be sewn together to create armors equal to leather or even studded leather armor. Such armor is often referred to as goluka armor. The return for using darkleaf plants over actual leather is the lack of maintenance for the armor and minor healing properties it offers.
Karma Attainment: Wrapping one finger in darkleaf for 1 Week, not permitting it to dry out. There is a 1 in 20 chance the finger will be permanently stained green.
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Hail SteedSummon Pests or Summon VinesWill 4+
This fey magic summons a spirit that assumes the form of an intelligent, strong, and loyal steed. Appearing in an unoccupied space within 30 feet, the steed takes on a form that you choose: a horse, a pony, a camel, an elk, or a lizard steed. (The GM might can other animals to be summoned as steeds.) The steed has the statistics of the chosen form. Additionally, if your steed has a Mind of 1 or less, its Mind becomes 2, and it gains the ability to understand one language of your choice that you speak. The steed serves a mount and can be used with any existing skills designed for that type of mount. If the steed drops to 0 Body points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. You can also dismiss your steed at any time as an action, causing it to disappear. Otherwise, the spirit steed will persist for eight hours. The steed can only be summoned once until taking a long rest.
Karma Attainment:
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Heart of StoneCenter FocusSpirit 18+
This conveys a +4 to any saves involving fear or charm; it also renders one immune to sleep magic or psionics. Even if charmed or frightened, any damage associated directly with the affect, such as weapon of doubt, then that damage is halved per incident, just as any other form of damage resistance.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day carving a wooden graven image then sacrificing it in a fire
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HexationNo Skill RequirementFaith 5+
This skill is such that one learns how to place curses upon a target; it is part of church secrets, but being a priest is not required to learn this skill. The curser can attempt to inflict the following curses: ageusia, bio-nonspecto, gauchiste, gluttony, malglossima, mock feratu, portclaudo, and thunderous step. When targeting a victim, the priest selects the curse, then adds his or her total Faith score to the base Comp. These values can be found in the Curses section. The victim must roll a save against the appropriate and adjusted Comp; if failing, the target is cursed. Only one victim at a time can be cursed. If unsuccessfully delivering a curse, the person attempting the hex must recover with a short rest before attempting on another target. Curses can be lifted by the will of the one invoking it. Such action should be within the ethics of the church served and failing to follow such dogma may result in church political intervention or even otherworldly discipline if the breaches are extreme.
Unskilled: Not possible
Karma Attainment: Secret Ritual; 2 days
Tags: [Divine] [Protected]
Holy (Unholy) TurningDivine Accord and CeremonyFaith 4+
This skill allows a priest to use his or her holy symbol while chanting a revered phrase. This can effectively stun a celestial or fiend, depending on the spiritual alignment of the cleric. If a faithful's deity is truly neutral in the good/evil schema, then either could be affected but the target would gain +3 on its save in this case. Using an action, the priest attempt the turning, forcing the target to make a successful Faith preservation save against a Comp:11 (plus the priest's Faith modifier). If the save is successful, the extraplanar being is unaffected; however, on failing, the being is under the restrained restriction while the priest continues the chant. However, at the start of each of the victim's turns, it may use its action to attempt to break free by rolling the save again; however, this time there is a static -3 penalty to the attempt. Once a creature has been successfully turned, it cannot be done again until after a short rest.
Unskilled: Power is from divine energy
Karma Attainment: Spend a day destroying icons and images of unholy things
Tags: [Divine]
HomeopathyDistilleryLogic 3+
This skill allows for the creation of materia medica from herbs, plants and distilled creations. Alchemy is the only skill which can increase the number of d20s used for success rolls. The better of the head craftsman's Muse or Logic bonus can be added to these rolls.
 Batch-SizeIngredientsCompIntervalSuccessMax TimeShelf Life
Healing Salve6 doses6 Tbsp Moly
2 gal Olive Oil
1 Lizard Tail
14Daily306 days6 months
Lekhan Oil6 doses6 Tbsp Belladonna
12 oz Quicksilver
3 Tbsp Iocane Powder
Rind of a Sea Sponge
14Daily347 days1 month
Subsistence Cube6 doses6 Tbsp Pattran
1 oz Red Mercury
2 lbs Sugar
14Daily347 days1 month
Karma Attainment:1 Week in a lab or brewery
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HuntingNo Skill RequirementResilience 3+
Of course so sort of weapon, typically bow and arrow, is required for this skill. However, a hunter performs for a week at a time to determine how much food he brings in. At the end of each week, a d20 is rolled. That raw number times 10 is the number of meals from the game he or she got during that week. If the person also has wilderness lore, then another d10 is rolled for the meal calculation.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in wilderness
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HurdlingEquirdaAgility 3+
As part of normal movement, an equirda with this skill can clear or land on surfaces ten feet in height without a run. Heights of fifteen feet are possible if the equirda has a twenty foot running start. A standing broad-jump of fifteen feet can also be performed, while a running long-jump can clear thirty feet. The long-jump does not count against the current round of movement; however, it does remove half of the length of normal movement in the following round as the equirda recovers his or her footing from the leap.
Karma Attainment:A long rest
Tags: [Movement]
HydraulicsEngineeringPerception 4+
Hydraulics allows the creation of pipelines for gas and fluid delivery. Pipelines will either be ground-drains or buried clay-stone tubing. This skill is for design and project oversight, not the building itself, which is performed by laborers. The time to build a pipeline is based on ten-feet in length per day. For each foot of depth required, one addition half-day per ten-foot section is required. Therefore, 500-feet of ground-drain requires 50 days of labor, but 500-foot pipe five feet deep requires 125 days of labor. As with all labor projects, for each worker over one, an extra 10%-time estimate is added; however, due to the nature of leveling and fluid mechanics, only one location can be worked at a time, meaning the project can't be split into different sections to perform simultaneous effort. Again, details for labor projects can be found in the Games Masters section. One additional bonus is if an engineer has both hydraulics and bridge building, then total cubic feet for a bridge or aqueduct project is increased to 10,000 cubic feet.
Karma Attainment:1 Week at an Aqueduct, Sewer or similar
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HydromancySwimmingJudgment 3+
The practitioner of hydromancy must start the process in the morning by asking a very specific binary question, one that can be answered by yes or no. After which, he or she will spend the remainder of the day studying the movements and currents in running water or the tides. During the study, four times a blood letting will be performed to watch the crimson interact with the current to read the patterns of the kamii in the movement. Each cutting will inflict 1 point of Body damage. At the end of the day, the GM will secretly roll a Judgement feat (Comp:10) to determine whether a truthful interpretation was understood. If yes, it is revealed. If no, an inaccurate answer is given. Due to the blood-letting, if this prognostication is used more than once per week, there is a 15% chance for each violation (cumulatively, if more time within the same week) of contracting an earth rot disease.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day rolling dice or bones
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Imbue Divine AccordMuse 3+
This skill gives the priest the ability to create a temporary charm or amulet. Essentially any invocation with the symbol can be placed into a small trinket. These are limited to those costing 2 Spirit points. A further restriction is that healing magicks cannot be placed into an item. The target can be nearly any item so long as it is of good quality and at least 500 bits in value. Imbuing a rock in the field with simply fail. When activating the item's power, there is a cool-down duration before it can be activated again. For invocation durations measured under 10 minutes, then that cool-down is 3d4 times its normal (maximum) duration. If more than 10 minutes but less than 24 hours, then the cool-down time is d4 hours. If an effect is greater than a day, then a like amount is the cool-down. For instantaneous or permanent effects, these cannot be reactivated for a full 24 hours.
A typical example would be placing torch into a jeweled ring. The preparation of an imbued item is similar to benison where daily checks are made against Comp:8, tallying the raw score of the roll. Faith bonuses are permitted to be used for checking against the success roll. Once a total score of 50 is reached, the item is gains the ability, and the duration of the enchantment is one month. While it the trinket is empowered, the ability for the creating priest to cast this invocation as a normal casting is more difficult than normal due to much of the divine power being imbued into the object. For a successful casting, the priest must make a Faith feat-save (Comp:8) or the invocation fails and the necessary Spirit is still expended. Lastly, the priest who imbues an object cannot imbue another with the same invocation while one is active, unless it has become permanent.
Each month, on the final day of the item’s imbuing, the priest may choose to extend the power for an additional month; however, the priest must be in possession for the object for one hour. At the end of that duration, it costs the priest double the normal Spirit amount and requires a successful Faith feat-save (Comp:8). If it fails, the priest can spend another hour trying again. Furthermore, no priest can extend another priest’s imbuing but rather must start the process over on his or her own.
It is possible to make this object permanent by recharging it monthly for at least one year. After this time, while the trinket is still active, the priest can attempt to make the divine power residing in the object permanent. To do this, a final ritual must be performed using the same daily Comp challenge one final time; however, this time the total tally must reach 150. The making of the trinket permanent must be completed while the object is still empowered. Lastly, once the trinket gains permanence, the priest is able to cast the specific invocation again without the additional penalties from the item drawing on the divine energies.
Karma Attainment:
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InfluenceNo Skill RequirementSpirit 12+
With this skill, gains +2 on any rolls to resist charms and phantasm illusions. Conversely, this skill allows one to deceive, seduce, manipulate people for whatever reason or cause. When attempting to influence others the Comp used to resist such social charming is increased by 2 points. One of the biggest difference between influence and intimidation is the victim of this skill may never realize he or she has been used. Moreover, influence can be used in a broader set of conditions than just retrieving information. One can convince a guard to let them into an area with a convincing story or even trick someone into walking into an ambush. See Social Interactions.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest immediately after eating a harpy tongue
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Infuse ImbueMuse 4+
The infuse skill is nearly identical to imbue except that it place invocations with the symbol into an object and only invocations up to 5 Skill points. Otherwise, the use and cool-down durations work the same. Other exceptions are that the object must be of 1,000 bits in value, the challenge to infuse is Comp:10 and the total tally to reach is 80. Just a with imbue, Faith modifiers count towards the roll’s success but not the tally. When created, that invocation is difficult to cast, similar to imbue except the Faith feat-save is against Comp:10. The duration for reactivating an infused magical trinket is 3d6 rounds.
The process to extend the power of a trinket with an infused invocation for another month is the same as the imbue skill except the Faith feat-save is against Comp:10. To be clear, it still costs double the normal Spirit payment when recharging.
Finally, these items can be made permanent as well. However, at least two years of continuous empowering and a total tally score of 200 points. The making of the trinket permanent must be completed while the object is still empowered, which removes the priest’s difficulty for casting that specific invocation.
