
Enchanted Realms Rulebook

 Complete Rules 

Advantage/Disadvantage Chart

Action Adjustment
CombatAdvantageextra d20 and +d3 damage
 Disadvantage  lose d20 and -d3 damage
StealthAdvantageextra dd6 for awareness OR roll two d20s, taking better score depending on the circumstance
 Disadvantagelose d6 for awareness OR roll two d20s, taking the lesser score depending on the circumstance
Save or CheckAdvantageuse two d20s, taking better score
 Disadvantageuse two d20s, taking lower score
CompetitionAdvantageuse two d12s, taking better score
 Disadvantageuse two d12s, taking lower score
Divine IncantationAdvantageSpirit Cost: -1
 DisadvantageSpirit Cost: +1
Sorcery AxiomAdvantageNext Oversiphoning
 DisadvantageDouble casting time
ReactionsAdvantageuse two d4s, d6s, d8s, d10s,d12s or d20s as described by the reaction skill, the select the greater of the two roll results
 Disadvantageuse two of the appropriate dice, using the lower score of the two rolls