Karma Attainment:
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Inner FireCenter FocusMuse 5+
Through mind-over-matter techniques, one gains a resistance to cold damage.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day spent meditating naked in temperature below freezing
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InspirationMinstrelStrength 3+
After training in minstrel, a person with this skill can play that instrument in an inspirational way so that two allies, at the player’s choosing and must be other than oneself, gain +1 to hit dice rolled in combat attacks so long as the songster continues to play. This effect cannot combine with any other bonus which gives bonuses to attack, meaning to highest value of multiple effects is used. However, if the music player is a musician with the instrument, then those two allies gain a +2 bonus instead. Finally, if the one performing the inspiration is a maestro, then the bonus is +3.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of activity, practicing with musical instrument
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InterrogationNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
With this skill, gains +4 on any rolls to resist extracting information, even magically-performed. Additionally, when attempting to threaten or interrogate another the Comp used for the victim to resist is increased 4 points. See Social Interactions.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest after consuming Satyr Horn Dust
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Keen AlertnessAlertnessPerception 5+
If having the alertness skill for an environment, this skill can enhance it for that environment to gain +3 to Perception checks for such locations. Further, one gains +2 to combat initiative in said terrain.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day meditating in specific environment
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Kindred AnimalAnimal Companionship and Wilderness SurvivalMuse 4+
This skill is an empathic affinity with any true animal, permitted its Mind score and Spirit score combined do no exceed 10. However, in no circumstance could the animal exceed more Body points than the naturalist has Spirit points to a maximum of 24 points. Through this bond, the handler can give commands to the animal telepathically provided it is within 120 feet and in line of sight. Any actions made by the creature occur on the handler’s turn. This rapport can only exist with one creature at a time and is spiritual pact lasting one year. It may continue longer each year if both parties are willing. It is important to note that animals are still subject to charm effects which can override the will of the owner. If the owner is charmed, the animal will act under the same restriction as its master.
Karma Attainment: Bonding with the animal requires a 2-hour blood ceremony with the kindred beast, repeated if obtaining a new animal
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KismetGamblingJudgment 4+
This skill is a training in risk management to the extent that determination can alter the outcome. The benefit of this is additional option for spending karma. In addition to the 10-point karma rule to gain advantage, this skill allows the option to spend 10 points of unused karma to reroll one die, whether that is a save, an attack or even a dodge skill roll. Once using this karma-buy, it cannot be performed again until finishing a short or long rest.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest at a location deemed to be lucky by local lore
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KnotsNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
Most tasks involving rope are relatively simple and often do no require a feat; however, without this skill a GM may secretly roll a Strength feat (Comp:10) to ensure a knot holds, such as on a grappling hook or binding a captive. However, with this skill which is often taken in conjunction with sailing, it guarantees the knot will hold. Further, this skill allows specialty knots, like slipping ones that slide or loosen by tugging. It further means the skilled character can tie knots one-handed, something not possible without this skill. As such, someone with knots also has the opportunity to untie a secure knot by which the person is being bound. This is significantly slower than being bound but can be attempted each five minutes with success if rolling a Agility feat (Comp:16).
Karma Attainment:Long Rest with length of rope
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LanguageLogic pt / knownSpecial
This slot can be used to learn a new language, both written and spoken as applicable. However, the maximum number of languages a character can know is equal to his or her sub-attribute Logic score. This can be trained as a vocational skill, but requires a Logic save-feat (Comp:4) at the end of the training to acquire. Thus, learning with a book, teacher or other speaker actively helping would allow one to learn the new language in 100 days. Otherwise, it would require 200 days of immersion to be considered fully fluent and literate. However, by using karma, a new language can be learned incredibly fast -- in only 14 days. Some priests’ deities allow even faster learning.
Karma Attainment: 14 Days
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LapidaryNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
This is the skill to cut gems, gild metal and create jewelry. It also requires a stationary workshop. A trinket can be produced in a day, but a masterpiece may require a month.
Karma Attainment:3 Days with jeweler's tools
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Laying on HandsDivine AccordFaith 3+
Unlike a treat body incantation, this divine healing requires physically touching the target to be healed. As an action, the person of faith places a healing touch on the recipient, who then rolls 2d20, each being a separate Resilience save feat (Comp:10). The target gains the priest's spirit modifier to each roll. For each successful save, the target gains d3 to body, but cannot exceed the maximum body score. This ability is performed without the loss of any Spirit points, but it cannot be done again until experiencing a short rest.
Karma Attainment:
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LeadershipInfluenceSpirit 15+
In addition to the benefits of charisma gained from the influence skill, this allows a character to have an inspiring presence. As an action, the number of people equal to one's Muse bonus can gain the benefit of temporary Body points for a short period of time. The duration is equal to one minute (6 combat rounds) per point of Muse bonus, as is the increase of temporary Body points. Thus, with a Muse score of five, one person can gain one point for one minute, but at a score of six, two people can can two points each for two minutes. Once invoking this skill, it cannot be performed again until completing a long rest.
Karma Attainment: 2 Days of ritualistic painting symbols on self
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LeatherworkingNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This skill allows the creation of cloaks, robes and light armor from various skins, fabrics and materials. It requires a workshop.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a tannery
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Legal WorkNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
Such a skill allows a character the working understanding of the legal system of a region, kingdom or society. It conveys the ability to make arguments and petitions in a court that will be taken seriously.
Karma Attainment:1 Day of Activity in a Court Room
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Life-ChantingAlchemy and Mago-mathematicsLogic 6+
This skill allows the creation of life via constructs. The details of how to build various forms is available from the GM.
Karma Attainment:1 Month in a lab or morgue
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Lifesong Harmony Divine Accord and CeremonySpirit 15+
This is a long and powerful ritual, serving as an exorcism to remove possession, lycanthropy, advanced diseases and magical curses. It is like using exorcism, free curse, and remove disease simultaneously and for instances that those incantations cannot address the underlying issue. This is a ritual to be performed against a specific being. The victim rolls Faith preservation saves against the original difficulty but gain the bonus of the conducting priest's Faith modifier as well. If the original Comp is unknown use Comp:20. Saves are made every hour. Once three consecutive saves are successful, then the curse or possession has been lifted. Two priests can join effort in this ritual to which allows each to roll, allowing the recipient to roll with advantage and using the better of the two's modifiers as well.
Karma Attainment:
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Lifesong WhisperPrescienceMuse 4+
Requiring one minute of concentration, the priest imagines a familiar creature, one that is known by name or can be described in detail. For the following hour, the priest is able to sense the direction of the creature, so long as it is within a five-mile radius. If the creature is moving, then the direction of movement is known to the priest. However, this power can also locate a generally known type of creature; however, the range is not as far. This method will locate the nearest “goblin” or “unicorn” as long as one exists within one mile and the priest has personally seen the type of creature before. If the target is ethereal, in gaseous form, polymorphed or in any way not in the form expected or described, then it cannot be located. After performing this once, a short rest is required before another location can be performed.
Karma Attainment:
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Lightning Rod Slashing or Bludgeoning with Bastard SwordFaith 4+
This divine ability is granted to holy knights of a church. It is rarely useful and often performed as the final act of martyrdom. Additionally, it requires being equipped with a sword large enough to plant into the ground and armor of a metallic nature, even if it is just partial armor pieces. This abjuration thwarts to effects of a damaging energy that spreads across an area of effect, be it a breath weapon, lightning bolt or a cone of cold. However, it could not be used against glitter or tremor, as these do not produce damage. If the knight is within 30 feet of the intended center target and he or she has a reaction available, then the knight can plant the sword into the ground, stretch out the other arm and redirect the magical energy into himself. The spell effect will be pulled to the knight and affect other victims; however, it is a sacrificial maneuver as either the total number of dice (in cases of chain-effects) or double the power (save at disadvantage for half) strike the knight directly in that single blow. Any resistance to the energy is only applicable to what would have been the original damage; all damage above that is at full effect. In other words, if a fire-blast is absorbed and the knight is resistant to fire, then the incoming damage is 6 points (3 original). The resistance could work against the first 3 to reduce it to 1 point, but the second set would be 3 full points of fire damage, making the total 4 points. A success save (at disadvantage) would reduce the damage to 2 points.
Karma Attainment:
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LinguisticsNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
With linguistics, a person becomes proficient in languages and dialects. Due to an expertise in grammar and etymology, any mortal language can be partly interpreted. For each sentence heard or read, can be translated on a Logic save feat (Comp:16). For each language the linguist knows, there is a +1 bonus. However, extraplanar languages, such as abyssal or infernal, cannot be translated. Also, someone with this skill can learn a new language through self-training in only 3 months and 2 months with a mentor.
Karma Attainment:1 Week in a library or similar
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Lip-ReadingNo Skill RequirementPerception 3+
This is determining what is being said without being able to hear. Clear line of sight is required. Perception check against a Comp 11.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week of actively practicing skill
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Lock-PickingNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
Locks cannot be opened with a key, breaking or some magical effect. This skill allows a character with simple tools to mimic having the key. A standard lock has 5 Body points if choosing to break it. Of course, the container or door being secured might be easier broken than the lock. A standard lock also has a Comp of 9 if attempting to open it with picks. Agility modifiers are added to the feat roll. However, if genuine picks are not available, this person can create make-shift picks; however, that will throw a -4 penalty on the roll. Each attempt will require a base of 60 seconds. If the feat roll failed, then 60 seconds was spent. Another attempt may begin immediately. On success for each point above the required Comp, 3 seconds are removed. Therefore, if the Comp is 9 and the adjusted roll score is 16, then a 21-second duration is subtracted and the lock is opened in only 39 seconds. The quickest a lock can be undone is 3 seconds, regardless of the math.
Karma Attainment: 3 Days actively practicing with pick tools
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LocksmithNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
By the way of locksmithing, one creates standard locks. Further, if used with the lock-picking skill, then one gains a +3 bonus on the roll to open the lock.
Karma Attainment:1 Day Activity of assembling lock mechanisms
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Lore: ArcheologyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This is the study of ancient civilizations. An archaeologist is at home with excavations, old potsherds, inscriptions, etc. The skill allows a roll to let one answer questions about ancient history, or identify artifacts and dead languages.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: BiocartologyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This is the study of the lifesong and auras of living things. One understands the energy construct and patterns of a lifesong. With a day of examination, one with this skill might glean information from a pattern created from the symbolize lifesong axiom.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: CosmologyLore: ReligionMuse 3+
Cosmology is the study of the cosmos — the structure, organization and composition of all that exists. What most people would call the "known universe" is merely the material world; however, there are many other plane of existence. This skill allows some understanding of these other worlds.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: CreatureNo Skill RequirementMind 10+
This is a scholarly skill of the general information of animals and monsters. Someone with this skill can identify many creatures on the spot, meaning the attack methods or strategies of the creature would be known, as well as any resistances or special weaponry needed to harm it. This identification is successful on a Judgment feat (Comp:12) for the typical creature; however, this is limited to beasts of the native plane of existence. Celestials, fiends or other extraplanar creatures would be require a Comp of 20, and even very rare creatures might be modified by the GM to a required 15 or higher.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a scholarly location
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Lore: Creature SpecificsLore: CreaturesMind 12+
This lore is an expansion of creature lore for a specific taxonomy, such as anthropoid, mutants or undead. Even celestials or fiends could be selected. However, to pick up another classification of monster, another skill would have to be obtained. Nonetheless, for the identification of a creature in that group, the Comp is lowered by 2 points (typically Comp:10), and two d20 rolls (at advantage) are permitted to check for success.
Karma Attainment:3 Days in scholarly site
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Lore: EconomicsNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This is the study of the theory of money, markets, and financial systems. It is mainly an academic skill, but a successful skill roll allows one to predict the economic impact of events in the game world: the assassination of a political figure, the demolition of a foundry, the introduction of a new magical device, etc
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: FloraNo Skill RequirementMind 10+
This skill allows one to identify all common plants, trees and bushes in the region. If a plant is a monster, magical or outside of the region, then success is made on a Judgment feat save (Comp:13) for identification. If there is a truly unique or extraplanar plant encountered, then on a Comp:20, the person could have reasonable knowledge from guess work based on similarities to other plants.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in the wilderness
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Lore: GeographyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
Geography is the study of the physical properties of a planetary surface and its topography. A physical geographer could answer questions about climate, terrain, and so forth.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: HistoryNo Skill RequirementMind 10+
This allows a Judgment feat roll when historical knowledge would allow the character to know something others would not. There is no direct baseline, but story plots should typically have their own Comps defined for historical clues or information. When another creature attempts to remember determined by a feat roll, if historical information or dates are valuable to the recall, then the person with this skill can help by adding +1 to the other being's feat roll.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a library
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Lore: LiteratureNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
This is the study of the great writings. A student of literature would be knowledgeable in the realms of old poetry, dusty tomes, criticism, etc. This can be useful for finding clues to hidden treasure, sunken lands, ancient secrets, and the like. The work in question must be available in a readable language.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: MiasmaNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
The study of the spread and origin of disease. This skill can help identify a disease and its origin. It can be increase the odds of success when combined with forensics, medical skills, and mathematics.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: OccultNo Skill RequirementMind 12+
This is similar to the history skill only it is specific to knowledge of events and persons involved with things of a preternatural state, such as stories of power struggles in Hell between Asmodeus and Belial or the hierarchical ranking of angels in command. The lore does not give specific information about creatures, as that would require a creature lore or creature specifics skill, but it could aid in certain checks based on the determination of the GM. For example, knowing the ranks of angels would not convey any information about the powers of the different angels. However, if having this skill in conjunction with creature specifics about celestials, then knowing how the gate-power of an angel might be allowed two rolls to determine success. Lores can combine additional die rolls for success, at the ruling of the GM. Normally, however, knowledge gained via the occult lore skill would permit a character to roll a d20 against a Comp to know information. There is no direct baseline, but varying events should have their own Comps set by the GM.
Karma Attainment:One week in a library
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Lore: PlanarReligious StudiesMuse 3+
Cosmology is the study of the cosmos — the structure, organization and composition of all that exists. What most people would call the "known universe" is merely the material world; however, there are many other plane of existence. This skill allows some understanding of these other worlds.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: ReligionNo Skill RequirementSpirit 10+
Similar to the history skill, this allows one to gain information based on when the story might allow a theologian addition information not commonly known. Further, it can reveal information about undead on a Will feat (Comp:9), about fiends and celestials on a Faith feat (Comp:14), and about outer planar beings on a Muse feat (Comp:16).
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a church or temple
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Lore: SapientologyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This study is similar to archeology except it focuses and specializes on the behaviors, traditions and` cultures of other peoples and past societies. Knowledge is more akin to sociology of different peoples.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: Stone HistoryMineralogyMind 12+
This conveys a general knowledge and history of stonework and designs. This allows a +4 bonus rolls involving history related to the origin of stonework. Further, in conveys a +2 bonus on perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that is not stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework.
Karma Attainment:3 Days talking to rocks in a quarry
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Lore: ThaumatologyNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This is the academic study of magical theory and the chimerics of arcane magic. The main use for this skill is magical research, as it will allow magical research checks to be made at advantage.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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Lore: ViticultureNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This the theoretic understanding about cultivation and harvesting grapes for the purpose of wine-making. Combined with brewing, this skill lowers the Comp for making wine to Comp:9.
Karma Attainment:A week of study
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MaestroMusician (Specific)Muse 5+
With the maestro skill, one becomes a master in a specific musical instrument. The progression of this skill works as its predecessors.
Karma Attainment:3 Weeks Activity of practicing instrument
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Magical ReadingLinguisticsPerception 4+
This is an enhancement of linguistics that extend into exotic and magical languages. Extraplanar languages can be translated similar to mortal ones by linguistics on a Logic feat save (Comp:16); however, there are no bonuses for languages known. This also grants an additional +3 to the save for translating mortal sentences from the linguistics skill. However, the most auspicious benefit of this skill is the chance to read truly magical verbiage, such as divine scrolls or runes. There is a chance someone with this skill could cast the magic from a scroll or activate rune-magic from a stone. The baseline is Comp:14; however, the more powerful the invocation or rune, the more difficult the Comp becomes. For divine magic, the priestly point cost divided by two (rounded down) is the increase of the Comp. For runic magic, for each 100 points of cost for the creation of the rune increases the Comp by 1. However, the expert linguist is permitted to add his Perception modifier to the feat roll. If it is successful, then the scroll or rune is successfully identified and the character can choose to cast or activate the item when desired.
Karma Attainment:1 Week Actively Studying
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Magical ResearchLore: Either Occult or ThaumatologyMind 15+
With this skill and access to a library or similar source of knowledge, the scholar has a chance to determine what a magical item does. Libraries range in knowledge. A personal study of a village sage might add +1 to the research roll, while a grand metropolitan library could add up to +5 against the Comp. Research requires one day plus an extra day for each bonus of the library. Thus a village-sage study researcher would spend two days and gain a +1 bonus, while the metro-librarian could spend up to six days for a +5 bonus. Of course, less than the maximum could be spent in duration with diminished bonus. The item itself will have a Comp, rated by the GM. Simple, single-purpose items, like an elemental sphere, would be around a Comp:5; while a rare and powerful item, like dimensional shackles, would be about Comp:18. At the end of the scholar's research, the GM secretly rolls the save. The scholar adds his or her Judgment bonus as well as the library bonus. If successful, the general working purpose is known, although specific numbers, charges, duration or other details would not be known. Further, a history and name can be learned, which may add further to the wonder of the magic. If the roll fails, then nothing is known -- except on a “natural 1” where false information is believed to be true. (GMs practice your poker face)
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks in a library
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Mago-mathematicsMathematicsLogic 5+
This skill conveys an understanding of supernatural mathematics used in life-songs, teleport sigils, etc. It further increases the bonus on success rolls for homeopathy and alchemy to +2. Additionally, all Comps cast from axioms by a mago-mathematician become increased by 2.
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks of Actively Calculating Magical Math Equations
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ManagementNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This allows an ordered control of an organization with less bureaucracy. If combined with other skills that supervise others, such as agriculture, then the number of persons managed is doubled. Using agriculture as an example, instead of the maximum land being 25 acres and 25 people, up to 50 acres with 50 people could be managed by a single person. It also lessens the cost of adding extra persons to a building project to only 5% labor time. Finally, it allows sections of a project, normally requiring the focus of one work crew into two crews; thus, cutting time in half.
Karma Attainment:3 Days Studying a Bureaucracy
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Marathon No Skill RequirementResilience 3+
While this skill will not alter the base movement rate for combat, it will change the calculation for total miles traveled in a day. The new daily rate becomes the numerical value of adjusted movement value in feet ÷ 2.25 in miles, rounded down, for normal pace; and feel ÷ 1.75, rounded down, for fast pace. Note that a slow pace is not adjusted. See Travel.
MovementElf DayNormal Day
40 feetFast24 miles22 miles
Normal18 miles17 miles
50 feetFast31 miles28 miles
Normal24 miles22 miles
Karma Attainment:Long Rest after a day of eating nothing but kale
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MasonryNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
Any stonework must be done by a mason, and this occupation includes plasterers as well. Further, having a mason allows the use of concrete in a structure. However, this is not an artistic sculpting skill.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest near a stone wall or building
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MathematicsNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This skill conveys an understanding of basic algebra and geometry. It further grants +1 on success rolls for homeopathy and alchemy
Karma Attainment:3 Days Actively Working Math Problems
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Medical ZoologyWound CareLogic 3+
This skill trains a person in the anatomy and physiology of creatures in the kingdoms of animal, atavistoid and humanish. When performing a medical treatment on a creature from these groups, a bonus of +3 is granted for any check or save against the feat’s Comp.
Karma Attainment:3 Days Studying Anatomy
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Mental FortitudeNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
Grants +2 on all saves (preservation, feat or competition) on all dice when any Mind sub-attribute is involved. Additionally, if an affect against one's mind is automatic, such as the sleep axiom, this grants one a Judgment preservation save against (Comp:15).
Karma Attainment: Long Rest after a day of eating nothing but kale
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Meta-PhrenologyPhrenologyMind 15+
This is a lore into the study of preternatural psychology, which eventually becomes psionics. This allows one to identify psionic usage on a Perception save feat against Comp:16. This means when an effect occurs, it would be known to be psionic rather than magical or other supernatural source. This also grants a practical knowledge of the brain's sensory perception, allowing the person to put oneself in a trance after one minute of meditation to double the normal range of sight, sense and smell. Perception checks are normal, but the detectable distance is greatly increased, meaning whispers normally unheard in the room may be overheard or similar such things. However, this trance cannot be re-entered again before a short rest.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in possession of recently removed cerebral material
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Mineral SurveyMineral SurveyPerception 4+
This skill is used to identify whether a potential vein might have an ore, salts or gems. The GM will make a secret roll for detection using the character’s Perception against a Comp. Of course, the GM will have to decide if anything actually is in the area. If random, then the GM rolls d100.
 d% Roll Vein TypeComp to Discover 
 01 Algidum15 
 02-03 Diamond14 
 04 Scarletite14 
 05-06 Meteore13 
 07-09 Sapphire12 
 10-13 Platinum11 
 14-17 Ruby9 
 18-21 Nickel8 
 22-26 Copper8 
 27-31 Tin7 
 32-42 Salt6 
 43-63 Ganguen/a 
 64-72 Iron7 
 73-80 Zinc8 
 81-84 Silver10 
 85-87 Gold12 
 88-90 Electrum13 
 91-93 Dictilium13 
 94-95 Orichalcum13 
 96-98 Emerald14 
 99 Mythril14 
 00 Adamantine15 
Karma Attainment:3 Days sitting and licking rocks
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MineralogyNo Skill RequirementMind 10+
This skill allows one to identify all type of rock, stones and crystal structures, as well as a general understanding of their physical properties. To know the details of a type of rock, the GM may allow automatic knowledge but might require a Judgment feat save (Comp:7) for identification. If there is a truly unique or extraplanar stone encountered, then on a Comp:15, the person could have reasonable knowledge from guess work.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest surrounded by a variety of rocks
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MinstrelNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This skill gives the ability to produce music from one type of selected musical instrument. To play another instrument, this skill must be taken again for that specific instrument.
Karma Attainment:1 Week in contact with the musical instrument
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MixturesDistilleryJudgment 3+
The mixtures skill is general knowledge of how herbs, brews and chemicals combine. What this provides is a field test of a potion or oil to identify on a Logic feat save (Comp:16) for novel and unfamiliar blends without destroying the dose. Further, if in a lab and trying to identify a batch of potions, then with the destruction of one dose, the others of the same kind can be known without a roll. Lastly, this conveys the ability to handle poisons without a risk of self-infliction. From a construction value, this skill permits use of concrete without being a mason.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a bar or lab
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MountsmanshipNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
Riding a trained mount in a general direction can be performed without a skill. However, to command one well requires mountsmanship. With this skill, one can ride at a gallop and travel the extended daily distance at a fast clip. Otherwise, only normal or slow clips are possible. Conversely, without the skill, the movement rate of a mount is 15 feet slower, unless specified differently in the description of the mount. Further, one can fight effectively from atop his or her mount, gaining the movement of the steed; doing so without this skill places the fighter at disadvantage. However, this is limited to the primary-hand. Shields and two-handed weapons cannot be properly employed with only this skill, as as the off-hand is required to manage the reins. Lastly, riders of creatures that can scale greater than 45° must have this skill to ascend such an angle. Finally, this skill is specific to an animal. If one has mountsmanship for a horse that does not imply mountsmanship of a lizard steed. This can be trained as a vocational skill.
Karma Attainment: 2 Days working with the specific mount type
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MusicianMinstrel (Specific)Muse 4+
This is an enhanced version of the minstrel skill. The prerequisite is having that skill for the specific musical instrument. To become a musician in another instrument, this minstrel skill for that new instrument must first be acquired.
Karma Attainment:1 Week actively practicing the instrument
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Mystic HarmonyAccompanimentPerception 5+
With this musical skill, two three or four musicians who all know the same preternatural musical skills can combine their efforts for a greater effect. At least half or more of the musicians must also have this skill when combining, meaning one of two musicians must have mystic harmony and at least two when playing as a group of three or four. The songs that can be effected are as follows:
  Anthem of Excitement: The total number of targets is increased by one per instrument player.
  Encouraging Verse: The range of effect doubles (60 feet) for all songsters for determining the area of effect.
  Inspiration: Each performer can affect three allies instead of two.
  Opus of Normalcy: The Comp for each player's effect increases by +1 per additional songster joining.
  Song of Rest: The area of effect doubles for all the players of instruments.
  Sound of Lamentation: Each performer can affect three targets instead of two.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week of practicing with instrument
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Opus of NormalcyInspiration or Encouraging VerseWill 5+
With this skill, one can play an instrument to create an area where magic, either divine or sorcery, becomes difficult to manifest or maintain. In a 15-foot radius from the player, magical threads are disrupted. This is non-targeted and affects friendly and non-friendly affects alike. For existing effects, it does not dispel them, but suspends their manifesting while the instrument is continuously played. This will not alter things that have bonuses due to higher quality materials, such as swords or armor made from steel, orichulcrum, or mythril. However, for each round of music, on the player's turn, existing spell effects must must make a feat roll against a Comp on a d20 plus the Logic score or Faith score of the caster based on the type of magic it is. If the caster or creator is unknown, use the minimum value required to create such an effect. If a minstrel is playing, the Comp is 14; if a musician, then then Comp is 18; and if by a maestro, the Comp is 22. If attempting to create a new effect, such as casting a spell, activating an item or even applying a potion, then a similar roll is required; however, the Comp value is different with a minstrel being Comp:15, a musician Comp:20, and a maestro Comp:25. Finally, the GM may rule that certain legendary items cannot be disrupted this way.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week of practicing with favored musical instrument
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PackingNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
This is the skill to get loads on and off of pack animals quickly and efficiently. It also lets one get the best performance from pack animals on the road, judge such beasts before purchase, and select the best route for a pack train. This removes the “unskilled rider” penalty for movement rate, which is often the slowest speed in a train. For examples, if a group uses pack mules without any with this skill, the movement rate is typically 45 feet; however, with a person with this skill, the mules would move at 60 feet. This skill also applies to teamsters and driving teams of animals pulling a wagon or the like. Lastly, the maximum number of pack animals a single person can manage is equal to Muse times two; however, if being used as a teamster, this is specific only to the vehicle driven.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest
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PactCeremonyFaith 6+
This ability allows a spiritual person to commune with the elemental spirits that make up everything in the natural world and currying their favor. While this skill is taught mostly by the church, it does not require divine accord and might be obtained elsewhere. It is somewhat a spiritual diplomacy and social skill, as much of the result will come from role playing. Only spirits that match the province of the worshiped deity can be contacted. Sacrifices and finesses allow the holy one to get in the good graces with a spirit. A fire spirit is more likely to help if given some beautiful poetry to burn. An entity of earth might be appeased if arranging stones into a beautiful shrine. After reaching an amicable place in the relationship, often a month of socialization or after a minor quest, a pact can be arranged. This is where a trade of mutual benefit is agreed upon. An earth spirit may cause an avalanche or reveal the secret entrance to a cavern when the bargainer restores an area to its natural rocky state by ridding it of human structures. The pact always requires the mortal to perform his side of the agreement first and within a negotiated time. If the clergy delivers, so shall the spirit. If the person fails, the spirit not only refuses its part of the bargain, but spreads news of the person’s failure to other spirits. Further, depending on the role-playing, the spirit may become an enemy of the invoker. Once the pact is completed successfully, the spirit ceases to be accessible, and a new spirit must be contacted for future pact agreements. Finally, a pact requires dedication such that no other projects requiring substantial focus from the holy one can be performed without abandoning the pact.
Karma Attainment:
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PapermakingNo Skill RequirementWill 3+
This skill allows the various methods of creating paper, vellum and similar materials.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a pulp mill
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Path Prophecy PrescienceFaith 8+
With ten minutes of preparation and the consumption of three vials of holy water, the priest gains the higher consciousness to sense the shortest, most direct physical route to a specific fixed location. The target must be declared in the preparation, must also be on the same plane of existence, and must be reasonably known by the priest. The target site does not have to have been visited by the priest before but should be a specific site. Thus, “the nearest goblin lair” would not be a valid selection, but “the place where the monster that just attacked normally sleeps” has a reasonably good chance of working -- assuming the monster sleeps and has a routine place to do so. GMs must use best judgment for some interpretations. However, this is a skill that communes with nature, feys and spirits to provide the guidance; thus, the powers involved would grant not be hung up on semantics. Further, locations that are mobile, such as an airship, cannot be targeted. Persons cannot be targeted; however, if the priest has confirmed knowledge a person is being held prisoner in an enemy castle, then the castle could be the target, even if the prisoner is later moved from that position. When successful locking on to a target, the priest knows how far it is and in what direction it lies. While traveling there, whenever presented with a choice of paths along the way, the priest automatically feels which path is the shortest and most direct route to the destination; however, safety along said root is not a part of the determination. This additional sensation to know the target lasts for 24 hours from the start of the preparation. Once the location is found or the time expires, this special state of consciousness cannot be reclaimed for an entire week. If the priest serves a deity whose domain involves hunting, tracking, or something of similar nature, then only five days is required to wait before using the power again.
Karma Attainment:
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PhrenologyNo Skill RequirementMind 12+
This skill allows understanding the mind of another anthropoid or atavistoid creature. It requires physical contact with the target, who must be generally willing or unconscious during the process. Mental fortitude will not protect from a reading of this type, as this is a physically tactile reading. However, dark mind would still prevent the reading. Typically, fifteen minutes of touching, familiarizing and reading the target is needed to understand the analysis. With this skill, the phrenologist can acquire two pieces of information: race history and the target’s best skill. This will reveal the hereditary past of 2 generations but not the specific parents, or if the entity has 25% or more blood of a particular race. Secondly, the most costly skill (by measure of karma) is known. Further, the phrenologist may attempt to gain additional details. With an additional 15 minutes of examination, the target’s primary motivation can be determined with a Perception feat (Comp:12). If the phrenologist is successful, he or she will know what drives the target in a highly generalized sense: fame, greed, religion, adventure, guilt, etc. This is the motivation of the person’s purpose, not the basis of a specific action. The paraphrasing of one’s ideals or bonds might be given my the GM. If that is successful, the examiner may spend another 30 minutes to question a single action and discover the motivation for it. However, another Perception feat (Comp:14) by the phrenologist must be successful. Assuming that is successful, the phrenologist can perform a truth-reading, detecting the physical, psychic changes if the target tells a lie – so long as physical contact is continued. Some types of divine protection or extreme magic may be able to thwart this reading, but no common protections obstruct the reading. This may appear like a very long and drawn out “Vulcan mind-meld,” but at this point the examiner asks the target a question, when an answer comes, the GM rolls another Perception feat (Comp:16). If successful, the phrenologist knows whether the answer was truthful or not - and may ask another question. If not, then the connection is broken and the examination is over.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest while surrounded by medical skulls
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Poison ResistanceCenter FocusBody 18+
This conveys a +4 to any preservation saves involving poison. If infected and damage occurs as a result, then that damage is halved per incident, just as any other form of damage resistance. If also halves the time of a poison restriction.
Karma Attainment: No activity lost, but must consume ingestible poison once per day for a week. The normal effects of poison occur until the skill is gained at the end of the week.
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Poison TreatmentWound Care and HomeopathyMuse 4+
To perform the treatment of this skill, one must have a medical kit. This requires two actions (20-seconds) to cut, cup and apply a tourniquet to prevent the influence of a poison. At the end of the second action, the medic rolls a Muse check against Comp:13. If successful, this the poison will be effectively neutralized within 2d4 rounds, half that time if the patient is a dwarf or resistant to poison. However, the procedure will inflict a single point of damage to the recipient. While this is not fast-acting, it can be performed mid-battle if the GM agrees conditions are proper.
Karma Attainment:1 Week of active work in a hospital or medical lab
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Prehensile FeetBatfolk, GryfAgility 4+
This is a special combat skill for bipedal creatures capable of gliding or flight who also have talon-like feet. The GM may rule that other species are capable of learning this skill; however, it would be highly unlikely for giant eagles, gryphons or similar creatures to ever master this skill. What this conveys is that melee weapons, even heavy two-handed ones, can be employed and wielded with the creatures feet while in air. This makes the primary hand die pool to be defined by the flier’s feet instead of the weapon hand. This does not grant a a second die pool, but rather shifts the body parts using that primary die pool. Therefore, while in flight or during a gliding attack, a combatant with this skill can strike with the feet-wielded weapon just as if it were held in his or her hands. This does not convey the ability to fight with one's feet or use one's feet to wield weapons while standing on the ground. However, it can be used while prone, so long as the combatant is on his or her back, but the attacks are at disadvantage. Further, if a gryf combined this with a gryf-diving attack and also had two-handed fighting, then “multi-strikes” could occur as the feet would act as a second die pool from the two-handed skill. This second die pool option would not be available for batfolk, as they require their arms to be in use during flight.
Karma Attainment:Three days of practicing
Tags: [Combat]
Prescience Divine AccordFaith 4+
This divine ability is a mild form of prediction. It can only be used once before requiring a short rest to perform again; however, it can be used in a few different ways. First, it could select a book out of a stack or even the whole library that has the specific knowledge the priest wants to read. Of course, such a book must exist. Similarly, if knowing the information is in a book, he or she could open the book to the precise page. If there were a pile of keys spread out on the floor, the priest could use this to select the one to open a necessary door, so long as the priest is familiar with the door or the exact key. This could even be used to pick the correct fork in the path to reach a desired target. Again, the end target must be specific and well understood by the priest. While the results of this skill is not a guaranty, the odds are strongly in the priest's favor, requiring a Muse check against a Comp:6 value. Further, it would be rare to use this method in combat, but if it were, it would require an action. However, there is a final option that can be used and only in combat. The priest can use prescience to roll a d6 at the start of a round which will be added to his next initiative score. This requires no action, but it must be declared at the start of a new round. In addition to an earlier initiative score, the prescience for that round allows the priest to predict and expect many things. This is translated to both an earlier action but also grants the priest a special option to hold his or her action until the proper moment, something outside the normal options in combat.
Karma Attainment:
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Project BureaucracyManagementSpirit 13+
This skill allows an organization to make more efficiency from its bureaucracy. If combined with other skills that supervise others, such as agriculture, then the number of persons managed is tripled. Using agriculture as an example, instead of the maximum land being 25 acres and 25 people, up to 75 acres with 75 people could be managed by a single person. For group projects, it allows the use of managers to coordinate and plan work. It will add 10% to the cost of the project, but reduce the time for adding extra persons to only 3% labor time. Further, it allows sections of a project, normally requiring the focus of one work crew into four crews; thus, cutting the base time to 25 percent.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest
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ProlongationDivine AccordFaith 4+
With this divine skill, a priest increases the duration of incantations which have durations of 8 hours or less. This includes incantation that require concentration, such as animate objects. For spells with a random duration based on dice, the dice remain status but the modifier adjusts by the percentage. For example, the deluge incantation lasts for d6+2 rounds, with a Faith score of 5 the duration becomes d6+4. Remember to always round to the lower number if fractions are involved. Also durations listed in minutes should be calculated to rounds for determining the prolongation. Times listed in hours should use minutes for the increase.
 Faith ScorePercent 
Karma Attainment:
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PsionicsMeta-PhrenologyMind 16+
This is the next step in parapsychology where practical feats may be used. Using the method to enter a trance, similar to the perceptual augmentation from meta-phrenology, additional feats can be performed with this skill. However, this trance cannot be re-entered regardless of its use until a short rest is taken.
Mental Surgery: This is a method to restore a person from insanity, which is not a simple undertaking. The GM wil have more details on how this is performed.
Minor Projection: This feat is a limited form of astral projection which cannot extend beyond 1 mile per point of Mind score squared. Thus, a psychic will a total Mind score of 12 could extend his or her presence up to 144 miles away (122=144) from one's physical body. While doing this, the projection is in the very shallow ethereal plane (never truly escaping to the astral) and able to observe things on the material without being noticed naturally. However, magical devices such as a blindfold of etherealness might allow contact, and even a reveal incantation might expose the projection. Sights and sounds can be observed by the projection; however, no interaction with what is being observed can be made. The total time of observance is one round (10 seconds) per point of Mind score. Lastly, while in this state, the projection is treated as a fey spirit, meaning holy ground cannot be entered or seen.
Remote Viewing: Unlike scrying, remote viewing is sensing information about an object or person regardless of distance or space. There is no visual continuity and no obvious context of the location. Thus, if looking for the corpse of a person, then if that body had been dumped in a lake, things like water, fish, currents would become known to the psychic, but the specific location or even that it was a like would not be known. However, with continued viewings, a more information (a new word) would be added to the information learned about the object or person sought; however, this could lead to confusion if the object viewed has been moved. If physically visiting a site suspected as a location observed to be the psychic can make a Perception feat against Comp:10 to know this is not the location; however, if it is the location, the psychic can only be as certain as “maybe” unless that same save is a ”natural 20.”
Telepathic Message: This technique will send a message to a known recipient, who the psychic has visited in person within the last year. The target will overwhelmingly know from whom the message comes. The message is not in any language, but rather telepathically. The communication will be limited to one word per total Mind score of the psychic. No response can be made within the context of this mental connection. Further, skills like darkmind or magic of mind-shielding will prevent the telepathy from reaching its target.
Karma Attainment:1 Week of uninterrupted meditation
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QuicknessNo Skill RequirementAgilty 3+
A person trained in quickness is able to reduce the penalty of action delays by 2 on initiative, whether the delay is due to encumbrance, a weapon type, or just searching for an item not easily available. If the delay penalty is only 1, then the adjustment only becomes 0 rather than gaining a bonus. For all other combat circumstances when penalties do not apply, this grants a +1 bonus to the initiative roll. Lastly, movement penalties for picking up an item, unsheathing a weapon, and the like have the penalty reduced by 10 feet. Movement that is based on percentage, such as standing from prone, are reduced by 25%.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day shuffling cards
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Raise GhoulCrown of the Grave IncantationWill 5+
When using the crown of the grave incantation, this divine skill allows one of the creatures to be a ghoul. This can be used with every casting.
Karma Attainment:
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RebirthTether SoulFaith 8+
The priest touches a creature that has been dead for less than 200 years and died for any reason except old age. If the creature’s soul is free and willing, the creature is restored to life with all its attribute points. This ritual closes all wounds, neutralizes any poison, cures all diseases, and lifts any curses affecting the creature when it died. The process further replaces damaged or missing organs and limbs. Should the creature have become undead or currently is undead, this will restored to its non-undead form. The duration of the practice is ten minutes. It also requires five diamonds, which are destroyed in the ritual.
Karma Attainment:
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Return to Life Ritual CommissioningSpirit 18+
Performing this ritual can actually restore life and former soul to a corpse. The target's death must have occurred within the past 3 days (72 hours) to be able to recapture the soul before it fully breaks the association with the body. This ceremony can be performed by a single priest or a group of priests; however, all priests must be empowered with this divine ritual skill. It also requires incense, herbs and gold dust which will be consumed at an expense rate of 500 bits plus 100 bits per priest for each half-hour of the ritual. To restore life to the recipient, a special Faith feat must succeed against Comp:23 three consecutive times. These feat checks occur every half-hour of the ritual. A single d20 is rolled for the group, then add all the Faith modifiers of the priests involved. No other magical or divine bonuses can be added without being specifically stated for this explicit ritual. However, if the save fails, then every priest involved must roll an individual Resilience preservation save against Comp:9. Each priest who fails the save suffers one point from his or her Resilience score permanently. There have been incidents where priests have died performing this ceremony, when one's Resilience falls to zero. Should this continue for ten hours without success, then the ritual fails and the person's life is not restored.
Karma Attainment:
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RhabdomancyNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This is the art of dowsing for water or oil, or for unspecified metals. Any forked wooden stick may be used, although hazelwood increases the chance. The stick is held by the prongs with the palms of the hands facing upward and horizontal to the ground while the ends of the prongs project outward. The pointing end of the stick should be slightly elevated above horizontal. When water, or oil or metal, are directly beneath the rod, the end will force itself downward to indicate the presence of the substance. One dowsing attempt can survey one acre (66ft x 660ft or 208ft x 208ft), which will require an hour to complete if nothing is detected.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day practicing dowsing
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Rock ClimbingClimbingBody 13+
This is an enhancement to the climbing skill, allowing the person to use the following modifiers for the conditions rather than the base skill. All other conditions still combine.
Movement while bracing between 2 surfaces+8
Rough Surface, Rock, Mortar+4
Smooth Surface With Handholds+0
Overhang, Traversable Ceiling-3
Karma Attainment: 2 Days honing skill in a rocky terrain or similar training environment
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SailingNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
This skill allows a person to skipper a vessel.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest on a boat
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Sap Desecrated Glow IncantationFaith 5+
Priests who have been granted the incantation desecrated glow as part of the spells from his or her deity have the opportunity to learn this additional necrotic skill, which empowers the cleric to use this skill as a reaction on a successful touch attack. The touch is not always active and must be chosen as a reaction to use. However, on a successful touch attack, and the priest chooses to use this skill as a reaction, the victim will immediately suffer from the nauseated restriction until the end of the priest's next turn. After using this power, this reaction cannot be tried again for another 2d4 rounds.
Karma Attainment:
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ScribingNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
This is the skill of writing, calligraphy, transcription and even forgery. One can create pens and quills with a scribing skill. Additionally, one can transcribe a conversation up to one minute without errors. Finally, a forgery can be attempted which will pass unless one inspects it specifically. Upon inspection, the observer makes a Judgment feat save against a Comp base 12+d6.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest
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Scroll ReadingCeremonyFaith 3+
This skill gives even a non-casting acolyte the ability to manifest a divine effect stored in a scroll. See Scroll Writing for details.
Karma Attainment:
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Scroll WritingDivine Accord and Scroll ReadingFaith 4+
With this skill, a priest can cast an ability and store the manifestation into a scroll. The power that goes into a scroll can be power that costs 7 or fewer Spirit points. Since the power of the ability is already cast and stored into the scroll, any person with a scroll reading skill can cast from the scroll. It is not limited by religion, beliefs, race or other skills. However, one might choose not to release powers from a foreign god. Unlike imbue, the benefit of writing a scroll is the incantation is not penalized while the scroll is unused; however, the scroll cannot be used by one time. Further, there is time and expense for producing a scroll, and its success is not a guaranty. Special paper or vellum must be used, as well as alchemical inks. The time and cost required to create a scroll is a half-day per point-cost. At the end of that preparation, a d20 Faith save is rolled against a Comp for success. The base Comp is 5 plus the cost of the incantation. If rolling under (or natural 1), the scroll is consumed by the power trying to be imparted. Further, after attempting the scroll, successful or not, the priest must wait a few days before creating another scroll. The days are equal to the Spirit cost of the last scroll attempted.
Karma Attainment:
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Sea-HorseSwimmingBody 12+
This allows riding a trained sea-mount, such as a giant sea-horse, sharks or manta rays. Functionally, this is the same skill as mountsmanship other than the prerequisite and riding one without this skill is not possible. This skill is also animal-specific.
Karma Attainment: 1 Week working with specific mount type
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Silver TongueTell-TaleMuse 5+
With this ability, a character can speak bold-faced lies without being detected by magical divinations. Unless an item or spell specifically states it can overcome this skill, then methods of detection will not distinguish it from the truth. However, it does not guarantee aid for social interactions in any way, and a person could choose to believe something said was a lie, especially if it was illogical or unlikely.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest after drinking the blood of a dolos
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SkinningNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
This is a taxidermy skill that is sometimes picked up by adventurers. In a societal scene, it is used to process furs and leathers from animals and beasts for clothing. However, adventurers find it useful to preserve the hide of certain beasts they encounter in hopes of creating something from them. Without the skill, the collected hides are improperly preserved and useless. Further, if a character has foul-play, then he or she can extract the poison glands from a slain creature.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest
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Sleight of HandNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
This skill is used anytime manual trickery or act of legerdemain is attempted, such planting something on another person, picking a pocket or creating the non-magical illusion of a small object disappearing. There are two components to this action. The first is success. The second, whether the action was noticed, may not always apply. To determine success, this requires an Agility check (d20+Mod) with the base Comp for an act is 10; however, the GM may modify for the conditions, such as the size and weight of the object being planted. The second option is used when being stealthy; e.g., pick-pocketing a victim. In this case, the character performing the act rolls 4d6 and adds his or her total Agility score. This acts as the Comp for the Perception check of others to realize it happened. Should the character also have Stealth as a skill, then an extra d6 is added, making the total dice formula 5d6+Agility.
Karma Attainment: 2 Days spent juggling
Tags: [Stealth]
Song of LamentationMinstrelAgility 3+
After training in minstrel, a person with this skill can play that instrument in way to discourage two enemies. The targets suffer a -1 to hit dice rolled in combat attacks so long as the performer continues to play. This effect cannot be combined with any other penalty-effects or skills that alter the target's attack, meaning the most detrimental value of multiple effects would be used. However, if the music player is a musician with the instrument, then those two allies gain a -2 penalty instead. Finally, if the one performing the inspiration is a maestro, then the penalty is -3.
Karma Attainment:1 Day of playing dirges and crying so the tears fall onto the instrument
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Song of RestMinstrelFaith 3+
By performing with a musical instrument, this creates soothing music which offers all the same benefits as (and acts as) a short rest for the minstrel and all friendly creatures within 60 feet. However, the duration of the song only requires thirty minutes. If the songster is a musician, then the performance to gain the benefit only requires fifteen minutes. Finally, if the one playing is a maestro, then the duration is only ten minutes.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of musical instrument practice
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SootheWound Care and DistilleryJudgment 4+
To perform the treatment of this skill, one must have a medical kit. This requires three actions (30 seconds) to administer the ointments and manipulate the spine of the recipient; however, upon completion, this will remove a shaken restriction or reduce a frightened restriction to a shaken condition.
Karma Attainment:1 Week of active work in a hospital or medical lab
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SorceryNo Skill RequirementLogic 3+
This allows one to be able to learn and cast axioms. It also requires a minor surgery of one’s bones in his or her hands.
Karma Attainment:
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Sound of LamentationMinstrelAgility 3+
After training in minstrel, a person with this skill can play that instrument in way to discourage two enemies. The targets suffer a -1 to hit dice rolled in combat attacks so long as the performer continues to play. This effect cannot be combined with any other penalty-effects or skills that alter the target's attack, meaning the most detrimental value of multiple effects would be used. However, if the music player is a musician with the instrument, then those two allies gain a -2 penalty instead. Finally, if the one performing the inspiration is a maestro, then the penalty is -3.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of playing dirges and crying so the tears fall onto the instrument
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Spirit JourneyLifesong HarmonyFaith 6+
Through this divine method, the priest enters a deep trance where over the following hour, he or she connects with spirits and heralds of the faith. A requirement for the spirit journey is that the priest be fully healthy: maximum health, under no curses, diseases, poison or other negative effect. During this experience, the priest is permitted to ask two questions intended to be answered by “yes” or “no.” The GM will select the answer truthfully from the perspective of a deific power of the one's religion. However, the answer may return with a one-word reply, such as “yes,” “no,” “maybe,” “never,” “irrelevant,” “unclear” or even a short phrase if appropriate. After the second question is answered, the priest may roll a Faith check (Comp:20) to gain a bonus question. After the third, the same check is made to ask another, and so on until the check is failed or the priest chooses to stop. For each question that is asked, the priest will suffer one point of Body damage. After the spirit journey is complete, it requires one week before another one can be successfully entered.
Karma Attainment:
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Spiritual Descrying ClairvoyantFaith 7+
This ritual requires incense and oils costing 500 bits for each performance. The process to prepare and enter the trace requires an hour of time. During the trace state, the priest names or describes a person, place, or object. The guiding spirits involved with the trance whisper a brief summary of significant lore concerning the thing named. This information might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known. If the thing named isn't of sufficient importance to the ethereal guides, then no information is gained. The more information already known will correspond to the information received. The greater the knowledge about the object, the more precise and detailed the answers will be. This ritual will sicken the priest from the experience, as if being stricken by Timber Shivers, although this illness is not contagious. It will require 1d10 days of bed rest to properly recover. Moreover, this ritual cannot be performed again until a month (28 days) passes.
Karma Attainment:
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Spiritual NatureCantrip Control and Wilderness SurvivalSpirit 13+
This is a mystical connection between the character and all of nature. A person with this skill can accurately predict natural, non-magical weather for the next eight hours. This forecast ability is not innately constant; it requires approximately ten minutes to discern. Novel plants are able to be identified on a Muse feat against a Comp:8. This can be used for to determine edibility or ingredient identification for brewing or alchemy. Additionally, once per week, this connection permits one question to be asked to the environment around him or her in one-mile radius. The question must be in the form which can be answered by Yes or No response. This is performed by communing with animals, plants and even natural spirits. The actual response (from the GM) my be something other than yes or no, but the question must be phrased in that way. Finally, these powers cannot be performed in an urban setting or underground.
Karma Attainment:
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StaminaNo Skill RequirementResilience 3+
Grants +1 on all saves (preservation, feat or competition) on all dice when any Body sub-attribute is involved. This is broader than acrobatics but not complementary if both are applicable.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest while sleeping covered in dirt except one's head, as if in a shallow grave
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StaticsStone Structures and EngineeringMind 18+
This skill allows structures in architecture to be constructed in a massive scale. The height limit of a structure is 300 feet (or 30 stories). However, the base must be sufficient to support these super structures, which is 150x150 in this case. The formula is for every 10 feet of height of a structure, the bottom floor must be 2 feet in length and width. Therefore, a 100-foot tall building requires a 50x50 base; a 180-foot tall structure would require a 90x90 base; etc. Labor time required can be found in the architecture skill.
Karma Attainment:2 Weeks Actively Examining Buildings
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StealthNo Skill RequirementAgility 3+
Anyone can attempt to be sneaky, move quietly and hide; however, this skill improves the odds of success. Without this skill, someone hiding, sneaking up on another attempts to do so and creates a Comp based on how well it was accomplished by rolling 2d6 plus Judgment modifiers as well as anything else that could apply. Then potential victims make perception checks against that value. Those unskilled must have the GM roll in secret, as they will not know how well they have done. With this skill, the Comp is rolled by 4d6 plus the raw Agility score and any other applicable adjustments. Persons with the stealth skill can know the result of the roll, allowing one to take preparations if rolling poorly. If unnoticed, the stealthy one would create an opportunity for a sneak attack against an unsuspecting victim. It is also possible that victim might be at disadvantage. See Sneak Attack in the Combat Detailed section.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day spent drawing chalk lines around one’s own shadow
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StimulateWound Care and HomeopathyJudgment 4+
To perform the treatment of this skill, one must have a medical kit. However, as an action, the medic can administer a pill and strike the proper glands to cause the reaction to become instantly activated. The medic must make a Judgment check against a Comp:9 for this to be successful. However, if it is, the recipient gains a heightened state of awareness for the following 10 minutes, gaining advantage on all Mind saves and checks for that duration, including Perception checks.
Karma Attainment:1 Week of active work in a hospital or medical lab
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Stitch and WrapWound Care and DistilleryMuse 4+
To perform the treatment of this skill, one must have a medical kit. It is a “after-battle” injury treatment like a wound care would be. It is technically an enhancement of that skill, like field medicine but even more advanced. It requires a full minute for treatment; however, it can restore d4 points of damage. Moreover, if any suffering came from “crits” or a “bleed” effect, then this treatment can repair an additional d4 of damage. Like wound care a recipient of the treatment cannot receive another administration until after a long rest and new injuries occur.
Karma Attainment:1 Week of active work in a hospital or medical lab
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Stone StructuresArchitectureMind 15+
With this skill, an architect can build stone structures with the same restrictions as wood. The labor time for stone is double that of wood for erecting the external (1 sq foot of the total structure per 2 hours). Ceilings and floors are still made of wood, using those values. This also allows the walling of the outside of a wooden structure with stones or bricks.
Karma Attainment:3 Days examining stone structures
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StriderMarathonAgility 4+
This skill adds 5 feet to a character's base movement.
Karma Attainment:
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Summon PestsCantrip ControlWill 3+
This skill teaches the methods of fey summoning to swarm of gnats, fleas, mites, bees, flying ants or similar insects. The group of vermin will appear on one creature seen within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Resilience preservation save (Comp:9) or suffer 2 points of poison damage; however, the poison restriction is not part of the attack. Once the single attack is over, the pests fade from existences. When performing this once, it requires a short rest to perform again. This is one of the gateway skills for all fey summoning powers.
Karma Attainment: Blood from the sacrifice of a chicken, goat, sheep, donkey, cow, or even a dog are spilled of the feces of the same. The blood soaked feces is smear over one’s face, followed by a Long Rest.
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Summon Small BeastSummon Pests or Summon VinesWill 4+
Through this fey magic skill, the summoner calls forth a bestial spirit. It manifests in an unoccupied space that can be seen by the summoner within 60 feet. The spirit will adapt to fit either air, land, or water, as desired by the summoner. The creature resembles an animal-like being native to the chosen environment. Its stats will be presented by the GM from the Bestiary; however, it would similar to a small wolf or an oversized eagle. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 Body points or after thirty minutes. The creature is an ally to the summoner and companions. In combat, the creature shares the summoner's initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after the summoner. It obeys verbal commands. Speaking on turn is a free action. If no command is issued, the beast takes the defensive action and uses its move to avoid danger. After the beast reverts to spirit form, another cannot be summoned until after a short rest.
Karma Attainment:
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Summon Vines Cantrip ControlWill 3+
This skill works as a reaction to a successful melee attack against an opponent. Once hitting the enemy is such a way, then the attacker may use a reaction to summon a writhing mass of thorny vines that appear at the point of impact. The victim must make a Strength preservation save (Comp:10) or suffer the restrained restriction. Large-sized creatures or bigger save at advantage. While restrained at the start of each turn, the victim is permitted a free and immediate attempt to break free by rolling another Strength save with the Comp being 2 points lower each turn. Once the Comp reaches 0, the victim is free even if having failed all previous attempts. A short rest is required to perform again. This is one of the gateway skills for all fey summoning powers.
Karma Attainment:
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SwimmingNo Skill RequirementResilience 3+
Anyone can wade through water, even moving water; however, to travel through it when no surface below is available requires a swimming skill, which is measured as a movement of 20 feet. The duration one can swim is equal to double one's current Body score in minutes. This means distances of 240 feet per Body point can be traversed (1,920 feet for Body score 8). However, should a character choose only to wade water, this can be performed for 15-minutes per Body point. After either, a short rest is required before swimming again. Encumbrance will adjust movement as if on land; therefore, swimming in heavier armors without certain armor skills would be impossible. This can be trained as a vocational skill in 30 days, but requires a Strength save-feat (Comp:4) at the end of the training to acquire.
Unskilled:Limited to wading
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of calisthenics
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TailoringNo Skill RequirementMuse 3+
This is the skill of design and sewing of clothing. It also allows the creation of padded and heavy-padded armor.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest in a vestiary
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Tap and TouchNo RequirementLogic 3+
This is a trained skill for locating concealed compartments on a surface, be it a secret bottom of a chest or a hidden door in a wall. It grants advantage anytime this is being actively performed. Additional, this gives a base chance to locate traps without setting them off on a Perception feat (Comp:12) when actively searching.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest while in possession of sandpaper
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Team of PixiesSummon Pests or Summon VinesMuse 3+
This summons a team of six pixies who work together to perform simple tasks at command for up to one hour. The pixies spring into existence in an unoccupied space on within 60 feet. They cannot attack but can be killed. The summoner can dismiss them at will with no action or reaction required. On each turn of the summoner, a verbal command can be given whereby the team of pixies can move up to 40 feet and interact with an object. The pixies can perform simple tasks that a human could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, lighting fires, serving food, and pouring wine. Once given the command, the pixies performs the task to the best of heir ability until it completes the task, then wait for the next command. Should the pixies and summoner be separated by more than 60 feet, then the pixies wink out of existence. Once performing this, it requires a short rest to perform again.
Karma Attainment:
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Tell-TaleVoice ImitationPerception 5+
By reading another’s subtle body language, this skill allows a character to potentially discern whether or not a lie has been spoken. It will only detect deliberate lie or known exaggeration. The examination requires an action for study if used during combat. In social interactions, this can be performed on around 20 seconds of speech, which is typically four sentences, depending on what is being spoken. If more than one statement of logical truth exist, then only one can be discerned. An example would be “I went to the blacksmith, and I requested his services. He will provide me a sword in four days.” The scrutinizer would have to choose between “went to blacksmith,” “requested services” and “provide sword in four days” to discern. The others would be lost from analysis because too much time will have passed. Further, there is no distinction between a lie and just exaggeration. When discerning, the base Comp to detect is 6 and Perception modifiers will add to the feat save. If successful and what was spoken is deception, then that is known, all other conditions produce no indication. Finally, this skill cannot discern lies if the speaker has the silver tongue skill.
Karma Attainment: no activity lost, but requires 3 Days of silence
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Tether SoulReturn to Life RitualFaith 7+
This special ability is rarely used in combat but likely upon a captured prisoner. It requires the victim's blood or a graven image of the victim. Obviously, blood is a more likely component. Additionally, one ruby is required. More previous gems could be used, but since the gem will be destroyed at the end, a more expensive one probably will not be selected. The ritual is performed under five minutes, mainly involving the gem touching the victim's chest. At the end of the ceremony, part of the victim's soul is trapped in the ruby for the following eight hours. During this time, the gem has the same number of Spirit points and the victim, and that score is linked so whatever happens to one happens to the other.
  During the state of having only part of a soul, some unique “benefits” are granted to the victim. Neither food nor air is needed either. Poison and disease are ineffective on the target too. Further, the victim cannot be affected by “sleep” magic. However, the victim will detect as undead if inspected. Protection form mind-effecting magic and other general resistances that undead share are not part of the effect.
  The possessor of the gem can perform a usage as an action. After exploiting the stone for the fifth time, the victim's soul is released, and the gem is destroyed, even if that occurs prior to the eight hour duration. If usages remain at the end of eight hours, the soul is also released and the gem destroyed. While the ruby holds the soul, the possessor can perform the following:
  Steal: The possessor can steal Spirit points from the gem, which in turn affects the recipient. The amount stolen is based on a d6, which restores the gem-possessor's Body score by a like amount. If the energy theft depletes the stone of Spirit, the possessor receives the remaining positive amount in the gem, but the ruby crumbles and the soul is released. Of course, the victim would be in a catatonic state until recovering.
  Question: The possessor may ask the soul a question and receive a brief telepathic answer, which can be understood regardless of the language used. The soul knows only what it knows from its own life, but the answer will be truthful to the best of its ability. A single sentence will be the response.
  Borrow: The possessor may borrow any skill, axiom or incantation from the victim's abilities. This must be used in the next three actions or it is lost. The skill does not require the possessor have the prerequisites to use it, but if it boosts a combat skill by adding a d20, that only adds to the possessor's current skill and must be in the proper style. Thus, if taking slashing but the possessor does not have melee fighting, the the attacker still only has 1d20 for an attack with a sword and is considered untrained with anything else. If using an axiom, the cost comes from the possessor's Mind score; however, if it is an incantation, the cost is taken from the ruby. If there is not enough Spirit remaining in the stone, then the invocation does not manifest, but the attempt counts as a usage. Also, if the incantation takes the exact amount to drain all Spirit points, then the ruby crumbles and the soul is released.
Karma Attainment:
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TowersStaticsMind 19+
This skill allows towers and circular-design in architecture to be constructed more efficiently. The height limit of a structure becomes 600 feet (or 60 stories). However, the base to support these super structures can be much smaller, using different reinforcing to allow such tall towers to stand. For each 100 feet of tower, the base of that section must be 10 feet wider (whether square or circular) than the top of that section. Thus, a 100-foot tower that is 10 feet at the top would require a 20-foot base, while a 600 foot tower which is 10 feet wide at the top would require a bottom floor that is built 70 feet across.
Karma Attainment:1 Week studying a tower
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Toxin CopingNo RequirementJudgment 3+
This skill purely grants nothing more than the ability to handle and use poisons without the risks of self-infliction. This low cost skill offers no other benefits. To clarify, it will not allow the milking of poisons from animals, but poisonous plant leaves to the touch could be gathered.
Karma Attainment:
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TrackerWilderness ProficiencyPerception 3+
This skill improves odds for location signs of passage from wilderness proficiency by considering the character is always at advantage for performing the Perception check. Further, checks are required to follow only every two hours.
Surface Subject
Very Soft (snow, wet mud)+8 Size Category: Tiny-2
Soft (semi-dry mud)+4 Size Category: Small-1
Firm (soil)+0 Size Category: Medium+0
Solid (bare rock)-4 Size Category: Large+1
Conditions Size Category: Huge+2
Every 8 hours since passage-1 Size Category: Giant+4
Every hour of rain since passage-1 Size Category: Colossal+6
Fog or mist present-3 Every three in the group being tracked+1
Only Moonlight visibility-3  Tracked party hides trail (half-speed)-5
Near Darkness-6 
Fresh snow cover since passage-8 
Karma Attainment: 1 Day spent in association with a bloodhound or predator animal
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TrainerNo RequirementJudgment 3+
Self-training requires practicing for a number of days equal to the karma cost; however, if someone with this works with that person, then the number of days of training is half that amount. Of course, the trainer must have the skill being mentored, and the recipient must meet all the prerequisites. With the trainer skill, a teacher can train two persons simultaneously. This does not shorten the time required, however. This is a general skill that permits the benefit to any skill the trainer has.
Unskilled:Can train another by the standard rules.
Karma Attainment:
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Trainer, AdvancedTrainerJudgment 4+
This is an enhancement of the trainer skill. This skill is not as generic as lower skill. It must be specific to combat or a “tag” associated with a feat skill. It could apply to sorcery skills too. The advanced trainer can only use this specialty teaching for skills the trainer has and that match by the tag or category. If those conditions are met, then up to four students can be trained simultaneously. Further, the time required to learn the skill drops from 50% to 40% -- thus, a 100-point karma skill could be taught to the student in only 40 days. Additionally, when rolling to see if the skill is acquired, the student gains a bonus of the trainer’s Judgment modifier (not score but modifier) to the roll.
Unskilled:Cannot be duplicated if unskilled
Karma Attainment:
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Trainer, MasterTrainer, AdvancedJudgment 5+
Even more specific, a master trainer must be associated to a specific skill. However, when holding a class on the subject, the master trainer can teach up to twelve students simultaneously. The time and Comp-roll benefits are the same as the trainer, advanced skill.
Unskilled:Cannot be duplicated if unskilled
Karma Attainment:
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TransmutationsAlchemyLogic 5+
Using various acidic mixtures and chiseling tools, the alchemist can fragment and wash any natural, ore-bearing rock into the pure ore to the maximum efficiency. This can be performed anywhere, so long as the alchemist has access to enough specific solution and the time to complete. The final form of the ore can be either powder or solid. If solid is chosen, the various types of ore will merge into common shapes and weights desired; however, no detail carving can be performed. For each pound of final product, the time to extract is 5 minutes. Thus, if a gold vein existed in a natural wall holding 400 pounds of gold, then the total time required would be a little over 33 labor hours. Further, this would require 100 gallons of solution, costing a total of 48,000 bits. However, the gold extracted would have a value of around 800,000 bits.
 Ore Solution QtySolution CostExample
 Iron 1 cup / pound extracted1 bit / pound extracted0.62 gal for 10 lbs
 Tin 1 pint / pound extracted1 bit / pound extracted1.25 gal for 10 lbs
 Zinc 1 pint / pound extracted2 bits / pound extracted1.25 gal for 10 lbs
 Copper 3 cups / pound extracted5 bits / pound extracted1.87 gal for 10 lbs
 Nickel 3 cups / pound extracted8 bits / pound extracted1.87 gal for 10 lbs
 Silver 3 cups / pound extracted25 bits / pound extracted1.87 gal for 10 lbs
 Gold 1 quart / pound extracted120 bits / pound extracted2.5 gal for 10 lbs
 Platinum 1 quart / pound extracted40 bits / pound extracted2.5 gal for 10 lbs
 Electrum 1 quart / pound extracted30 bits / pound extracted2.5 gal for 10 lbs
 Dictilium 1 quart / pound extracted20 bits / pound extracted2.5 gal for 10 lbs
 Orichalcum 2 quarts / pound extracted50 bits / pound extracted5 gal for 10 lbs
 Meteore 3 quarts / pound extracted75 bits / pound extracted7.5 gal for 10 lbs
 Scarletite 1 gallon / pound extracted90 bits / pound extracted10 gal for 10 lbs
 Mythril 1 gallon / pound extracted250 bits / pound extracted10 gal for 10 lbs
 Algidum 1 gallon / pound extracted200 bits / pound extracted10 gal for 10 lbs
 Adamantine 2 gallons / pound extracted500 bits / pound extracted20 gal for 10 lbs
Karma Attainment:Long Rest
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Tree-incarnationDivine Accord and CeremonyFaith 5+
This ritual-skill is only available to the worshipers of Lacerta or Selquerine. After a day-long ceremony, this permanently links the soul of the priest with a tree, usually chosen carefully for its health, vigor, and remote environment. This joins the life force of the elder with that of the tree; as long as the tree lives, the priest ages only one year for each four years that pass. Due to this link, the tree remains exactly the size it was at the time of the ritual. Moreover, the priest’s spirit merges with the tree at the character’s death. No form of reincamation or return to life or other life-restoration used upon the character’s body will work unless the corpse is within 10 feet of the tree. One year after the priest dies, his or her spirit animates the tree as a treant. The chosen tree must he of treant height; the exact size determines the size of the new treant, which possesses the cleric’s memories and personality but has no granted powers, spells or skills from its previous life. It must communicate as a treant. The GM decides whether to consider this treant an NPC or allow the player to control it. However, a priest who uses this ceremony to link with a tree suffers any physical damage inflicted on the tree. For instance, if someone hacks at the tree with an axe and causes 4 Body points of damage, the priest also loses 4 Body points; the priest knows the tree has been harmed but does not know the nature of the injury. If the tree dies but does not sustain enough damage to kill the linked being, the priest is stunned for d6 combat rounds and must make a successful Faith preservation save (Comp:20) to avoid death. Spells that heal the priest do not affect the tree. Damage to the priest does not affect the tree. However, it is usually in the priest’s best interest to have some sort of guard for the tree. Obviously, this ceremony can only be performed once.
Karma Attainment:
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Trionfi Divine Accord and CeremonyMuse 3+
This skill allows the priest to use a special deck of cards to foresee the future omens. This reading reveals the results of a specific course of action that is planned to be taken within the near future. The process is slow, requiring between five to ten minutes, but it can make predictions up to three hours into the future, indicating the fortuitous or the inauspicious odds. Much of the result is determined by the GM, who must determine the answer using honest judgment. Results will be “good fortune,” “bad fortune,” “a mixture of fortunes,” or “irrelevant.” But additionally, a short phrase, cryptic rhyme or other clue (such as “but it will be worse for the horses” or “beware the bubbling waters”) can be given by the GM as well. This action cannot be performed again until a short rest has been taken -- but even then, if the action prophesied has not yet been taken, future readings will fail. This skill grows stronger as the Muse score increases. Starting at a score of 4, the future can be portended out to six hours. For each point beyond this, an additional 6 hours can be forecast. Thus, if having a Muse score of 9, the trionfi reading can betoken specific events 36 hours in the future. However, if reading beyond six hours, then a long rest (and the event occurring) must happen before reading the future again.
Karma Attainment:
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Under-NavigationNo Skill RequirementPerception 4+
Through secret roles by the GM, a character can passively detect the following on a successful Will feat:
  Slope and DirectionComp 7
  Unsafe WallsComp 10
  Depth UndergroundComp 13
  Cardinal PointsComp 17
Karma Attainment:
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Unlife LikenessCrown of the Grave IncantationFaith 5+
For priests who have the crown of the grave incantation as part of their repertoire, they can gain this additional skill which allows the casting of the spell to have a different outcome. Rather than creating skeletons or zombies, a single undead creature of small or tiny size can be animated from either animal or fey origins. Obviously the corpse of the creature must be present. While this seems like a bad trade, it allows the creation of an undead slave with methods of movement of its former self in life. Such as an undead bird could fly, a zombie-worm could burrow and an undead fish could swim. This allows such an undead slave to perform certain simple tasks that traditional skeletons cannot perform. No special communication or link exists, as this new creation effectively acts as a zombie but with fewer Body points. Tiny undead have only 3 Body points while small ones have 6 points. Its PP score and any attacks that the creature might have had in life would be used in the calculations as an undead being. However, no more than 2d20 can be used as an attack, and the highest PP possible is 7. These limitations exist even if its living form has better stats. This alternate creation counts towards the total of undead capable of being controlled simultaneously, and like their counterparts, these undead also only remain intact for one month.
Karma Attainment:
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Vampiric GazeEnergy DrainSpirit 16+
With this skill a special attack action can be taken by the priest. A sinuous beam of inky darkness emits from the priest's eyes to strike an opponent within 60 feet and within line of sight. It will inflict 2d4 necrotic damage to the target; however, the victim is permitted an Agility save (Comp:15) to suffer only half damage. If the save fails, not only does the target suffer full damage, but the vampiric transference of health returns to the priest who will regain half (round-down) of the points inflicted. It is not possible to exceed one's max Body score via this vampiric restoration. Finally, this power can only be used once every two minutes (12 rounds).
Karma Attainment:
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Vibrational IdentityJen’essePerception 4+
This skill is one that hones a jen’esse's natural sense of vibrations to an extremely heightened point and commonly used while hiding or using stealth. With this skill, at a range of 60 feet, a jen’esse is able to identify the race of one being encroaching the area even if it cannot be seen, so long as the jen’esse remains perfectly still, taking no other action, for one round. This is performed by concentrating on the patterns of footfalls, air movements from breathing and even the heartbeat on one other creature. This means if the jen’esse encounters this being again and performs the skill, the entity would be recognized. It also allows the jen’esse to identify those he or she knows. This can be used to identify illusions instantly and even highly-skilled shape-shifters on a Perception check against a Comp:18. Further, this grants a +2 on the Perception check to detect a lie if the jen’esse also has tell-tale. Lastly, a silence effect will negate this skill.
Karma Attainment:A week of training in a small body of water, wading to the waist
Tags: [Senses]
Voice ImitationCommunicationPerception 4+
With this skill, one can imitate the voice of another that has been heard. Whenever using this to deceive another, the victim is permitted a Logic check against a Comp:17 or be fooled by the impression. Obviously, if more than voice is observable, this could change the believability of the trickery.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest, after making a small cut on one's tongue with the feather of a parrot
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War TrainingAnimal TrainingWill 4+
This skill permits one to train an animal to be war-trained. It is animal specific, and the prerequisite of animal training must be for the same animal type.
Karma Attainment:
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Weapon of JusticeCeremonyFaith 3+
This skill allows the preparation of a weapon against a specific foe. Note that it does not require divine accord. By writing in blood the identity of the enemy upon the weapon along with aphorisms the weapon will gain power against the rival. The precise name of the victim does not have to be known, but the description must be specific to a single character or being. This preparation requires a minimum of one hour, but the effects on the weapon last for up to 30 days. The power added to the weapon turns a weapon into effectively a magical one, allowing it to strike creatures which are normally immune to normal weapons. Additionally, the weapon gains special bonuses for the next three attacks against the specific foe. The first swing grants +3 to all d20s used. The next attack gains +2 on the scores; and the final attack increases to only +1. The time between the attacks – assuming the effect has not expired - does not matter. After the third attack, the empowerment ends. Additionally, the weapon cannot be used against anything prior to fighting the intended rival. If it is used to attempt to strike, successful or not, the enchantment is lost.
Karma Attainment:
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WeaponsmithNo Skill RequirementStrength 3+
This skill allows the creation of metal-based weapons, limited to iron, bronze, tin and similar metals. It requires a kiln.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest at a blacksmith studio
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Weight ShiftingCenter FocusSpirit 16+
As a single action, the person can shift his or her weight to correspond to the surface, granting the ability to walk on water, quicksand, mud or even slippery oil. This means normal surfaces considered difficult can be traversed without movement penalties and those impossible ones, as listed above, act as difficult terrain for movement calculation. This cannot be performed again without a short rest.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day of Wall Balls exercise with stones
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WheedlismSpecial RequirementsMuse 3+
This skill grants the ability have empathetic communication with the surrounding kamii. The wheedlist cannot see the spirits but can submit a generalized request to influence the immediate world. This request is submitted to the samas-level of the apothetarian spirits; thus, no great task may be asked, but small things such as improving the soil conditions for the farm or driving a herd of game towards the local hunters are both reasonable requests that can be made. The odds of success are based on two factors. First, the wheedlist’s Muse score; secondly, the duration before the result is needed. While there is no exact formula, the odds of success of the request for things desired within a week, is 5% per point of Muse. An additional 5% is granted for the double of the duration cumulatively. Thus, a witch with a Muse 4, asking for an improved harvest in 16 weeks would have roughly a 40% chance to influence the outcome (20% for the attribute and 20% for the duration). Asking for results sooner than a week will have the success adjusted by the GM. There is no spell cost for these requests, but no more than one request per point of Muse can be flowing simultaneously.
Karma Attainment:
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Wilder-morph, FlightSpiritual NatureBody 18+
Wildshape, Flight is identical to wildshape, land except the selected animal may be those of a flying nature.
Karma Attainment:
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Wilder-morph, LandSpiritual NatureBody 13+
Wildshape skills are transforming abilities where one takes on the form of a true animal in the wild. This is useful in two main areas: combat and exploration. When wildshape occurs, all equipment becomes part of the new form and is unusable in this state, then said equipment returns to its normal condition when the person returns to his or her humanoid form. While in the form, combat attacks will occur as the animal, not the combat skills of the original entity. Other skills or abilities can be gained from either the origin or the animal, but the two cannot combine. Also, no casting, axioms, cantrips, or invocations, can happen while transformed. An additional limit to all wildshapes is the chosen animal cannot have more Body points than the one transforming. Also, such a transformation cannot be performed again without a short rest. Further, the land version only allows the transformation into walking creatures.
Karma Attainment:
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Wilder-morph, WaterSpiritual NatureBody 15+
Wildshape, Water is identical to wildshape, land except the selected animal may be those of a swimming, amphibious or underwater-breathing nature.
Karma Attainment:
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Wilderness ProficiencyNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
This skill is essentially the knowledge and understanding required to survive outside of an urban environment. There are many things an adventurer can perform with this skill. If lost, one can navigate back on path provided there is sufficient light when making a successful Faith feat against a Comp:10. One can also forage and live from the land for a week, provided the terrain can provide such, by a Resilience feat against a Comp:9; for each 4 points above that (13, 17, 21) an additional person can be fed as well. Foraging can be determined on a daily basis if needed, Resilience Comp:13, with each point over counting as an extra person. Locating signs of passage can be found on a Perception feat against a Comp 12. This can be modified by the GM. Conditions for modification can be found in the tracker skill. Following those signs of passage can be performed for half an hour, at which point a new feat is required. Finally, tracking can only be performed at a slow pace. See Travel.
Karma Attainment: Long Rest in a any environment outside of urban
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Wilderness SurvivalWilderness ProficiencyMuse 3+
This skill is enhancement for one's ability to live in the wilds. This includes hunting and fishing to provide enough food for oneself and one other person indefinitely. Supply sustenance for additional persons is determined on a weekly basis starting at a Comp 4 and increases by 2 points for each additional person. This also allows the creation of furs and hides to act as a padded armor (4 PPs) without a tailoring skill. It further allows one to store food in places and ways that will not become spoiled or ruined. A 28 day supply for a single person can be stored in a cache, meaning the checks for supply a third person only needed after that is depleted. Due to a better familiarity with nature, navigating back on path when lost even in darkness on requires a successful Faith feat against a Comp:6. Locating signs of passage become easier, requiring a Perception feat against a Comp:8. This can still be modified by the GM, based on conditions. Following those signs of passage are still performed at the same skill level as wilderness lore.
Karma Attainment: No lost activity time, but must eat only dandelions or the like for 3 Days
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WoodworkingNo Skill RequirementBody 10+
This occupational skill assumes most woodworking, including the creation of weapons.
Karma Attainment:Long Rest
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Wound CareNo Skill RequirementJudgment 3+
With this skill, on an action, this renders aid to a creature who has been wounded by Body damage. If the recipient has fallen in battle at zero or lower points, then this will immediately stabilize the being and remove the death saves; however, it will not remove any exhaustion from being rendered unconscious. Care can be continued for two more actions at the discretion of the one rendering aid. During those actions, a skill check using Judgment modifiers can be rolled against a Comp:10 to restore one point of Body. With the possession of a wound or medical kit the restoration of the Body point is automatic. If not having one and the first check fails, then another action can be used to try again. However, only a single point of Body can be restored through this skill, which will help those even if in negatives. Recipients of a successful wound care cannot receive another treatment until after a long rest and new injuries occur.
Karma Attainment: 1 Day studying in library or hospital
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